Bruns Academy Opening of School Letter July 21, 2014

Bruns Academy
Opening of School Letter
July 21, 2014
Dear Bruns Academy Families:
The beginning of the 2014-15 school year is right around the corner and I hope that you are
excited about the opportunity for a new beginning. I am very excited as it will be the first full
year of my leadership at Bruns Academy and I can assure you many changes have been made
to increase student achievement and restore a sense of pride in our school. I am very proud to
serve this school community and pledge my commitment, service, and leadership in cultivating
a school that is an optimal place to learn, work, and grow! Some needed changes have been
made on our staff and each teacher, secretary, and administrator is dedicated to ensuring that
our school has a safe and orderly environment, high academic expectations for students, an
opportunity to learn for all students, and strong, positive home/school communication. While we
did make some growth last year, we are committed to leaving the past behind us and focus on
celebrating a new beginning and the opportunity to move our school in a positive direction. With
your help, I’m confident it will be an amazingly rewarding experience for your child.
In order to get our school year started off in the right way, we will be hosting a Back to School
Celebration on Saturday, July 19 at Greenville Center. This day will be full of fun and games
for the whole family to enjoy. Then Sunday, July 20 we will host our Open House from 3-5 pm
at the school. We will have a Support Staff Fair in the cafeteria and a Transportation Support
Center set up in the Media Center. During Open House you and your child will have the
opportunity to meet your child’s teacher as well.
I encourage each parent to make an effort to attend our Open House Celebration as a lot of
important information will be discussed that is relevant to all students and parents returning at
Bruns Academy. Having important information, knowing the expectations, and having the
opportunity to ask questions to clarify information will certainly be the first step in working toward
a successful school year.
It is extremely important that you and your child carefully read all of the information contained
in this mailing and keep it on hand for reference. If you have questions about any information,
please do not hesitate to call us at 980-343-5435. On behalf of the entire administrative team
and staff at Bruns Academy, I wish each of you a wonderful school year. Continue to enjoy your
summer, and I look forward to seeing all of you when we return for the first day of school
before 8:00 am on Monday, July 21, 2014.
Mary E Weston
Mary E. Weston, Principal
Bruns Academy
Opening of School Letter
July 21, 2014
School Information
The first day of school for students is Monday, July 21. The school day is from 8:15 am - 3:15
pm each day. It is imperative that students arrive at school on time every day and that
students are present every school day in order to get maximum instructional time. Students
may report as early as 7:45 am. Prior to that time, students should not be on campus as there
is no adult supervision. When your child arrives, he/she has the option to report directly to
his/her homeroom class or to the cafeteria for breakfast based on their grade level. Please be
advised that students in Pre K and Kindergarten start school on a staggered entry schedule.
Staggered Entry for Pre-K
Schedule of Events
Home Visits
Staggered Entry
1 Day All Pre-K Students
Bruns Academy &
Walter G. Byers
Staggered Entry for Kindergarten
Between July 23rd and July 26th , all kindergarten scholars will report to
school on a daily basis depending on their last name. The teachers and
administrators are very encouraged and excited about this new beginning. We
anticipate positive results that will greatly benefit scholars alike.
Your child will be assigned a tentative classroom teacher that is subjected to
change based on our final enrollment and/or due to an adjustment to meet the
educational needs of your child. Your child needs to attend school on the day as
indicated below according to the scholar’s last name.
Tuesday, July 23rd
Wednesday, July 24th
Thursday, July
Friday, July 26th
Breakfast and lunch are served daily for all students. Breakfast begins at 7:45 am. New lunch
forms must be completed during the first ten days of school for free/reduced lunch. There are
limited paper forms so we encourage you to visit the Child Nutrition website to complete and
submit the form TODAY.
Bruns Academy
Opening of School Letter
July 21, 2014
Prices for lunch are listed below.
Pre-K Students
Elementary, Middle &
High School Students
A la Carte
Reduced Price Students
A la Carte
In the event that you did not obtain a form, please let us know and we will make one available.
