OIM Analysis OIM scan data will be analyzed in form of Map, Chart, Plot and combined them. It will be analyze the texture or micro structure to know the relationship between these texture and properties of the sample. • Information from OIM scan data analysis will depends on capability or knowledge of people who analyze the data. TSL Solutions OIM School OIM Analysis OIM scan data is analyzed in form of Map, Chart, Plot and combined them. TSL Solutions OIM School OIM Analysis: Structure of Main window Standard Toolbar Highlighting Toolbar Crystal Utilities Toolbar QuickGen Toolbar Chart Map Project Tree Texture Plot Summary Window Document Selector TSL Solutions Main View Pane Status bar OIM School Secondary View Pane Project Tree In OIM a project contains all of the documents created during an analysis session. Project A chart that combines results from any partition in the project OIM Datasets Partitions. Essentially subsets of the data that meet some user prescribed criteria. A “Chart” – e.g. grain size distribution, IQ distribution… A map A discrete orientation plot such as a pole figure or an “ODF” – I.e. discrete points plotted in Euler space. A “Texture” – this contains all of the results for a given calculations. I.e. for a user prescribed set of parameters. Texture plots (of intensities) such as a Pole Figures or ODFs. TSL Solutions OIM School Layer structure of the program Parameters which control the program and analysis Preference Parameters which control whole program. Project Dataset [ Multi Chart ] Dataset ・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Dataset Functions which affect to all partition under each Dataset Partition Partition Partition Partition Parameters which define properties of analysis for each partition. (Grain size, boundaries, etc) The parameters or functions will affects to all under that level. TSL Solutions OIM School OIM Analysis Let’s draw OIM map Each scan data will be opened under Project. The scan data is called as ‘Dataset’. And partition, ‘All data’, will be created automatically. Map, Plot, or Chat will be drawn under partition. TSL Solutions OIM School Practice: Let’s draw OIM map using ‘Alpha-Steel’ Open ‘Alpha-Steel’ data and draw following maps using ‘Quick Gen buttons’ • Image Quality map (IQ map) • Inverse Pole Figure map (IPF map) • Grain map (Unique Grain Color map) IQ map Let’s use these Quick Gen buttons. TSL Solutions OIM School IPF map Grain map Maps Gray Scale Image Quality Confidence Index Fit Detector Signal Grain Size Grain Shape Orientation Grain Shape Aspect Ratio Grain Average IQ Grain Average CI Grain Average Video Signal Kernel Average Misorientation Grain Orientation Spread Grain Average Misorientation Grain Reference Orientation Deviation Taylor Factor Schmid Factor Import Data Boundaries Rotation Angle Rotation Axis Axis/Angle Grain Phase CSL Shape Ellipses Reconstructed Reconstructed Twins TSL Solutions OIM School Color Scale Image Quality Confidence Index Fit Detector Signal Phase EDS Inverse Pole Figure Crystal Direction Crystal Orientation Euler Angle RGB Unique Grain Color Grain Size Grain Shape Orientation Grain Shape Aspect Ratio Grain Average IQ Grain Average CI Grain Average Fit Grain Average Video Signal Kernel Average Misorientation Grain Orientation Spread Grain Average Misorientation Taylor Factor Schmid Factor Elastic Stiffness Twin Parent/Daughter Import Data Maps Non-Orientation Scalar maps – IQ, CI, fit, Other detectors (FSD, SED, X-Ray), phase… Grain Based Maps – size, shape, avg IQ, orientation spread… Orientation based maps – IPF map (2D), Euler Angle map, Component maps Misorientation Based Maps – local misorientation (strain)… Property Maps – Taylor or Schmid Factor, Elastic Modulus TSL Solutions OIM School Maps: Image Quality map 84.9 Image Quality : 195.3 21.6 Image Quality : 62.6 IQ map is drawn based on the peak intensity of Hough transformation. If the pattern is clear which means the crystal has less distortion. If IQ value is low, that point has more distortion with crystal, or contaminated or damaged. TSL Solutions OIM School Maps: Confidence Index map V −V CI = V 1 2 ideal CI (Confidence Index) is a parameter which shows confidence of indexing which is calculated using above equation. The CI map is drawing using this parameter. Be careful that CI=0.4 and CI=0.8 has almost no difference. But CI=0.05 and CI=0.1 is a big difference. So the meaning is not liner scale. Confidence Index は OIM-DC の指数付の項で説明したように、 TSL Solutions OIM School Maps: Orientation map Inverse Pole Figure (IPF map) 方位を表現する試料の方向を 指定する。 