Members Dresent : Dr.N.K Hazarika Medical Superintendent Dr.Nilom Khound-Consuhant- Internal Medicine Dr.Sushil Agarwal- Dy.Consultant-Psych iatry Dr.Santanu Medhi- Dy.Consultant-Surgery Mrs.Karabi Kalita-Legal Officer Chairman Members The following dortor/recipient groups were evaluated. st. DONOR RECIPIENT RELATIONSHIP 1 Mrs.Ganga Sarma Das Mr.Pranab Kumar Das Spouse 2 Mrs.S.Kondmma Mr.Veera Vadradu Spouse 3 Mrs.Binapani Devi 4 Mrs.Agnoni Barman Mr.Anil Kr Barman Mother-Son 5 Mrs.Jharna Purkayastha Mrs.Moulinee Purkayastha Mother-Son 6 Mrs.Fatema Begum Mrs.Sabina Yasmin No. Mrs.Himadri Sarma Form 6 and Form 19 as defined at rule Mother-Daughter S isters 5(3) (c )and rule 2 (c) follows : (:r) Form 6 For spousal living donor (to be filled by comPetent authority+ case of foreigners) a nd Authorisation Committee, of the hospital or district or state in lSee rule 18(2) t,DrlMrlWslwiss... 'jlt'K' AAZ DR possessing qualification Registered as medical practitioner at serial No certify ^that ,AMt Y42A of -1413O 9 oy tne Araodnt- Medical council, : D/o and l-.b . -}pt " ^c"i o?t u e.0- Are related to each other as spouse according to the ,tJ"."nt resident gir"n ot--!&La^o!14%slt:€r by them and f_:* '.&s tdt'' *tttrn#t nt' from the body of Been confirmed bY means of following evidence before effecting the organ removal a-(Urrrralf+ltApplicable only in the the said Shri/Smt cases where considered necessary) OR mentioned above is such that recording of ln case the Clinical condition of Shri/Smt (mention his/her statement is not practicable, reliance will be placed on the documentary evidence(s) documentary evidence(s here) gr.6"uiag" 0 certificate indicate date of marriage r t'Ltl '+" b' Y'r c {t^"t t b. Marriage photogra Phs with duration c. Date when transplantation was advised by the hospital(to be compared of marriage) d. Number and age of children and their birth certificates e. Any other document .- -/*''n-' 1'ft*" *kI["^ /7', ; on rtJ k^,at;k i]rs. utho rity*/Authorisation committee in case of toreigners along with Seal/Stamp j'Mrrr n pa-vt Sisnature of competent " pyb a r'yt cz'G+'c'!' u v - *0 .--r/),^, u' 7'vtt;. '::;,ffi',6ob.Dp'|; ptace: Gtupq.rsri' , rY'i:::r::!i (ffiiii-;L:l' *Director or Medical superintendent or ln charge of the hospital or the internal committee of the ,n a) JD Form 6 D.,'^'a' For spousal living donor *5 ' (to be filled by competent authority*and Authorisation Committee, of the hospital or district or state in case of foreigners) [See rule 18(2) __)^809 Registered as medical practitioner at serial No certify that : , Y \Lq Ou 4 ,n" Agsal* A1ao"o Medicat councit, turident of - D/o 33v ea-, resident of ----T--Been confirmed by means of following evidence before effecting the organ removal from the body of /1 (Applicable only in the cases where considered necessary)' the said shri/srft $' kDt'ld'D?'na OR mentioned above is such that recording of ln case the Clinical condition of Shri/Smt his/her statement is not practicable, reliance will be placed on the dOcumentary evidence(s) (mention documenta ry evidence(s here) l-afiarriage cerlificate indicate date of marriage b. Marriage photo8raphs c. Date when transplantation was advised by the hospltal(to be compared with duration of marriage) d. Number and age of children and their birth certificates e. Any other document \,.- -{*-- ''r'r'-\7-'" )lco*o- \*vl*. /;v^;Y\ {'"*'lu*',. wt-^w'<! wz\ Signature of competent e\ace: ") a utho rity*/Atlthorisatio n committee in case of foreigners along with Seal/Stamp et,,,nahali lgllwlzotf e!,"A!