ST JAMES COLLEGE A Catholic Boys Regional College Committed to the Lasallian Vision of Education 156 Bignell Road, Bentleigh East VIC 3165 Newsletter No 4, 2015 From the Principal From the Principal As we enter week 3 of Term 2, it has been very pleasing to see how well the young men of St James College have returned from the Easter break and resumed their involvement in college life and in their studies. In these first few weeks of the term, as part of the curriculum, our young men and the staff have been involved in liturgies, field work and excursions, the Year 9 Wednesday program, rehearsals for MacBeth, public speaking and debating, the lunchtime chess sessions, the College cross country carnival and the commencement of the SIS weekly sport competitions to name a few. As well, I must congratulate our young men for the respect they demonstrated during our two ANZAC Day liturgies held on 24th April at St James College. As always, the students responded very well to the significance of the occasion, and I thank the college leaders and the representatives from each year level for their roles in leading the students and staff through the readings, and in prayer at these liturgies. Once again we encourage all students to be involved in the many opportunities that the staff organise and present for the young men. I would like to express my appreciation of the support of the parents who have attended the recent Parent/Student/Teacher evenings held over the last two weeks. At these Parent/Student/Teacher evenings it has been important to review progress over Term 1, and to assist the students in refining Learning Goals as they work towards the examination period timetabled for later this term. The teachers and staff greatly value the parental support shown for our work with the young men, and this support is especially apparent on these evenings. St James College is a school where the partnership between the school and families is held in the highest regard, and that good relationships are vital between our parents, students and teachers - all involved in the education of our young men. Last week on Thursday, to commemorate ANZAC Day, our Year 9 students attended the Melbourne Legacy Commemoration Ceremony for Students held at the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne. The students conducted themselves very respectfully at this solemn occasion and heard from the Governor of Victoria – His Excellency the Honourable Alex Chernov AC QC and the president of Legacy – Mr Ian Harrison. This service was attended by more than 6000 primary and secondary students from across Victoria. At all of these services and especially to commemorate the 100 Years of the anniversary of Gallipoli, many accounts were told of soldiers sacrificing their lives for the greater cause. We heard of the legend of ANZAC that helped to form a young nation into the country we have today with the qualities of life, freedom and tolerance that we all enjoy. As Mr Ian Harrison stated at the Legacy Service “but to have all of this, someone had to pay the price, and it was these young soldiers who paid with their lives.” Now in the season of Easter, we recall that Jesus gave his life, making the supreme sacrifice and thus forgiving our sins so that we may have eternal life. Through his sacrifice our relationship with God is affirmed and it is now left to us to strengthen this relationship through our daily lives and interactions with others. As we move further in to this term, let us continue to celebrate the Easter message of new life and to be grateful and honour those who have given their lives for us. Stephen Pooley, Principal What’s in this What’s in this issue? • • • • • ANZAC Day Liturgies Arts Parents and Friends NAPLAN Testing: Tues 12th May-Thurs 14th May MacBeth Important dates Thurs 7th May - School photos Thurs 7th & 14th May - PACTS Evening 7.00pm Tues 19th May - SIS Cross Country Carnival I can do all things through Him who strengthens me ST JAMES COLLEGE Student Wellbeing Caring for your son also means caring for yourself visited his GP with his mum, as a 22 year old whose life was spiralling out of control. If you have listened to the pre-flight safety check on an airline, you will know you’re supposed to put your own oxygen mask on before helping your children with theirs. This flies in the face of parental instincts, but if you are not well and healthy, it is hard to nurture the wellbeing and health of your children. If the motivating reason to focus on your own mental health is ‘I should do this for my kids’ then go with that, and give due attention to your own care and wellbeing. Parents are used to ignoring their own needs in favour of trying to meet the needs of their kids. Juggling lots of different responsibilities can mean that parents don’t take the time to look after themselves. This can lead to high levels of stress, which people react to differently. Stress is the body’s reaction to change or overload, which can be experienced physically and mentally. Warning signs can include changes in sleep and appetite, headaches, tiredness, irritability or worrying more than usual. When stress reactions are severe, and occur over a long period of time, it can lead to bigger problems. Monday’s (20th April) episode of Q & A (now on iview) shed light on this, when panelists shared about their own personal struggles. Local politician Andrew Robb, shared about his 42 year battle with depression. Comedian Dave Hughes, shared his previous struggles with alcoholism, drugs and depression. Both shared honestly about their problems, but also of the strategies they used, and the support they sourced, to recover. Strategies for supporting mental health and wellbeing can be as simple as ensuring you have a healthy diet and get a bit of exercise. This will give you energy and, if you involve your child, they will get a direct benefit too. There is value in spending a little time alone doing something you enjoy, like