SUPERHUMAN - Are You One? By The Abbotts I

The Abbotts
Divine Publishing Australia
Divine Publishing Australia
This edition first published in 2014. Copyright ©
Tony Abbott & Robyn Abbott
This book is Copyright under the Berne Convention.
All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for
the purpose of private study, research, criticism or
review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part
of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any
means, electronic, electrical, chemical, mechanical,
optical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without the prior permission of the copyright owners.
Publication Data - The Abbotts, Tony Abbott, Robyn
Abbott, Superhuman, Psychic Development, Spiritual
Book design and layout by Robyn Abbott
Illustrations by
Canstock, Pond5, Cover ‘Super hero Couple’ by
Book Chapters
Page V
Chapter 1
Who are the Superhumans?
Page 1
Chapter 2
How Psychic Are You?
Page 7
Chapter 3
Connecting with Spirit
Page 17
Chapter 4
Remembering the Mission
Page 34
Chapter 5
Manifesting Objects
Page 44
Chapter 6
Finding a Twin Flame
Page 58
Chapter 7
Astral Experiences
Page 69
Chapter 8
Healing Others
Page 76
Chapter 9
Alien Contact
Page 89
Chapter 10
Future for Superhumans
Page 105
Other books by The Abbotts
Page 112
The Authors
Tony Abbott has been a clairvoyant, hypnotherapist,
healer and self-development teacher and is now a
writer and independent electronic publisher. At age
eighteen, he had a vivid near death experience that
changed his life and sent him on a quest for spiritual
and psychic knowledge.
Robyn Abbott is a former spiritualist minister,
clairvoyant and social welfare worker who now
devotes her time to writing and publishing spiritual
and psychic self-help books.
The Abbotts have published over 154 books on the
paranormal and fiction to their credit and operate a
at that is full of spirit!
Hi, we are The Abbotts, counsellors, writers and
paranormal experts. Many people have asked us to
explain how humanity is changing on our planet, in
the 21st Century; are we becoming more psychic? And
how do you increase your psychic abilities?
So we have been inspired to write this easy to
understand book with the hope that if you are a
modern Starseed or a more mature Light Worker, you
will be able to confirm your own level of psychic and
spiritual awareness!
We believe that everyone has the necessary psychic
and spiritual tools at their fingertips to make contact
with higher beings, spirits and people at a distance
and increase their genuine psychic skills to create a
happier, more loving, less stressful and spiritually
fulfilling life and we can show you how!
No doubt, our clients’ attempts to contact and work
with higher forces are similar to your own and so, we
will mention many of these scenarios but of course,
for our clients’ privacy, we will change the names!
We will add channelled messages from spiritual
beings such as the Ascended Masters and Archangels
to add their own particular wisdom to our thoughts.
They are often wise, loving, understanding and
humorous beings!
We have channelled them for over twenty-five years
and they have always enriched our lives with their
higher wisdom! We hope that you will read this book
with an open mind and heart for that is what a Higher
Being does!
We offer our solutions with much Love and Light.
Tony Abbott and Robyn Abbott
The Abbotts
Eden Park, 2014
Chapter One
Who are the Superhumans?
The Superhumans are men and women who have
embraced their psychic and spiritual natures and who
are now working on their own personal Ascension
Plans and helping those around them and the planet
Gaia. These people are generations Baby Boomers, X,
Y & Z and they are eager to raise their spiritual and
psychic light!
The Baby Boomers were born after World War II and
incarnated to Earth to help us avoid nuclear war and
promote peace, women’s rights and equality. They
have also opened society up to the acceptance of New
Age philosophies, other cultures and alternate health
Generation X for instance came to Earth from 1966
onwards to bring softer concepts of peace and unity to
the planet. Unfortunately, they came at a time when in
many households divorce and two working parents
was emerging as the norm. This has left them
emotionally battered and vulnerable.
They are a highly educated group but their earlier
negative emotions have made them cynical and
manifested a ‘what’s in it for me?’ mentality. They
are concerned about the environment and pollution,
but driven to make money to feel secure. They find
relationships with partners hard to maintain and often
have many marriages and relationships, in an attempt
to find the ideal mate and security.
Their Divine Missions are to save the planet from
environmental disasters; create equality throughout
the Earth; feed the starving millions; promote female
equality; save the disappearing animal species and
encourage free and open spiritual and psychic
While some Generation X’ers have awoken to their
Divine Missions, many have not. Spirit says “Forget
the bigger plasma television and instead, save the
Join causes to save the animals and reduce your
carbon foot-print. Don’t deny why you came to
Generation Y came to Earth from 1977 onwards to
create unity through information spreading. They are
the generation who introduced the World Wide Web,
mobile phones and computer technology. They are
savvy with all forms of electronic media and use it to
spread information and their personal thoughts as well
as make contact with millions of other people through
social websites.
Many of them are emotionally sensitive men and
women who have incarnated from the higher
dimensions and find life on Earth very basic and
brutal. They want to be supported by their parents and
the state. Their relationships are often transitory and
they are highly influenced by trends and social
thoughts due to their unified state with others.
Their Divine missions are concerned with using Unity
through the electronic media to promote higher
beliefs, ethics and equality through social change for
all peoples. But again, many of these confused men
and women are reluctant to start their missions due to
their emotional demands for stimuli and new
Spirit has said of these gentle people - “Look at what
you want for yourself, love, compassion, freedom,
equality, personal rights, good health and education.
This is what every person on the planet strives to
acquire. Your mission is to help them achieve it!
Begin now!”
Generation Z came to Earth from 1995 onwards, to
extend the Unity process. They do not easily see
anyone as different or inferior and fresh from the
higher dimensions; they recognise that on some level
- we are all connected. They do not fear death, but see
it as just another experience. They are electronic
savvy and are used to being treated as an equal. They
aim high academically and treat men and women
alike, as equals.
Their Divine missions concern the environment,
animal protection and expansion of the rights of
equality for all men and women. They are
manipulating the traditional work vocations to be
more what they want - artistic and less ritualized.
Many of these gentle young people are awakening to
their missions. Spirit has said of this younger
generation. “You hold the destiny of your planet in
your hands. Treat her reverently and with gentleness
and humankind will survive!
All these different age groups are full of men and
women like you that want to know more about their
spiritual and psychic natures; discover who they truly
are and work with their paranormal powers to create a
peaceful, loving environment where they can find
happiness and fulfillment. Is this what you want from
life? We hope so! Success with a clear conscience and
a warm heart is much more satisfying than a cold,
selfish striving for fame and fortune!
This book is divided up basically into three sections the first is to look at how Superhuman you are; the
second to show you how to increase your psychic and
spiritual abilities and the third, how to create a
Unified Starseed world that benefits everyone.
At the end of each chapter, we will recommend
several books that are suggestions for additional
reading. We have over 154 books in our paranormal
range at our website so
look them up! We try to keep the cost as low as
possible and most are in print, pdf and ebook formats.
So are you now ready to discover if you are a
Superhuman? Then let’s go ...
Chapter Two
How Psychic Are You?
Many people believe that they are very psychic or
spiritual and are convinced that they have paranormal
powers. And of course, they are right - we all have
advanced paranormal abilities lying dormant within
all of us. It’s just that most men and women have
completely forgotten that they ever had them. Why?
Spirit has told us in channeled messages that “You all
incarnate as babies, fully aware that you are from the
higher levels of existence and then, the Veil of
Amnesia comes down and you forget completely,
who you are and what paranormal powers you have!”
In the past, some young children have remembered
former lives and some have even met their children,
still alive in their eighties! Others have found their
past husbands or wives, who are now elderly and
quite confused to have a child call them ‘their
Many of these past life recalls happen in Asian
countries where reincarnation is accepted, as
commonplace. Unfortunately, in the West, we tend to
tell our small children to stop ‘pretending!’ and
discourage past memories.
But if you were to remember who you were, what
would you recall? Yourself as a Native American
Indian, a medieval courtier, an ancient Atlantean or
classic Greek or a soldier fighting a war, in an
unknown country!
You would find that your gender would change in
each life, so that you can fully experience what it is to
be a Nubian woman or an Asian prince. Your status in
life would change from peasant to rich man or from
noble to caveman.
Why are all these lives so different? So that you fully
experience life on Earth, in all its variety and so that
you hone or develop your spirit and personality by
your adventures.
We all incarnate with a Divine Plan that shapes who
we are, where we will live, who are relations are and
our natural skills and interests. Then it is up to us, to
use these life tools, as best we can! But we are all
‘human’ and are likely to make some terrible choices
in our many lifetimes (some people have had
But no matter, if we act unwisely in our past lives, we
do have the opportunity in the next life, to make
amends or repay karma to those we have hurt or
helped and the same from them, to us. But now that
you are aware of this, it is sensible to make no more
enemies in your current life and repay old,
outstanding karma while you can. Why carry it
through to another life?
Here is a wise message from Lord Sananda that may
help you make sense of your Life Purpose.
“My dear children, you are often completely unaware
of your Divine Missions on Gaia (Earth). Yes, part of
your incarnation was meant to familiarise yourself
with Earth and its customs and for you to enjoy being
within a physical body. To eat, dance and make love.
To explore the higher emotions of joy, love,
compassion, loyalty and hope. And yes, to also
experience despair, hate, fear and sorrow and to
overcome these negative emotions!
But even more than these, you came to explore how
you as an angel, as a multidimensional being would
exist within a human’s limited body and experience
human situations. Some situations would be positive
and joyful, such as the birth of a loved baby, others
would be sad, such as the loss of a loved parent.
You wanted to see how you would react, feel and
carry on. You set the tests, no one else did! And you
wanted to create personally, a strategy for dealing
with life’s ups and downs. So begin the task now,
learn to flow with the Universe, not against it and
grow as an angel!”