Reference Direction Transverse Direction Normal Direction In case of IPF map, it should be first specified some sample plane, such as ND plane, then find which crystal plane becomes parallel to this specified sample plane. Then each pixel is pained depends on the crystal plane using right color key. TSL Solutions OIM School Maps: IPF map ND(Z) TD(Y) (Z) RD(X) (Y) (X) ND TD RD Orientation map such as IPF map is made based on sample coordinate, not the sample surface. If ND sample plane is specified, the crystal plane which parallel to the ND normal plane for each pixel. It doesn’t mean the same as sample surface. So it should be always careful about sample coordinate system. TSL Solutions OIM School Maps: IPF map Sample Surface normal direction If we want to know the crystal indices of this fractures surface, we need to know the plane normal direction. If we find the plane normal direction, (RD,TD,ND), is (1,3,11), Then we can know the crystal indices of this fractures surface by input these data to specify sample surface. TD ND RD If we select ‘Map Data’ at Status bar text in Preference shown by red arrows, then after specifying the sample surface, the point data specify cursor will be shown as below. . RD TD TSL Solutions OIM School ND Maps: Orientation map Crystal Direction Map It picked up the pixels which has specified crystal Direction along with also specified sample direction. It specify only one direction. It doesn’t care the rotation around specified sample direction. (It is not the crystal plane normal direction. ) Specify crystal direction or crystal plane normal. Specify sample direction TSL Solutions OIM School Maps: Orientation map Crystal Orientation Map TSL Solutions It pick up the pixels which has the specific crystal orientation shown by (hkl)<uvw> presentation. (hkl) shows the crystal plane parallel to the sample ND normal plane. <uvw> shows the crystal direction of sample RD direction. (hkl) normal direction and <uvw> is perpendicular. OIM School Maps: Area fraction of specified data It is also possible to know area fraction of each specified area of Crystal Direction map or Crystal Orientation map. TSL Solutions OIM School Difference of IPF Maps and Crystal Direction Map IPF map Sn sample PF and IPF are defined by crystal plane, not crystal direction. It is common that crystal plane normal and crystal direction with same Millar indices are not the same. (10 0 3) Pick up the grains which (10 0 3) plane becomes normal to the sample ND plane. TSL Solutions OIM School Crystal Direction map Pixels which has <10 0 3> crystal direction is nearly same as (11 0 1) plane normal, not (10 0 3). Maps: Map Color Map color can be selected following color bar list. Or it can be specified by user preferences. TSL Solutions OIM School Practice: Let’s draw Crystal Direction Map using Sn-Solder scan data. 1 2 Put 1, 1, 2 either Crystal Direction(1) or Pole(Plane) (2) and see the difference. TSL Solutions OIM School Practice Let’s paint in different color for following area in Crystal Direction Map. Specify (001) plane normal along with ND direction with following rejoin. 0゜~ 5゜ 5゜ ~ 10゜ 10゜ ~ 15゜ 15゜ ~ 20゜ TSL Solutions OIM School Grains in OIM Grains in OIM is defined by Tolerance Angle and Minimum Grain Size (number of grains). Neighbor pixels within this tolerance angle are considered to belong to the same grain and if pixels equal or more than Minimum Grain Size are connected within the Tolerance angle, they are considered as independent gain. This definition is same as connecting boundary more than Tolerance angle and make closed loop or touch to the scan boundary. Under this definition, we may see the boundary more than Tolerance Angle in grains as shown in below. A B TSL Solutions C OIM School Grains in OIM Grains in Unique Grain Color map are very much depends on the grain definition (Tolerance Angle and Minimum Grain Size). As following example of Alpha-Steel, we can see big changes of grain size depending on the definition. Users need to think how they define the grain thinking about their objects of Analysis. Tolerance Angle = 2 deg. TSL Solutions Tolerance Angle = 3 deg. OIM School Tolerance Angle = 5 deg. Partitions Properties Minimum angle to separate pixels into two grains Minimum number of pixels to consists of grains Specify that the edged grains are included or not in the analysis. If we change some parameters in Partition Properties, all the maps, charts and plots under this partition are affected. The definition of Grain is one of the most important parameter. TSL Solutions OIM School Practice Let’s check the changes of grains by changing the definition of grain. • See the difference of grains by changing the parameter of Tolerance Angle and Minimum Grain Size in Partition Property . Data : TSL Solutions Alpha_Steel Grain Tolerance Angle = 3 and 5 deg. OIM School Partitions Properties Partition Properties の働きを理解しよう。 