InPACT 2015 CONFERENCE PROGRAM Saturday, May 2 08:00 Welcome Desk – Information and registration (room "Klub 1") 09:40 – 10:00 OPENING SESSION (room "Kavarna 1") A third way ahead for Psychoanalysis 10:00 – 11:00 Keynote Speaker Session Miguel Angel Gonzalez Torres, MD; The University of the Basque Country; Basurto University Hospital; (room "Kavarna 1") Centro Psicoanalítico de Madrid (Spain) 11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break New domains of health capability of family caregivers: An exploratory study using the grounded theory (OP_114) Barbara Bucki, Elisabeth Spitz, & Michèle Baumann Clinical Psychology // Educational Psychology 11:30 – 12:50 Oral Presentations Parallel Session OPS_2.1 (room "Kavarna 1") Integrative accompaniments for subjects with disabling mental disorders: A neo-evolutionary design of the psychosocial rehabilitation (OP_250) Christophe Clesse, Isabelle Dumand, Michel Decker, Christine Savini, & Joelle Lighezzolo-Alnot The academic performance of third and fourth year college students of World Citi Colleges with absentee parents (OP_277) Elenita M. Tiamzon, Mª Cristina J. Estioco, Jaime R. Buniao, Mª Isidora B. Dayanghirang, Karren L. Fortes, & Mª Doris P. Puzon Developing creative and meaning potential in EFL writing through problem-based instruction (OP_056) Tat Heung Choi Cognitive and Experimental Risk factors involved in the urban child pedestrians navigation: A meta-analysis (OP_186) Jordan Solt & Jérôme Dinet Psychology 11:40 – 12:40 Oral Presentations Parallel Session OPS_2.2 (room "Klub 2+3") 12:50 – 14:20 14:20 – 15:20 The risk of pedestrian injury in collisions with vehicle: An eye-tracking investigation (OP_183) Jordan Solt & Jérôme Dinet Decision-making among people with intellectual disability – From theory to practice (OP_290) Agnieszka Fusińska-Korpik Lunch WORKSHOP Parallel Session WS_2.3 (room "Kavarna 1") Self disclosure in psychotherapy: Business or personal? (WS_082) Wouter Stassen 1 Loneliness and isolation after brain injury: Factors impacting survivor and caregiver’s quality of life after injury (OP_256) Cecile Proctor & Lisa A. Best Clinical Psychology 14:20 – 16:20 Oral Presentations Parallel Session OPS_2.4 (room "Klub 2+3") Infantilization, civilization, and child abuse (OP_264) Willem Koops Associated factors of social anxiety: Metacognition and coping strategies (OP_065) Başak Bahtiyar & Tülin Gençöz The influence of dance on the emotional intelligence of adolescents (OP_245) Suzie Savvidou & Konstantina Lambropoulou The consequences of miscarriage or losing a child: The conclusions from the interviews with women (OP_303) Maria Hornowska-Stoch Cognitive and adaptive assessments of premature infants at 18 months: The importance of parental reports (OP_172) Melanie A. Chan, Suan Peen Foo & Evelyn Law Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy 15:20 – 16:20 Oral Presentations Parallel Session OPS_2.5 (room "Kavarna 1") 16:20 – 16:50 A consistency between projective and neuropsychological tests: Contributions for a neuropsychoanalytic approach of psychosis (OP_252) Christophe Clesse, Isabelle Dumand, Joelle Lighezzolo-Alnot, Michel Decker, Cécile Prudent, & Claude De Tychey The ontological nature of the oceanic feeling through the life of Ramakrishna (OP_229) Paulo H. C. Dias & Gilberto Safra Embodied memory: The effects of somatic markers manipulation on memory reconsolidation and its clinical implications (OP_043) Florian Chmetz, Mathieu Arminjon, Delphine Preissmann, A. Duraku, Pierre Magistretti & François Ansermet Coffee Break Types of vocational identity status in population of Slovak high school students (P_130) Tomáš Sollár, Katarína Baňasová, & Eva Sollárová Values and career motivation in the context of vocational identity (P_131) Katarína Baňasová, Tomáš Sollár, & Eva Sollárová All Areas 16:50 – 18:30 Posters Parallel Session PS_2.6 (room "Kavarna 1") On the perception of stalking