reading or gardening. Taking the time to be still, to connect with yourself, can help you find ways to relieve the stress or understand the causes of it. Building and maintaining positive relationships is an important protective factor that can support you in the every-day challenges life throws you. If this is not enough, the panellists on Q&A modelled the effectiveness of sourcing additional help. Andrew Robb first discussion with his GP, and the subsequent therapeutic relationship he enjoyed with his psychiatrist was his turning point. Dave Hughes, described the start of his recovery, when he first If you would like a conversation about matters of wellbeing and mental health, you are welcome to call or email me on: 9575 8135 or [email protected] George Vlamakis, Student Support Teacher Project Compassion Project Compassion is Caritas Australia’s annual fundraising and awareness-raising appeal, bringing thousands of Australians together in solidarity with the world’s poor to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity. Running through the six weeks of Lent each year, Project Compassion is always an extraordinary, ongoing demonstration of the faith, love and generosity of caring supporters, all in the name of justice and peace. It is the lifeblood of Caritas Australia; without it, they could not do the vital work they do. In Project Compassion 2015, the St James College Community contributed $472 to this campaign. Thank you to all our generous students and staff who participated and showed they believe in a more just world. It is important that we demonstrably live out our faith as a catholic community. Martin Callanan Religious Education Coordinator Condolences Our prayers and thoughts are with Nathan Talbot (Year 10 2010) whose mother, Magda, passed away. Please keep Nathan, and family in your prayers. We offer our prayers for former staff member, Phil Perryman and the Perryman family. Phil passed away recently. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me ST JAMES COLLEGE Religious Education Humanities The 100th anniversary of ANZAC Day was commemorated at St James College on Friday 24th April in liturgies celebrated by the students from Years 8 and 9 and then by the students from Year 7 and 10. On Thursday 23rd April, the Year 9s from St James College went to the Shrine of Remembrance. In these special liturgies, our young men were led in reflection and prayers by the college leaders. After commencing each liturgy with Oscar Horsey singing our national anthem, accompanied by James Tarpey, we listened to the telling of the story of the ANZACs. We then placed our own reflection in the context of scripture and also in the offered Prayers of the Faithful in which we prayed for the gift of wisdom, the gift of service, for world leaders, for a spirit of humility and for a continuing desire to be God’s faithful people. A special commemorative ANZAC service was held for schools at the Shrine which made the crowd over 6000 people. The day started with the guard taking post which were students from Melbourne High School army cadets unit. After they took their place, the Governor General walked down the fore ground talking to a few students and teachers. As he did this, some fighter planes with a Mosquito leading the way, flew across the sky twice. The engines in the planes were roaring so they were very loud. The Governor General then made a speech and so did a young woman who had written a public speech. The liturgies were led by our College Vice-Captain Joshua Bell who explained to us the significance of The Ode, The Last Post, The One Minute’s Silence and also The Rouse. The Ode was then presented by College Captain, Kane O’Toole and we all joined in a very respectful and poignant minute of silence. Our young men then placed sprigs of rosemary on our memorial thus symbolising the connection we have with those who have gone before us. Our liturgies concluded with a rousing rendition of the hymn, “Let There Be Peace On Earth” and at its conclusion every young men left the auditorium in silence as a mark of respect for the ANZACs. It was a wonderful and very moving occasion. Schools then joined in in the laying of the wreaths and while they did this a piper was playing and he was very good. After this we listened to the Last Post and had a minute of silence. The whole day was finished off by the playing of the National Anthem which everyone joined in. The day was a very emotional and great experience. Cooper MacDonald, Year 9 La Salle “Let peace begin with me, let this be my moment now. With every step I take, let this be my solemn vow. To take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally. Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me” Martin Callanan Religious Education Coordinator I can do all things through Him who strengthens me ST JAMES COLLEGE ARIALGallipoli Camp 13 BOLD Year 7 Camp On Friday the 24th April in honour of the 100th anniversary of the ANZAC’s landing in Gallipoli, 15 students were invited to attend Camp Gallipoli held at the Melbourne Showgrounds. The Year 7s went to Camp Manyung from the 23rd to the 25th March. After a 40 minute drive we arrived, when we first got to camp we were allocated our cabins. Once we had settled in we were off to our first activities. The camp provied many activities such as sea kayaking, crate climb, flying fox, high ropes, low ropes, archery, sports, giant swing, snorkelling, beach ed, beach games and geo catching. We arrived at the showgrounds at 3:00pm; from there we set up our swags and unpacked our belongings. The meals provided were beef roast, chicken schnitzel, salad rolls, burgers, wraps, eggs on toast and pancakes. From 4:00pm to 5:30pm we enjoyed the provided entertainment and explored the camp site. In the main camp area there were 2 movie screens and a stage. Throughout the night there were 2 singers Shannon Noll and Claire Bowditch, there were many guest speakers including navy sergeants, army