Student Inventors & Parents, March 2015 Congratulations on being selected to present your invention at the Minnesota Student Inventors Congress (MSIC) 28th annual state event held Thursday, April 30 and Friday, May 1, 2015. The State Event is held in conjunction with the Minnesota Inventors Congress (MIC) Inspire, 2015 Innovation Expo™, at the Minneapolis Convention Center, in Minneapolis, MN. You will be in the company of adult inventors and people who work to produce inventions. The MIC provides an opportunity for a select group of students from all across the state of Minnesota to participate in its annual invention expo, through the MSIC program. Students who have put into practice the skills developed through their school curriculum are invited to exhibit their products on the showroom floor in the same hall as the other inventors who are test marketing their products. They answer questions from the public and receive feedback about their idea. The MSIC is a non-competitive event which means that the students are not judged. The only awards are the Kid’s Choice awards that are voted on by the students each day of the event. Students will receive free entrance into the exhibit hall as well as a 4 foot space on a table and one chair to exhibit their invention. General Admission for the family: $10.00; 6-12 $5.00; and 5 and under are free. Congratulations for being chosen to be a part of this select group of Minnesota’s creative students. Feedback over the years has been exceptionally positive from both the parents and the students and we are confident that you will have that same experience. We look forward to seeing this year’s problem solving inventions! Sincerely, Deb Hess MSIC Coordinator Please return the registration and parental/guardian consent forms, by April 1st, 2015 to: Scan and email to [email protected] or mail to: Minnesota Inventors Congress PO Box 71, Redwood Falls, MN 56283 Can also be downloaded from: • 500 Airport Road, Suite 211A, P.O. Box 71, Redwood Falls, MN 56283 • • 507.627.2344 • 1-800-468-3681 • • Email: [email protected] • Registration Letter Daily student itinerary: 9:30 to 10am Registration at main entrance, then bring your invention display materials to the area designated for the student inventors. There will be a place to store your materials, behind the show floor, until you need to set them up on the show floor. 10:00am Welcome and Event Information (MIC Stage on the Expo floor in Hall E) 10:10am Don’t miss the inspirational presentation for students: Small Stuff, Big Deal (Grades 3-8) by The Bakken Museum 11:15am Lunch on your own, walk the show floor 1:00pm Booth should be set up and students in place 2:30pm Kid’s Choice awards and take down The nanoscale describes things in our universe that are very small, but just how small are we talking? And if these things are so small, why do we concern ourselves with them? Considered to be the cutting edge of STEM research today, nanoscience explores some very little things that may have a very big impact on our lives. Students will see and participate in exciting and surprising demonstrations and experiments that encourage them to consider both the power and the potential problems with this frontier of discovery. (MIC Stage in Expo Hall) (Confirmed) The schedule is subject to change, but it would typically be that we would add an optional event for the students to participate in rather than major changes to the structure of the day. The doors to the event are open from 10 am to 6 pm. You and your family will have access to all of the events taking place in the expo Hall E during those hours. Select a day to display your invention Please choose which day you would prefer to exhibit. The MSIC event is held on Thursday, April 30 and Friday, May 1. However, each student invention is only expected to be exhibit for only one day. Checklist Complete and return the: o MSIC registration form o Parent consent form Once we have received your Registration & Parental Consent forms you can look for a confirmation email. Are you staying overnight? The Hilton Minneapolis is our conference hotel. Guests are able to make reservations over the phone by calling 1-888-933-5363 or when making reservations on and referencing your group’s three-letter code, MIC. Make your reservations now. Attached is a map of downtown Minneapolis. Or use this Link: Attached is a map of the Minneapolis skyway system. Or use this Link: The updated schedule of events is available through the MIC website at: and click on the schedule. • 500 Airport Road, Suite 211A, P.O. Box 71, Redwood Falls, MN 56283 • • 507.627.2344 • 1-800-468-3681 • • Email: [email protected] • Registration Letter Student Information PLEASE PRINT Student Name: __________________________________________________ Male Female Parent / Guardian Name: ________________________________________ Grade: ________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Street City Phone #: (__ __ __) __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ State Zip Code Email: ________________________@________________.____ School & Teacher Information School Name: ___________________________________________________ District #: _____________ School Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Teacher’s Name: ____________________________________________________ Phone #: (__ __ __) __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ Zip Code Grade: _____________ Email: ________________________@________________.____ Invention Information Invention Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ If this was a “team” project, identify the other student’s name(s). Each student must complete a separate registration form. Partner’s name(s): ___________________________________ Does your invention require: _____________________________________ Extra space? Yes No Size needed _______________ Displaying your invention (Please indicate the day you would prefer to exhibit.) * Thursday, April 30, 2015 Friday, May 1, 2015 2015 Student Inventor T-shirt (one free for each student inventor). Please indicate size: Youth sizes: M L Adult sizes: S M L XL 2XL Please return this registration and parental/guardian consent form, by April 1st, 2015 to: We are very open to late registrations, so please sign up! For office use only Scan and email to [email protected] or mail to: Minnesota Inventors Congress Date received: PO Box 71, Redwood Falls, MN 56283 Additional information will be emailed to the student inventors returning this form. • 500 Airport Road, Suite 211A, P.O. Box 71, Redwood Falls, MN 56283 • • 507.627.2344 • 1-800-468-3681 • • Email: [email protected] • Registration Letter ___ / ___ / ___ Parental / Guardian Consent & Photo Release Form I / We _________________________________________________________________hereby give consent for Parent / Guardian’s name(s) our student, _____________________________________, to participate in the Minnesota Student Inventors Student’s name Congress (MSIC) 28th annual state event held April 30 or May 1, 2015 held in conjunction with the Minnesota Inventors Congress’ (MIC) Inspire, 2015 Innovation Expo, at the Minneapolis Convention Center. In doing so, I / We agree: 1) To assume all responsibility for the safety of the student during transportation to and from the MSIC event. 2) To hold harmless the Minnesota Service Cooperatives, the Minneapolis Convention Center and the Minnesota Inventors Congress in the event of injury during the MSIC event. 3) That the student, except in the event of an emergency, will keep his/her project on display until 2:30 p.m. Please note: The Expo hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The student inventions are only required to be displayed from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. 4) Photo Release: Each year the MSIC designs promotional materials to be distributed among schools and educational facilities around the state of Minnesota. A vital part of this promotion, through brochures and our website, are images of student inventors in action at MSIC events. a. I hereby assign and grant to the MSIC the right and permission to use and publish; photographs, video, electronic representations and/or sound recordings made during my student’s visit to MSIC activities. b. I hereby release the MSIC from any and all liability from such use and publication. c. I hereby authorize the reproduction, sale, copyright, exhibition, broadcast, electronic storage and/or distribution of said photographs/video/electronic representations/sound recordings without limitation at the discretion of the MSIC and I specifically waive any right to compensation I may have for any of the foregoing. ____________________________________________________ Parent / Guardian’s Signature ________________________ Date Please return this form along with the student registration form. The student will not be allowed to exhibit until the MSIC has received this signed and dated form. • 500 Airport Road, Suite 211A, P.O. Box 71, Redwood Falls, MN 56283 • • 507.627.2344 • 1-800-468-3681 • • Email: [email protected] • Registration Letter
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