If we change some parameters in Partition Properties, all the maps, charts and plots under this partition are affected. TSL Solutions CI, IQ, Video Signal (SEM singnal)・・・・can be used to filter the scan data. Mathematical operant can be used to combine the filter condition. OIM School Partitions Properties Clear difference of IQ between Cu line area and isolator area Cab be used to separate the scam data. TSL Solutions OIM School Partitions Properties The condition specified in Partition/Formula will affect all data under this partition. IQ > 50 is set in Partition/Formula. This means pixels which has IQ value more than 50 will be used for analysis. TSL Solutions OIM School Partitions Properties The data with pixels IQ < 50 are excluded from the analysis. It is included not desirable data for analysis. TSL Solutions OIM School Practice • Let’s check how parameters in Formula in Partition Property will affects to the analysis of scan data. Data : TSL Solutions Cu IC Line Check IQ or CI to remove un-necessary data from the scan data. OIM School Maps: Misorientation Map Grain Orientation Spread For a given grain calculate the average misorientation between all data points in the grain. TSL Solutions Grain Average Misorientation For a given grain calculate the average misorientation between all neighboring data points in the grain. OIM School Kernel Average Misorientation For a given data point calculate the average misorientation between the data point and all of it’s neighbors (exclude misorientations greater than some prescribed value - 5° in this case) Maps: Misorientation Map Grain Reference Orientation Deviation Show the deviation of each point in the grain with respect to a reference orientation. Two types of references are possible: 1) The average orientation for the grain and 2) the orientation of the point in the grain with the lowest Average Kernel Misorientation. TSL Solutions OIM School Grain Average Misorientation map Cross section of Al ample under bending test was observed. Grain Average Misorientaion maps were made for each bended condition. We can see that the Grain Average Misorientation Value is increasing according to bending angle. 0.0mm TSL Solutions 3.0mm 5.0mm OIM School 7.0mm 7.0mm 曲げた状態 8.0mm Practice Draw following 4 maps using ‘Part-Rx Steel’ data and think the meaning of these maps. Grain Orientation Spread TSL Solutions Grain Average misorientation Kernel Average misorientation OIM School Grain reference orientation deviation Maps: Phase map All data 以外に各相のPartition が自動的に作られる。 TSL Solutions OIM School Maps: Phase map In case of multi phase data, All partition and partitions for each Phase will be made automatically. TSL Solutions OIM School Maps: Phase map If two phases with same crystal structure, it is not possible to distinguish these two phases. Then it becomes messy map. CI map of above phase map. CI map of appropriate scan. TSL Solutions OIM School Grain Boundary in OIM If edge between two pixels exceeds the specified rotation angle, the edge is considered as boundary. OIM has three types of boundaries. z Basic boundaries which is used for boundary fraction. It contains all sub-grain boundary. z Boundary to define grains Boundary must be closed or connected to scan boundaries. (Same as the definition in material science) z Boundaries which are used to boundaries. These boundaries are defined by rotation angle or axis angle, twins or CLS. TSL Solutions OIM School Δg This one segment becomes a unit of grain boundaries. Boundary menu in OIM Software Select the type of boundary from this area. TSL Solutions OIM School Definition of Grain boundary Two parameters are necessary to define boundary character. 