Showing Pride...Taking Action • Showing Pride...Taking Action • Showing Pride...Taking Action • December 5, 2013
EPJ Inducts New NHS Members
By: Heaven Zevenbergen
On November 25, twelve
new members were officially
inducted into the National
Honor Society. With the original number of sixteen students
involved, the new additions
increased the organization to
twenty-eight members in total.
The new seniors inducted into the organization in-
clude Lynn Moreland and
Jarod Mau. Juniors who
were inducted include Maria
Corio, Jennifer Dailey, Jessica Fejfar, Katherine Georgio, Amber Hanson, Ulrike
Hovland, Brandon Koupal,
Schenk, and John Schuh.
Original members of the
society include President
Cody Reed, Vice President
Amy Zeller, Secretary Katherine Mickelson, Keely Bertram, Elysia Buehner, Hope
Erickson, Brittany Hanson,
Emma McInerney, Stacie
McLaury, Alex McLaury,
Jordan Brandon, Skylore
Curry, Ian Grassel, Conner Kneip, Adam Shanks,
and Heaven Zevenbergen.
The induction ceremony
reflected on the four pil-
Current members of National Honor Society, including new inductees, pictured back row (L-R) Ely Buehner, Cody
Reed, Ian Grassel, Adam Shanks, Jordan Brandon, Jarod Mau, John Schuh, Brandon Koupal, Conner Kneip, Skylore
Curry. Middle row (L-R) Stacie McLaury, Emma McInerney, Katherine Mickelson, Hope Erickson, Jenny Dailey, Ulrike Hovland, Brittany Hanson, Keely Bertram, Heaven Zevenbergen, Amy Zeller. Front row (seated L-R) Katherine
Giorgio, Lynn Moreland, Hannah North, Maria Corio, Amber Hanson, Jessica Fejfar, Meghan Schenk. Not pictured:
Alex McLaury.
Finding a Weigh to Help
By: Dalton Croy
Every year, Elk Point-Jefferson High School conducts
a Thanksgiving Food Drive,
and this year was no different. From November 1226, high school homerooms
food items for community
members who are in need.
At the end of the food
drive, items were collected on
Monday, November 26, and
the boxes were weighed. All
in all, the high school donated
935.2 pounds of food for the
local food pantry, including
both cash and food donations.
The food drive was also
a contest of sorts. Once each
homeroom’s boxes were
weighed, the total weight was
divided by the number of stu-
dents in the homeroom; those
numbers decided the winners
of the food drive competition.
In first place was Mrs.
Hawley’s homeroom with
153.4 pounds of food, averaging 10.2 pounds donated per
student. Second place went
to Mrs. Norris’s homeroom
with 129.8 pounds of food,
averaging 9.3 pounds per student. Third place went to Mr.
Knippling’s homeroom with a
total of 93.5 pounds, averaging 7.8 pounds per student.
First and second place winners received breakfast pizza
as a reward. The group in
fifth place, Mr. Fisher’s homeroom, received breakfast
doughnuts. Congratulations to
the winning homerooms, and
thank you to all for the generous donations.
Student council members (L-R) Maria Corio, Stacie McLaury, Cody Reed,
Jenny Dailey, Jordan Brandon, and Alex McLaury prepare food drive donations to be taken to the local food pantry.
lars that every member must
work towards: scholarship,
leadership, character, and service. Members are pinned
into the society by an adult
of their choosing. Many of
the new members chose parents, siblings, or even coaches to pin them into NHS.
Rita Ahmann, NHS advisor since 1985, reflected on
the occasion. “When I sit
and listen to the students at
the induction ceremony, I
look at the current members
and look at the new members
and think of the greatness and
potential in all those lives. I
am looking at students who
are extremely talented in a
host of different ways. They
are interested in learning
and not afraid to study and
work hard to achieve their
goals. What an honor to
be a part of all those lives.”
The National Honor Society welcomes these outstanding new members into
the organization. They will
help to make a difference in
the school and community
through the various activities
of the NHS.
Little Huskies, Big Feast
EPJ kindergarteners celebrated Thanksgiving by holding a traditional feast on
the afternoon of November 26. Students learned about Pilgrims and their relationship with Native Americans, created headwear suitable for the occasion,
and learned how to churn butter the old fashioned way.
Coats for a Cause
By: Mariah Heckathorn
As the holidays come
around, everyone is thinking
of others. EPJ middle school
students are thinking of others too, especially now that
the temperature is dropping.
