Hearts in healthcare

“Compassion, caring, self-care and resilience”
One-day conference 19th June 9am to 3pm
Bryant Education Centre, Waikato Hospital
Hear from international leaders in the compassionate healthcare movement:
The latest science about compassionate care
How powerfully you can improve patient outcomes
The Neuroscience of human connection
How you can connect powerfully to your values, hopes, ideals and aspiration and find
renewed joy in your work
 The science of resilience and happiness
Your presenters are:
Dr Robin Youngson is a consultant anaesthetist, internationally renowned for his
work on compassion in healthcare. A founding member of the national Quality
Improvement Committee in New Zealand, Robin was the NZ representative on the
WHO International Steering Committee for Patient Safety Solutions. Current
positions include: Honorary Senior Lecturer at Auckland University; Editorial Board
of the Journal of Compassionate Healthcare; Global Compassion Council of the
international Charter for Compassion. Robin is the author of the acclaimed book
“TIME TO CARE – How to love your patients and your job”.
Meredith Youngson began her career in medical microbiology but expanded her
health roles to leadership in the interface between community and health
authorities. She has a long history in community development and was a founder
and community coordinator for Waitakere Health Link, a grass-roots organisation
that brings the community voice to healthcare planning and decision making. Most
recently she was a community broker and relationship manager for Project Twin
Streams in Waitakere City, a $60million environmental restoration project.
Robin and Meredith Youngson are the Co-Founders of heartsinhealthcare.com
This is a unique opportunity that will change the way you interact with your patients and all those you
interact with personally. As APACE will be sponsoring the day to allow all to attend this valuable
seminar free of charge, we will be supplying tea and coffee but you will need to make your own
arrangements for morning tea and lunch. Cafes are available nearby.
Contact Chris Kane: [email protected] to register or phone 0274179772
All health professionals and staff who have direct contact with patients should attend.