In Remembrance of the 20th Anniversary You Are Invited

Mark Mellow, M.D.
Mary Ann Bauman, M.D.
Delores Parker-Bell
Advisory Board Chairman
Carol M. Hall
Roshan Pujari
R. Murali Krishna, M.D.
Joe Holcomb
Charlotte Richels
President and COO
Sally Hood
Sarah Roberts
Molly Ross
Chris Houk
Nancy Shidler
Executive Director
Stanley Hupfeld
Roger Stong
Kerry Ann Richards
Daisy McNeill
James P. White, M.D.
Administrative Secretary
Al Moorad, M.D.
Avilla Williams
Philip Mosca, M.D.
Sarah Yoakam, M.D.
You Are Invited
Bridgette O’Connor
Celina Abernathy
Polly Nichols
Connie Givens
Sarah Roberts
Linda Haneborg
Lil Ross
Penny McCaleb
Shelley Sanders
Joan Yoakam
Cover Photo by
Oklahoma City
National Memorial
& Museum
“I have seen it with my own eyes. Oklahomans are the
kindest people on earth. I have seen acts of kindness, acts
of compassion − nowhere could top it. I have seen
In Remembrance of the
20th Anniversary
Oklahoma City rise to vibrancy following the acts of terror
on April 19, 1995.” – R. Murali Krishna, M.D.
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INTEGRIS James L. Hall Jr. Center for Mind, Body and Spirit
lease join the INTEGRIS James L. Hall Jr. Center
for Mind, Body and Spirit and the Oklahoma City
National Memorial & Museum for this special
remembrance ceremony
and the Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum
invite you to a Private Reception and Tour
of the Memorial and Museum Expansion
Thursday, April 23, 2015
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
R. Murali Krishna, M.D.,
president and COO of
Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum
620 N. Harvey
Health, president and
co-founder of the James
R. Murali Krishna, M.D.
L. Hall Jr. Center for
Mind, Body and Spirit,
will share his insights of that fateful day and
recognize our city for the resilience and growth
it has demonstrated during the last 20 years
Cost of the event is $50 per person.
Reservations are required – RSVP card enclosed
*Hors d’oeuvres and wine will be served
*Valet parking will be provided on NW 6th Street
*Business casual
For more information, please contact the
INTEGRIS James L. Hall Jr. Center for Mind, Body and Spirit
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