The Star of Christmas 2 Christmas Eve Service 3 Turkey Mission Dinner 4-5 Small Group 6 Music Notes 7 Student Ministries 8-9 Many years ago, the day before Thanksgiving, we were in Children’s Ministries 10 downtown Chicago. After passing the map back and forth Winter Puppet Program 11 several times, praying and looking for familiar landmarks, we UMW 12 arrived at the Navy Pier. The sights and sounds of Christmas Family Focus 13 filled the mall. Just outside was a 200-foot Ferris wheel. Once Stay Connected 14-15 Birthdays & Anniversaries 16 Contact Us 515-967-2991 Pastor John Gaulke [email protected] Steve McLellan Minister of Creative Arts & Pastoral Care [email protected] Brandon Lindsey Children’s Ministry Director [email protected] Cameron Scott Youth Director [email protected] LeAnn Gaulke Director of Small Groups & Assimilation [email protected] Jane Burns Project & Special Event Coordinator [email protected] Trina Nickel Administrative Assistant [email protected] December 2013 Volume 54 Issue 12 Dear Friend, the kids spotted it, we had to go up! We were near the top when suddenly our seats lurched forward as the Ferris wheel broke away from its frame. We were completely out of control, rolling down the Navy Pier. People were running and screaming, trying to get out of our way, and we were heading straight for the John Hancock building. I knew our only chance of survival was to take a right on Lakeshore Drive. I yelled to all the people on the Ferris wheel, “Lean to the right side—everybody to the right!” I spotted a large flagpole at the corner of Lakeshore Drive. With everyone leaning to the right, I had Jordan and Josiah hold my feet as I flung my body out of the seat and grabbed the flagpole. I latterly pulled the Ferris wheel around the corner. By now, several fire trucks and police cars were traveling beside us. I knew I had to stop the Ferris wheel quickly, but how? Heather Mahoney Executive Assistant [email protected] Gary Nelson Financial Manager [email protected] Continued on Page Two Page 2 Volume 54 Issue 12 Sound unbelievable? Well, you are right. For the most part, it isn’t true. We did go to Chicago. We did go to Navy Pier. And we did ride the 200-foot Ferris wheel. But nothing out of the ordinary happened. Did you ever think that the nativity scene could use some embellishment in order to be more marketable? Why not change the dirty manger into a beautiful palace. Or how about having the first visitors be kings instead of shepherds. What if the bed of straw was a golden cradle filled with silk. Maybe that is why the people of Bethlehem were oblivious to what was happening just outside town that first Christmas. For God chose not to adorn the arrival of his Son with a lot of fanfare. It wasn’t a story to be embellished; it was a life to be lived. It wasn’t glory to be sought, but a life to be given. God was not writing a story of fiction but one of fact. I encourage you to reread the Christmas story this holiday season and discover again the simple yet powerful message of God becoming flesh. Celebrating Christ’s birth with you, Pastor John The Star of Christmas December 15, 2013 8:15, 9:45, & 11:00 a.m. Back to Page One Page 3 Volume 54 Issue 12 Worship Services 3:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m., & 7:00 p.m. Each service will be approximately one hour in length. Christmas Eve Offering Each year, the offering collected on Christmas Eve goes to help children in our community and around the world. Last year's Christmas Eve offering was distributed to six organizations: Home for Street Children in India, Children and Family Urban Ministries, Native American Hospital's Children's Behavioral Unit, Amor y Paz Ministries, Lutheran Children's Ministry Department, and Iowa Homeless Youth Center. Every penny of this year's Christmas Eve offering will again go to bless children so please give generously. Back to Page One Page 4 Volume 54 Issue 12 Extraordinary Mission Meal at Altoona UMC By: Katie Dawson Every church hosts an annual dinner… but what if you could host an extraordinary meal that was a foretaste of the Kingdom of God? In the past, Altoona UMC fell into the routine of putting on their annual meal to pay the church bills and would raise about $5,000 each time. Even that amount is pretty remarkable for most church dinners, but Pastor John Gaulke began to imagine something greater. “I felt a nudging from the Spirit that this meal could