1. Rotation Angle/ Common Axis 2. Boundary plane Boundary Grain 1 Grain 2 * It is not possible to distinguish these two difference without boundary plane info. Boundary plane • EBSD doesn’t have info in depth direction. So there is no info about Boundary plane in EBSD analysis. TSL Solutions OIM School Boundaries Rotation Angle – A line segment is drawn between two neighboring points if the misorientation falls in a given range (e.g. between 5 and 15 degrees) Axis/Angle – A line segment is drawn between two neighboring points if the misorientation between the two points is within a given tolerance of a specified ideal misorientation where defined by an axis/angle pair (e.g. 60 degrees about <111>). Grain – A line segment is drawn between two neighboring points if they belong to two different grains. Phase – A line segment is drawn between two neighboring points if they belong to two different phases. CSL – A line segment is drawn between two neighboring points if they are within a given tolerance of specified CSL (coincident site lattice boundary). Shape Ellipses – An ellipse is fit to each grain in the map and then overlaid on the map. TSL Solutions OIM School Boundary: Grains & Phase Grain – A line segment is drawn between two neighboring points if they belong to two different grains. Phase – A line segment is drawn between two neighboring points if they belong to two different phases. TSL Solutions OIM School Baoundary: Rotation Angle Rotation Angle – A line segment is drawn between two neighboring points if the misorientation falls in a given range. (60° ± 5° in this example.) This is very basic way to show the boundary in OIM. This boundary is just for display. And it is not necessary to be closed loop. TSL Solutions OIM School Boundary : Minimum Misorientation In OIM Analysis software, ‘Minimum boundary misorientation’ is set as a criteria for recognize boundaries. All segments between pixels exceeding this value is considered as boundary. This value is different from the Tolerance angle to define grains. It is set in ‘Preferences’ window under Setting. Total length of boundary is necessary to calculate Fraction of boundaries. TSL Solutions OIM School Preferences OIM-A5.2 TSL Solutions OIM School Boundary : Minimum Misorientation Attention must be paid that the Rotation Angle boundaries which rotation angle is less than ‘Minimum Boundary Misorientation ‘ will be ignored to display the boundary. minimum boundary misorientation = 2 degrees TSL Solutions minimum boundary misorientation = 0.5 degrees OIM School Practice Let’s draw rotation angle boundary using Rolled Steel data. • Draw rotation angle boundary with rotation Angle , 1~5、5~15 and 15~180(65) deg. on Image Quality map. • Change ‘Minimum Boundary Misorientation’ value in Preference. TSL Solutions OIM School Boundaries: Axis/Angle Rotation Angle – A line segment is drawn between two neighboring points if the misorientation falls in a given range. (60° ± 5° in this example.) Rotation Axis – A line segment is drawn between two neighboring points if the two orientations have specified directions aligned within a specified tolerance. (<111> crystal directions aligned within 5° of each other in this example.) Axis/Angle – A line segment is drawn between two neighboring points if the misorientation between the two points is within a given tolerance of a specified ideal misorientation where defined by an axis/angle pair. (within 10° of 60° about <111> in this example.) TSL Solutions OIM School Boundaries: CSL CSL – A line segment is drawn between two neighboring points if they are within a given tolerance of specified CSL (coincident site lattice boundary). Coincident site lattice boundaries are special boundaries where a given fraction of the atoms at the boundary are in coincident positions. The number fraction of coincident atom sites are given by 1/Σ. An example is given for Σ5 which corresponds to a 36.9° rotation about <001>. The tolerance is given by K/Σn. The default settings correspond to Brandon’s criterion (K=15° and n = ½). TSL Solutions OIM School Equivalency in Grain Boundary Ni Annealed twins Grain 1 is….. Rotated 60 deg/ <1 1 1> These are exactly same. Rotated 70.5 deg/ <1 -1 0> <1 1 1> 1 2 <1 -1 0> Grain boundaries are calculated based on relationship between rotation angle and common axis. Sometimes two (or more) different rotation angle and common axis relations show the same relations. TSL Solutions OIM School Practice Let’s draw the following boundaries using Ni-Std_small-area data. • Rotation angle: Rotation angle more than 15 deg. • Axis Angle : 60 deg rotation around <111> common axis. • CSL boundary : Σ3 boundary TSL Solutions OIM School Boundaries: Reconstructed Reconstructed – A line is fit to a set of “grain” boundary line segments and drawn on the map. It is drawn between two triple junctions. *Reconstructed Twins – Reconstructed boundaries can be colored according to their fit to specific twin boundary criteria – both in terms of misorientation and twin plane/boundary alignment. First the average misorientation of the segments the reconstructed boundary represents is calculated. In this case the average misorientation must be within 9°of a 60°rotation about <111> (the primary recrystallization twin in fcc materials) and the (111) plane trace must also be aligned with 9° of the reconstructed boundary. “Extraction of Twins from Orientation Imaging Microscopy Scan Data” S. I. Wright, R. J. Larsen, Journal of Microscopy, 205, 245-252 (2002). TSL Solutions OIM School Grains without twin boundaries If you want to remove just coherent twins, specify here. Add twin boundary condition to be removed. It is possible to recognize grains without twin boundaries. Common Rotation axis Rotation Angle Specify twin boundary indecies to be removed. TSL Solutions OIM School Practice Let’s draw a Unique Grain Color map without twin boundaries using NiStd_smalloarea data. TSL Solutions OIM School Sub menu for Map display Additional functions for Map display. TSL Solutions OIM School Map/FlexView Unit Cell, Pole Figure and Reconstructed EBSD pattern of the point specified by cursor will be shown in both Flyby or Static mode on ‘FlexView’ tag. TSL Solutions OIM School Chart Image Quality Confidence Index Fit Video Signal Grain Size (points) Grain Size (diameter) Grain Size (area) Grain Size (ASTM) Grain Size (Intercept) Grain Shape Orientation Grain Shape Aspect Ratio Grain Average IQ Grain Average CI Grain Average Fit Grain Average Video Signal Grain Orientation Spread Grain Average Misorientation Kernel Average Misorientation Crystal Orientation Crystal Direction Pole Plot Pseudo Rocking Curve Kearns Parameter Taylor Factor Schmid Factor Elastic Stiffness TSL Solutions Misorientation Angle Misorientation Profile CSL Boundaries CSL Deviation GBCD Boundary Density Texture Fiber Texture Index Texture Gradient EDS Phase All data shown in Maps or Plots can be shown in Chart, too. There are several Chart only data in the menu. OIM School Chart Menu in OIM Select required chart in ‘Type’ and set detail condition by opening ‘Edit’. TSL Solutions OIM School Charts: Grain Size Grain Size (points): Number of measurement points in a grain Grain Size (diameter): The diameter (D) is calculated from the area (A) assuming the grain is a circle: D = (4A/π)1/2. Grain Size (area): The area (A) of a grain is the number (N) of points in the grain multiplied by a factor of the step size (s). For square grids: A = Ns2. For hexagonal grids: A = N√3/2s2 Grain Size (ASTM): G = -6.64*log10(D) - 2.95 where D is the grain diameter given in mm Grain Size (Intercept): Vertical or linear intercepts TSL Solutions OIM School Charts: Grain Size The area (A) of a grain is the number (N) of points in the grain multiplied by a factor of the step size (s). For square grids: A = Ns2 For hexagonal grids: A = N√3/2s2 The diameter (D) is calculated from the area (A) assuming the grain is a circle: D = (4A/π)1/2. Data used for making chart is shown in right side. TSL Solutions OIM School Charts: Grain Size Calculation methods for Averaging. Total area: 100 Average by Number method 8 100/4 = 25 25 59 Average by Area Fraction method 8 Average by Number method Average by Area Fraction method TSL Solutions OIM School 8*0.16 + 25*0.25 + 59*0.59 = 42.34 Practice Let’s draw Grain Size chart using Alpha-Steel data. • Draw a chart using Log scale or Liner Scale. • Check what happen when Tolerance for grain recognition in Partition Properties. TSL Solutions OIM School Chart : Crystal Direction Cumulative TSL Solutions OIM School Chart : Misorientation Profile Map data can be plot in addition to Misorientation data. IQ Value値 Misorientation between neighbor pixels Misorientation against start point TSL Solutions OIM School Practice Let’s make Profile Vector chart using Alpha-Steel map data. Draw a line on the map and make the misorientation chart. Use this Profile Vector icon. TSL Solutions OIM School Chart : Misorientation Angle “Misorientation Angle” chart shows the misorientation angle of boundaries in the map. We can see that the low angle boundaries are major part of boundaries. TSL Solutions OIM School Chart : Graphics Setting detail condition for the chart. All Map data and Plot data can be shown in chart format. Also there are several chart only menus. TSL Solutions OIM School Chart: Graphics We can change Chart style using Graphic properties. TSL Solutions OIM School Practice 1. Let’s draw Misorientation chart using Ni-Std_small-area. 2. Change character size or make the Chart in 3D format. TSL Solutions OIM School Chart : Boundary Density Example of partial annealed steel 20% 60% ‘Boundary Density’ shows the density of the boundaries with specified angle (total length of specified boundaries divided by area) in cumulative format. TSL Solutions OIM School 85% Multi Chart TSL Solutions OIM School Practice 1. Draw charts for IQ value of α phase using Dual Phase Titanium. 