officials and many more. We were given the choice at dinner to have braised chicken with mustard cream, spaghetti bolognese, beef rissoles, onion gravy and mashed potato and vegetarian eggplant mousakka. On the first night we had a trivia night where Mr Thomas asked us questions about sport, movies, TV shows, St James College and general knowledge. On the second night we watched a DVD. At 9:00pm there was a movie screening of The Water Diviner. After that finished at about 11:00 we all headed off to bed for a very short sleep, only to wake up at 5:00am to attend a dawn service that we will remember for the rest of our lives. We then headed home with swags and sleeping bags and arrived back at school at 8:00am to get picked up and go home. Lachlan Howell and Jack Shelton, Year 9 Overall camp helped us to discover new talents, and we made new friends. James Rath and Patrick McNally, Year 7 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me ST JAMES COLLEGE NAPLAN Testing What is NAPLAN? The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual national assessment for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. All students in these year levels are expected to participate in tests in reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. All government and non government education authorities have contributed to the development of NAPLAN materials. Why do students do NAPLAN tests? NAPLAN is the measure through which governments, education authorities, schools, teachers and parents can determine whether or not young Australians are meeting important educational outcomes in literacy and numeracy. The tests provide parents and schools with an understanding of how individual students are performing at the time of the tests. They also provide schools, states and territories with information about how education programs are working and which areas need to be prioritised for improvement. NAPLAN tests are one aspect of the school’s assessment and reporting process, and do not replace the extensive, ongoing assessments made by teachers about each student’s performance. What will be tested and how? NAPLAN tests the sorts of skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life, such as reading, writing, spelling, grammar and numeracy. The content of each test is informed by the national Statements of Learning for English and mathematics, which underpin state and territory learning frameworks. Questions are multiple-choice or require a short written response. The writing task requires students to write a text in response to a prompt. To give you an idea of what the tests look like, sample questions and a sample writing task are available on the NAP website: How can I help my child prepare for the tests? NAPLAN assesses literacy and numeracy skills that students are already learning through the school curriculum. Teachers will ensure students are familiar with the test formats and will provide appropriate support and guidance. If you have any questions about your child’s preparation for NAPLAN, you should make a time to speak with their teacher. The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to reassure your child that NAPLAN tests are just one part of their school program, and to urge them to simply do the best they can on the day. The use of services by coaching providers is not recommended. How is NAPLAN performance measured? NAPLAN is not a pass or fail type test. Individual student performance is shown on a national achievement scale for each test. Each test scale has 10 bands and all year levels are reported on the same scale. Six bands are reported for each year level for each test. One of these bands represents the national minimum standard for students at each year level. A result at the national minimum standard indicates that the student demonstrated the basic literacy and numeracy skills needed to participate fully in that year level. The performance of individual students can be compared to the average performance of all students in Australia. Will I receive a report on my child’s performance? A NAPLAN report will be issued by your school later in the year. The same report format is used for every student in Australia. The school will notify you when the reports are being sent to you. If you do not receive a report, you should contact the school. Individual student results are strictly confidential. From the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority Naplan Testing Timetable Tuesday 12 May 2015 Year 7 Language conventions 45 minutes Wednesday 13 May 2015 Reading 65 minutes Writing 40 minutes Year 9 Language Reading conventions 65 minutes 45 minutes Writing 40 minutes II can can do do all all things things through through Him Him who who strengthens strengthens me me Thursday 14 May 2015 Numeracy (calculator) 40 minutes Numeracy (noncalculator) 40 minutes Numeracy (calculator) 40 minutes Numeracy (noncalculator) 40 minutes ST JAMES COLLEGE ARIAL 13Inducted Aspirant BOLD in Melbourne In March, during a simple ceremony at La Salle Community Melbourne, Stephen Beirouti, a former student at St John’s Regional College Dandenong and Youth Minister at St James College East Bentleigh commenced formally the Aspirancy Programme of the De La Salle Brothers. Present were his parents and brothers, members of Lasalle Community Melbourne and a representative group of De La Salle Brothers. The Aspirancy programme is a non-residential program to examine and experience the life of the Brothers. Stephen will have two live-in community experiences during this year; one at Scarborough near Brisbane and the second at Mangere East in New Zealand. Mathematics Thursday 23rd April the Year 10 Foundation maths class were involved in an excursion to Science works. The students participated in Sporty Maths. This involved hands-on activities in Sportsworks to investigate the students’ understanding in a variety of maths topics, including: measurement, estimation, decimals, fractions, collecting