become something great, but it would have to change,” he said. The church began by deciding to give half of the proceeds away to missions in 2010. Spurred on by the momentum and the excitement it generated, in 2011 they took a leap of faith to give away ALL of the money raised at their Turkey Mission Dinner and set an outrageous goal of $10,000. Pastor Gaulke said, “wouldn’t it be cool if this meal, a meal to help others, could be my most expensive, so I challenged the congregation to join me in making this our best meal.” The church served more than 750 people that year and they shattered their goal by raising over $25,000 to provide 125,000 meals for Meals from the Heartland. They were part of a miraculous multiplication… the loaves and the fishes coming alive right in front of them! The idea stuck. Last year, they decided to support Bethel Mission, a local homeless shelter and to The Altoona UMC youth group were waiters and waitresses for the Turkey Mission dinner. dig three wells in South America. Continued on Page Five Page 5 Volume 54 Issue 12 Again, the Holy Spirit took their wildest dreams for the meal and surpassed them. This fall, Altoona UMC continued the tradition. As Pastor Gaulke wrote in a letter to the congregation: This Turkey Mission dinner is a meal of opportunity. It is an opportunity for us to lovingly serve together. It is an opportunity to give and share our resources with those in need. It is an opportunity for hope to be realized by those who receive our gifts. Some will receive mosquito nets and have the opportunity to finally sleep in peace, not worrying if the next bite will inflict them with malaria. Some, already battling malaria, will receive the necessary medicine that stops malaria dead in its tracks- an opportunity to get healthy. Three families will receive new homes – a promising new future- an opportunity that will change their lives and their neighborhoods forever. On November 9, the church was set and ready to go. Over 1,000 homemade rolls had been baked, the turkeys were trimmed and the tables were set. And the Lord of the harvest multiplied their expectations once again as over $90,000 was raised in that one night for mission. $30,000 of that amount will go to support the Iowa Annual Conference efforts to Imagine No Malaria and the rest will be used to help build three houses through Habitat for Humanity. The basis of the Imagine No Malaria campaign is Ephesians 3:20 – “God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.” (MSG) God can do anything… and thanks be to God that Altoona UMC opened their hearts to the let the Spirit in. Taken From Back to Page One Page 6 December is our month to recruit hosts to facilitate our next church-wide study in homes, the church or any other comfortable setting. Would you consider hosting a group for our “FEARLESS” study this winter? Volume 54 Issue 12 “FEARLESS” Host a Small Group (the weeks of) February 9—March 16, 2014 FEAR, it can imprison us and swallow the key to our door of escape. Wouldn’t it be great to break free and walk out? Imagine your life void of worry and sleepless nights. What if faith, not fear, was your initial reaction to a layoff, a bounced mortgage payment or global upheaval? Can you imagine a month, a week or even a day without fear? Dive into “FEARLESS” with a small group this winter and experience the awe of Jesus that diminishes fear. Max Lucado mentions in this study that fear has touched all of us in some shape or form—whether it has entangled us or completely enchained us. How we respond to fear or to whom we turn to for a way out is what matters. This six-week study will begin the week of February 9 and conclude the week of March 16. If you are interested in hosting a small group for this study, please contact LeAnn Gaulke at 967-2991 or [email protected] or complete a Host Home form at the WELCOME CENTER. All you need is a heart for people, a place to meet, and a TV/DVD. The church will provide the DVD-based teaching by Max Lucado. An accompanying study guide will provide the scripture and discussion questions. Back to Page One Page 7 Volume 54 Issue 12 The 2012 Chancel Choir, Bell Choir, Orchestra, and Praise Band rehearsing a version of "I Heard the Bells" from the recent Casting Crowns Christmas album. This year's production also features Choir, Children's Choir, Bell Choir, Christmas orchestra, and the Praise Band along with the pageantry of Christmas with a