The purpose of every lifetime - is for you to Ascend
back up from the third dimension to the twelfth where
you will reunite with the Godforce. But of course,
even though we are now entering the fourth
dimension, it’s a long way to go. But won’t the trip be
As we rise higher in our Ascension process, so we
develop higher dimensional powers of clairvoyancy,
astral travel, lucid dreaming, prophecy, spiritual
healing and more. In fact, we become Superhumans!
But it won’t happen without work, practice and faith.
Are you ready for these special powers?
Now let us explore just how psychic and spiritual you
are, at the moment. Here is a short quiz, just answer
truthfully and quickly. We don’t expect you to be a
saint or a sinner, just somewhere in the middle! Being
Superhuman can be developed, later!
Current Psychic Awareness Quiz
1. Have you ever dreamt of something that later came
2. Do you regularly meditate?
3. Are you drawn to paranormal or supernatural
4. Do you remember any of your Past Lives?
5. Do you sense others emotions?
6. If you desire something and think of it, does it
come to you?
7. Have you ever seen an angel or a ghost?
8. Do you ever sense others thoughts?
9. Do you believe in Aliens?
10. Can you psychically heal your self or others?
11. Do you lucid dream, where you control the
12. Do you believe in Karma?
13. Do you want a Higher Soul Mate (Twin Flame)
14. Do you feel an emotional connection with
15. Do you ever astral travel or have (drug free) outof-body Experiences?
16. Do you believe in (Devas) Nature Spirits?
17. Do you flow with life?
18. Can you understand the Higher reasons for things
happening in your life?
19. Do you believe in a positive future for humanity?
20. Do you want more psychic abilities and to become
Now count up your Yes’s, No’s and Undecided’s.
Read the results below.
Mainly Yes’s
This shows that you have many natural psychic
abilities that with a little bit of additional work, will
easily make you a Superhuman. Just make sure to
always use your paranormal skills for good; otherwise
they may turn out to be a curse not a blessing!
Mainly No’s
Don’t worry, if your ‘No’s’ out number your ‘Yes’s’,
you are on your way to becoming Superhuman, but
you need a little open-minded work to make the leap.
Try to practice our psychic exercises, later in this
book and you will find that in a short time, if you then
re-do this quiz, you will score many more ‘Yes’s’ as
your psychic abilities come to the fore!
Mainly Undecided’s
You have a questioning mind which is great, but
sometimes it restricts your abilities to learn new
paranormal skills. Try to change the old maxim of “When I see it, I will believe it!” instead to “When I believe it, I will see it!”
Then you will soon become a Superhuman!
How did you go? Like most people you have probably
come out with some psychic abilities and a need to
work on the others. Don’t be discouraged if you
appear to be still asleep psychically, we can change
And if you are already super psychic and a
Superhuman, that’s fine; but why not read on,
anyway. You can learn to share your paranormal
powers with other!
Chapter Three
Connecting with Spirit
Everyone can learn to become psychic; it is naturally
inherent within each of us. But if you also become
spiritual, you add extra power to your quest to
become a Superhuman.
Many of you may think that being spiritual is being
religious. You think that you have to go to church and
live by some ancient religion’s rules that will stop
your personal growth. This is not what we mean by
being spiritual.
Instead, we mean that you live in harmony with
everyone and everything and you make personal
choices that result in better outcomes for yourself and
others. You live with Unconditional Love and respect
for everyone and you care for the planet Earth (Gaia)
in the same way!
You don’t have to be a saint or a martyr to be a
spiritual person. What you do need is an open mind
and an open heart! Starseeds and Light Workers can
easily do this!
You will need an open mind in the coming century for
things are changing fast on a dimensional level. We
are rapidly moving out of the third dimension of pure
physicality to the fourth of higher concepts and
fantastic things can happen, in a fourth dimensional
The fourth dimension is a much higher and advanced
state than the third dimension. In it energies are finer
and lighter, but at times, also confusing and alarming
to people, as we make the change to a new way of
The old familiar values of society are quickly
disappearing and new thoughts, behaviour and actions
are taking their place. This can be very frightening for
previous generations who have difficulty adjusting to
the new ways of society.
The young embrace these changes with enthusiasm,
but many Light workers (born around 1948) and older
generations are wary about the changes in sexual
behaviour, female and male roles, drug use, modern
technology, religion and alternate medical and
spiritual practices.
Spirit has realised that for many people, the changes
will be difficult and has therefore channelled to us,
The Abbotts and other mediums, over the years, many
messages about the new era, what we can expect and
how the fourth dimension will affect us all.
Here is one of their amazing channellings.
“The fourth dimension is a place of illusion and often
confusion. However, it shows you a little of what
humankind is capable of attaining on the fifth and
higher dimensions. There are twelve dimensions, each
rising in vibration and energy.
On the fourth, you learn about your psychic powers
and start to work with them. However, many people
never rise above this level in their lifetime, because
they get stuck. They get stuck, because they misuse
their psychic powers for only personal gain or for
negative results!
People who create negative spells, manifest only for
wealth and power, try to destroy others or rob the
planet of its resources for their own greed, do not rise
above the fourth dimension. They create negative
karma for their selfishness. So be open-hearted and
instead use your valuable abilities for good!”
Contacting higher spiritual beings begins simply, with
learning to meditate and relax your mind and body.
Many people are confused about meditation and
wonder if it is truly beneficial to them. They worry
that it is somehow, a mystical Eastern practise that is
linked to peculiar cults and odd behaviour.
Often they are further concerned that they can’t sit in
a complicated yoga position, in order to begin
meditating. They think it’s just too hard! Nothing
could be further than the truth!
Meditation has been used by numerous religions and
philosophies including Christian, Buddhism, Muslim,
Hindu and even agnostics and atheists in order to
relax the mind and body and allow inspired thoughts
to surface and be used for self-development.
You may have tried to meditate before and found that
your mind and body just could not relax. Well, we
will look at this problem and find a technique that
works for you! And you don’t have to sit in the lotus
position to do so!
Meditation is a marvelous spiritual resource that many
people under-rate. While in meditation, your heartrate slows and your blood-pressure safely falls. You
are calm, relaxed and receptive to new ideas and
experiences. It has been said that “Prayer is you talking to God and meditation allows
God to talk back!”
Make sure that you are comfortably seated (a cozy
armchair is fine!), won’t be disturbed and are not too
hot or cold. Allow time after a meditation to re-adjust
to normality. Move around slowly and with care.
Don’t try to drive a car or do intricate work after
meditating. Take time to readjust to the normal
surroundings. Your blood pressure may lower in
meditation, so take a few minutes to normalize!
We recommend that you meditate for 10 to 30
minutes duration, as your body and mind need to be
calm and relaxed to achieve the best mental, spiritual
and physical results.
We suggest that you create an atmosphere of
calmness for each of your exercises, by making sure
you will not be disturbed by telephone calls or
visitors, (put up a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on your
front door and put on the telephone answering
machine and turn off your mobile phone) and that
children and pets are catered for away from your
meditation area.
Candles, incense, subdued lighting, warm and
pleasant surroundings will all add to the relaxed but
attentive mood. You don’t have to sit in the lotus
position, instead find a comfortable chair or lie down.
But do make sure that you don’t fall asleep! For
novice meditators, we suggest that you sit quietly with
eyes closed.
Begin with three deep breaths. Breathing out tension
on the ‘out’ breath and breathing in relaxation on the
‘in’ breath. Get into a relaxing rhythm that suits you.
Relax your entire body (imagine that you are floating
in a bath of warm water). Clear your mind of all
When a thought intrudes, merely push it to one side.
If this is difficult to do at first, visualize a beautiful
rose and keep your attention on it and nothing else. In
time your mind will associate the thought of the rose,
with your need to relax and meditation will become
Here is a further exercise to help you relax. Take it
slowly the first few times (about 20 minutes) then
speed it up gradually, until it takes only a few
minutes, but make sure that your body is completely
relaxed. You might like to pre-record it and then
replay it as you practice. Or have someone read it
Deep Meditation Exercise
Close your eyes and breathe three deep breaths.
Begin to slowly relax your head.
If a muscle feels tight, tighten it further, and then
relax it.
Begin to slowly relax your neck.
Begin to slowly relax your shoulders.
Begin to slowly relax your chest.
Breathe slower and lighter.
Begin to slowly relax your back.
If a muscle feels tight, tighten it further, and then
relax it.
Begin to slowly relax your upper arms.
Begin to slowly relax your elbows.
Begin to slowly relax your hands and fingers.
Begin to slowly relax your stomach and lower back.
If a muscle feels tight, tighten it further, and then
relax it.
Begin to slowly relax your thighs and pelvis.
Begin to slowly relax your upper legs.
Begin to slowly relax your knees and lower legs.
Begin to slowly relax your feet and toes.
Now allow all the stored energy in your body to drain
out from your fingers and toes into space.
Visualize it as a green energized light. Relax and still
your mind. If a thought intrudes, let it go.
Maintain this calmness for ten minutes.
Then Begin to slowly tighten your head.
Begin to slowly tighten your neck.
Begin to slowly tighten your shoulders.
Begin to slowly tighten your chest.
Begin to slowly tighten your back.
Begin to slowly tighten your upper arms.
Begin to slowly tighten your elbows.
Begin to slowly tighten your hands and fingers.
Begin to slowly tighten your stomach and lower back.
Begin to slowly tighten your thighs and pelvis.
Begin to slowly tighten your upper legs.
Begin to tighten your knees and lower legs.
Begin to tighten your feet and toes.
Take three deep breaths and open your eyes.
Do not get up quickly or you may feel dizzy!
Learning to meditate and relax your mind and body
will help you to easily gain inspiration, release
emotional blocks, meet your angelic guides and see
and hear them clearly.