and analysing data and Graphing data. The students had a great time learning maths in a practical manner. We congratulate Stephen and ask that you keep him in your prayers as he considers his vocation over the course of this year. Stephen Pooley Principal Student Achievements Congratulations to Hugo Ferdinand who has been selected again to represent Victoria in the up and coming national titles in Indoor Cricket. Last year he travelled to Adelaide and the Victorian team won the national title for the under 15 boys. This year they travel to Brisbane in July to represent the under 16 boys and they are hoping to have another win! This is also a world cup year and Hugo could be selected to represent Australia in the world cup series. We wish Hugo all the best in this tournament and for the Australian team selection. Thanks to Mr Shepherd for his assistance on the day. Mathletes After School Club Do you struggle with maths? Do you wish to extend yourself in maths? If the answer is yes, come along to Mathletes every Wednesday in the library from 3.30pm - 4.00pm. A maths teacher will be available to help you achieve your maths goals. Remember, maths is everywhere! Andrew Davis Mathematics Learning Area Leader I can do all things through Him who strengthens me ST JAMES COLLEGE Arts Arts Important Dates It’s been an exciting start to 2015 in the Arts Faculty with so much going on already and many more exciting events to come. This year we welcome Ms Christine Blake to the Arts Faculty who has brought a great deal of exuberance and excitement to the visual arts. Ms Blake has initiated the beginning up of Art Club, a place where students with a love of the visual arts can come along and work collaboratively or independently. There are a number of competitions that the boys will have the opportunity to take part in over the coming year, already the Art Club boys have been part of the poppy project run by Glen Eira council. Upcoming Arts Events – Hold these dates Other events which have taken place thus far have been the SIS Big Night and the CEO Art Exhibition. Meanwhile, this term we anticipate the Yr 9 and 10 production of MacBeth (tickets are selling fast), closely followed by ‘A little Night of Beatles’, both events are shaping up to be fantastic, and a huge thanks to Mr Tim Ryan and Mr Christian Meyers, as well as all students involved, for all their hard work and dedication in the lead up to these events. Coming up at around the same time as MacBeth is the Kingston City Council’s ‘Art Blitz’, this is an opportunity for those students interested in the visual arts or creative writing. Further information on Art Blitz can be found on the Kingston City Council’s website. Kate Brierty Arts Learning Area Leader Semester 1 MacBeth May 19th to 21st Shirley Burke Theatre, Parkdale Tickets: , (03) 9556 4440 Year 9 & 10 Drama Evening June 4th @ 7:30pm St James College Stage Free Admission A Little Night of ‘Beatles’ Music June 17th @ 7:30pm St James College Auditorium Tickets: ($5 per seat) Semester 2 Mulan August 6th to 8th Mentone Girls’ Grammar School Tickets: TBA Year 10 Drama Production September 15th @ 7:30pm St James College Stage Free Admission Year 7 & 8 Variety Night October 15th @ 7:30pm Br Joseph Gable Hall Tickets: TBA A Little Night of ‘80’s’ Music November 11th @ 7:00pm St James College Quadrangle Tickets: TBA Year 9 & 10 Drama Evening November 16th @ 7:30pm The TryBooking links for ‘A Little Night of Beatles Music’ are: and St James College Stage Free Admission I can do all things through Him who strengthens me Tim Ryan Teacher ST JAMES COLLEGE ARIAL 13 BOLD Arts Passion of Our Lord Art Club The Year 10 performance of the Passion of Our Lord was performed on the 26th and the 27th of March, once in front of our parents and again in front of the staff and students of St James College. What is Art Club you might ask? The play came about from our year 10 focus on Non-Naturalistic Theatre, a broad term for theatre that fully engages the audience with the show, breaking down the 4th wall so that the audience experiences something different. Hamish Byrnes’ portrayal of Jesus was commendable as well as Robert Woodward as Pontius Pilate and that is only naming two students. In conclusion the production was well received and ran without a hitch thanks to our director/writer Mr Tim Ryan and the hard work of all students involved. Daniele Fazio Year 10 SIS Big Night The Big Night was Well, Art Club is more than just drawing a bunch of pictures on paper. Art Club is a small convention held in the Art room (J7) every Thursday at lunch time. Where we get to craft some amazing pieces of artwork. The teachers instructing us in Art Club are Ms Brierty and Miss Blake and they choose what we are going to craft. In term 1, we were told to create as many poppies as we could out of plasticine for an ANZAC Memorial. Near the end of term 1, we were given the opportunity to make whatever we wanted for an art competition and the winner gets a special prize. If you are interested in Art Club, come by Thursday and enjoy yourself. Like I said, Art Club is more than drawing a bunch of pictures it’s a place where you meet and socialise with people you see around school. a very special day for me and the other boys because it gave us a chance to express what we love doing the most which was either singing, dancing or playing an instrument. Everyone is welcome to join the Art Club. Nicholas Nikolitsis, Year 9 Miguel Afternoon Tea with the Mayor When we had are first rehearsal I was sort of mind blown because Fearnley and I were the only two boys in the Hip-Hop group, but next rehearsal I felt more relaxed and comfortable with the people around us. During the night Fearnley and I made loads of new friends back stage. When it came to our performance I was really nervous because I wasn’t used to performing on stage. At first it was really nerve-racking but at the end I was really enjoying it. Henry