2. Draw multi chart for IQ values of both α phase and β phase using Dual Phase Titanium. TSL Solutions OIM School Pole Figure, Inverse Pole Figure, ODF Discrete Plots Al Evaporation Film IPF map (ND) IPF map (RD) Pole Figure Inverse Pole Figure Euler space Bunge Kocks Roe Rodrigues Orientation Rodrigues Misorientation Axis/Angle Misorientation Let’s think about Pole Figure, Inverse Pole Figure and ODF using this example. Pole Figure : Specify some crystal plane and show the relationship between that crystal plane normal and sample coordinate using stereo projection. Inverse Pole Figure : Specify some sample plane such as ND plane and show the crystal plane normal which becomes parallel to the specified sample plane. TSL Solutions OIM School Discrete Plots : Pole Figure Edit detail display condition Any crystal plane can be specified, but generally it uses (001), (101) and (111) planes in case of cubic. Specify Crystal plane Data : Al-film TSL Solutions OIM School Discrete Plots : Inverse Pole Figure Select Inverse Pole Figure Any sample plane can be specified, but generally it uses RD, TD, ND planes. [RD, TD, ND] components are shown. Specify sample plane normal by vector value. TSL Solutions OIM School Data : Al-film Discrete Plots: ODF plot Select Inverse Euler Space Euler angles of each pixel are plot directly in 3D display. There is 90 degrees symmetry in cubic, so it is shown in (90, 90, 90) deg area. 3D display is not so convenient. It is generally shown using φ2 as constant value as shown in left. We can see that the orientations are continuously changed. In ODF plot, one point can display complete orientation. Data : Al-film TSL Solutions OIM School Practice Let’s draw Pole Figure, Inverse Pole Figure and ODF of Al Extrusion data, and think about features in texture of data. IPF(ND) map TSL Solutions OIM School Intensity Plots : Pole Figure If the points in Pole Figures overlap each other, we cannot tell how many points are overlapped. Then we need to convert this discrete plot to intensity plot. There are two methods to calculate intensity of Pole Figure or inverse Pole Figure or ODF, Harmonic Series Expansion and Discrete Binning methods. Data : Al-film TSL Solutions OIM School Level key is calculated based on perfect random distribution. Perfect random becomes intensity 1. And number of intensity means multiple of perfect random. Intensity Plots : Calculation methods We cannot see so much difference between the results of these two methods in case of Al film sample, except absolute intensity. But generally it becomes very difficult to calculate the intensity around the center (around ND axis in the following case) in Discrete Binning . Because of that the area becomes infinity small at the center. Harmonic Series Expansion doesn’t have such problem. So Harmonic Series Expansion is better to calculate intensity. Harmonic Series Expansion Discrete Binning Data : Al-film TSL Solutions OIM School Intensity Plots : Calculation methods Harmonic Series Expansion is generally better to calculate the intensity. But like following case, a group of very strong single peak , such as single crystal, the intensity plot becomes very strange as follows. It becomes from oscillation term of series expansion calculation. The intensity is very close to 1, so there is actually no problem. But it looks very bad. There is no such problem with Discrete Intensity method. Harmonic Series Expansion Discrete Binning Data : Ni-Std_small-area TSL Solutions OIM School Resolution of Intensity calculation. If we improve the resolution, the peak becomes shaper, and looks like more real plot. But it will take a lot of time for calculation. L=16 Ω=5゜ TSL Solutions OIM School L=16 Ω=2゜ Intensity Plots : Adjust display Edit the display methods of intensity plot by clicking Edit and open scale window. 2 1 TSL Solutions 3 OIM School There will be three major factors to be adjusted. 1. Iselect ntensity plot or Counter plot. 2. Scale can be set as absolute value scale. 