There is no right or wrong way to meditate, just do
what feels right for you. If you keep practising, you
will find that gradually, you will relax further and
This is not a contest to see who relaxes fastest and
deepest, but a personal journey for you alone. Often it
is when you open your eyes and come back to
ordinary awareness, that you then realise how relaxed
you have been!
There are both evolved and unevolved spirits who
will often attempt to contact humanity. Your Personal
Spirit Guides are evolved, loving beings who come
into your life to help you with your life journey. They
often help you through painful experiences with
insight, guidance and love.
Most people have two Guardian Angels throughout
their life, from birth to death. One usually represents
itself as a female and the other as a male. The female
or yin energy often comforts, heals and gives
guidance from a feminine perspective, while the male
guide often protects, advises and gives support from a
stronger yang perspective.
These Spirit Guides are often entities that you have
known in past lives, family members who have passed
over to the astral or higher realms or unrelated
volunteers who wish to help and experience the
conditions you are going through in your current life.
Your Guides are never judgmental about your
behaviour or actions, as they understand your
motivations very clearly. However they are there to
help you become more Divine in nature, so it is
worthwhile listening to their loving advice, as it may
save you a lot of unnecessary heartache.
On meeting your Guides consciously for the first
time, it is possible you will remember meeting them
in the dream state previously or as a childhood
Try to consciously and regularly talk to your Guides.
Make friends of them. Ask them for advice and ask
them to direct you in practical ways e.g. find parking
spots in busy areas, locate an article you’re searching
for at the shops, direct you to the right people for
certain tasks. When you truly make contact with your
Guides, you do not ever have to be lonely again.
However, where there is Light there will also be the
reverse! On the Negative aspects of the Fourth
Dimensional Planes are the unevolved beings who
often attempt to contact humanity for their own
selfish purposes. Some of these beings may attempt to
manipulate and frighten you, although their initial
contact may appear friendly. These lower astral spirits
have been known throughout history as poltergeists,
ghosts, shades, specters, etc.
Remember - your Guides - guide you, they NEVER
command or demand!
You have absolute free will to live your life, as you
please. This is one of the main purposes of
incarnation on planet Earth - it is a Freewill planet. A
loving Guide will help and occasionally nudge you to
better behavior, but never tell you how to live your
To fully protect yourself always surround yourself
mentally, in a golden auric eggshell of golden light
and ask for Divine help. Do this before EVERY
If a Guide appears to be telling you to do certain
things and you are not happy about it - send the guide
away. You always have the power to do so and the
Higher Guides are never offended by this action. If
you ever feel frightened - call in your Own Guides
and Archangel Michael to send these entities away
and they will soon be gone!
Meditation to meet Your Personal Guides
Read aloud by group member or pre-record, then
1. Take three deep breaths and relax yourself slowly
from head to feet.
2. Protect yourself in a golden auric egg of light and
ask for Archangel Michael’s protection.
3. Ask your Guides to help you make stronger contact
with them today and in the future.
4. Gently send your consciousness to a Magenta
(purple/red) coloured garden. Find yourself in a
beautiful garden with bright, sparkling, magenta lights
in the air. In the garden is a bubbling stream and
wonderfully, coloured bushes, flowers and trees. A
great feeling of serenity and calmness surrounds you.
You find a comfortable bench in the garden and sit
down to relax and meditate.
5. Now send out a mental message to your Angelic
Guides to come forward into the garden and towards
you. One or two Guides may come.
6. Visualise or feel them walking slowly towards you.
Feel the love and serenity they emanate. If you are not
comfortable with their vibration - send them away.
Some of you may smell a wonderful perfume coming
from them. Allow them to come and stand before you.
7. Look into the face of your Guides and mentally
welcome them. Listen clairaudiently with your inner
ears for a reply.
8. Ask your guide for its name and listen for a reply.
If the reply is too soft or unclear, ask the Guide to
speak louder and more clearly.
9. Hold your Guides hands and feel their embrace.
10. Talk to your Guide about the problems in your life
and ask for gentle and loving counselling. Listen for
their reply.
11. Ask your Guides to make their presence known
more often to you and for further contact to occur
more speedily and clearly.
12. Thank your Guides for coming and let them
13. Leave the magenta room and return to your
physical consciousness and body. Take three deep
breaths and open your eyes.
14. Ground yourself by hugging a tree or walking
around bare-foot.
Note *
The more often you contact your Guides the clearer,
quicker and stronger the contact will become.
Now that you have met your angelic Guides, you can
later go on to meet Teacher Guides, your Higher Self
and the Ascended Masters for help, guidance and
We recommend the following three books for better
Spirit Contact. All are available at low cost from
1. Higher Self
2. Awakening the Angel Within Course
3. Angelic Advice
Chapter Four
Remembering the Mission
To become Superhuman you need to find your
optimum path in life and begin your own Divine
Missions. You won’t progress spiritually or
psychically if you are spending eight hours or more
each day doing something that you loathe or find
All beings are born with certain talents, abilities and
skills. Some are obvious from an early age - the child
singing star, the young super athlete or the child
mathematical genius. Many of these children have
had many previous lives, perfecting these skills.
For instance a spirit may have had a life as a famous
composer such as Chopin or Bach and wishes to
continue this love of music, in the next life. Some of
his talents will emerge at an early age. The three-yearold genius, who can play the piano within a few short
lessons, is an example of this. However, most of you
will have skills which are much subtler and which
have to be relearned, in this current life.
For instance, perhaps you were a studious, young girl
like a client we had, called Emma, with your head
always in a book. People’s behaviour and exploits,
always fascinated Emma. She would counsel her
playmates and even attempt to psychoanalyze her
If like Emma, your impulse to counsel and help others
is strong and the human mind fascinates you, you are
a born social worker, psychologist or counsellor. This
is what excited Emma, but instead she worked in a
store selling office supplies. No wonder, she was
bored with life!
This is what we advised Emma, to do - save her
money and begin to study, part-time her interest of
social work. Then later, finish her college degree fulltime. She did this and while it took her longer than
most other students, as she had to continue working in
the store, by thirty years of age, she was a social
worker with a degree and a new, exciting job!
Emma can further develop this into her World Plan,
by perhaps writing about her discoveries about
confused people and how to fix their special
problems. Or perhaps, she will offer her services to a
free clinic, to help poor people with mental or social
problems, overcome their difficulties. A World Plan
includes sharing your special gift with others, creating
harmony and unity.
When Emma began giving time and effort, freely to
others with an open heart, she met David, a
psychiatrist who was also helping others, voluntarily
and they later married and continued their good work
together. A change in career helped Emma create
harmony, unity in her life and led her to her perfect
partner, her soul mate (Twin Flame).
If you are not quite sure, just what your Life Plan is
and how it can be developed to be your World Plan
that helps the world, while bringing you great joy and
fulfillment, you might like to try the following steps.
Fill in the next ten lines with the activities that you
most love to do in life 1. ………………………………………………..
2. ………………………………………………..
3. ………………………………………………..
4. ………………………………………………..
5. ………………………………………………..
6. ………………………………………………..
7. ………………………………………………..
8. ………………………………………………..
9. ………………………………………………..
10. ……………………………………………....
Now notice, if there is a common thread running
through your favourite activities. For instance, if you
have listed - movies, television, playing with
cosmetics, fashion, and acting, as your five most
favourite activities and you have always daydreamed
about being involved in the movie or television
industry, begin to look for opportunities to work in
that field.
Everyone can’t be a movie star, but you could do a
course that enables you to become a makeup artist or
even enter, as a general helper. If you are not yet
confident enough, to begin to work professionally in
this field, offer your services to an amateur theatrical
society and get some experience. The important thing
is to be doing what you love!
On the other hand, if you answered - talking to
people, helping people, herbal tonics, gardening,
playing with children, you may decide to start classes
in herb growing, teaching people, particularly
children, to use natural remedies and relate to (Gaia)
Mother Earth. You may like to do a horticulture
course or an alternate health course, such as
You may love the ocean and beaches and care for
whales and sea life. Why not become a marine
biologist and do something good for the planet?
A few years studying compared to fifty years being a
shop girl or bus driver; is all that it takes and is much
more satisfying!
Begin on an amateur level, then study the vocation
and eventually, you may find yourself doing this
professionally for a job. The important thing is to
define your gifts, which should be your ‘loves’ also,
and begin to practically use them, first as a hobby
then later, as a profession.
This will greatly satisfy you and make your life more
fulfilling and more content! Share what you do well!
Teach others your special skills and create further
unity and harmony!
Spirit has spoken often about our Life Plans.
“You all have two plans that you incarnate with,
firmly implanted within you. One is to use the thing
that you are most talented to do, for your own life’s
work. This is called your Life Plan.
The other is your World Plan and this involves your
contribution to help humanity. It may be the same or
an offshoot of your Life Plan, such as a professional
musician who gives free concerts for charities. Or it
may be that your professional work is as a nurse, but
you also love to sing, so you entertain the elderly for
free, at the weekends.
It won’t be working in a cigarette factory or a large
factory that produces waste material that poisons the
air, unless you are meant to prevent these happening!
As you begin to do what you are truly meant to do,
other opportunities will open up for you, to expand
your gifts and talents.
Look for how we have already attempted to nudge
you. Look for the coincidences that try to lead you
gently, along a certain pathway in life. Look at the
opportunities offered to you.
Take chances that irresistibly call to you, to fulfill
your life’s dream. Deep in your heart, you know what
makes you happy and fulfilled - find ways now, to
achieve that in your life!”
Here is how to find out a little more about your Life
and World Plans using meditation.
Exercise to Discover Your Life & World Plans
1. Place your protective eggshell around you.
2. Sit quietly and meditate. Allow all thoughts to fade
away. Take 3 deep breaths.