The students are pairing with
KMEG and Siouxland Coats
for Kids to donate winter clothing items such as gently used
coats or new hats and gloves.
All middle school homerooms will be gathering coats
from December 2 through
December 13.
The individual homerooms are competing against each other
to see who can collect the
most cold-weather gear.
First, second and third
prizes will be awarded to the
most generous homerooms.
The homeroom with the most
points at the end of the event
will be awarded first place.
Points are determined by the
type and amount of items that
are donated. Coats are worth
five points; hats and gloves
are worth one point each.
Every year, the middle
school homerooms compete
in what is known as the Battle of the Homerooms. This
involves classroom decorations, the coat drive, and
various games. The first, second, and third place winners
of the coat drive get a head
start in the Battle, with extra
points towards their score.
For more information or to
donate to the coat drive, call
EPJ school at 356-5800.
Senior Spotlights
This week our spotlights shine on Jarod Anthony Mau and
Kaylee Rae Smith. Jarod and Kaylee are two of the 47 talented
seniors who will graduate this May. EPJ wishes both Jarod and
Kaylee a bright future filled with opportunities.
Jarod Mau
Kaylee Smith
Parents: Tony Mau and
Donna Mau
Siblings: Melissa, and stepbrothers Cooper and Hayden
Birthday: April 4, 1996
Future Plans: graduate and
attend college
HS Activities: baseball,
band, jazz band, basketball,
and golf
Little-known Fact about
Me: I love cookies n’cream
ice cream.
Famous-person Crush:
Melanie Iglesias
I’ve Always Wanted to
Visit: Hawaii
Hobbies: golfing, hanging
out with friends, playing
video games
Age I’d Love to be Forever:
23 - You are old enough to
do anything, but at the same
time, you are young.
Advice for Underclassmen:
Listen to upperclassmen...and
your teachers.
Quote: “You need to be your
own individual.” - 2 Chainz
School Memory: doing
crazy cheers at volleyball
games, and my hole-in-one at
Superhero: Aquaman
Movies: The Other Guys and
Vantage Point
TV Show: Whose Line Is It
Food: steak and potatoes
HS Class: band
Song/Artist: Tiny Tim, Fresh
Prince (Will Smith), Tyga, R.
Kelly, Jon Lajoie
Sports Team: Minnesota
School Lunch: The Classic:
chili cheeseburgers
Holiday: Christmas
Color: aquamarine
Song: “I Believe I Can Fly”
Parents: Kevin Smith and
Trisha Smith
Siblings: Kirstie and Kelsey
Birthday: January 29, 1995
Future Plans: attend WIT
and earn a general education
Little-known Fact about
Me: I like to read, draw, and
Famous-person Crush:
Channing Tatum
Role Model: Mom - because
no matter what happens, she
is always there for me, and
she is the strongest person I
I’ve Always Wanted to
Visit: Paris
Age I’d Love to be Forever:
21 - there aren’t any restrictions that you may have now.
Advice for Underclassmen:
It doesn’t matter who your
friends are or what sports
you’re in because it’s not going to make a difference after
high school.
Quote: “A life spent making
mistakes is not only more
honorable, but more useful
than a life spent doing nothing.” - George Bernard Shaw
Superhero: Batman
Movies: Pirates of the Carribbean; The Hunger Games
TV Show: Beverly Hills
Book/Author: Private seriesKate Brian; The Hunger
Games- Suzanne Collins; Top
8-Katie Finn
Food: Chinese food, pizza
HS Class: psychology
Song/Artist: Pink, Green
Day, Shinedown, Eminem
School Lunch: burritos
Store: Tilly’s
Music: pop and rock
Husky Events This Week
Thursday (12/5): 7/8 GBB with Vermillion at 4:30
K-4 Music Concert at 7:00
Friday (12/6): 7/8 GBB with Canton at 4:30
Saturday (12/7): Wrestling at Flandreau at 10:00
GBB at Irene at 9:00
Boys BB at Wakonda at 9:00
Monday (12/9): 7/8 GBB at Dakota Valley at 4:30
Tuesday (12/10): GBB with Vermillion at 5:00
Co-Editors: Conner Kneip, Stacie McLauryAdvisor: Lori Hawley
Staff: Maria Corio, Andrew Flannery, Heaven Zevenbergen, Dalton Croy, Elena Giorgio, Mariah Heckathorn