3. Display color, B&W or Color display. Practice Let’s make Pole Figure and Inverse Pole Figure in absolute scale using Al-Bend_00 and Al-Bend_80. The compare it how they are different. Pole Figure of Al-Bend_00 TSL Solutions OIM School Practice These are examples of Pole Figure and Inverse Pole Figure. If this sample has these PF and IPF, please think how IPF map of this sample should look like. ND TD RD TSL Solutions OIM School Practice IPF maps of previous sample look like as follows. IPF map (RD) TSL Solutions IPF map (TD) IPF map (ND) OIM School Highlighting Highlight is a function to make relationship among Maps, Plots and Charts. It is very effective to show some specific features of the texture. TSL Solutions OIM School Highlighting: Toolbar Record: record highlighting results in the Interactive pane of the map window. Undo: Redo: Clear: Back to previous situation of Highlighting. Move forward from ‘Undo’ situation. Clear all highlight data Show Interactive Properties by click right mouse and select properties. Specify detail of displayed info in Interactive page. TSL Solutions OIM School Highlighting: Toolbar Highlight the point clicked. Highlight all orientations within a given tolerance of the point clicked. Define the color to be used. TSL Solutions OIM School Highlighting: Toolbar Highlight all orientations within grain and color them according to the angular distance from the point clicked. Define the color to be used. TSL Solutions OIM School Highlighting: Toolbar Calculate misorientation between two points. Calculate misorientations at a triple junction. Actually it repeats two points misorientation calculation three times. TSL Solutions OIM School Highlighting: Toolbar Displays a crystal direction parallel to a line. TSL Solutions OIM School Highlighting: Toolbar Define the (hkl) for the plane traces. Draw traces of a specified plane (or plane normal) at a point. Draw a unit cell representing the orientation at a point. TSL Solutions OIM School Highlighting: Toolbar Tolerance = 30° Angular tolerance used for various highlighting modes. Define the (hkl) for the plane traces. Use the average grain orientations when calculating misorientations. TSL Solutions OIM School Tolerance = 15° Highlighting: Toolbar Find all points in the scan within the angular tolerance of the point clicked in discrete plot. Calculate the misorientation between two points in a discrete plot Define the color to be used. TSL Solutions OIM School Highlighting: Toolbar Select a color for individual highlights. Select a color gradient multiple point highlights. TSL Solutions OIM School Highlighted -> Partition Crystal Direction map along with TD direction within 10 deg of CVD-Ta data. TSL Solutions OIM School Practice Let’s separate grains into Recrystallized grains and Non-recrystallized grains of Part-Rx Steel data. Then draw boundary density for both two groups of grains. Please try to use Multi chart to show the difference of boundary density. IQ of Part-Rx Steel data TSL Solutions OIM School Clean Up Sometimes there are isolated points that are not indexed correctly or at all due to dust particles or pits on the surface. Various clean up schemes are available to assign these points an orientation based on their neighbors. TSL Solutions OIM School Some danger in Clean Up procedure This is an example of Clean-up result by Grain Dilation method. If Clean-up is done by not appropriate method, it makes artifact to the data. On the other hand, if Grain boundary features are studied, it is not appropriate to analyze them with many bad points at grain boundary like the left map. Clean-up is necessary in this case. Î Users need to judge what is done in Clean-up procedures and also need to check the results are reasonable or containing artifacts. TSL Solutions OIM School Clean-Up menu OIM Analysis Software has many Clean-up methods as shown in left Figure. Users need to select suitable ways to do clean up the data. As shown before, Clean-up may introduce artifacts. So the user has to check the results comparing with original data and find if it is reasonable or introducing unacceptable artifacts. TSL Solutions OIM School Grain CI Standardization Grain CI Standardization is check CI values of all pixels in recognized grains and change their CI values to the highest one in the grains as follows. This method does not change any orientation data , and only helps to identify points that are correctly indexed, but may have had a lower confidence index. TSL Solutions OIM School Grain CI Standardization TSL Solutions OIM School Grain CI Standardization TSL Solutions As-collected Grain CI Standardization CI>0.1 96.5% CI>0.1 98.9% OIM School Grain CI Standardization CI map IPF map (CI>0.3) CI Chart After Clean Up Before Clean Up Only CI values are changed. Any other date will be stay same. TSL Solutions OIM School Grain Dilation Grain Dilation This clean up method is an iterative method. The routine only acts on points that do not belong to any grains; yet have neighboring points, which do belong to grains. A point may not belong to