Calub, Year 9 Miguel On the 23rd of April, Ms Brierty, Ms Blake and I were invited to the Glen Eira Council Library where they were hosting an art exhibition, where the main showcasing was handmade poppies, made by students from the schools around the area, commemorating 100 years of ANZAC. There were about 10 other schools included in the event. We were served cake and brownies, for participating. The poppies made from the schools present, were magnificently displayed on a beautiful white vine, hanging from the ceiling. Overall, this was a great experience, and I hope to do it again some time. Joel Iseli, Year 9 Miguel I can do all things through Him who strengthens me ST JAMES COLLEGE MacBeth show and ticket details: • • Four shows: Tuesday May 19th 12.30pm Tuesday May 19th 7.30pm, Wednesday May 20th 7.30pm, Thursday May 21st 7.30pm Tickets are ALLOCATED seats. Prices: • • • • FULL PRICE: $15-00, CONCESSION: $10.00 STUDENTS OF ST JAMES AND MENTONE GIRLS GRAMMAR $5 (Available through the Box Office Only) GROUPS 5+ $10 each Children under 2 years are free on an adult’s knee Booking Options: • COUNTER SALES: at Kingston Arts Centre. The Box Office is located in the ground floor foyer of the Kingston City Hall, Cnr South Road and Nepean Highway, Moorabbin. You can pay by cash, credit cards, cheques or EFTPOS at the counter. • PHONE SALES – Box Office number is 9556 4440 (press 1 for the Box Office) Please have your credit card ready. Please note that credit card bookings over the phone incur a $3 booking fee and tickets are posted out the same day. • BY POST: Using cheque or money order. Tickets can be reserved over the phone and held for 3 working days, in which time Kingston Arts Centre must receive a cheque or money order for the tickets. Cheques or money orders should be made out to Kingston Arts Centre and posted directly to them at 979-985 Nepean Highway, Moorabbin 3189. • INTERNET SALES: Bookings can be made online at under the EVENTS section. Please note that there is a charge of $1.30 per ticket for this service. Tickets will be posted out the following day. • Box Office hours are Opening sales day 10.00am- 4.30pm • All other times Monday to Friday 9am – 4.30pm I can do all things through Him who strengthens me ST JAMES COLLEGE ARIAL 13 BOLD ARTS CEO Art Exhibit Mentone Girls Grammar Fair On the 17th - 22nd March, the Catholic Education Office (CEO) held a visual arts exhibition for catholic schools. On the 14th March, 5 students from St James College, Adam, Cooper, Liam , Jack and I performed at Mentone Girls Grammar. The exhibition was located in East Melbourne and had pieces of art from students ranging from prep to Year 12. The gallery consisted of sculptures, drawings and paintings of all different mediums. St James was fortunate enough to get 3 pieces of art submitted into the gallery. 2 self portraits by Ronald Wong (Year 8) and Trean Rodrigo (Year 8) were entered. I entered a picture of St John the Baptist. The exhibit was a great opportunity to see what other art catholic schools in Melbourne were producing. In all, around 400 pieces of art were submitted into the exhibit. Jordan Nandan, Year 10 MacBeth Since last December, the cast of Macbeth have been working tirelessly in order to make the show live up to expectations. Macbeth is a play of contradiction and ambition. With his motive of becoming King, Macbeth will kill all and any that get in his way, as he puts his faith and life in the hands of three witches and his wife, Lady Macbeth, who drives Macbeth’s ambition, egging him on to seize the throne no matter the cost. With his wife and the witches at his side egging him on, he soon goes insane and murders all who lie in his way. We had two sessions performing 5 songs in front of an audience. The first session was at 11:00am and we raised near $30 from donations from the audience. The next session was at 2:00pm and we raised about $30 again. In total we raised $60, the proceeds went to MGG parents and friends. It was a very enjoyable experience for the performers and the audience and we even got the audience to clap along to some of the songs (credit to Jack and Adam). We all played our part well and despite our few mistakes we still managed to keep on track and made the day sound wonderful. The people at the fair were very nice and some of the cast from Macbeth handed out flyers for the show. The day was honestly one of the best I’ve ever had and I hope to do it again in the future with the same great people. Fearnley FitzRoy, 9 La Salle. Adam Restanio, Year 9 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me ST JAMES COLLEGE Year 10 Important Dates During Term 2, the process of enrolment will commence for young men who are planning on attending St Bede’s College, Mentone or De La Salle College, Malvern. Enrolment to both of these colleges will commence in May/June, with Information/Open Nights, for St James College families, where tours of the facilities available will be conducted, and information provided about the virtues of each college. Enrolment packages will be available on these evenings, including enrolment forms. Enrolment applications are due at the relevant college on the date listed below (not St James College) If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Justin Shepherd, Year 10 Coordinator, at St James College, on 9575 8133, during school hours. St Bede’s College 20th May 2015 SBC infomation night @ SBC. SJC students only. School tour at 7.00pm Information presentation 7.30pm 5th June 2015 SBC enrolment forms due at SBC St Bede’s will email home ‘provisional’ acceptance information 14th July 2015 VCE/VCAL information night course and careers subject expo at SBC VCE info 7.00pm - 7.30pm VET/VCAL info 7.30pm - 8.00pm Learning Area Leaders in library for discussion 23rd July 2015 Formal subject selection meetings at SJC 1.00pm - 6.00pm 19th August 2015 Enrolment Acceptance SUBJECT SELECTIONS DUE at SBC 24th Nov – 4th Dec 2015 St Bede’s VCE Flying