3. Then begin to relax all parts of your body. Start at
the head and then slowly work down to the toes.
Relax all muscles
4. Now send from your heart and from your mind the
thought that you want spiritual help and advice.
Accompany it with the deep felt request “I wish to become more loving and wakened to my
true being!
I want to begin my Life Plan and World Plan!”
5. Now allow visions or words to come to you,
concerning your future life plans. How do you feel
seeing or hearing of them?
6. Ask Spirit how you can achieve these objectives
and ask for spiritual help in attaining them.
Remember what you are shown or hear.
7. Then thank Spirit and begin to awaken.
8. Breathe deeply and move your arms and legs and
open your eyes.
9. Write down what you heard or saw in your
Each time you do this exercise, it will grow clearer
and more obvious, just what your Divine Plans are
meant to be!
You will find that any study needed about this
mission subject is fun not boring, as it was at school
and in a short time, you will be an expert in a work
field that you love!
A little effort now, will result in a life-time career/job
that inspires you and makes you eager to go to work.
And hopefully, it will be a job that helps others and
the planet. Now that can’t be bad! Begin finding your
Superhuman work, NOW!
Recommended reading from 1. The Secret Rules of Life
2. A Tree Change
3. New Gen Power
Chapter Five
Manifesting Objects
Superhumans have the ability to create a life that they
want and with memories, often of living ‘Off-planet’
on higher dimensional worlds, they retain the skill of
manifesting or making objects and desires come to
them! You can learn to do this also!
Higher dimensional beings use this paranormal ability
wisely, not just for greed. They have faith that the
Universe, as a huge conscious cosmic entity that
wants the best for them and others and so they think
about their requests carefully, before asking for
anything too life-changing!
For instance, Sheila came to see us, as she wanted
some psychic tips on how to manifest a trip overseas
to visit Paris and London. Like most nineteen year
olds, she had little money but a lot of surplus energy!
She had finished a hospitality course and was
presentable and friendly. We suggested that she apply
for positions on cruise liners, sailing to Europe. As
well, she was to affirm daily - “I am going to Europe,
now!” and imagine herself there, feeling happy!
She did this and in a few months time, she was
interviewed for a position as a steward and got the
job. She enjoyed the work and loved visiting
‘swinging’ London and romantic Paris and she has
now signed up for other cruise ship work!
Now, you may say that Sheila got the job through
simply acting logically and she had to ‘work her way’
to Europe; where then, is the manifesting? How did
she bring a mere thought into reality?
But if she hadn’t followed our advice, she may still be
waiting for a lottery ticket to bring her a windfall!
Spirit has often told us - “You do one third of the
work and we will do the other two-thirds!” They love
to see effort for your rewards.
Sheila also learned to work with the principle of ‘pay
it forward.’ She knew other friends who also wanted
to travel to distant lands and so, when she heard of a
vacancy aboard ship, she let them know and often,
using the same technique of affirmations or
statements to the Universe, they also managed to
work their way to Canada, Sri Lanka and Britain.
Often Starseeds forget all the people who help them
along the way in life. Sheila thanked all those who
helped her on her way to a new job and life and
generously ‘paid it forward’ to help others achieve the
same. The Universe loves a genuine expression of
gratitude! Superhumans achieve their goals in a
grateful and generous manner!
People love winning or inheriting money or making a
big salary each week - it has become the great status
symbol of the 21st Century. We are constantly
bombarded with advertising that tells us ‘wealth is
good!’, ‘greed is good!’ and ‘poverty is failure!’
For an average third dimensional person, striving for
more money, material objects such as a larger home
or car, expensive holidays and a big bank account, is
what their life is all about. They do not see anything
else as a viable objective for their time and effort.
They equate money with happiness and the more
money that they have - the happier they will become!
This is fine if you are at this level of understanding
and you are content with a life of striving for gain and
the associated physical pleasures of food, alcohol, sex
power and drugs. But are these men and women truly
happy? It would seem by the number of clients that
we have counselled over the years, that many are
definitely not!
And from what we can see, many of these supposedly
successful millionaires are permanently on antidepressants for their unhappiness and a deep feeling
of a ‘void’ within! It seems that in these cases money can not buy happiness.
Often surprisingly, it is not actual money that these
unhappy people need to make them more contented,
but instead it is finding a real purpose for living and
doing this with like-minded people.
Superhuman men and women sit down and make a
Plan for their lives - where they will live, work,
interests, who they will have as friends and lovers and
where all this is heading. They don’t just lie back on
the sofa watching television for hours or play at
computer games, all weekend long. They get out into
the world and explore, investigate and seek out new
opportunities for growth!
There is a huge world out there of exciting
possibilities, but many young supermen and
superwomen never take the first steps to a new,
exciting life! What is holding them back?
Fear! The plain old, everyday ‘Fear of Change’, new
people, new responsibilities and new experiences.
Superhumans however, challenge the idea of new
experiences in a different way. There is an acronym
for the word FEAR that is - False, Expectations,
Appearing Real. But you don’t have to give in to this
ego driven fear, instead you can challenge it,
overcome it and experience a much wider and
interesting world!
Now you may be brave in every other aspect in your
life except this particular area and be wondering why
you lack courage to follow your dreams? We have
discovered that the thing that is blocking you and
creating your fear is your ego!
The ego stops you acting on new information, even if
it is for your own development and good. The ego
hates change, even change for the better!
The ego was developed as part of the human nature,
originally to help you stay alive. In primitive times, if
you were not self-aware and self-centered, you would
have soon been lunch for a hungry tiger or left to
starve by your tribe, when food supplies were low.
Your ego demanded that you be fed, looked after,
have sex, the warmest spot by the fire etc. It was
meant to be a small, but important part of your
survival nature or personality.
But, what has happened with all men and women - is
that the ego tasted power and loved it! It has taken
over, almost all of your personality, in very subtle and
not so subtle ways.
Please don’t confuse ego with being ‘egotistical’ arrogant, brash, overbearing or dictatorial. The
quietest, least self-assured people also have a strong
ego. The ego forces them to be silent, insignificant
and shy, in order that they become afraid to change,
take risks and grow emotionally, mentally and
If you don’t believe that you have an ego, try this
little test - look at what you are most socially addicted
to - cigarettes, a glass of beer or whisky at the end of
a day, chocolate, sex, television, coffee and so on.
Now try to give this main addiction up, totally for one
Most of you will not make it further than one day.
Why? It is because the ego will subtly influence you,
to break your abstinence. How?
By creating tension in your body, which results in
stressful arguments with family or work mates or
giving you bad headaches or stomach pains or making
you feel very depressed, tired etc. In other words, the
ego is wearing you down, until finally you rationalize
that the abstinence is creating so much unhappiness in
your life that you frantically grab for the cigarette,
coffee, alcohol or chocolate, as an antidote.
Why does it do this? Because the ego likes life as it is.
It doesn’t want change. Its will is usually stronger
than yours. The ego will do exactly the same to you,
when you attempt to take on a new philosophy and
live your life differently. It is so strong, that it will
even create negative situations, in order for you to
return to your old way of living! Your ego is very
good at manifesting.
For instance, the day that you begin thinking of
finding a new job, the ego will allow you to read job
vacancies in your local newspaper or look at jobs online and it will observe, very quietly at first. For a few
days, it will let you go along with these enquiries.
Then on the day that you are actually thinking of
going to seriously enquire about jobs, the ego will
make sure that you sleep in late and possibly even
make you feel sick or your car will break-down!
The next day you will be woken by a phone call, from
a friend who talks for an hour or it pours rain, so
again you cannot do your job hunting. You may have
a family problem to contend with each day. By the
sixth day, you have given-up on the idea of changing
jobs completely. Ego has won the round, again!
How then do you ever defeat this age-old enemy?
One way, is by becoming aware of its great power in
your life. Step two, by observing how it works.
Try doing something that threatens it and watch it go
into action.
Step three, by learning to detach from it and give it
less and less power.
The first two steps are fairly explanatory. But, you do
have to be an ‘objective observer’ of what is going on.
The ego will try to make you feel, as if it is your own
decision to stop new growth, not its selfish
The third involves practice and learning initially, to
outwit the ego. For instance, if something happens to
stop you looking at more exciting jobs at ten o’clock,
instead look in your lunch hour or after work.
Surprise and outwit the ego!
Don’t get angry and disillusioned, when your ego
beats you. It has had years of practice, acting covertly.
But, you are more intelligent and wily than it!
Learn to take back your personal power and do what
you want! Surprisingly, as you continue to live as you
wish, the ego will gradually come around and agree to
let you continue with the new activity or philosophy.
However, be ever vigilant, that it doesn’t start to
manipulate you in other ways. One way to cope with
the ego is to use humour. Laugh at its efforts to
override your own desires. Don’t take its efforts
seriously. Treat it like a lazy, naughty child.
Keep its power diminished. You will never rid
yourself of it entirely, but it can have a small but
protective place in your life, not an overwhelming,
dictatorial one.
Now write down five things that you would like to
manifest in the next seven days. Make them small but
1. ………………………………………………..
2. ………………………………………………..
3. ………………………………………………..
4. ………………………………………………..
5. ………………………………………………..
Now, relax into a meditative mood and one by one
state -
“I am ready now for ……?……. in my life!”
Imagine it coming to you and the feeling of happiness
it will create in you. Repeat this several times a day.
At the end of the week, examine which of your
affirmations have manifested. Can you see a pattern
why some occur and others don’t?
Now think of three big ideas that you would like to
manifest. Make sure that they don’t conflict with one
1. ………………………………………………..
2. ………………………………………………..
3. ………………………………………………..
These may take longer to manifest and you must work
towards them occurring. Remember, we do write a
Life Plan before we incarnate and some
manifestations would not suit your Life Path.