children's cast of 25. The production uses LED lighting from our recently upgraded lighting system. The 2013 concert is driven by an interesting mix of of contemporary Christmas music with some traditional choral sounds. We are excited about the potential the "RE" (remodel) project will have for productions such as this one. The RE project will add somewhere around 100 square feet to our platform adding additional choir and instrument space as well as bringing the actors & actresses closer to the audience. The organ speaker chambers were also redesigned for better sound distribution. December Performance Schedule December 1 Choir in all three services December 8 Bell Choir in all three services- “Tidings of Comfort and Joy” December 14 Choir orchestra, hand bells and tech crew meet from 3-5 p.m. December 15 “The Star of Christmas” Celebration concerts at 8:15, 9:45 and 11:00 a.m. December 22 Christmas Musical Surprise December 24 Christmas Eve services 3:00, 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. For more information on any music ministry, contact Steve at [email protected] or 967-2991. Back to Page One Invasion STUDENT Ministries Page 8 Volume 54 Issue 12 Hey Guys and Gals, Four words: TIME TO GIVE BACK. WEDNESDAY JR. HIGH High school 6:30-7:30PM 7:45-9:15 pm JR. HIGH ROOM (BASEMENT) FAMILY LIFE CENTER DON’T FORGET THAT S.W.A.G. IS HAPPENING ON MONDAYS FROM 8:00-9:00 P.M. ITS SUPER SWAGALICIOUS!!! Back to Page One Page 9 Volume 54 Issue 12 Gents and Gals, December is here, which means that Christmas is right around the corner! But, who and what is Christmas truly for? Growing up in the Scott household it was a tradition to watch the Hallmark channel during the Christmas season. I hated that channel. Everything was black and white. Boring. But, I remember watching one particular movie that would change my way of thinking about Christmas. The movie was titled, “Miracle on 34th Street.” I loved that movie! It was a story about how a lawyer felt that he needed to defend Santa Claus by proving he wasn’t crazy, but the real deal. When I think back to that movie all I can think about is how a lawyer gave a gift instead of receiving one. Christmas would have been lost for people if Santa Claus wasn’t able to pass out presents. Though we all know that Santa Claus is not real, we do know that Jesus Christ is. Do you really think that Jesus was born so that we could get every single gift on our wish list? I hope not because he was born to give the whole earth a gift. That is the true meaning of Christmas. We should wake up on December 25th excited to give back to those in need. There are so many people in Altoona that don’t have much of anything. YOU should be doing something about that! United Methodist Church has a campaign called “Rethink Church” and this is what they have to say about Christmas: “Say the family has an extra $200 they had planned to spend on a Wii, but the neighbors don’t have heat, or the homeless don’t have food, or a family at church doesn’t have Christmas gifts. Do we want to give the neighbors heat, or the homeless a few meals, or the family who is down on their luck some stuff they need...or do we go buy the Wii…somewhere along the way, kids have got to get the message, ‘Let’s stop worshipping the idol of consumerism and actually start looking at Jesus and the gift God gave us in giving him.” Just like the lawyer from my favorite Hallmark Christmas movie, we must defend the true meaning of Christmas. Go out and give back! Let’s Do It, Cam Back to Page One Volume 54 Issue 12 Page 10 & nativity 8:15, 9:45 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday, December 15th DECEMBER NOTES 12/8-Nativity Scene practice is at 1:30 p.m. in Sanctuary. 12/11-Midweek Finale in the Family Life Center 6-8:00 p.m. Pizza, snacks and drinks! Movie (Polar Express) will begin at 6:15. Midweek Resumes Wednesday, January 8th 2014! 