You will have 10 days to submit an application for free/reduced lunch. After that time your
child will be charged full price for breakfast and lunch. We will not deny a child breakfast or
lunch, but unpaid charges accumulate very quickly. These charges also carry over year to year.
You will have to pay them before your child graduates from high school. If you feel as if you
might qualify, please make an effort to complete the application so that you can avoid
unnecessary expenses.
While we have a very visible parent attendance at school events, Bruns Academy has had very
little support of its PTSA. The PTSA is one of the strongest and most critical organizations within
the school. This group provides parents with an organized way to get involved, give input, and
work to ensure that students have resources, materials, incentives, and opportunities that they
need to be successful. I know that all parents want the best educational opportunities for their
children so we ask that you support an organization that supports this. This year, Adrena
Richardson, Parent Advocate, will be working to organize this group. If you are interested,
please call Adrena (980-343-5435). If you cannot invest yourself in being on the PTSA Board, I
simply ask that you pay your $5 membership to the PTSA. This is another way to get involved
and support the school. All of your membership fees will go to support your child and our school.
PTSA membership envelops will be available at Back to School Night in August.
Good communication between the home and the school is an important part of the educational
process. Every month, Bear’s Business, our school newsletter, will be sent home to
parents. This is a new initiative that I am starting to keep parents well informed about
what is going on in our school. The newsletter will also be posted on the school website. All
students will receive a paper copy of the newsletter the first week. The Bear’s Business
Newsletter will highlight upcoming events as well as contain a Principal’s message to keep you
fully informed of what is happening at your child’s school. Bruns Academy Website:
In addition, each grade level will send home quarterly newsletters. They will be sent home with
report cards and will help to inform you of curriculum issues or special events for your team or
grade level. Also, please make it your responsibility to contact your child’s teachers by phone or
Bruns Academy
Opening of School Letter
July 21, 2014
email for questions or updates about your child’s progress. Inquiries should always start with
the teacher as he/she has first hand knowledge about your child’s performance. It is our goal
that all phone calls and email inquiries be returned within 24 hours. You can also make an
appointment to meet with your child’s team of teachers on the morning of their grade level
planning time. Simply call your child’s counselor, Ms. Johnson (Elementary PK-4) or Ms.
Segars (Middle School 5-8) at 980-343-5495 in order to make an appointment. All other parent
concerns should be directed to our Parent Advocate, Adrena Richardson.
I also utilize our phone messaging system to contact parents with information relevant to the
entire school. It is very important that we have correct phone numbers in our system so
that you will be contacted with updates or in the case of emergency. Please return your
child’s blue card the first week of school to ensure we have the most up to date phone
number(s) for your family.
Each student in our school will need the following supplies to have a great start and a
successful school year. The supply list is included in this packet. Please work to get all of the
supplies listed.
This year, we are asking all of our families to pay a $10.00 activity fee to cover field trips, some
needed classroom supplies, incentives, and special activities. Return the $10 fee to your child’s
homeroom teacher on the second day of school, July 22, 2014. Teachers will not take money
on the first day of school. We are unable to accept checks.
SCHOOL INSURANCE (Middle School Only)
School accident insurance is required for all students participating in middle school athletics,
unless parents sign a waiver indicating that they have adequate family coverage. A brochure
will be sent home with your child describing the insurance coverage. If you decide to purchase
insurance, checks are to be made directly to the company.
Seventh and eighth grade students participating in athletics must have a current physical.
Students planning to try out for cheerleading, basketball, or soccer need a physical. Students
who have not had a physical during the summer can get one at our school at a date determined
before the basketball season begins. There will be a fee and students must have money and
necessary paperwork in hand in order to get a physical. Students must also meet the other
athletic eligibility requirements as established by the state of North Carolina. This is the only
time physicals will be offered at the school. Physicals are good for one calendar year.
Tryouts for basketball and cheerleading will begin soon after school starts. The dates for tryouts
will be announced in September.