For example, marrying your girlfriend at eighteen
year may seem romantic, but if this stops you going to
college and never becoming the astronaut that you
were meant to be, your Life Plan will be in tatters!
Also learn to be flexible the Universe may have a
good substitute for what you think that you want!
What do we mean by this?
Jules wanted a high speed, red, foreign sports car, to
take him to work, each day. But after a month of
affirmations, his boss gave him a second-hand, red
Mazda to drive to work.
He was disappointed at first, but now he values his
little run-about. He found out that the insurance on a
high status car would have taken two months salary
and he didn’t want that! So be careful that you don’t
refuse the Universe’s generosity or it may not be
Superhumans will always make sure that their
requests to the Universe are positive and don’t harm
someone else. If you are unsure if your request is right
or wrong for you, ask your Spirit Guides for advice
and then make the higher, more caring choice! As
Spirit has told us “The world is your oyster, but open it, carefully!”
Recommended reading from 1. How to be Lucky!
2. Imagination Can Get You Everything!
3. High Finance
Chapter Six
Finding a Twin Flame
Many people tell us that their latest boyfriend,
girlfriend or spouse is - “Not really actively spiritual,
but I’m sure they’re spiritual underneath!” because
these people are ‘nice’ it doesn’t follow that they are
spiritually or psychically motivated people. They may
be happy to live a third dimensional life of physical
goals and pursuits, but are you?
If like many potential Superhumans, you have a
strong drawing to the supernatural, spiritual or
psychic worlds, you are primarily a fourth or fifth
dimensional person and face it, a third dimensional
partner will not help you attain Superhuman status!
This is not to say, that you immediately drop your
partner or ask for a divorce; we are not here to cause
acrimony! But we do ask you, if you are still seeking
the perfect partner to give a great deal of considered
thought to your future lover!
You may be surprised to hear that very few people
place the requirement of ‘spirituality’ or ‘paranormal
interests’ on their wish list, when it comes to finding
the best possible romantic partner. Most people still
go for physical attractiveness, sex appeal and social
status over mental, spiritual or emotional
compatibility and that is one of the reasons why the
divorce rate is so high, today!
Physical attraction and sexual appeal die over time
and then you are left with the real, unvarnished
person, male or female. Do you really want to spend a
lifetime with an incompatible mate? To save a lot of
potential heartache, a Superhuman male or female
will study their future partners in a much more
sensible way rather than ‘who looks best!’ try to find
the one who is beautiful in all ways, inside and out!
Here are some of the types of partners that you may
attract into your life What are Twin Souls?
Twin Souls are the other half of you that remains in
the higher spiritual realms, guiding and caring for you
while you incarnate to Earth. If you were both to
incarnate together and find each other your power
would be immense and you would be distracted from
your lessons here on earth. Their compatibility with
you is 100%.
What are Twin Flames?
Your Twin Flame is a very special person who has
voluntarily incarnated to Earth at this time to be your
true partner. They will love you, guide you, support
your dreams and aspirations, help you to develop your
skills and abilities and love you unconditionally. You
will do the same for them.
A Twin Flame partnership is based on respect,
equality and trust. There is always a deep spiritual
connection and a strong urge to unite your talents and
work for the betterment of society, the planet and
increase your own spiritual natures. You have only
one Twin Flame. If you were to give them a
percentage they would be 90% compatible.
What are Soul Mates?
A Soul Mate is a very compatible partner who is
usually complementary to your own nature. You may
have several in one lifetime. You may have incarnated
with them in several past lives and have many issues
to still work out with them.
You find them initially very attractive, fall deeply in
love but in time usually repulsion sets in and a feeling
that, “They are not the true one for you!” If you were
to give them a percentage they would be 50%
What are Karmic Connections?
Karmic Connections are people whom you have
known and interacted with in past lives. You may
have been loving partners for a short time or just
friends. You owe each other karma (either help or
hindrance). If you were to give them a percentage
they would be 5 - 10% compatible.
Many people start with Karmic Connections or
Kindred Spirits, boyfriends and girlfriends with a
similar interest in music or sports. Then they may
move on to Soul Mates who have some similar belief
and interests, marry and raise children. Later, this
relationship may pall and divorce or separation may
The ultimate goal is to find your Twin Flame partner
who is meant to be a compatible person on all levels
of mental,
Many people ask us, “Can my Soul mate become my
Twin Flame partner?” and of course, they can - but
only if they are willing to raise their own spiritual,
emotional and mental levels.
Many partners just do not want to change and then
you must either walk your spiritual path alone or look
for someone who wants to walk it with you. It doesn’t
always have to be someone of the other sex; it can be
a best friend who will help you grow on all levels and
you help him or her to do the same!
Here is some spiritual advice about finding your
perfect partner.
“May I suggest, dear friends, if you want to end this
cycle of attraction, rejection and separation that is
causing you so much pain and suffering, that you
begin to give more effort to understanding why you
attract in certain love partners, why they cease to be
lovable and how to attract in a more compatible soul
mate or Twin Flame?
Here are some spiritual suggestions for you, to briefly
look at. I hope they help you, for I do not like to see
your long faces and feel your emotional sufferings!
1. Write down the main details of your previous love
2. Look for similar scenarios and patterns. Can you
see where they are alike?
3. How easily and quickly did you fall in love with
these partners?
4. What was it about them that you found so
5. From what they told you, what was it about you
that they initially found so appealing?
6. Where did you meet them?
7. When did they or you, start to become disillusioned
with the romance and when and why, did it finish?
8. Notice the common situations.
9. Now, write down one common love pattern
scenario for yourself, showing the beginning, middle
and ending of a typical love affair in your life.
Be objective about yourself, be caring, but treat it as a
practical exercise that will help you determine how
you fall in love and why.
You can eventually change these common traits, to a
positive outcome for yourself!” Master Joachim.
Often while you are performing your World Plan in a
loving, unselfish manner, your Twin Flame will be
directed to you and impressed with your loving,
Higher nature! You might like to try this spiritual
exercise to call in your Twin Flame partner.
Twin Flame Request Exercise
1. Close your eyes and breathe three deep breaths.
Relax. Mentally surround yourself in a golden oval of
2. Then Begin to slowly relax your head.
If a muscle feels tight, tighten it further, and then
relax it.
Begin to slowly relax your neck.
Begin to slowly relax your shoulders.
Begin to slowly relax your chest.
Breathe slower and lighter.
Begin to slowly relax your back.
If a muscle feels tight, tighten it further, and then
relax it.
Begin to slowly relax your upper arms.
Begin to slowly relax your elbows.
Begin to slowly relax your hands and fingers.
Begin to slowly relax your stomach and lower back.
If a muscle feels tight, tighten it further, and then
relax it.
Begin to slowly relax your thighs and pelvis.
Begin to slowly relax your upper legs.
Begin to slowly relax your knees and lower legs.
Begin to slowly relax your feet and toes.
Now allow all the stored energy in your body to drain
out from your fingers and toes into space. Visualise it
as a green energized light.
Relax and still your mind.
3. Imagine that you are floating above the Earth,
below you somewhere is your own Twin Flame. You
know that it is a benevolent Universe that is trying to
help you on your physical and spiritual journey.
Imagine it as a large golden, warm light. Ask this
light to send to you your Twin Flame partner at the
right time, in the near future.
4. Ask the Universe to help you perfect yourself
meanwhile, so that you are equal to your Twin Flame
partner. Mentally think of the ten major traits that you
would like your partner to have. Now relax. Maintain
this calmness for ten minutes.
5. Then Begin to slowly tighten your head.
Begin to slowly tighten your neck.
Begin to slowly tighten your shoulders.
Begin to slowly tighten your chest.
Begin to slowly tighten your back.
Begin to slowly tighten your upper arms.
Begin to slowly tighten your elbows.
Begin to slowly tighten your hands and fingers.
Begin to slowly tighten your stomach and lower back.
Begin to slowly tighten your thighs and pelvis.
Begin to slowly tighten your upper legs.
Begin to tighten your knees and lower legs.
Begin to tighten your feet and toes.
6. Take three deep breaths and open your eyes.
Do not get up quickly or you may feel dizzy!
Practice this exercise daily until you become easily
Well done! Now you have begun the process of
calling in your Twin Flame and hopefully becoming
objective about your own faults and virtues. A
Superhuman deserves another Superhuman as a life
Recommended reading from 1. Twin Flames
2. Perfect Partner
3. Why am I Single?
Chapter Seven
Astral Experiences
A Superhuman has the psychic ability of travelling
invisibly and astrally from his or her body. With this
special starry body, identical to your own, you can
travel around the Earth to any country or site and also
travel out into space to other planets or the moon!
And you can do this while you sit meditating safely at
home or when you are sound asleep at night.
At all times, you are linked to your physical body by a
long extendable silver chord, so you can’t get lost and
can in a second retract to your body when necessary.
But it is better if you do the whole process slowly and
People often don’t realize it but at night, but while
they are asleep, they astral travel out of their sleeping
bodies and roam the astral planes. They are often
looking for like-minded people with similar interests
or are attracted to large groups of people congregating
together. A lot of valuable synergetic energy is being
wasted; but what if it were harnessed for good?
That is why we organize ‘Astral Missions’, twice a
month. One astral meeting is a personal mission of
studying psychic phenomena and the other, a world
mission where synergetic energies can be harnessed,
to stop wars; help repair regions of natural disasters or
create harmony with the animal kingdoms. The
massive psychic energy of many thousands of people
can then be put to good use!
You can do the same by joining with other friendly
and exploring Starseeds to come together in the astral
plane and visits regions on Earth such as Hawaii,
Egypt or Machu Picchu. Think of the wonderful
places that you can visit en-masse with other likeminded Starseeds! And no airfares to pay!
