“Professors Across Borders” Travel Grant Proposal Cover Sheet Deadline Friday, March 20, 2015 (11:59PM) Send proposals to Laura Silvius at [email protected] and CC Dr. Rueyling Chuang at [email protected]. Faculty Member’s First Name: Faculty Member’s Last Name: Department: Office Phone: E-mail Address: Proposed Country: Dates for Academic Travel: Amount Requested: Previous PAB Grants Received: none (Priority will go to professors who have not previously received the travel grant.) Please indicate which of the following objectives will be the focus of your proposed travel (check all that apply - (NUMBER ONE MUST BE CHECKED) ___ 1. Conduct research (individually or with professional colleagues during the academic trip) leading to a publication or creative endeavor; ___ 2. Write a grant proposal based on contacts made during the academic trip; ___ 3. Prepare materials for a conference/workshop presentation based on the academic trip; ___ 4. Set up or implement a short-term course or internship opportunity for students. ___ 5. Improve foreign language skills as part of a professional development project ___ 6. Internationalize one or more courses on campus (either by enhancing an existing course** or designing a new course**). If you checked #6 as one of your objectives, please indicate which of the following curriculum activities will be carried out: ___ 6-a. Enhanced course proposal (addition of international content and resources--to an approved course--that do not require the approval of CSUSB curriculum committees) __ 6-b. Special topics class (new topic) (designed with international content and resources—do not require the approval of CSUSB curriculum committees) __ 6.c Modified course proposal (changes in title, course description, credits and content—to an approved course-- that do require the approval of CSUSB curriculum committees) __ 6-d. New course proposal (requires the approval of CSUSB curriculum committees) ** Professors who submit proposals for innovative course development or re-design are encouraged to also apply for one of the Teaching Resource Center’s Course Development Grants. ______________________________________________________________________________ DEPARTMENTAL AND COLLEGE CONSULTATION ABOUT TEACHING SCHEDULES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (FOR PROPOSED INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL DURING THE ACADEMIC YEAR) Click here to acknowlege that all of the above information is true and accurate. Date ________ ___ Please check here if this project will be done with another professor on campus who is also applying for Professors Across Borders funding. Please indicate the name___________________________ and dept. _____________________ of your partner faculty member. Please indicate the type of joint project/event you are collaborating on _________________________ . Please remember that each professor MUST submit a separate application that meets all guidelines. Academic travel will be funded through the Center for International Studies and Programs with funds provided by the Faculty Professional Development Coordinating Committee. Evaluation/reporting requirements support campus internationalization goals. Recipients of international faculty development travel funds must submit a copy of this cover sheet with an International Faculty Development Travel Report (and appendices) by Fri., January 8, 2016. All travel grant participants are expected to participate in a “Professors Across Borders” workshop co-sponsored by the Center for International Studies and Programs and the Teaching Resource Center during the fall, winter, or spring quarter following their return from an academic trip. Send proposals to Laura Silvius at [email protected] and CC Dr. Rueyling Chuang at [email protected]. “Professors Across Borders” Travel Grant Narrative The description of the proposed Professor Across Borders travel grant project shall not exceed three pages. Your project proposal should include the following: a) Statement of the project’s objectives; b) Significance of the project to the International Professional Development of the submitter (in relation to the project objectives); c) Detailed description of research methodology; d) Description of proposed activities to support all objectives; e) Proposed timeline; f) Proposed contacts in target country (with letters of invitation, if available); g) List of previous CSUSB Professors Across Borders Travel Grant received; h) Budget (detailed, reasonable, with all sources of funding indicated). Use the Budget Narrative form to itemize your proposed expenses. Requested amount cannot exceed $2,500 or the proposal will be automatically disqualified. Travel Grant Budget Narrative List the projected expenses for the categories below. Airfare: Departure City: Destination City: Transportation to and from airport: Other transportation (e.g., shuttle, bus, taxi, etc.) : Lodging: Per diem: Parking: Incidentals: Additional expenses: - Please describe: Budget Total: $ 0.00 Requested Amount: The requested amount shall not exceed $2,500. The maximum amount that this travel grant can give is $2,500.
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