*1a4 . ' -@=*^t|rffi:it^, -*:"-lt"t'St$l; rnt"ont;;;h"ti *Director or Medical Superintendent or ln Charge of the hospital or the internal committee of the FORM 19 Certificate by competent authority_[as defined at rule 2(c)] For lndian relative, other than spouse Cases (ln case of spousal donor, Form 6 will be applicable ) See Rule 5(3) (c) (Format for the decision of Concerned competent Authority ) of Kidney from living donor who is near relative under the Transplantation of Human Organs Act ,!994(42 of 1994) ,,submitted on This is to certify that as per application in Form-11 for transplantation llUln' ov the donor and recipient, whose details and photographs are given below, along interview of donor and recipient (if medically fit to be interviewed ) by the Competent t?zlU )X-o t gAuthority in the meeting freta on Deta ils of Dono r Deta ils of Recipient Name Name 71rs. h.\alq-^ Dl.d ' I L\ Ase age 'z^ YbfF, W?3 " l-Qr^'-t'L- Arcr*-o,ae" ru#riusaananame + Pl'r. c.L-frq rather/H usba nK1"m" o'l^v. ct^n;[-v'q ,aJ-/v\4-?. W./? ' ^ . Address: Address: cr",-tuY G's. Dr--E Hospital Reg.No : liLrr - , r:lun'^l'.--lolA l*r,L '*bqg' ^ - alg+lz Relationship of Donor with Recipient orni Donor &s'vi (Photo of recipient and donor must be signed and stamped across the photo after affixing) L,f6rmission is granted, asto the best of knowledge of the members of members of the committee, donation is out of their being near relative and there is no financial transaction between recipient and donor and there is no pressure/coercion on donor. Permission is withheld pending submission of the following documents Permission is not granted for the following reasons na^ .L-. . r.>z- / du,*/ 7-*'t'* Wu'ucd k"r"UW^f\ /'2 (Signature and stamp Date and of c p1.." 13' \^-^9 'fffi*i,ni,yt 0t+ Wt6 ,W' FORM "l 19 Certificate by competent authority-[as defined at rule 2(c)] For lndian relative, other than spouse Cases (ln case of spousal donor, Form 6 will be appllcable ) See le 5(3)(c) Ru (Format for the decision of Concerned Competent Authority This is to certifi/ that as per application in Form-11 for transplantation of ) Kidney from living donor who is near relative under the Trarisplantation of Human organs Act ,7994(47 ol L994) ,,submitted on with their by the donor and recipient, whose details and photographs are given below, along itdentifications and verifications documents, the case was considered after the personal interview of donor and recipient (if medically fit to be interviewed ) by the Competent Authorlty in the meeting held tAtu I za-( on {* Deta ils Details of Recipient Na of Donor Name me Age Ape br-, qw Sex Sex p*f,erlnusband Name OlY. li o-u ratner/nusbhl-tl ane Add ress: Address: l^t(.' u; lvl k)al W botu, ,t , 'nl-u4n , Da Dha*46Gt ' f\.- vr'n bAu;LAA, P,a, Dl'o^lobo 99 4- Hospital Res.No I Mqt - >> L q LLl Hospital Reg. , Recipie r Bqzaal lluA- Relationship of Donor with Recipient L LLlc{L- ) Ac+nrr.?$. Donor fl*^.,r. (Photo of recipient and donor must be signed and stamped across the photo after affixing) r-fermission is granted, asto the best of knowledge of the menrbers of members of the committee, donation is out of their being near relative and there is no financial transaction between recipient and donor and there is no pressure/coercion on donor. ments Permission is withheld pending submission of the following q@M *f t,- t ^-' ,, tsl-/-' ,Z-y'cu'*'*n/ p. W,fot Xrtc Wtrd 5i.