Most people astral travel in their dream state and
some spontaneously ‘far see’ during meditation. The
Astral Body can voluntarily or involuntarily leave the
body. That is, it can happen spontaneously or with or
without your consent. You can of course, learn to do
it at will and direct your astral body. We have an easy
to read course book on this subject called, ‘Astral
Travel’ - look it up on our website!
Most people astral travel at night, when they are
asleep. You have a build up of energy within your
body and as you have low resistance during sleep, it
can easily leave the physical body. You often have a
feeling of flying or being very free. You are no longer
held back by the heavy physical body.
You may have felt the ‘jerk’ as you re-enter your
body in the morning or just as you are about to fall
asleep. Often people can feel ‘out of sorts’ when the
astral body does not properly align with the physical
body, after astral travelling.
The astral body is always attached to the physical
body by a long, etheric silver chord, which only
separates and breaks away at death. With practice,
you can learn to consciously separate the astral body
from the physical body, while still being linked by the
silver chord and travel to the Higher Dimensions and
anywhere on Earth or in space that you desire to visit.
Pre-sleep commands can also be given to travel to
various people and places. Trying too hard or being
‘keyed up’ makes it difficult to astral travel.
Do not over-dose on caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate)
or heavy meals before attempting astral travel
exercises. Alcohol or illegal drugs are also not
recommended, as they will confuse and negatively
alter the experience.
Free of your physical body, your astral body can carry
out astounding astral work, in order to raise your own
spiritual light and to increase your general knowledge
and to help other people.
An astral mission is a purposeful spiritual assignment
that you and others may undertake, for the sake of
humanity or the planet Gaia.
Once you gain some control of your dream-state, you
can ask to go on these missions regularly, to help
others, from highest intent and unconditional love.
Remember, in the astral dimension, you have super
powers that can influence weather conditions, contact
others by telepathy, manifestation skills and higher
psychic abilities.
Here is an affirmation of intent for working with
astral missions. On the evening of the appropriate date
of your dream astral mission say “I with highest intent wish to travel to …?… (place)
to do …?... (objective).
I ask for Divine protection and help!”
Before going to sleep, protect yourself, in a golden
bubble of spiritual light. Ask your personal Guides to
help you to astral travel, while asleep. You can also
agree with other like-minded Superhumans to join
you on your mission. You could meet at the Great
Pyramid at Giza at midnight and go out from there, as
a unified group!
Think of all the wonderful places that you can visit
and as a group the good that you could do! Stop
cyclones, earthquakes and volcanoes erupting, send
healing to places of negativity and end wars. Use the
astral for good and you will feel fulfilled and be a true
Astral Dream Exercise
1. Now surround yourself in a golden auric egg of
2. Think of your Mission and what you want to
accomplish and with whom. Ask the Universe to help
you. Arrange with others to meet at a certain place
and time.
3. Go to sleep.
4. Have a pen and paper ready to write down any
experiences that you remember when you wake-up.
The more you practice this exercise, the more clearly
you will recall your adventures. Look to the world
news to confirm that your efforts are working. We
wish you success with all your Astral Missions.
Recommended reading from 1. Astral Travel
2. Lucid Dreaming Course
3. Telepathy!
Chapter Eight
Healing Others
As a Superhuman, you have within you the spiritual
ability to heal yourself and others of sickness and
pain. Of course, it has to be developed; but with
spiritual light, you can help in the recuperation and
repair of hurt bodies, minds and spirits. You can also
use this wonderful healing force on animals and
Some of you may be naturally empathetic towards
animals that are in pain or suffering. You are attuned
to their feelings and know when they want comfort
and help, just as you pick up their mind signals when
they want to go for a walk or need a cuddle.
This trait of picking up the mind messages of others
and animals, is called Empathy and this means that
you are an Empath!
Empaths are psychically aware men and women who
unconsciously and sometimes, consciously take on the
emotions and feelings of other people.
They have been called ‘sensitives’ in the past, but
Empath is a more modern and appropriate name for
these highly spiritual people.
Unfortunately, these feelings that emanate from others
and those emotions that empaths can relate to, may be
loving and hopeful or painful and angry.
As these sensitive people ‘pick-up’ on both the
negative and positive emotions of the people around
them, so unless they are very aware of this effect, they
will begin to change their emotions to those of the
people around them.
So, if you are feeling neutral and you walk into a
room of happy people who are celebrating an event
such as an engagement, your spirits will be lifted and
you will feel excited and happy.
But also, if you attend a funeral of a distant
acquaintance, you will feel the emotions of the
deceased’s closer relatives and begin to mourn him
deeply! One friend, Carol who is an empath, found
herself weeping and sobbing at the funeral of a
friend’s father, although she had never met the man!
Taking on other people’s emotional stress can be very
exhausting for an empath. Some Superhumans
mentally construct a psychic shield around themselves
before they come into contact with others. This shield
deflects unwanted emotions from others! You deserve
to live your life with your emotions in check or not, as
you desire.
There are many positive ways in which you can use
your empathetic abilities, to help others. Here are
some common usages. You could become a healer
and use your empathy to locate and diagnose illnesses
in other people. If you then, learn to heal them as
well, you could then start a healing practice!
Or you could become a counsellor and your empathy
will help you understand the roots of your clients’
emotional, mental and physical problems. Often
people are unaware of the origins of their phobias and
mental quirks and your empathy, can help them
understand their problems better.
Many people also, have spiritual problems that they
can’t quite vocalise about, to seek an answer. You as
an empath can help them understand more about the
spiritual world and help them with their karmic and
philosophical problems.
Animals also react well to empathy and you may be
able to help heal them of illnesses and pain that they
cannot vocalise to their worried owners. This is often
what ‘horse whisperers’ do!
As an empath, you may often feel that you are on an
emotional ‘rollercoaster’, going up and down
continually. Often visiting large gatherings of people
overwhelm you, such as shopping malls or concerts.
Most empaths are kind, generous people who have
incarnated from the sixth dimension to help
humankind advance spiritually and psychically. They
come to Earth determined to help others, but at birth,
the Veil of Amnesia comes down and they quickly
forget their divine purpose for incarnating, to our
Instead, they are swamped by the emotions and
feelings of other people such as their family, friends,
schoolmates, work colleagues and even strangers, in
the street!
Sometimes, it becomes so severe and overwhelms the
empath so much that she or he retreats from society
and may even find themselves, diagnosed with
A.D.H.D., Autism, Anti-social behaviour, Bi-polar or
Aspergers Syndrome, when all the empath wants is - a
little peace and quiet from the continuous emotional
barrage of others’ feelings!
Empaths can be quite prophetic, as their psychic
senses are finely tuned to future events and
possibilities. Have you ever had a dream that came
true or had a hunch that proved right, despite all
logical facts?
Does this sound like you? Do you often feel swamped
by others emotions and feelings and would like to
help them, but don’t know how? And would you like
to have control of your own emotional responses to
others’ feelings?
If the answer to these questions is ‘Yes!’ then you are
an empath and we can show you how to be proud of
your gift, not dislike it and try to erase it! One way, is
to use it for healing others.
As a Superhuman healer, your hands are your most
valuable tool in your healing work. They are a
conductor of the spiritual healing energies that you
will be using on your clients. It is important that you
learn to become very aware of their sensitivity and
understand about the chakras centres that are located
within the palms and finger pads.
The chakras are energy centres, which are placed
throughout your body on meridian lines. You may not
be able to see them (although some clairvoyant people
can see them psychically); you can learn to feel them
and the energies that flow through them.
The chakras in your hands are minor chakras. You
have a large minor chakra in the centre of your palm.
It has two openings one in the palm and one in the
back of your hand. You have minor chakras at the
pads of all your ten fingers. Here are several exercises
to help you activate these chakras more fully.
Note *
Gemstones can be very helpful in your treatment of
animals or people. They are too numerous to mention
here. We use small quartz crystal for most healing
situations. We recommend getting one to help you in
your healing work. Keep it cleansed regularly by
washing it in salty water and placing it in sunlight to
Hand Exercise One
1. Meditate and protect yourself as taught previously.
2. Hold a quartz crystal over the palm chakra of each
hand (centre of palm), for several minutes.
3. Ask your angelic guides to help you ‘locate, feel
and stimulate your hand chakras for increased healing
power, for the highest intent’.
4. Remove the crystals. Now gently and slowly pass
your hands across each other, palm to palm. About 2
inches (5 cms) apart you will feel a tingly warmth
emanating from the centres of your palms and a slight
5. Pull your hands further apart and you will notice
that the density begins to slightly pull, like very fine
6. The tingly warmth (or coolness in some people)
lessens as the hands are pulled apart. This is the
natural energy output from your palm chakras. Now
try the same process on the back of your hands where
this chakra exits. Most people find that this side of the
chakra feels weaker.
7. Do you find one palm stronger than the other? Most
right-handed people find their right palm chakra is
stronger than the left and vice versa.
8. If you have someone else present, try to feel the
chakras in their palms. How do they feel?
9. Now go to your gemstone and run your palms
slowly over it about 2 inches or 5cms above. You will
find that some stones give off a powerful warmth,
coolness or tingling. Others are dormant.
10. Then thank your guides for their help. If you are
not attempting the next exercise yet, cleanse your
hands under running water.
Your basic Healing exercise will now be performed
like this 1. Meditate for several minutes and protect yourself as
2. Hold your hands open, palms upward with a quartz
crystal in each palm and ask Spirit to help you feel
Spiritual Healing energy.
3. Let this healing force come down from the Higher
Realms and enter your crown chakra at the top of
your head. It may feel like a tingling sensation or you
may see it as a golden stream of light.
4. Look at the animal’s auric fields. Do they look
healthy or are there black or grey spots of ill health?
