Conference organisation Participation fee Städtisches Klinikum Braunschweig gGmbh Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films helmholtz Centre for Infection research Gmbh Berufsverband Deutscher Transfusionsmediziner e.V. Network of Competence INPLAS e.V. The participation fee is 200, -- Euro (for students 100, -- Euro) including access to the scientific program of the meeting, dinner-buffet, lunch and coffee breaks. We applied to the Landesärztekammer for medical educational training points. Location Registration The meeting is held in the Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films Bienroder Weg 54E 38108 Braunschweig Germany You will get information referring to registration, accommodation and how to find on in the internet under: Symposium CELLS mEET SurFACE 3 JoINS mEDICAL rESEArChErS AND CLINICIANS WITh BIoSurFACE ENGINEErING ExPErTS 6th–7th may 2015, Braunschweig © Fraunhofer IST Contact Dr. Jochen Borris Network of Compentence INPLAS e.V. c/o Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST Bienroder Weg 54E 38108 Braunschweig Germany Tel +49 (531) 2155-666 Fax -900 [email protected] Organisation/Sponsors BDT Wednesday, May 6th 16:30 Registration 17:00 Prof. Dr. Günter Bräuer Sessions 2: Cells on surface 11:00 Dr. Maike Windbergs Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Saarland university, Saarbrücken, DE Electrospun fiber mats as biomimetic scaffolds for the cultivation of human cells 11:30 Michael Gepp Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering IBmT, Potsdam, DE hydrogel-based interfaces for the cultivation of human stem cells for applications in tissue engineering 12:00 Coffee break 12:15 Dr. Paul Wieringa university of Twente, Twente, NL multimaterial Tandem Electrospinning for Spatially Selective Neural Guidance 12:45 Dr. Arnold Gillner Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT, Aachen, DE 3D-Biofabrication by Laser Cell Printing and 13:15 Lunch FraunhoferInstituteforSurfaceEngineeringand ThinFilms,Braunschweig,DE Dr. Henk Garritsen InstituteforClinicalTransfusionMedicine, Braunschweig,DE Welcome Dear colleagues, in the medical and biomedical field, e.g. in tissue engineering, for a long time only limited attention was dedicated to the interaction of cells with the surfaces they are in contact with. more recently it is, however, increasingly recognized that this interaction is of crucial importance for the well-being of a cell. Great effort is made to gain a more thorough understanding of this interaction and as well how it can be controlled by physical and/or chemical tuning of surfaces. Latest research results and developments in this field will be presented on the occasion of the workshop “Cells meet surface 3”. Contributions will include topics such as methods for the wet and dry chemical modification of surfaces to grow cells on technical equipment to carry out such surface modifications analysis of the interaction between cell and surface processing therapeutically relevant cell types and results of first attempts in clinical practice The keynote lecture on the evening of may 6th will smoothly prepare the participants for the topics covered in exciting presentations during the following day. The workshop is jointly organized by the Städtisches Klinikum Braunschweig, the Berufsverband Deutscher Transfusionsmediziner (BDT, Association of German Transfusion medicine Physicians), the Clinical Centre of Braunschweig, Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST, Network of Competence INPLAS e.V. and the helmholtz Centre for Infection research (hZI) and equally addresses researchers in the medical and surface technology field as well as clinicians. We are looking forward to meeting you in Braunschweig in may 2015! Dr. henk Garritsen Dr. michael Thomas Institute for Clinical Transfusion medicine, Braunschweig, DE Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films, Braunschweig, DE 17:30 Prof. Dr. Karin Macfelda MedUniWien,DepartmentfürBiomedizinischeForschung, ForschungsgruppeZellbiologie/A Keynote lecture 18:00 Dinner buffet Thursday, May 7th Session 3: Medicine Session1: Surface Modification 14:00 Dr. Kurt Pfannkuche university of Cologne, Faculty of medicine, Köln, DE Engineered biomatrices to facilitate long-term culture of stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes 14:30 Dr. Annette Moter Biofilmzentrum, DeutschesBerlin, Herzzentrum Berlin, Berlin, DE Charité-universitätsmedizin Berlin, DE microbial Biofilms in medicine: diagnostics, complications and consequences 15:00 Coffee break 15:15 Dr. Stephan Reichl Technische universität Braunschweig, Department of Pharmaceutics, Braunschweig, DE Valid cell culture models of the human cornea for drug transport investigations - where are we? 15:45 Inge Hald Andersen Danish Technological Institute, Aarhus, DK Accelerated bone ingrowth by local delivery of strontium from surface functionalized titanium implants Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Viöl Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films, APP, Göttingen, DE and, hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst, hildesheim, DE PlasmaDerm – medical effects of plasma on skin 16:15 Concluding Remarks Coffee break 16:30 End of Cells meet Surface 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 Dr. Renate Förch Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT, Imm, mainz, DE Designing surfaces for cell attachment Dr. Agnieszka Kinsner-Ovaskainen Institute for health and Consumer Protection (IhCP), Joint research Centre, European Commission, IhCP, TP 203, Ispra (VA), IT Anti-fouling and cell repellent coatings produced by plasma polymerization of diethylene glycol dimethyl ether for biological and sensing applications Dr. Kristina Lachmann Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films, Braunschweig, DE Atmospheric pressure plasma for biomedical applications
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