Case Study NexentaStor helps Vos Logis cs stay in the fast lane and bypass storage slowdown Challenge Add capacity to store data created by innov ve proprietary logis cs systems LoVos and other key horizontal applic ons. Bene ts Expand exis ng storage capacity. Improve overall performance of the total storage environment. Ensure high availability of data, business co y with a so on that is cost e ec ve and easy to understand. BUSINESS OVERVIEW Founded in June 1944, Vos Logis cs has grown from a single Chevrolet delivering goods between Oss and Nijmegen in the Netherlands into a leading independent European logis cs service provider. The company has just under 1900 employees, a modern eet of 1,000 vehicles, 2,800 loading units, 125,000 square metres of storage space and a network of 30 group-owned loc ons spread across nine countries in mainland Europe. Vos Logis cs is ac ve in the bulk and volume transport markets and ranks amongst the largest road hauliers in Europe. The company’s IT opera on is vital to Vos Logis cs’ core business by enabling the e cient management of its truck eet and ensuring compliancy with rules and re ons in areas such as customs, calcula ng the cost and price of cargo and processing payments for toll roads. Through the years, Vos Logis cs has transormed itself into an innova ve logis cs provider. The innov ve power is partly driven through the state of the art IT-services that the company has put in place. Vos Logis cs has three datacenters. The primary data centre is located at its headquarters in Oss with a backup/coloc on facility in Almere (also in The Netherlands) and another in Poland. It has 140 virtualized servers, 98% of which are in Oss (in total 450 works ons). The company has its own logis cs system, known as LoVos, along with a number of horizontal applica ons such as Exchange, SQL, a GPS system for its trucks, SAS for data processing and analysis and Unit4 Coda Financials. CHALLENGES Vos Logis cs relied on a NetApp system for its primary storage but with data growth rates doubling every two years it was reaching full capacity and the company was star to experience a slow down in performance. The IT department decided to look for a so on that would help it to retain the NetApp system but take the pressure o it in terms of performance while adding capacity. High availability and business co y were very s cant factors for Vos Logis cs because any do me could lead to trucks having to stop their journeys which could have knock on e ects on service levels, delayed deliveries and unhappy customers. Vos Logis cs began to look for a system to complement its exis storage set up that was cost e ec ve and easy to understand, provided high availability and speed improvements. Sol on Vos Logis cs integrated commodity hardware with NexentaStor so re which resulted in outstanding performance of the complete storage environment. System Co gura on 128-bit e system Virtualised server environment based on VMware SQL servers SAS repor ng applic ons LoVos logis cs system “We are very happy with everything about our Nexenta experience: the ease of use, quick deployment, exibility and scalability, and the ability to recover 90% quicker.” Bob Mulders Team leader server management and service desk Case Study THE NEXENTA SOLUTION Vos Logis cs chose NexentaStor running on a commodity hardware based storage appliance with 18TB of raw storage to provide the much needed boost to the exis storage system and - future proof it. The seamless integra on of the Supermicro hardware and NexentaStor so ware results in outstanding performance of Vos Logis cs’complete storage so on. In on to the cost advantages, NexentaStor was also easy to understand, making it simpler to troubleshoot quickly and e ec vely in case of do me or failure. NexentaStor is based on ZFS, the 128-bit e system and logical volume manager which includes data integrity ver c on against data corrup on, support for high storage capaci es, integr on of snapshots and volume management, co ous integrity checking and automa c repair. The ability to take unlimited snapshots is a s cant feature for Vos Logis cs which now takes snapshots every two hours. Deploying a NexentaStor so on means the data does not have to be replicated between systems to create high availability, a s cant requirement for Vos Logis cs. In add on to o ering the high availability that Vos Logis cs was looking for, NexentaStor was also able to support all the types of disks the company was using and those it might look to use in the future. The system took less than two days to deploy and it went live within a week. It was very easy compared to other impleme ons undertaken by Vos Logis cs in the past and took less me than a cipated. The IT partner’s outstanding support and the NexentaStor so on made the setup of the new system and the data migra on pain free and quickly. Recovery me from failure has improved from ve minutes under the previous system to less than 30 seconds. In addi on, the company’s SQL Server and repor applica ons are running anything from 20% to 60% faster. Performance has also improved s cantly. Business Impact Enables Vos Logis cs to retain its exis NetApp so on while boos g performance and capacity Provides high availability, unlimited snapshots and s cant improvement to recovery me from failure NexentaStor is easy and quick to deploy, manage and troubleshoot. It is cost e ec ve and exible, suppor a wide range of disk types. NEXENTASTOR BENEFITS NexentaStor features such as de-duplic on, unlimited snapshots, thin provisioning and hybrid storage pooling are designed to help enterprise customers implement cost-e ec ve, high performance storage. In a on it supports a wide range of protocols for ed storage including CIFS, NFS, rsync, iSCSI, Fibre Channel, SATA. In a on, NexentaStor’s ZFS found on delivers the scalability required to meet future storage requirements and the snapshot capability to provide instant recovery of data. As NexentaStor is based on open source technology, Vos Logis cs is not locked in to buying more expensive products from a par cular vendor or paying unnecessary mark-ups for standard features. Nexenta Systems 455 El Camino Real Santa Clara, CA 95050 twi Nexenta is a registered trademark of Nexenta Systems Inc., in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks, service marks and company names men oned in this document are proper es of their respec ve owners. No ce: This document is for informa onal purposes only, and does not set forth any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning any equipment or service o ered or to be o ered by Nexenta Systems, Inc. ©2014 Nexenta Systems, Inc. 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