Let this healing light travel to your heart chakra at
centre of chest and then be directed down your arms
and out through the palms of your hands and finger
pads to the animal’s unhealthy tissue. Ask that the
animal be healed.
Imagine the grey or black regions diminishing. Your
hands may become very hot or tingly. You may now
discard the crystals.
5. Continue sending this energy for several minutes.
6. Thank Spirit and disconnect from the healing
stream of light.
7. Ground yourself by allowing any surplus healing
energy to flow out of your feet into the ground below.
Otherwise you may become mildly disoriented.
Cleanse your hands.
8. Regularly cleanse these crystals by placing them in
dry (table) salt.
Please practice these exercises regularly so that your
hand sensitivity will increase and so that you will
learn to magnify the healing energies of your hands.
Obviously, take good care of your hands, cleanse
them, cream them and manicure them. Remember
now, that they are a valuable healing tool and deserve
your respect!
Healing takes patience, commitment and love, but the
rewards of aiding your animal’s progress to better
health is wonderful!
One veterinarian, Donna found that she had better
success with animals that came into her veterinary
practise, once she became more empathetic towards
them. In time, they could send mind messages for her
to locate their physical pain and medical complaints.
Superhumans can easily learn to do this and then
progress to human clients. Of course, always call an
ambulance or seek orthodox medical aid for serious
complaints. But, you can do your bit by helping with
aftercare and sending healing light!
Recommended reading from 1. Animals and Spirit
2. Empath
3. Hermetic Healing Course
Chapter Nine
Alien Contact
Superhumans have open minds and therefore explore
and study the idea that aliens do exist. Why have we
written so many books about alien cultures? Because
we have past memories of lives on these distant
worlds and we have channeled messages from alien
beings, such as Ashtar, the Elders from Arcturus and
Kirri of the Rings. These are all highly developed
beings who have the welfare of Earth, at heart!
But we have also been warned about the invasive
Greys (Zeta Reticulae), exploitive Draconians (the
Lizzies) and other negative forces who do not want
the best for Earth, They are only interested in our
planetary resources or power. These beings, we never
“Can all those sightings of UFO’s be real?” you may
be asking. Well, we believe that many are true
sightings of interplanetary craft. And those stories of
‘little grey men abducting men and women’ are
unfortunately, true also! But as a Superhuman, you
can experience the positive side of meeting friendly
alien beings and make sure that you are adequately
protected from the unevolved ones!
Here is a little about UFO and alien activity on Earth.
Many people have encountered aliens in past
centuries and have been frightened and puzzled by
their encounters. They have felt powerless and
humiliated by the physical examinations by cold,
aloof alien beings and afterwards have felt
disorientated and depressed. This is not the sort of
encounter that we wish you to have!
It is difficult to know when the first alien encounters
happened. Ancient people such as the Kooris of
Australia still leave a place at their campfires for the
visitors from the Pleiades.
The early Egyptians talk of meetings with visitors
from the stars and particularly those from Sirius. The
Dogon people of Mali have ancient maps of Sirius A
and Sirius B. Their map shows that Sirius B circles
Sirius A every 50 years. The Dogons believe that they
too were seeded by the Sirians and have been visited
intermittently by them, throughout history. The
amazing thing about these interstellar charts is that
until 1915, Sirius B was not even fully confirmed as a
planet, because it is invisible to the naked eye. And
yes, astronomers have found that it is circled by Sirius
B every fifty years! This means that somehow, the
Dogons had astronomical information, not yet known
to 20th century mankind!
Two theories have been put forward by more open
minded archaeologists - the first, that an earlier
unknown civilisation had access to sophisticated
telescopes, or secondly, that the Sirians, did indeed
visit the Dogons and leave them a star map to their
home world. What do you think?
Amongst the first UFO’s seen widely, were those
investigated in Scandinavia in the 1930’s. These
strange multi-engined craft, known as ghost fliers,
were able to fly through severe blizzards in remote
areas, without refueling. They targeted military bases
and ships. Despite numerous investigations by
Sweden and Norway, no explanation has ever been
found for these strange aircraft.
In 1930 the mysterious disappearance of a large tribe
of native people, at Lake Anjikuni, Canada, caused a
local sensation. Over 1200 people mysteriously
disappeared, after a strange craft was seen in the
skies. They had left their rifles, their dogs, food and
clothing behind. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police
have never discovered what happened to these people
and the case is still open.
Unofficially, many American pilots encountered ‘foo
fighters’, mysterious, fast moving aircraft, in the
skies, during the Second World War. They were
dismissed as secret, experimental war aircraft,
designed by the Japanese or Germans. However, no
such aircraft were claimed by these two countries,
after the war.
The first American pilot to officially make a UFO
sighting was Kenneth Arnold in June 1947. He
reported seeing nine crescent shaped objects over Mt.
Rainier in Washington State, USA travelling at a
speed of 1,700 miles per hour. The fastest planes at
that time, travelled at only half that speed. Authorities
at the time dismissed the sighting, as hailstones!
The most famous UFO incident occurred at Roswell,
New Mexico in June, 1947 when the U.S. airforce
released the statement that a UFO had crashed in the
fields of a local ranch. Later the statement was
retracted and the alien craft was demoted to a weather
balloon and still later a spy balloon.
However, many Airforce and Army personnel have
come forward since, to describe the alien figures
(Greys) found at the crash site and how they were
moved to the mysterious Hanger 51.
Nurses who worked on the bodies, have mysteriously
died. Wreckage from the site, souvenired by
spectators, often surfaces, then disappears and secret
alien autopsy films are rife. Whatever the truth of
Roswell, it has caught the imagination of the public,
who refuse to let the incident die.
In July, 1952 numerous UFO’s were sighted over the
White House and the capital, Washington in the USA.
Eight fast moving objects were followed on civilian
and air force radar. Strange orange lights were seen in
the skies on a number of occasions. Interceptor
aircraft were sent out from a nearby air force base but
as they honed in on the UFO’s they mysteriously
vanished, then reappeared when the jets passed.
Senior officers were convinced that this was a
genuine UFO encounter, but later, at a press release,
government ‘experts’ declared the mysterious objects
to be weather inversions. The three senior officers
later resigned, one to head a UFO group, one to help
in the making of a documentary on UFO’s and the
other to write a book on UFO’s!
At Socorro, New Mexico in 1964, a Patrolman
Zamora, was chasing a speeding car when he heard an
overhead roar and saw a space craft land nearby. He
saw two four foot high figures in white, moving
around the stationary object.
He radioed in for help, but the space-craft disappeared
over a nearby mountain range. He and another
patrolman found four deep depressions and burn
marks at the site. Dr Hynek of Operation Blue Book
was convinced of Zamora's sincerity and admitted
that he did not believe it was a hoax.
Cattle and other animal mutilations have been
mysteriously connected to the UFO phenomena, for
decades. One of the first incidents officially reported
was the death and mutilation of a horse ‘Lady’, in
Alamosa, Colorado, in 1967. Her skinned carcass
(with brain and spinal cord missing), was found in an
area crushed by the heavy weight of a circular craft,
with six circular indentations, 10 cms (4 inch) deep in
the soil.
Similar stock mutilations in many different countries
have been reported up to the present time. The
incisions in the carcasses are precise and surrounded
by blackened edges, from the use of high speed and
high temperature tools. UFO’s are often sighted in the
areas, prior to and after the mutilations.
NASA crews on space missions have reported strange
objects following or flying along side of them. A
Gemini 4 astronaut, James McDivitt sighted an odd
cylindrical object and took photographs of the
anomaly. The Gemini V crew was informed by radar
experts at Cape Kennedy that they had a large object
keeping pace with their space craft. It later
disappeared when they travelled out of range of the
tracking equipment.
Gemini VII was also the target of a UFO that they
reported as a ‘bogey’ to Houston. Space debris was
later suggested as a possible culprit. Unconfirmed
sightings of UFO’s on the moon by Apollo crews
have also been claimed widely.
Russian space crews have described to TASS news
service, of angelic beings that followed their
spacecraft, for days at a time. These are believed to be
Arcturans. These are highly developed spiritual
beings who take on angelic shapes when sighted. In
truth, they are masses of highly evolved energy that
float through space.
Unmarked grey and sinister black helicopters are
often sighted after UFO activity. Men in Black
(MIB’s) in old cadillacs are known to interview and
terrorise UFO enthusiasts, who report their sightings.
They often display odd habits, threaten the UFO
observers and appear not to recognise normal objects
such as jelly or ask very peculiar questions. The FBI
and other national investigative agencies have never
admitted knowledge of the M.I.B.s.
Of course, it is the ominous Greys and Draconians
who cause fear in human contactees. The Greys
particularly abduct people for examinations and
experimentation. Frequently abductees talk of
‘missing time, being frozen and losing their
memories’. They may be returned with peculiar marks
on their bodies and some have suffered from radiation
The Greys came originally from Lyra as all
humanoids did, but they warred with many of the
other alien races over millennia and then retreated to
their home planet in the Zeta Reticulae system. They
polluted their planets just as we are doing to Earth and
then lived underground when the air grew poisonous.
They genetically modified their bodies to become
smaller and lighter but this caused reproduction
Earth Terran (human) foetuses are similar to Grey
foetuses and so many women have been abducted and
impregnated with Grey sperm to create Whites a type
of hybrid Zeta/Terran. This is the primary reason for
abductions. Secondary, is to study us under many
social conditions particularly stress and worry.
The Draconians are a powerful, lizard-like race who
look human but are the controlling influence behind
many large powerful companies and organisations.
They are a sinister, secretive presence on Earth but
rarely contact humans. It is wise to keep away from
both races!