Start Transition Program De La Salle College 7th May 2015 DLS Year 11 2016 Infomation Night 29th May 2015 DLS enrolment forms due at DLS 22nd July 2015 VCE / VCAL Expo evening at DLS College 7.00pm 21st August 2015 Course advice and interview day. Subject selections due. 20th – 27th November 2015 DLS VCE Transition Program St James College May – enrolments due @ SBC/DLS post/email return 10th June-13th June EXAM WEEK 22rd – 26th June Camp Week Drivers Ed iPathways project conference 15th July Formal subject selection meetings @ SJC 22nd / 30th July SJC P/S/T interviews Nov – SBC / DLS homeroom teacher meet and greet @ SJC 18th – 21st November Exam Week 4th Dec SJC Valedictory Mass and Speech Night 6pm I can do all things through Him who strengthens me ST JAMES COLLEGE Year 10 News Library News Year 10 i-Pathways Project Yr 9 Spelling Bee During Term 2, the young men of Year 10 will be completing their i-Pathways project. The project requires the young men to research the different pathways to their careers. The project is designed to assist them with their subject selections for Year 11 and beyond. The 2015 Yr 9 spelling event was well supported by contestants and audience alike. Put simply, the young men will research careers they are interested in and find out what it takes to get them there from Year 10. The pathway may require a university degree, a TAFE certificate, an apprenticeship, or job placement. He will use this information to put together his subject selections for Year 11. Given the changing nature of work and careers, it is important that each young man spends time working through their project and completes each activity. They will be given ample class time to complete the project. I would encourage each family to discuss the results of the research and the aptitude tests. These will help provide some guidance for next years subject selections. During the final week of Term 2, the young men will meet with their Homeroom teacher. They will use this time to discuss the results of their project. This discussion will help guide their subject choices for next year, prior to the final subject selection interviews in Term 3. Our 17 entrants began nervously with some shock early departures. Congratulations to Phuong Nguyen 9S who achieved third place. Daniel Smith 9S did a superb job as this year’s runner up and was a crowd favourite. Nicholas Nikolitsis 9M is now the current Yr 9 Spelling Bee Champion for St James College. Nick’s secret weapon is his total focus on the spelling task at hand. The library is very proud to say he is also an excellent library monitor and we shall be pleased to see his name on the perpetual trophy. Well done Nick we look forward to you spelling once again in the Champion of Champions Competition later this year. ANZAC Day Quiz If you have any questions regarding the i-Pathways project, please contact either myself or your son’s homeroom teacher. Justin Shepherd Year 10 Co-ordinator Student Services Catch-Up Club Catch-up Club will operate on Tuesday afternoons, in the library, after school until 4:00pm. During these supervised sessions, your son can ask for assistance in any of his subject areas. This is a great opportunity for consolidation and a quiet working environment. Student Services Team For some years now the SJC Library has held an ANZAC competition. This year many students entered the quiz which required a little research and we were pleased with the results. Three students Hrithik 9M, Robert 10L and Liam 10L achieved a perfect score and were each happy recipients of a commemorative tin of ANZAC biscuits. Josh 9M was the closest entrant to perfection and he was rewarded with a Gallipoli Centenary scarf. Mr Barry Wood’s efforts in completing the quiz were admirable. He went to great lengths to provide us with a good deal of information including a full recipe for ANZAC biscuits which though not required, was greatly received. Deirdre Riordan, Librarian I can do all things through Him who strengthens me ST JAMES COLLEGE Cyber Safety Technology and Distractability I’m writing this at parent teacher interviews. As an IT teacher, I’m not in as high demand as the English and homeroom teachers. Most of the students in my class are there because they want to be. So I have time. I can mark work, prepare lessons and write articles. When I do manage to talk to a parent, sometimes they’ll find out that I had a lot to do with implementing the iPad program at the school and invariably I’ll get the comment: “How do I stop him from wasting time on the iPad?” There are a few options here, depending on how diplomatic I’m feeling. For the most part, these work both in the classroom and at home. 1. Not at all diplomatic: You’re the parent. You rule the roost. Put some rules in place that mean that he doesn’t do things he’s not meant to do. 2. Slightly more diplomatic: Have a conversation with your wayward child. What are they using the iPad for? How important are the various different activities? How much time does he realistically need to properly stay in touch with friends and have some leisure time? And then come up with a mutually negotiated timetable for class use versus leisure use. And of course, if the timetable isn’t upheld, you stop being diplomatic and go back to step 1. Your job as parents is to be aware of what your child is meant to be doing and what they’re actually doing and modify the ratio between the two so that the work gets done. Our job as teachers is to make sure that the work that they do on their tablet is valuable and stimulating and not just busy work that we don’t want to mark as much as they don’t want to do it. Sorry, did that answer the question? Damian Perry ICT Learning Leader Debating On Tuesday 21st April the Year 8 debating team took on Haileybury in round 2 of the DAV competition. The topic was ‘That Australia should not celebrate Australia Day’. Our speakers for the negative were Giovanni Farag, James Medland and Ben Parrett. After beating the all-female Haileybury team in round one, the boys narrowly lost to the all-male Haileybury team this week. Despite it being James’s first debate, and Giovanni and Ben’s second, the boys debated with a maturity and skill beyond their years. 