CHAPTER 3 Introduction to Triads and Seventh Chords In this chapter the student learns to spell and recognize the four triad types and the five common seventh chord types. These are treated as individual sonorities, isolated for now from the context of major and minor keys. This allows the development of some fluency in spelling and recognizing chords before adding in the complications of tonal contexts. Useful in-class activities include board drills ("Make each note on the board the third of a dominant seventh chord," and so on) and "quick thinking quizzes" (read aloud with a pause of 10-15 seconds between questions). Recognizing chords in various textures can be practiced by means of transparencies or an anthology. This chapter also introduces two related concepts: figured bass and lead sheet symbols. Live performances of works using figured bass and lead sheet symbols will be sure to impress upon the class the close relationship between theory and practice. Answers to Selected Exercises Exercise 3-1 A. 1. G Bb D 2. Eb G Bb 3. D F Ab 4. A C Eb 5. F Ab C 6. Db F Ab 7. C E G# 8. A# C# E 9. E G# B 10. F# A C# 11. B D# Fx 12. Eb Gb Bb B. 1 2 A# 3 4 Eb 5 Gb 6 D# 7 Bb F F# D Cb B G Db B C 8 D 17 10 C G Gb C. 9 E F# Chapter 3 D. Exercise 3-2 A. 8. m7 1. ø7 2. ø7 3. M7 4. o7 5. o7 6. ø7 7. o7 9. Mm7 10. Mm7 11. M7 12. M7 13. m7 14. Mm7 15. m7 18 Chapter 3 B. C. Exercise 3-3 A. B. 1. F# o 6 2. A m 6 3. G Mm7 y 4. A ø7 r 5. D m7 t 6. F M w 7. E o7 7 8. F# m7 t 9. C# ø7 t 10. B M7 y 11. D M 6 12. C m 13. A# o7 y 14. C Mm7 7 15. B m w 16. F Mm7 r 1. 2. 1. F 2. Bo 8. Bb 9. F 1. D 8. A 15. E 3. C 4. C7 5. F 10. Bb 11. Gm 12. C7 2. Bm7 3. E7 4. A 5. D 9. F#m 10. Bm 11. Bm7 16. A 19 12. E 6. Gm 7. F 13. F 6. A7 13. A 7. DM 14. Bm7 Chapter 3 3. 1. Bb 2. F 8. F 9. Bb 3. Gm 4. Bb 5. Eb 6. Ao 7. Bb 10. Bb 11. Gm 12. Gm 13. F 14. F 15. Gm 16. BbM7 17. C 18. F 19. F 20. F 21. F7 22. Bb 23. Gm 24. D 25. Gm 26. D7 27. Gm 28. D 29. Gm 30. Gm 31. F 32. F7 33. Bb 34. Bb 35. Eb 36. Bb 37. Cm 38. Bb 39. F 40. Bb 3. Db 4. A#ø7 C. Exercise 3-4 A. B. 1. 1. C#o7 2. A 5. Do7 6. A7 7. Em7 8. Bb 9. Em 1 G m 2 G m 3 D M 6 4 G m 5 D M 6 Eb M 7 A o 6 8 D M 9 D M 10 D m 11 G m7 7 12 F Mm7 r 13 Bb M 14 Eb M 15 G m w 16 D M 17 G m 18 D M 19 G m 20 F M 6 21 Bb M 22 G m 23 C m7 r 24 F M 25 Bb M 26 Bb M 27 F# o 6 28 G m 29 A ø7 r 30 D M 31 Eb M 32 G m w 33 D M 20 34 G M Chapter 3 2. 3. 1 C# ø7 7 2 F# Mm7 7 3 B m 4 B m 6 5 C# ø7 7 6 F# Mm7 7 7 B m 8 B m 6 9 E ø7 7 11 D M7 7 12 G M7 7 13 A# o7 r 14 B m 6 15 C# o 6 16 E# o7 7 17 F# M 18 F# Mm7 y 19 B m 6 1 Eb m 2 F ø7 r 3 Bb M 4 Eb m 5 F ø7 7 6 Eb M 6 7 Ab m 8 A o7 7 9 Gb Mm7 r 21 10 A Mm7 7 Chapter 3 _____________________ (section) ___________________ (name) Chapter 3 Quiz A. Given the triad or seventh-chord quality and one member of the chord, notate the rest of the chord. B. Identify the type of triad or seventh chord, using the abbreviations introduced in this chapter. C. Fill in the blanks above this example with lead sheet symbols that correspond to the figured bass. You do not need to indicate the bass positions (inversions). ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 4+ 2 6 6 4 6 # # 6 Q ___ D. Identify the root and type of each chord, and show the correct bass position symbol. All the notes in each example belong to the same chord. The lowest note in each example is the bass note for the purpose of analysis. Root and Type Bass position symbol ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 22 Chapter 3 Key for Chapter 3 Quiz A. Given the triad or seventh-chord quality and one member of the chord, notate the rest of the chord. B. Identify the type of triad or seventh chord, using the abbreviations introduced in this chapter. __o7__ __o__ __ø7__ __M__ __M7__ C. Fill in the blanks above this example with lead sheet symbols that correspond to the figured bass. You do not need to indicate the bass positions (inversions). Em E7 Am Em F# B Em D# 4+ 2 6 6 4 6 # # 6 Q o Em D. Identify the root and type of each chord, and show the correct bass position symbol. All the notes in each example belong to the same chord. The lowest note in each example is the bass note for the purpose of analysis. Root and Type Bass position symbol Fm7 E+ AbM 7 6 w 23 BMm7 t G#m ___
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