12/14-Christmas Program Dress Rehearsal In Sanctuary Pre-K Choir 2:45 p.m. K-6th Choir 3:00 p.m. Nativity Scene 3-5:00 p.m. For more Children’s Ministries information, please contact Brandon Lindsey at [email protected] Back to Page One Page 11 Volume 54 Issue 12 Presented by the JESUS FREAK PUPPET TROUPES “GTIE” (GO TELL IT EVERYWHERE) ALTOONA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FAMILY LIFE CENTER DECEMBER 6 & 7, 2013 7:00 p.m. United Methodist UMM Men Christmas Breakfast December 14th 8:00 a.m. Family Life Center All men and their spouses are invited. The McLellan's will lead the singing. Herb Phillips will present 'Twas the Night'. Gary Parrott will lead the devotions. Adam Brinkman & Gary Parrott have a special breakfast menu. Please bring quarters for Heifer Project. Back to Page One Page 12 Volume 54 Issue 12 United Methodist Women UMW Abigail Circle December 5th at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 17th at 6:30 p.m. Conference Room Connie Ruggless’ Home Program: “Cookie Exchange” We will be having a cookie exchange at our meeting Martha Circle December 5th. We are to bring 2-3 dozen cookies. December 19th at 1:00 p.m. We will enjoy eating some for dessert and then Sugar Shack exchange the remainder to take home. We look forward to this even each year and invited other women to join us. All women welcome! Our Mission Project: Mittens, hats, socks and underwear to Bidwell Top Notchers News A ministry for adults 55 + December 10th-Noon Potluck We will be meeting on Tuesday, December 10th at noon for a potluck in the Family Life Center. Entertaining us that day will be the Heartland Singers. One of our Top Notchers, Marla Carr, is a member of that group and will be helping entertain. We have invited them to join us for our potluck. Therefore, we are asking that you bring an extra dish or a little extra food to share with our guests. They have all heard about our wonderful potlucks and are looking forward to joining us. We will be taking a free will offering for our guests to help with their expenses. Let’s remember to bring a donation for the food pantry that day. Upcoming Get Togethers Tuesday, January 14, Noon *Potluck-Special Guest Skip Conkling, Mayor of Altoona Tuesday, February 11 *Visit the Des Moines Botanical Center (details to follow) Back to Page One Page 13 Volume 54 Issue 12 Family Focus Introducing...The Downey Family Introducing the Downey Family—Jason, Tracy, Michiael (14), Logan (12), Kailey (10), Angel (6), Corban (4), and Tegan (4). Tracy and Jason are originally from a small town in Indiana. They moved to Iowa 12 years ago for Jason’s job at Wells Fargo as a statistician within marketing. Tracy is an instructor at the Altoona Campus and is attending graduate school in social work. She is currently in her first internship working at Iowa Homeless Youth Centers in their Lighthouse program. Michiael is a freshman at Southeast Polk High School and participates in the drum line with the marching band. Logan is in junior high and enjoys playing Xbox with friends. Kailey, Angel, Corban, and Tegan attend Clay Elementary and play community sports such as soccer and basketball. Kailey also likes playing the piano and flute. Jason grew up Methodist and attended service every Sunday with his family. His family prayed at every meal and said prayers at night. Tracy attended church off and on growing up with her best friend. Although her mother is a believer, Tracy’s family did not regularly attend church. Tracy and Jason were high school sweethearts and would attend Saturday night church services before date nights. However, after leaving home for college, they lost connection with the church but not with God. As their family started growing, the Downeys felt Christ drawing them back to church. They wanted their children to have a strong connection with God at a young age so they visited several surrounding churches and made AUMC their church family about six years ago. Jason and Tracy attribute the relationships and warmth they found at AUMC with strengthening their connection with God. Having a close group of friends where you share beliefs, challenges, God sightings, etc. has been so powerful for the Downey family that they often participate in small group studies between the churchwide sessions. For several years Jason and Tracy participated in children’s ministry by volunteering at the midweek program and teaching Sunday School. A few years ago Jason joined the choir and Tracy began singing with the praise team. This commitment has renewed the passion for music they had in high school choir and show choir but with a new purpose. Kailey shares her parents’ musical talents and sings with the kids’ praise team. Angel, Corban, and Tegan participate in midweek while Michiael, Logan, and Kailey are active in puppets. After being led to adopt more than once, the Downeys try not to put limits on what God may lead them to do next. They would like to take their kids on