3. Very diplomatic: If the work your son is required to do on his iPad isn’t challenging enough or hasn’t been explained properly, then a confused student is a student who ends up on social media. Tablets are incredibly powerful machines. With the proper motivation, students could be inspired to create a movie, make an interactive app or design a scavenger hunt. With no motivation, they can Google the answer, copy and paste work into a Keynote and hand in a Pages document called Blank 43 (which is probably very accurate). The reality is somewhere between all of that. You are the parents, and you do have the ability to place restrictions on your child’s use of technology at home. The teachers at school are in a similar situation. Any restrictions placed on a student should be made in conjunction with the student, to limit the amount of resentment and rebellion involved. Special mention should go to Ms Harvey , Ms Stefaniw and the boy’s parents for the work they are doing in nurturing the debating talent in the junior levels. George Vlamakis, Student Support Teacher I can do all things through Him who strengthens me ST JAMES COLLEGE School Fees SIS Sport A reminder that the second Term payment is due by: Junior Basketball Friday 1st May 2015 If your school fees payment are not up to date, payment arrangement or direct debit can be establish at any time by contacting the finance officer. As always, if any families are experiencing any difficulties in paying school fees or maintaining their payment plan, it is important to contact Wally Gleeson Business Manager on 9575 8111. Wally Gleeson Business Manager SJC Chess Club Monday 27th April was our first coaching session with Karl from Chess Kids. We concentrated on game beginnings and endings. Karl reminded us to play through the centre of the board and to avoid keeping to the sides. We also need to take our time over our all-important first moves. We will have six sessions with master class coaches. Round 1 23/4/15 Team SJC Scores 39 St Johns 23 Goal Scorers D Mullin 16 S Ho 7 Best Players D Mullin S Ho L Garnaut Table Tennis Round 1 23/4/2015 SJC vs St Johns College Team SJC Scores 8 St Johns 0 Goal Scorers Best Players R Vongkham C James N Aparo N Alexopoulos Senior Football Round 1 23/4/15 SJC vs St Peters College Team SJC Scores Goal Scorers 9.7.61 N Lloyd 4 H Crisp 3 L Kiely 1 T Lucas 1 Best Players H Crisp T Nathan S. Gunsekera N Lloyd C Dawes T Lucas St Peters 8.8.56 We kicked the first 3 goals of the game to lead by 17 points at 1/4 time. St Peters kicked the next 3 to lead by 2 points at 1/2 time. We were in deep trouble when they kicked the first 3 goals of the third term. Then Co Captain Harry Crisp kicked 2 goals. We trailed by 7 points at the last break but came home strongly to win by 5 points. Steve Kennedy Football Coach Playing more chess improves our game. Everyone is welcome to join chess club. Eddie Polimene Year 7 Miguel I can do all things through Him who strengthens me ST JAMES COLLEGE Parents and Friends Chocolate Drive The 2015 Chocolate Drive was launched on Friday 24th April. Family Fun Night Friday 8th May Students were given a mixture of Cadbury chocolate Freddo frogs to sell (One box per family). Families receive 50 Freddos in your box, to be sold for $1.00 each. Selling for $1.00 each or $50.00 per box, this represents excellent value. It is suggested that the chocolates be sold to extended family members, friends, relatives and known neighbours, and that extended family members, parents, relatives and neighbours can assist by selling to colleagues in their workplaces. Money needs to be returned to St James College by FRIDAY 29th MAY 2015. Should you require further boxes, these can be collected from the college office. Book these in the diary! A few events are in the pipeline for this year including Our major social and fundraising event will be our Trivia Night Friday 7th August more information to follow closer to the date. Our next P&F meeting is Monday May 25th at 7.30pm All welcome! So if you have the time, feel free to come along and check it out, meet some other parents and get active in your son’s school. ST JAMES COLLEGE PARENTS & FRIENDS PRESENT FAMILY FUN NIGHT! Where: AMF Moorabbin, 938 Nepean Highway, Moorabbin When: 7.30pm Friday 8th May, 2015 Cost: $17.90 for 2 games inc. shoe hire RSVP: Romina by Monday 4th May on [email protected] We hope to see you there! ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS NOW AVAILABLE Entertainment™ Memberships include over $20,000 worth of valuable 2-for-1 and up to 50% offers from many of the best restaurants, arts, attractions, hotel accommodation, travel and much more! This year the Parents & Friends Association is offering the popular ‘Entertainment Books’ as a fundraising activity for St James College. With each book sold, St James College will receive 20% which will go towards our annual fundraising targets. Order your Entertainment Book or your Digital Membership securely online: Entertainment books can be ordered online and collected from the College Office. Books can be purchased at the College office. See attached flyer For more information contact Shae Young at [email protected] or on 0409 039 359. