Blessings and Abundance Insight Counselling presents www insightcti com is offered in E on Thursday, May 14 Edmonton dm mo onton as an and as a healing Weekend Workshop on May 15, 16 and 17 with Henri McKinnon Henri is a gifted Workshop Leader and dynamic Teacher, dedicated to helping g te counselling, others awaken to their highest potential. He offers private innovative training programs, and healing workshops in Western Canada. O ne e of tth he ma m jo or cons co ons nsp piira raci c es ci es kee e pi ping ng g hu uma m ni nity ty att ty ttac ac che ed to o suf uffe feri feri fe riing ng n g and n paiin is the he eg go o’ss res esis issta anc n e to to the he man ny bl bles e siing ngs eman eman em anat atin tin i g fr from from m Spi p ri rit. t.. The eg go o ins nsis ists is ts tha at h rd ha d wo orrk an nd he h ro roic roic c eff ffor o ts are re the onl nly f u fo un nda d tiion o s fo for fu fulfi ulfi lfillling liing g our ur dre eam ams. s Hig s. ghe herr Mind Mi ind nd tea each c es es tha at ev ever ery er y go ood d thi h ng ng com omes es f om fr m an al alig lig gnm n en nt to o Lov ove e an and ou ourr cons consci co nssci ciou ouss ou co onn n ec e tiion on to a alll be b iin ngs. gs. Th gs This wor o kssh ho op wi will llll hel ep crreate ea ate e a lif ife of o ins nspi pira pi rati ra t on ti on,, ea ease se and se n abu bund ndan ndan ance ce.. Our p Ou pu urrp posse in n liv vin ing ng is to find nd ha ap pp piine ness ess s by d ssc di c cov ov o ver e in i g th he po owe werr off lov ove ve an and nd sh harin arin ar ng the th e gi gift ftss off Spi ft p ri rit it. As we surrrre end der to lo love ve,, we ve e awak aw a en ak n to our ou ur in nn no oc ce en nc ce, ce, e joy and n abu und ndan anc ce. In ce. ce n s arrin sh ing g th t ese esse gi gift fts ts wi w th oth ther e s, we re reco co c og gn niz ize ea deep de ep con ep onne ne ect ctio io on n,, a bon nd th hat a liber ib berrat a es e us from from fr om f a fe arr and n the e dissil illu lusi lu usiion o me ment n of o nt ov ver erw erwo wo ork k and d u ne un nece cess ce sssar ary sa s cr crifi iifi fice. e By co omm m it itti t ng ti ng to lo love ove an nd d itts bl bles e si es s ng ngs, s, we de s, deve ve velo elo op in nto gif ifte ted d in ndi d viidu dual ual as maki ma kin ki ng g in nsspi pire red re dc ch hoice oiice es, s, cre ea attin ng ab bun nd da an nc ce with wi with thin in n dyn ynam am mic ic relat ela el attio ons n hips hiip pss witth the w th the wo orrlld. d. This workshop is your opportunity to: leas easse th t e illlu lusi sion si onss, pai on a n an and d sa sacr crr ifi ificce ❤ RReele th hat a hav a e li l mite miteed ou mi ur li live ves. ve s s. E Ex p pl ore or e the th e Cr r ea a tor’ to r’s r’ s plan pl a an to bl bles esss us us ❤ wiitth w h hap ppi pine nesssss and ne d f ul ulfi fill llme lmeent nt. Disc scov cov overr the abu bund dan ance and nd gif ifts f ts we ❤ Di prom pr om missed d to brr in ng iin nto o thee worrld ld.. Awak Awak aken ken to th thee flow w of su succ cccces essss by y cre reat attiin ng ❤ Aw libe li beerati rati ra tn ng g parr tn tner ersh ssh hip ips ps. s. Registration Information Hours The Lecture: Thursday, May 14, from 7:00 – 9:30 P.M. The Workshop: Friday, May 15, from 7:00 – 10:00 P.M., Saturday, May 16, from 9:45 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. and Sunday, May 17, from 9:45 A.M. – 5:00 P.M Location The Wingate by Wyndham Hotel, 18220 – 100th. Ave., Edmonton, AB Cost The lecture is free for everyone. The weekend workshop costs $295 plus G.S.T. per person, including a $50 deposit. There is a $50 discount for those registered with deposit before May 9, and for couples. Program graduates come at half price. Visa and MasterCard accepted. Registration Call Sylvie at 403-346-2871 or Sarah at 780-643-5170 to register Send deposits to Insight Counselling, Box 112, Edgewater, BC. V0A 1E0
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