Students must meet all athletic eligibility requirements and have a physical before being allowed
to tryout for any sports teams. If you have questions about athletics, please contact the Athletic
Director, Clive Edwards at 980-343-5495 and he will be happy to assist you.
Bruns Academy
Opening of School Letter
July 21, 2014
Safety and order are my number one priority! In order for our school to create and maintain a
safe and orderly environment, extreme and/or disruptive behavior will NOT be tolerated. The
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook will be sent
home with each student. The handbook can also be found online at
contains rules that all students in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School System will abide by.
These rules will be STRICTLY enforced at our school. The handbook also includes Bus and
Bus Stop rules and expectations. I strongly encourage each family to review these rules
together. During the first few days of school every student will receive a detailed orientation. In
addition, each student will receive the necessary forms that need to be signed by parents and
returned to school. We will use a variety of interventions, consequences, and incentives to
encourage appropriate behavior at school, using out of school suspension as a last resort.
However, we will not allow students to disrupt classes taking away other students right to learn.
We also will not tolerate fighting or profanity. In these cases, it may be necessary to suspend a
child’s privilege to attend school. Even in these cases, we will send work home so that the
student can continue to learn while reflecting on his/her choices and behavior at school.
Students at Bruns are expected to establish a tradition of proper dress for school and schoolrelated events.
Our school uniform consists of the following:
Shirts: Navy Blue (Long or Short Sleeve)
Pants/Shorts/Skirts: Khaki
Shirts: White (Long or Short Sleeve)
Pants/Shorts/Skirts: Khaki
Blazers: Blue (provided by the school)
Ties: Blue (provided by the school)
These are standard colors for school uniforms adopted by the Charlotte Mecklenburg Board of
In no cases will students be allowed to let their pants “droop” below their natural waistline. Any
type of headgear, other than hats, will not be allowed on school property. Hats shall not be
worn inside the school building. Jewelry, other than watches, rings and earrings is not allowed.
Non-adherence to the uniform policy will be addressed using the following procedures in
accordance with Bruns Behavior Interventions:
1. Student will be allowed to contact parent and request the appropriate uniform. Parent will
need to bring the appropriate uniform to the child at school.
2. Student will be isolated from his/her peers until he/she can obtain the proper attire.
3. Repeated uniform violations will be treated as insubordination and consequences will be
given as stated in the CMS Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.
Bruns Academy
Opening of School Letter
July 21, 2014
4. If there are financial circumstances that may make the purchase of school uniforms
difficult for a student, when the school is made aware support and assistance will be
These items shall NOT be worn at school:
 Bedroom shoes / slippers
 Pajamas
 Pants worn below the waist or showing clothing beneath the main outerwear.
 Shorts, skirts, dresses, (and slits in skirts or dresses) above the fingertips
when standing erect with shoulders relaxed. (This means shorts, skirts,
dresses, and slits must be approximately knee length.)
Our building is
completely air-conditioned.
 Shirts exposing the stomach, being excessively tight, see-through or low-cut in
the front or in the back.
 Cut-off shirts, midriffs, tank tops, basketball jerseys, tops with spaghetti straps,
halter tops, sleeveless shirts/dresses/tops of any kind.
 Headgear (scarves, bandanas, headbands, stocking caps, hoods, hats, towels,
sunglasses, doo-rags, and combs.)
 Long chains, long necklaces.
 Cut up pants or shirts
 Blankets or throws
According to Charlotte-Mecklenburg School Policy, extreme styles in clothing and grooming
may be detrimental to the maintenance of discipline and morale in school. The principal and
his/her staff are responsible for determining and enforcing regulations governing proper dress
and grooming of students. Any type of dress or grooming which is disruptive will not be
permitted. If not properly dressed, students are subject to being sent home. If there are
questions about expectations for dress, please do not hesitate to call the school. The
expectations for dress will be explained to each student in detail in the opening assemblies.