mission trips, locally or abroad, before they are on their own. The Downey family is an amazing example of Christ’s compassion and love to this world. Greet the Downeys with a smile when you see them. They are not hard to find on a Sunday morning or Wednesday night. With eight family members active in church activities, you’ll definitely see at least one of them! Back to Page One Page 14 Volume 54 Issue 12 Pas oral Partners If you or a family member would like prayer support or a hospital visit, please fill out a card on Sunday morning or call the church office at 967-2991 or 707-7833 after hours. Consider sending a DVD to a homebound friend or loved one. Contact the church office at 967-2991 with DVD requests. Contact Steve McLellan at 967-2991 if you would like to know more about becoming involved. Adult Basketball AUMC Adult continues! Basketball Join us in the Family Life Center on Altar Flowers Sign up at the Welcome Center to provide altar flowers in honor Monday nights at 6:30 p.m. or in memory of loved ones or to for some pickup games! celebrate a special day. No prior NBA experience necessary! Contact Cameron at 967-2991 or [email protected] for more information. Joy Boxes have been a great tradition for our church family at Christmastime. As you know, our Joy Boxes are given to the local food pantry, Caring Hands, to be distributed to those in need during the holiday season. Last year the food pantry informed us that it would be more advantageous for them to receive the Joy Boxes in the spring when supplies are typically depleted. We have decided that we will connect our Joy Boxes with the Easter season this year. They will still be wrapped in Christmas paper because the birth of Christ and the resurrection are so intricately connected. Empty Joy Boxes will be available for you to fill in early March 2014. Back to Page One Page 15 Volume 54 Issue 12 If you would like to receive our weekly updates via email, please go to the church website, Under the Resources tab, choose E-Newsletter Signup, enter your email address, choose the Weekly Newsletters list, and you will begin to receive our weekly newsletters on Thursday afternoons in your email box! If you would like to be included on our new email prayer chain list, please go to the church website,, choose Prayer Chain Signup under the Resources tab, enter your email address, and choose the Prayer Chain list. If we have missed your birthday or anniversary, please contact Trina in the office at [email protected] or 967-2991. AUMC Office Hours Tuesday, December 24 Open Wednesday, December 25 Closed Thursday, December 26 Closed Friday, December 27 Open Tuesday, December 31 Closed Wednesday, January 1 Closed Thursday, January 2 Open 8:30-3:00p.m. 8:30-3:00p.m. Back to Page One Page 16 Volume 54 Issue 12 Happy Birthday 1. Elizabeth White 1. Braylee Gellerman 2. Signe Hinde 2. Amy Kruse 2. Danielle Malaise 3. Janis Herman 3. Linda Keller 3. Dianne Norris 5. Emory Braunsweig-Norris 5. Jeannie Nutter 6. John Hageman 6. LeAnn Stout 7. Courtney Jones 8. James Kleveland 8. Evelyn Long 8. Roberta Sporrer 9. Jon Hubbert 9. Millie McDowall 9. Rebecca Watters 10. Gage Gaul 10. Bill Good 10. Matthew Hess 10. Mary Wood 11. Karen Overturf 11. JoAnn Viggers 12. Caitlin Berry 12. Shelene Billups 12. 13. 13. 13. 15. 16. 16. 17. 17. 18. 18. 18. 19. 19. 19. 20. 20. 20. 20. 21. 22. 22. 22. 23. 23. 23. 24. Deanna Nolte Rita Carroll Chad Kruse Jan LeCroy Denise Cooper Sydney Harter Cheryl Russell Marv Cole Jane Wendel Carol Dillow Kate Lay Brandon Lindsey MacKenzie Bills Nathan Henderson Phil Sandquist Kevin Bennett Aaron Cory Heidi Dibbet Bella Newell Cheryl Timmins Machenzie Gallegos Rylan Gaul Pam Lageman Terry Benda Bryan Foster Kristi Hasek Jeff Hand 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 28. 29. 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. Rhonda McFadden Hunter Hinde Sam Swaim Mary McClaflin Doug Workman Abby Reed Mary Ballagh Leah Carr Matthew Collison Alyssa VanFosson Tessa Cassler Josh Quick Haley Olson Happy Anniversary 2. Dale & Janice Hartgraves 3. Jamie & Tricia Mootz 4. Duane & Shirley Hunziker 6. Aaron & Kellie DeCamp 9. John & Rosemary McClain 13. Bud & Jamie Harter 17. David & Jane Wendel 19. 20. 23. 28. 29. 30. David & Nancy Dunfee Dana & Meta Gowin Jim & Cheryl Dickerson Cory & Elsed Paul Jamison & Rachel Rigley Bob & Beverly Merkle Back to Page One
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