by women (P_216) Isabella Corradini & Assunta Marano Autism Spectrum Disorder from birth to diagnosis through parents’ eyes (P_299) Mélanie Bolduc, Nathalie Poirier, & Nadia Abouzeid Transitioning to highschool: The perception of students with ASD as opposed to their peers (P_119) Ariane Leroux-Boudreault & Nathalie Poirier Estimation of violence phenomenology in pupils of high school in educational system (P_066) Galina Kozhukhar & Vladimir Kovrov 2 Can parental monitoring and the unplugged drug use prevention program contribute to a change in alcohol consumption among Slovak adolescents? (P_113) Olga Orosová, Marianna Berinsterová, Beáta Gajdošová, & Anna Janovská (Presented by Monika Brutovská) Attachment and mentalization in context of school violence (P_258) Szabolcs Urbán & Mónika Viszket Kissné Drug consumption among future healthcare professionals (P_024) Mª Eugènia Gras Pérez, Sílvia Font-Mayolas, Mark J. M. Sullman, & Montserrat Planes Patterns of polydrug use among future healthcare professionals (P_025) Sílvia Font-Mayolas, M. Eugènia Gras, Montserrat Planes, & Mark J. M. Sullman Factors linked to alcohol drinking of juveniles (P_072) Anna Janovská, Olga Orosová, Marianna Berinšterová, & Beáta Gajdošová Descriptive normative beliefs, prototypes and gender in alcohol use among Slovak university students (P_165) Monika Brutovská, Olga Orosová, & Lucia Majeská The mental health of substance abusers and their family members in Hong Kong (P_199) Sze-Chai Ching, Kwok-Hei Tang, Yuk-Ching Lee, & On-Na Li Occupational mental health: Prevention and treatment in France and Sweden (P_221) Jonathan Benelbaz Subjective health problems in the context of personality characteristics and health-related behavior in Czech adolescents (P_273) Iva Burešová, Helena Klimusová, Martin Jelínek, & Jaroslava Dosedlová Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) on complex, major projects: Some facilitation techniques (OP_101) David R. Stevens The role of leadership ideology in bringing about socioeconomic inequality: The case of Israeli Kibbutz communities (OP_140) Uriel Leviatan Social Psychology 16:50 – 18:50 Oral Presentations Parallel Session OPS_2.7 (room "Klub 2+3") PRISMA-RA: A set of tools for work related stress risk assessment (OP_150) Isabella Corradini, Assunta Marano, & Enrico Nardelli Experiencing authenticity at work: The moderating effect of personality on the relation between organizational climate and workplace authenticity (OP_267) Godiva Kwan, Fanny Cheung, & Winton Au Does supervisory support ease pains of emotional labor? – Moderating role of perceived supervisor’s emotional labor (OP_271) Huan Zhang & Darius K.-S. Chan Description of mental representations of attachment among teachers with and without victimization experiences (OP_064) Kristi Kõiv 3 Sunday, May 3 Welcome Desk – Information and registration (Klub 1) 08:30 Clinical Psychology 09:00 – 10:00 Oral Presentations Parallel Session OPS_3.1 (room "Kavarna 1") Randomized controlled trial of habit reversal training for treatment of hair pulling in youth (OP_141) Omar Rahman, Eric A. Storch, Amanda Collier, & Adam Lewin Neurofeedback: From research to clinical practice (OP_249) Osnat Rubin The relation between parental criticism, stress and competence, and quality of parent-child interaction (OP_178) Shulamit Pinchover & Cory Shulman Proactive coping and adaptation to a new workplace (OP_047) Katarzyna Ślebarska Dynamic career attitudes among master students: Social disparities in employment capabilities (OP_060) Senad Karavdic & Michèle Baumann Social Psychology 09:00 – 11:00 Oral Presentations Parallel Session OPS_3.2 (room "Klub 2+3") Influence of the personal potential on adaptation of young lawyers starting their professional activities (OP_239) Liubov Kotlyarova Dance movement therapy and stress in adolescents (OP_253) Mrignaini Goel Social features of dynamics of moral orientation development