Since the school is legally responsible for the welfare of each student during the school day, no
one is to leave the campus during the school day unless accompanied by a parent or guardian
or authorized by the administration. The procedure for early dismissals is as follows:
Parents must send a note stating the student’s full name, time, reason for dismissal and a
phone number where a parent/guardian can be reached to confirm the note. The student is to
bring the early release request to the attendance office no later than 9:30 a.m. Failure to turn in
a note will result in an extended delay while waiting for your child. Once the early dismissal note
is confirmed with a parent/guardian, the student will receive an early dismissal slip. Your student
will meet you in the front office at the time requested.
Bruns Academy
Opening of School Letter
July 21, 2014
In order to be able to accept your request by phone, you will need to send us the request by fax
and include a good contact number and a copy of your photo I.D. Please make sure to include
the name of the student and the grade level. The cut off time to accept this type of request is
2:00 P.M.
For your child’s safety, we will only release a student to parent/guardian or person listed on the
student’s permanent record unless otherwise notified by parent/guardian. We will not interrupt
class to call students to give phone messages, or to call students who have forgotten items.
This procedure is to preserve a focused learning environment for all classes.
Early dismissals will not be granted after 2:30 pm without a prior note.
When picking up your child for early dismissal, you will need to bring a State picture ID in order
to sign your child out. For security purposes and in compliance with school policy, students will
only be released to parent/guardian or person listed on the student’s permanent record.
As a reminder, car riders and van riders pick up time is between 3:15 P.M. – 3:45 P.M. We
do not offer a school wide after school program so it is imperative that all students are
picked up no later than 3:45 P.M.
Please make all effort to adhere to procedures listed above as it is the least disruptive for your
child and other students’ learning.
Student’s specific bus information will be sent directly to you from the school. If you have any
transportation needs or concerns we will have a transportation support center at Open House.
Students should be at their assigned bus stop at least ten minutes before the scheduled time.
Pay careful attention to which bus you get on as buses for several different schools may
serve the same neighborhoods, streets and locations due to the implementation of the
School Choice Plan. In order to maintain the PRIVILEDGE of riding a bus to school students
must exhibit excellent behavior on our buses from the first day of school. Violations of the
expectations or guidelines may result in a student being suspended from school and/or bus.
Parents who bring students to school should not drop them off before 7:30 am, in order
to ensure proper supervision.
If you do not receive any bus information or you would like to establish a bus stop, or change a
bus stop, please call please call CMS Transportation at 980-343-5710 or our Dean of Students,
Erika Rogers (980-343-5495). You may obtain a request for change in bus stop from the CMS
Website. Staff at Bruns Academy have no authority to establish or change bus stops. This has
to be done by completing the request form which has to be submitted to the transportation
office. We are happy to help, if we can. Typically it takes 2 weeks to arrange for transportation
and/or make changes so if you need to make these arrangements, please plan to provide
transportation for your child until the process is complete. Typically, during the first few weeks of
Bruns Academy
Opening of School Letter
July 21, 2014
school, buses are delayed in picking up and dropping off students, sometimes very late. If you
experience this, please be patient as these delays typically improve.
For students who are car riders, parents will need to request a car rider number. So the process
of picking up will run smoothly. Ms. Amanda Lane, will serve as lead for contact for car & van
riders. The car rider forms will be available at Open House and the first day of school.
Welcome to Bruns Academy
“Where STEMulating learning happens”
Your homeroom teacher is: _________
Room #
Teacher’s Name
Open House: Sunday July 20 , 2014. 3-5 pm
Please escort your child to his/her homeroom teacher’s classroom. There will be a special welcome and Principal
Message through closed circuit at 4 pm. Registration and transportation support will be available in the Media Center.
The Support Staff Fair will be held in the cafeteria. Middle School student schedules will be available in their
First Day of School: Monday July 21 , 2014. Middle School students will pick up their breakfast on their hall and eat
in the classroom. Elementary students (1-5) will have the option of going to the cafeteria for breakfast or reporting to
his/her homeroom class am on the first day of school.