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me ST JAMES COLLEGE ARIAL 13 Parents and BOLD Friends Parents and Friends Committee I can do all things through Him who strengthens me ST JAMES COLLEGE Term 2, 2015 Calendar Week 3 4 5 Also available at April, Thursday 30th Day 4 May, Friday 1st 5 May, May, May, May, Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6 7 May, Wednesday 6th 8 May, Thursday 7th 9 May, Friday 8th 10 May, May, May, Saturday Sunday Monday 9th 10th 11th 3 May, Tuesday 12th 2 May, Wednesday 13th 1 May, Thursday 14th 4 Events St John Baptiste De La Salle Homeroom Celebration Day AIE / CCI Class excursion SIS Junior Sport R2: Football v Training T/Tennis v Training Basketball v Training SIS Intermediate (9 & 10) Sport Make Up Round: Basketball v Training Football v Training COME AND SEE PROGRAM Homeroom Assembly – Awards and Presentations St John’s Day Mass at St John’s College 9am -11am SIS Drama Workshop Day Year 9 Program 2.6 –Year 9 (Salvation Army City Tour) Year 7, 2015 Acceptances Due HOMEROOM PHOTOS SIS Junior Sport R3: Football v SPC West (H) T/Tennis v Cornish (A) Basketball v SPC West (A) DLS College – Year 11 2016 Info evening PACTS Evening 7pm Open Morning P1 & 2 Cyberbusters – Year 8 , 8.50am Hall SIS Intermediate (9 & 10) Sport –R3: Football Training Basketball v Nazareth (A) Mother’s Day Yr 10 Outdoor Ed. Grampians Hike Departs (7am) Year 9 Program 3.1 – No other commitments for Year 9 NAPLAN TESTING: NO OTHER COMMITMENTS FOR YEAR 7 & 9 No Instrumental Music Lessons (Yr 7 & 9) National Testing: Language & Writing (Year 7 & 9) Yr 10 Outdoor Ed. Grampians Hike DAV Debating - Haileybury College NAPLAN TESTING: NO OTHER COMMITMENTS FOR YEAR 7 & 9 No Instrumental Music Lessons (Yr 7 & 9) National Testing: Reading (Year 7 & 9) Yr 10 Outdoor Ed. Grampians Hike NAPLAN TESTING: NO OTHER COMMITMENTS FOR YEAR 7 & 9 No Instrumental Music Lessons (Yr 7 & 9) National Testing: Numeracy (Year 7 & 9) SIS Junior Sport Make Up Round: Football v Padua Mornington (A) T/Tennis v Berwick (H) Basketball v SFX Berwick (A) 6 May, Friday 15th 5 May, May, May, May, Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday 16th 17th 18th 19th 6 7 May, Wednesday 20th 8 May, Thursday 21st 9 May, Friday 22nd 10 May, May, Saturday Sunday 23rd 24th Yr 10 Outdoor Ed. Grampians Hike Returns 10 Law Moorabbin Magistrates Court Excursion. 9 – 1pm PACTS Evening 7pm FEAST OF ST JOHN BAPTISTE DE LA SALLE – PATRON SAINT OF TEACHERS St. John Baptist De La Salle Celebration Mass – 11.15am - Patron of Teachers Founder’s Day Celebrations - 1pm onwards SIS Intermediate (9 & 10) Sport –R2: Football v SFX Beaconsfield (H) Basketball v SFX Beaconsfield (H) Macbeth Production Bump in and Technical Rehearsal. Macbeth Production Dress Rehearsal 10 – 4pm COME AND SEE PROGRAM SIS Cross Country Carnival Macbeth Performance – 12pm and 7.30pm Year 9 Program 3.2 – No other commitments for Year 9 SBC – Year 11 2016 Information evening 7pm Macbeth Performance – 7.30pm SIS Junior Sport Round 4: Football v JPC (H) Table Tennis v Flinders (H) Basketball v Flinders (H) Macbeth Performance – 7.30pm Open Morning P 1 & 2 SIS Intermediate (9 & 10) Round 4 : Football v Padua Mornington (A) Basketball v Padua Mornington (A) Macbeth Production Bump Out Mary, Help of Christians, Patron of Australia – 1844. Recovering the Inspiration – Lasallian Gathering II can can do do all all things things through through Him Him who who strengthens strengthens me me ST JAMES COLLEGE Term 2, 2015 Calendar Week 7 8 9 10 11 Also available at May, Monday 25th Day 1 May, Tuesday 26th 2 May, Wednesday 27th 3 May, Thursday 28th 4 May, Friday 29th 5 May, May, June, Saturday Sunday Monday 30th 31st 1st 6 June, Tuesday 2nd 7 June, Wednesday 3rd 8 June, Thursday 4th 9 June, Friday 5th 10 June, June, June, June, June, Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 2 3 June, Thursday 11th 4 June, June, June, June, June, Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 5 June, Wednesday 17th 8 June, June, June, June, June, Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 9 10 June, Tuesday 23rd 2 June, Wednesday 24th 3 June, Thursday 25th 4 June, Friday 26th 5 6 7 1 Events Recovering the Inspiration – Lasallian Gathering Parents & Friends Association Meeting Year 8 Immunisations 11.30 – 12.50 Recovering the Inspiration – Lasallian Gathering Year 9 Program 3.3 – No other commitments for Year 9 Recovering the Inspiration – Lasallian Gathering Ascension Reading Matters State Library Excursion SIS Junior Sport Round 5: Football v SFX Berwick (H) Table Tennis v Woodleigh (A) Basketball v Padua Mornington (H) Open Morning P 1 & 2 Year 10 - Keys Please 9 - 9.55am Cyberbusters – Year 7 , 8.50am Hall DLS 2016 Enrolment Forms Due Parents & Friends Chocolate Drive concludes SIS Intermediate (9 & 10) Round5 : Football v Flinders (A), Basketball v St Johns (H) REVISION WEEK SJC Board Meeting REVISION WEEK YEAR 10 PSG Meetings – (no other Year 10 events please) REVISION WEEK Year 9 Program 3.4 – No other commitments for Year 9 REVISION WEEK Year 9 and 10 Drama Evening – 7.30pm REVISION WEEK St Bede’s 2016 Enrolments Due SIS Intermediate (9 & 10) Sport Make Up Round: Pentecost Sunday QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY HOLIDAY EXAM WEEK– No In/Excursions EXAM WEEK– No In/Excursions Year 9 Program 3.5 – No other commitments for Year 9 EXAM WEEK– No In/Excursions SJC Board Meeting EXAM WEEK– No In/Excursions Trinity Sunday CORRECTION DAY - STUDENT FREE DAY Whole school PLG reflection writing - Period 1 Yr 10 Outdoor Ed. – Caving and Kayaking (7am - all day) Lunchtime Liturgy 12.50pm AIE / CCI Class incursion 1-4pm Yr 10 HRM Staff Report writing Periods 4 - 6 Year 9 Program 3.6 – Year 9 (Salvation Army City Tour) A Little Night Of Beatles Music – 7.30pm Homeroom Assembly - Awards and Presentations Open Morning P1 & 2 Year 10 Retreat/Camp at “Araluen”, Anglesea (2 Homerooms on Camp 10 M & S) COME AND SEE PROGRAM Year 10 Retreat/Camp at “Araluen”, Anglesea (2 Homerooms on Camp 10 M & S) Driver Ed 10 Benilde / La Salle Year 9 Program 4.1 – No other commitments for Year 9 Year 10 Retreat/Camp at “Araluen”, Anglesea Year 10 Retreat/Camp at “Araluen”, Anglesea (2 Homerooms on Camp B & L) Driver Ed 10 Miguel / Solomon Year 10 Retreat/Camp at “Araluen”, Anglesea (2 Homerooms on Camp B & L) Term 2 Ends, Students Conclude 1.00pm I can do all things through Him who strengthens me
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