in adolescence and youth (OP_242) Sergey Molchanov Attitudes toward corruption: Two comparative studies (OP_121) Olga Deyneka 10:00 – 11:00 WORKSHOP Parallel Session WS_3.3 (room "Kavarna 1") 11:00 – 11:30 Comprehensive behavioral treatment for body focused repetitive behaviors (WS_148) Omar Rahman & Adam Lewin Coffee Break Predictors of life satisfaction: The role of personality, attachment, social connectedness, and loneliness (OP_228) Lilly E. Both & Lisa A. Best Clinical Psychology 11:30 – 12:50 Oral Presentations Parallel Session OPS_3.4 (room "Kavarna 1") Preventing depression – Introduction to the depression prevention programme in Małopolska region (OP_289) Agnieszka Fusińska-Korpik & Krzysztof Walczewski Psychopathology: The cognitive orientation approach (OP_041) Shulamith Kreitler Contemporary modes of subjectivation: The issue of aesthetical horizons (OP_234) Gilberto Safra 4 Cognition and bilingualism: Working memory and executive control operations in Greek-Albanian bilinguals (OP_259) Cognitive and Experimental Zoe Bablekou, Elisavet Chrysochoou, Smaragda Kazi, & Elvira Masoura Psychology Comparison of the classification ratios of depression scales used in Turkey (OP_297) // Educational Psychology Gaye Saltukoğlu & Arkun Tatar 11:30 – 12:50 Oral Presentations Parallel Session OPS_3.5 (room "Klub 2+3") 12:50 – 14:20 14:20 – 15:20 15:30 – 16:30 School bullying from the Russian teachers’ point of view (OP_125) Alexandra Bochaver, Kirill Khlomov, & Alisa Zhilinskaya CSCL in non-technological environments: Evaluation of a Wiki system with integrated self- and peer assessment (OP_062) Gudrun Wesiak, Margit Höfler, Mohammad AL-Smadi, & Christian Gütl Lunch Special Talk Parallel Session (room "Kavarna 1") Intraoperative paralysis and existential fear of death: Is there a link? Michael Wang, University of Leicester (UK) & Jackie Andrade, Plymouth University (UK) Legal Psychology Domestic crimes of violence: Psychological-criminalistic analysis (OP_112) Anastasia Kolesova & Liubov Kotlyarova Oral Presentations Parallel Session OPS_3.6 (room "Kavarna 1") The evidence-based outcome effectiveness of peer counselling and cognitive-behavioral therapy group intervention for aggressive school children (OP_133) Annis Lai Chu Fung Identifying high-risk sexual offenders with phallometric testing (OP_187) Richard J. Howes A new paradigm for investigating human decision strategy (P_219) Valerio Biscione & Christopher M. Harris Directionality effects in the comprehension of “if then” and “even if” sentences (P_280) José Antonio Ruíz-Ballesteros & Sergio Moreno-Ríos All Areas 15:30 – 16:30 Posters Parallel Session PS_3.7 (room "Klub 2+3") Resilience, accessibility of alcohol and alcohol refusal skills among adolescents (P_129) Beáta Gajdošová, Olga Orosová, Anna Janovská, & Marianna Berinšterová Social support plays a different role in sexual risk sexual behaviour: A longitudinal comparison of young adults from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania and Slovakia (P_166) Ondrej Kalina, Andrea Lukacs, Vilma Kriaucioniene, Michal Miovsky, & Olga Orosová The role of decision-making styles and selfregulation in mental health (P_215) Jozef Bavolar & Olga Orosová (Presented by Ondrej Kalina) Undergraduate students’ life satisfaction between employability and career capabilities (P_061) Senad Karavdic & Michèle Baumann 5 Home as a personal space and a source of well-being: Horizons of description (P_124) Alexandra Bochaver, Sofya Nartova-Bochaver, Natalia Dmitrieva, & Sofya Resnichenko Development of the Comprehensive Health Check For Workers (CHCW) questionnaire (P_098) Akira Tsuda, Ayumi Fusejima, Hisayoshi Okamura, Yoshiyuki Tanaka, Yuko Odagiri, Teruichi Shimomitsu, Katsutaro Nagata, Hideyo Yamaguchi, & Tetsuro Yamamoto 17:00 Tour 19:30 Dinner 6 Monday, May 4 Welcome Desk – Information and registration (Klub 1) 08:45 Endometriosis: Live with the pain... all the time (P_050) Sofia Nascimento, Fátima Simões, Carlos Silva, & Paulo Rodrigues Stability of cognitive and adaptive functioning at 18 months, 3 years and 5 years of age in premature infants (P_173) Melanie A. Chan, Suan Peen Foo, Evelyn C. N. Law, Wei Wen Li, & Shang Chee Chong Early social communication and play: The effect on adaptive and cognitive functioning in autistic children (P_206) Suan Peen Foo, Melanie A. Chan, Guiyue Zhang, & Evelyn Law Life satisfaction, five-years after a coronary angiography, between physical exercise and socio-economic inequalities (P_070) Michèle Baumann, Etienne Le Bihan, Nathalie Lorentz, & Anastase Tchicaya The mental health state of Japanese parents during living abroad: The case of Nairobi Japanese school (P_146) Eriko Suwa, Minoru Takahashi, & Hirofumi Tamai Depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation among Czech adolescents (P_272) Helena Klimusová, & Iva Burešová All Areas 09:15 – 10:45 Posters Parallel Session PS_4.1 (room "Kavarna 1") Personality characteristics of pathological gamblers (P_278) Franca Tani, Alessio Gori, Annalisa Ilari, Lucia Ponti, & Massimo Morisi Repentance in dialogue: The development of the capacity for concern in Winnicott’s theory and Christians Metanoia (P_233) João Pedro Jávera & Gilberto Safra Cognitive bias distortions in pathological gamblers (P_279) Franca Tani, Lucia Ponti, Annalisa Ilari, Alessio Gori, & Massimo Morisi The change of volunteer students and the users: Evaluations of volunteering program in elementary school in Japan (P_128) Kie Sugimoto, Sachiko Kurosawa, Eriko Suwa, Kosuke Aoyagi, Kaoru Hirakue, & Junko Hidaka Communication skills and stress at workplace (P_105) Koshi Makino Media competence and political perception in modern Russian society (P_302) Karina Bakuleva & Tatyana Anisimova Proactive coping among organizational newcomers (P_048) Katarzyna Ślebarska “Normality” at a funeral in East Asia: Focusing on the need for uniqueness (P_034) Yoriko Sano & Norihiro Kuroishi 7 “Normality” at a social comparison in East Asia: Focusing on individualism/collectivism (P_036) Norihiro Kuroishi & Yoriko Sano Luminance adjustment: Never fear again (P_049) Paulo Rodrigues, Carolina Clara, Fátima Simões, & Paulo Fiadeiro Motorcycle awareness: A hazard perception experiment (OP_044) Laila Horan, Patricia Roberts, & Isabella McMurray Cognitive and Experimental The usefulness of phantom latent variables in predicting the changing in the effects among structural relations (OP_185) Psychology Marco Vassallo 09:25 – 10:45 Oral Presentations Parallel Session OPS_4.2 (room "Klub 2+3") 10:45 – 11:15 Connecting Piéron’s Law, the foreperiod effect and distribution shapes in a simple reaction time task (OP_218) Valerio Biscione & Christopher M. Harris Subjective speed perception among motor vehicle drivers (overestimation and underestimation of driving speed - group comparison) (OP_220) Lucia Tvarožkova, Stanislav Michalský, & Kamila Kaniová Coffee Break Addiction recovery that works: Clinically proven whole health treatment for substance abusers and other addicts (OP_014) Constance Scharff Clinical Psychology 11:15 – 12:35 Oral Presentations Parallel Session OPS_4.3 (room "Kavarna 1") Comparative study of psychological well-being and posttraumatic growth indicators in IDP and non-IDP citizens of Georgia (OP_023) Lili Khechuashvili & Salome Tsilosani Maternal negative affect and infant sleep: Investigating bidirectional relationships using structural equation modelling (OP_104) Hannah Fiedler, Delyse Hutchinson, & Ron Rapee MCMI-III identified “pathologically disabling” profiles on MMPI-2 with “severe personality disorders” in chronic pain patients (OP_120) Abraham A. Argun 11:15 – 12:15 12:35 WORKSHOP Parallel Session WS_4.4 (room "Klub 2+3") Meaning – Its nature and assessment (WS_042) Shulamith Kreitler CLOSING SESSION (room "Kavarna 1") 8
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