-{-f- '{-c, o L c- o'*-D' U+ t ohl^'^( <tc."r&Ltr J- d '{}.fr'at btgn---C ) , 0or,lo, n* Q; c*a^ Permission is not granted for the following reasons ,,^ 9 Werh"- ,i-.^o,o;L (Sig natu re and Date and FORM -r 19 Certificate by competent authority-[as deflned at rule 2(c)] For lndian relative, other than spouse Cases (ln case of spousal donor, Form 6 will be applicable ) See Rule 5{3) (cl (Format for the decision of Concerned Competent Authority This is to certiry that as per application in Form-1L for transplantation of ) Kidney from livinS donor who is near relative under the Transplantation of Human Organs Act ,L994142 of 1994) ,,submitted on by the donor and recipient, whose details and photographs are given below, along with ttieir identifications and verifications documents, the case was considered after the personal interview of donor and recipient (if medically fit to be interviewed ) by the Competent Authority in the meeting held on Deta ils Details of Recipient of Donor Wr. sL-*--^ (^Ua+^*) Name *"^" Age Ase 9.> "{l- Sex Sex F.,^-"-l- Fat6r/Husband Name W ^?. o gl"rilu, rati{r/u usba nd Nane (tv, . '?ro4,nJ+t Add ress: rto f,*"/l,L*l", D^j-/-y**D Hospita I Reg.No : /ll9-' 2auto t,tt-Yt-- /b3A t4out-a- ' 7. Hospitalteg. Relationship of Donor with Recipient 097 , Q"(*l?{ Donor Reciplent (Photo of recipient and donor must be signed and stamped across the photo after affixing) Lr€ffiission is granted, asto the best of knowledge of the members of members of the committee, donation is out of their being near relative and there is no financial transaction between recipient and donor and there is no pressu re/coe rcio n on donor. Permission is withheld pending submission of the following documents Permission is not Branted for the following reasons - /*r.- -257' ./l".o.r*'.r 7, - N iloar Y'*'P ouad V4+ e^-ruarv-lg ry^,^b\Va!.t< t ..aAyy2 ( s is natu re a n d Dateand st a m p "I 7.^:i(%r,n],,,r, place (6/ y4 , o,,,nriYn ^u ^, Certificatebycompetentauthority.[asdefinedatrule2(c)]Forlndianrelative,otherthanspouse Cases (ln case of spousal donor, Form 6 will be applicable ) See Ru le 5{3)lc) (Format for the decision of Concerned Competent Authority ) This is to certiry that as per application in Form-11 for transplantation of Kidney from living donor who 1994) ,,submitted is near relative under the Transplantation of Human Organs Act ,1994(42 of on given below' along the donor and recipient, whose details and photographs are personal ;il. ,t/ld*,,1f'*tions and verifications documents, the case was considered after the by the Competent interview of donor and recipient (if medically fit to be interviewed ) tlUltll nv Authority in the meeting held on /?l O Details of Donor Details of ReciPient L4>- h/b- Ada Fur*-S-' Sex rather/nusffi ruame lh ^ Nalzz( ' ur' Father/H usband Name Address: Address: G l+a,.-*^, a4'6-1i44^d, p0 -r6 *lor*rt b)^btv-fd\"' P, Hospital Reg.No: RelationshiPof wlw - L03 b1>- Hospital Reg. uql.' aJqoz?8, Dc'-----.-- t_ I Recipient Donor (Photo of recipient airo oonor must be signed and stamped across the photo after affixing) l4€amission is granted, asto the best of knowledge of the members of members of the committee' recipient and donation is out of their beinB near relative and there is no financial transaction between donor and there is no pressure/coercion on donor. Permission is withheld pending submission of the following documents Permission is not granted for the following reasons J,\./ / l*- -, -*\ /- '
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