any grain due to the point either not being indexed or due to it belonging to a grain group having fewer members than the Minimum Grain Size. If the majority of neighbors of a particular point belong to the same grain then the orientation of the particular point is changed to match that of the majority grain - otherwise the orientation is randomly changed to match any of the neighboring points, which belong to grains. This process is repeated until each point in the data set becomes a member of a grain. (Alternatively, the user may set the code to only perform a single iteration.) In the schematic below, in the left hand figure the data point in white is not part of any grains. After dilation it's orientation is changed to match that of the neighboring member of the green grain with the highest CI. TSL Solutions OIM School Clean up However, it is important to make sure that the resulting microstructure makes sense also watch the texture and grain boundary changes. TSL Solutions OIM School Grain Dilation Cu IC Lines data Clean up by Grain Dilation method w/o single iteration. IPFマップ Filtered the clean up data by IQ>50. After clean up process, it some artifacts are introduced, there are some cases we can remove those artifacts by filtering the data by other parameters such as IQ, CI… We should be careful that those cleaned up pixels has modified orientation data, CI data. Clean up with single Iteration If single iteration is checked, Grain Dilation Clean up stop the procedure after it cleans up (expands) the data one pixel layer. TSL Solutions OIM School Grain Dilation (Single Iteration) Original IPF 4th Iteration TSL Solutions 1st Iteration 2nd Iteration 3rd Iteration 5th Iteration 6th Iteration 7th Iteration OIM School Practice Let’s compare the Misorientation chart of Cu_Cold-Rolled92 data before and after clean up. ( Use Grain Dilation method.) TSL Solutions OIM School Data Process at DataSet level If you use the data process functions in red box, all the partition data under this dataset will be affected by these processes. Coarsen removes pixels every two pixels and the data 1/4 size. TSL Solutions OIM School Rotation Rotate orientation data of dataset. Be careful!! It rotate only orientation data. It is not rotate the image data. The image (grain shape) stay same and only the orientation data is rotated. So after this ‘rotate’ process, there happens discrepancy between image data and orientation data. TSL Solutions OIM School Practice Let’s draw IPF(ND) map and Pole Figure of CVD-Ta data. The rotate the data around RD axis by 90 deg. and check the difference from original data. TSL Solutions OIM School Crop Cut out the specified area and make it as a new dataset. Select Single Rectangle or Multiple Polygons. In case of Multiple Polygons, continuous left click specify the area and final right click close the polygon. TSL Solutions OIM School Merge Datasets can be merged together. The relative positioning of the datasets is controlled by the user. TSL Solutions OIM School Coarsen Remove the pixel every two pixels and make the data size 1/4. It is very convenient to know the basic features of the data. Especially it is effective for Pole Figure, Inverse Pole Figure and ODF TSL Solutions OIM School Practice 1. Crop one grain from Steel_Fcc-Bcc data and check the orientation relationship between FCC phase and BCC phase. 2. Merge Al-FSW1, Al-FSW2 and Al-FSW3 data and make them as one dataset. TSL Solutions OIM School Templates The conditions to make Map, Plot, Chart can be saved as Templates. The apply these templates to other data to draw Map, Plot and Chart with same condition. Apply Template to the Partition Save Template TSL Solutions OIM School Templates Map, Plot and Chart conditions can be saved as individual templates. Not only individual templates, all Map, Plot and Chart conditions can be saved as one partition Template . It is very convenient to draw same series of data for different dataset . When Partition Template is applied, it must be done at one level higher, Dataset level. Map, Plot and Chart conditions are saved as one template at Partition level. TSL Solutions OIM School Templates User defined templates can be assigned to buttons on the QuickGen Toolbar. TSL Solutions OIM School Batch Processor A tool to apply a partition template to multiple sets of data. Includes Rotate, Cleanup, Crop, and Export functions. An alignment function to align consecutive sets of data for a sequence of scans, e.g. from serial sectioning or slices in time. TSL Solutions OIM School
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