'72*< t - Trishuli38 Hub 132kV Transmission Line Samundratar ContractNo..nd Title:ICB-ST3BSTL-071/072-01, I Project of Bids:25 May 2015,up to 1200Hours(NepalStandardTime) for Submission Deadline Bank(EIB) towardsthecostofthe South ofNepalhasappliedfor a loanfrom theEulopeanInvestment l. TheGovernment Part Project. ofthe loanwill beusedfor part-financing PowerSystemExpansion EconomicCooperation AsiaSubregional namedabove. thecontract 2. TheNepalElectriciryAuthoriiy("theEmployer")invitessealedbidsfrom eligiblebidd€rsfor desig0,supply'constmctron of Line.Themaincomponents 1kV Sutstarionand132kVDoubleCircuitTransmission of a 132133/l andcommissioning include: Line Project Transmission Trishuli38 Hub 132kV theSamundratarof 132/33kv,2*30 MVA and33iI I kv,2*6/8 MvA' New Samundmtar andconstruction a. Design,Supply,Installation VDC, NuwakotDistrict. at Samundratar Substation works at Trishuli 38 Hub atld constructionof 132kv line baysandotherassociated b. Design,supply, Installarion Substation. Substation' at Chaughada of33ll lkv, 6/8MVA Transformer andConstruction c. Design,Supply,Installation \vorks communication includingRTU, MUX andnecessary o. supp-iyandinstu ationof communicarionequipments NEA'' SCADA with the operation for complete Hub) required. Trishuli 38 (Samundratar and at iiew Substations system. shoptest,supply,erection,field lines (Design,manufacture, e. Construction of 132kV doublecircuit transmission 26 km long doubleof approximately galvanized steel towers latticed of self-standing, testingand commissioning Substation. 38 HUB Trishuli to ftom Samundratar circuit ofdouble stringing and conductor circuiiconfiguration to Trishuli38 Hub substationI Supplyanditringing of 24 fibersopticalgroundwire (opGW) from samundratar to 15/10/2011 from l6110/2015 to beimplemented is expecled J. Thecontracl Experienceas per sub-clause orderof importance: are, in decreasing evaluatiol tender in the 4. The criteriato be used 1.2.2' 2.1,Time sch€duleaspe[ sub-claus€ 2.3, Eligibility as per sub-clause 2.4,Financialsituationas per sub-clause 3: 2.7 of Section per as sub-clause personnel 2.6 and Subconhactors 2.5,Equipmentasper sub-clause aspersub-clause (EQC) documents ofBidding criteria andQualification Evaluation SingleStage,Two with ADB'Sharmonized competitiveBidding(lCB) will be conductedin accordance 5. Intcrnational resffictions' andis opento all Bidderswithoutnationality BiddingProcedure Envelope 6. Bidderi shall haie minimumaverageannualtumoverof US$ 9.? Million. Biddersare requiredto havesatisfactory plantandservices' in at least2 (Two)contra;tswithinthe last7 (Seven)yearsthataresimilarto theproposed experience eachwitha valueofat leastUS$9.7Million biddersshouldcontact: 7. To obtainfurtherinformationandinspectthe biddingdocuments, Line Project kV Transmission Hub 132 3B SamundratarTrishuli . ProiectManagement Directorate NEA TrainingCentre.RoomNo. E-107. Nepa! GroundFloor,Kharipati,Bhaktapur, 971-l-6616784 Telephone: Facsimile number:+977-l-6616784 [email protected] mailaddress: Electronic in English'eligiblebiddersshould: a completesetofthe biddingdocuments 8. To purchase - Trishuli3B Samundratar . *rite to theaddress for ICB-ST3BSTL-071i72-01, ihebiddingdocuments aboverequesting and LineProjecl: Hub132kVTransmission . pay a non-refundable fee of NRs. 30,000or an equivalentamountin uS Dollarsby bankvoucherto the curent - Trishuli38 Hub Transmission Line Project)at theEverestBank,New (Samundratar iccount No 00100105201617 NePal. Kathmandu, Baneshwor, Samundratar bearingthe meiition"Bid for ICB-ST3BSTL-0'71/072-01, 9. All bidsmustbe deliveredin ciosedenvelopes - Trishuli38 Hub 132kV Transmission Line Project": .totheaddressaboveonorbeforethedead'line:25May20l5,uptol200Hours(NepalStandardTime)' . togerherwith a Bid securitywith amount"indicatedin section2- Bid Datasheet,clauseITB 21.1" or an equivalent the equivalentamountof the requiredBid aiount in a freely convertiblecurrency.For the purposeof determining ratespublishedby NepalRastraBankprevailingon thedate28 currency,theexchange Securityin a freelyconvertiblg be applied' shall dayspriorto thedeadlinefor bid submission presence Bids wiil be openedrt project Manager'sOfficeimmediatelytfter the deadlineof bid submissionin the of bidders' representatives who chooseto attend.
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