Now let us move on to our first positive contact with
an alien - the Ashtar Command. This higher group of
alien beings oversees planets like Earth and subtly
tries to help us ‘ascend’ or rise higher in planetary
consciousness. They are made up of many alien races
such as the Pleiadians, Sirians, Orions, Arcturans,
Andromedans and more! Here is a channelled
message from Ashtar, head of the interplanetary fleet.
“You have asked many times why the Ashtar
Command does not make its presence felt more firmly
and third dimensionally, upon the Earth?
But, you have been told many times that this is a
‘Freewill Planet’. You decide what will happen here!
Only occasionally can we intervene.
You will have to work, in the future with this freedom
energy and as your manifestation skills increase, you
will manifest what you think about, create the life you
wish for. Be very careful what you think about. If you
think of fear, pain, poverty and hate you will create
those negative conditions around you. Stay in the
Now and feel the bliss of connection to Spirit. Create
peace, love and light.
Our Master and Head of our Command is Sananda,
which is the cosmic name, of one, who you would call
Jesus Christ, so we work in the Light from the very
highest. Amongst the Command are many beings
from many solar systems, many planetary systems,
from the farthest ends of the Universe, who work in
the Light to help such planets as Earth to raise its
vibration to the highest and to help humanity come
back once more to the Light.
We have beings aboard our fleets, many volunteers
from the Pleiades and other primary Constellations.
We would awaken you to your misuse of the planet its environmental pollution. You are caretakers of this
planet. Its life is symbiotic with your own. It depends
on you. You depend on her. Treat her with respect as
you so long ago promised to do!”
You may find that if you ask for contact with Ashtar
and his Fleet while you are getting ready to sleep at
night, your astral body will project you out into space
and you may enter into one of their golden space
Here is how to do this Astral Visit to Ashtar
1. Now surround yourself in a golden auric egg of
light. Ask your Guides to keep you safe. Also ask
Archangel Michael to protect you.
2. Think of your mission of astral travelling to meet
members of the Ashtar Command and what you want
to accomplish. Ask to remember what happens.
3. Go to sleep.
4. Have a pen and paper ready to write down any
experiences that you remember when you wake-up.
The more you practice this exercise, the more clearly
you will recall your adventures. Visiting Ashtar is
fine, but don’t go seeking the Greys or Lizzies, as
they can be very vicious. If they do seek you out, do
this protective exercise.
Advanced Protection Exercise
1. Immediately put a circle of golden light around you
and call for Archangel Michael and his Defender
angels. They will come with a blue coloured light.
2. Say aloud to the unevolved beings “Kadoish,
kadoish, kadoish adonai Tsebyoth!” “Holy, Holy,
Holy Lord of Hosts!”
3. Tell them forcefully to “Go Away!”
4. Put a mental shield between you and them. It may
be mirrored to deflect their mind powers.
5. Leave the area and return when things feel safe.
Use protection every day.
Superhumans can easily deflect the attentions of these
troublesome beings who will then seek easier targets.
But it is essential that you keep your mind, body and
spirit clean and healthy. In other words, being drunk,
behaving badly or on drugs will allow them to easily
abduct you. Don’t take the risk, a Superhuman
Alien contact can be exciting, illuminating and
gratifying, if they are higher, evolved, caring beings
who want the best for you. Make sure that your intent
is right and you can have some wonderful alien
Recommended reading from 1. Alien Contact Guide
2. Stargates and Energy Centres on Earth
3. Who Are You?
Chapter Ten
The Future of Superhumans
Superhumans are the people of the future with
paranormal powers, open minds and kind hearts and
an incredible power that will become important in the
21st century and beyond - that is Unity!
Superhumans love Unity! On their own higher
dimensional planets they have created perpetual unity
by linking their minds in one huge planetary
communication network. What one Pleiadian spirit
called ‘a planetary hum!’
They are used to knowing the thoughts and feelings of
others and on a peaceful, loving world this is great!
Unfortunately knowing the every emotion and
thought of others on Earth at present would be quite
repellant. We are not just advanced and loving
enough! But in the future, as we raise our Light and
begin acting more unconditionally loving, we can
create a world of higher, positive thought!
However, the clever younger generations have found
ways of creating this mind ‘hum’, by manifesting the
invention of the internet, computers, mobile phones
and other modern communication devices, so that
they can be in constant contact with friends and
Older Lightworkers may be amused at the young
Starseeds’ need for constant communication with
others, particularly over trivial matters, but you are
just subconsciously carrying over from a past life, the
Off-planet trait of communal mental telepathy!
Harmony consists of like minds attuned to an activity,
thought or feeling. Superhumans are excellent at
creating harmony. We have noticed the trend of large
groups of people creating harmony by engaging in
Big Dance activities, of thousands of men and women
dancing in different countries, at the same time and
being unified by the experience.
This creates a ‘warm buzz of feeling’ and a brief
connection of everyone’s mind and spirit. Similar
effects are found at sporting events and musical
concerts. If you are fortunate enough to see auras, you
will notice that they are likely to turn to the same
colour, usually pink, purple or blue when harmony
and unity occurs!
But it is not only other humans that you are
connecting with in Unity and Harmony! Minerals, air,
water, fire, wood, animals, people and you, are all
made from the same basic ingredients and you all
have pulsing auras. You can make contact with all
these elements on Earth and create within yourself a
feeling of Oneness and completeness, a true planetary
Then you will find yourself saddened when great trees
are cut down for building blocks or water ways
polluted by factory waste. You will feel a Unity with
all animals and insects and hate to see any object
made of wood or metal defaced or abandoned - for
they are all part of the Oneness of Earth!
We have heard of young people having ‘smash-fests’
where they break-up cups, plates, furniture or
electrical equipment in a frenzy. One thing the
Universe does not like is the willful destruction of
goods that are made from planetary sources of
minerals and wood. If you can’t re-use or give an
unwanted product to someone else, recycle it gently,
not savagely. This is what the Superhuman does,
All over the Earth there are places of war, conflict,
famine, poverty and disease. By rights, we should all
be horrified by these tragedies and everyone should
be actively striving to help those in despair and
unrest. We should be emancipating women who are
abused and creating equality for all, but instead, we
throw up our hands and say that ‘the problem is just
too big for us to tackle!’
But that starving child in Africa or that woman caught
fear in a war-torn country is connected to you by
invisible chords of light. If that was your sister
wouldn’t you demand action to help her? If the
starving child was your son or grandson, wouldn’t
you move heaven and earth to save him? This is what
we must all begin to feel and act upon helping others
because they are us!
When we act in Unity with others who want to make
the Earth a better place for everybody, we create a
wonderful and powerful energy called Synergy and
with that we can do great good!
You can send healing to the Amazon Basin where
local tribes are being forcibly moved to bring in
bulldozers to clear the forest for cattle grazing.
Ask at night, go fully protected to the Amazon and
join with others of a like-mind to change the minds of
the ruthless land-grabbers and send healing to the
native people and the forest itself. When you join
your energies with others, you create synergy and
synergy is a powerful, superhuman force for good!
Start to use your dream state at night to help others
and to connect with all the natural kingdoms of the
Earth. Create unity with many different types of
people and have empathy for the Oneness of planet
Earth not division and separation!
Spirit has told us “You are One; you should be
Unified. Until you discover this and work on
becoming One; you are weak and alone. Why be
small, when you can be immense!”
Superhumans can heal the planet of its pollution and
renew its natural energies; they can stop wars and
create harmony with people of all races, religions and
views. You are superhuman and you can do it!
The future of the planet not only means advanced
technology like robots and space travel but also
people sharing resources, caring for others, curing
diseases and improving living conditions
everyone. This shows a true Superhuman spirit.
Are you ready for the challenge? Begin practicing
your psychic skills and becoming more loving and
caring for humanity and the planet, then as
Superhumans, you can begin to transform our planet,
Gaia to one of true perfection!
Love and Light,
The Abbotts
Tony Abbott and Robyn Abbott
Copyright 2014
Recommended reading from 1.
Future Lives
Other Book Categories by The Abbotts
1. Aliens, Off Planet Lives & Starseeds
2. Children’s Books
3. Fiction
4. Health & Healing
5. Love & Relationships
6. Past Lives, Karma & Reincarnation
7. Practical Paranormal
8. Prophecy (The Future)
9. Self Development/Self Help
10. Spiritual & Psychic Development
For an up-to-date listing of The Abbotts’ books &
free material, please visit
Who Are You?
Discovering Your Cosmic Origins
Which Planet Are You From?
This amazing book is based on the
concept that we have all lived on
other planets!
That our character traits, ideas and
behaviour are deeply and uniquely
influenced by these ‘Off-Planet’
Adding to this intriguing information of the major
‘Off- Planets’, The Abbotts have combined this data
with your individual astrological star sign to provide a
special and personal description of your character, life
gifts, ideal work and relationship abilities.
Living with the Lightbody
A Guide to 21st Century Health!
This amazing book will help you
understand the physical changes
that are taking place as we enter
the 21st Century and the fourth
You can learn to overcome
physical and mental symptoms of
tiredness, dizziness, distraction
and vague illnesses that seem to plague you.
Many exercises, tips for cures and angelic advice are
given by The Abbotts and the Ascended Masters, to
help you regain good health at this challenging time.
I am a Pleiadian
Starseeds on Earth!
Many people are drawn to the
Pleiades star system, as have
many ancient
thousands of years. The Abbotts
paranormal experts explain that
over 80% of all men and women
born since 1971 are Starseeds or
They incarnate with many Pleiadian Off-Planet traits
and a strong urge to create Pleiadian conditions here
on Earth! Learn about life on the Pleiades Home
Worlds from Pleiadian beings and from intriguing
channelled messages from the Ascended Masters.
The Abbotts add their own unique and easy to
understand knowledge that they have gathered as
hypnotherapists and clairvoyants. A fascinating book
with special knowledge for all Starseeds, exPleiadians and students of esoteric sciences.