Sina Corp 27% discount to SOTP valuation 17 March 2015 UNITED STATES | TECHNOLOGY | NON-RATED $2.57b SOTP (liquid assets & net cash) vs $1.88b market cap. 12.3% shares were repurchased since 2014 for $311m. Accretive. Risks: competition from WeChat, valuation of its equity stakes falls. NON-RATED Company Background Sina Corp is better known for its web portal, 10th most visited website in China. Its core portal revenues is in decline, but still generated significant $227m gross profit for FY14. In addition, it owns stakes in many listed companies, specifically Weibo, E-House, Youku Tudou, Alibaba, and Tian Ge, collectively worth $2.15b, on top of $417m net cash & deposits. $'m 3,000 Breakdown of Liquid Assets & Net Cash 2,500 167 134 126 57 USD 32.46 N/A N/A N/A CLOSING PRICE FORECAST DIV TARGET PRICE TOTAL RETURN COMPANY DATA O/S SHA RES (M N) : 58.0 M A RKET CA P (USD mn) : 1,882 52 - WK HI/LO (USD) : 71.19 / 32.37 3M A verage Daily T/O (mn) : 0.92 MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS (%) 2,566 417 P LA TINUM INVESTM ENT 6.59% WELLS FA RGO & CO 5.85% M ORGA N STA NLEY 5.68% B LA CKROCK 5.60% DELA WA RE M GM T 4.50% PRICE PERFORMANCE (%) 2,000 1,665 COM P A NY 1,500 S&P 500 RETURN 1M T H 3 M TH 1Y R (13.1) (10.7) (49.3) (1.9) 3.1 13.5 PRICE VS. S&P 500 1,000 80 Weibo Net Cash E-House Tian Ge Alibaba Youku SOTP 70 60 50 Investment Merits 58% stake in NASDAQ-listed Weibo, also nicknamed China’s Twitter. Weibo has 61% of Twitter’s Monthly Active Users (“MAU”), and 1/3 its average revenue per user (“ARPU”). Using these two metrics, Weibo should be roughly worth one-fifth of Twitter’s $30b market cap, yet in reality Weibo trades at half that level ($3b) despite faster growth. Sina Corp ought to be viewed as VC, with its portfolio of listed equities. It first invested $50m in Alibaba at $13.50/share in end 2011, whose valuation has since risen six-fold. ~51% stake in SINA Aicai Online Lottery (7.4% market share). $223m sales in Q3 2014. Not factored into SOTP, but likely valuable. Paid $7.8m dividend to Sina Corp in Q4 2014. Repurchased $311m worth of shares, ie. 12.3% outstanding float, since 2014. Accretive. Material Risks Weibo competes for user attention with Tencent-backed WeChat (微信), which has 468m MAUs at last count. Rate of user monetization also appears to be slowing down. web portal underperformed due to ongoing user migration to mobile devices. It might take some time for the SOTP discount to close, and might be a result of lower valuations for its various equity stakes instead of Sina Corp’s share price catching up. Investment Actions No stock rating or price target provided, as we do not have coverage on Sina Corp. Page | 1 | PHILLIP SECURITIES RESEARCH (SINGAPORE) MCI (P) 020/11/2014 Ref. No.: US2015_0009 40 30 Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 SINA US EQUITY Dec-14 Mar-15 SPX Index So urce: B lo o mberg, P SR KEY FINANCIALS U SD M N F Y 12 F Y 13 F Y 14 Revenue 529 665 Gro ss P ro fit 281 394 Operating P ro fit (9) 23 (40.9) Cash & Equivalents 714 1,868 2,167 Lo ng-Term Liabilities 110 894 889 1,137 1,191 2,146 A ttributable Equity So urce: Co mpany Data, P SR est. Wong Yong Kai (+65 65311685) [email protected] 768 478 SINA CORP NON-RATED 65% of its SOTP valuation is derived from its 58% stake in NASDAQ-listed Weibo. Background: Weibo was first launched by in August 2009 as a microblogging service, then incorporated in 2010 and upgraded with social networking features in 2011. It completed its IPO on April 2014. Sina Corp has since received a total of $1.24b net proceeds from Weibo’s IPO and earlier placements, and still retains a 58% stake today, while Alibaba is the second largest shareholder of Weibo with 32% stake. Weibo is a leading social media platform for people to create and distribute Chineselanguage content. Any user can create and post a feed of 140 Chinese characters. Increasingly, media outlets are turning to Weibo to source for news, for example: 1) When Asiana Airlines crashed in San Francisco International Airport on 06 July 2013, one of the passengers announced his safety on Weibo, and CCTV reported the incident on its prime time news with feeds from the passenger’s Weibo as well. 2) Ji’nan Intermediate People’s Court posted dozens of updates on its official Weibo page to inform the public on the progress of the high-profile trial of former highranking government official Bo Xilai. Its final verdict was released only via Weibo. Weibo 3-Year Users Growth 200 25.0% 180 'million users 160 20.0% 140 120 15.0% 100 80 10.0% 60 40 5.0% 20 0 0.0% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 Daily Active Users Monthly Active Users % q-o-q DAU growth (RHS) Network Effect: Product popularity initially draws in more users, who in turn increases the popularity and attracts even more users. Hence, tracking Weibo’s user growth rate helps us understand if its social media platform is still gaining traction. DAU and MAU in the four quarters of 2014 have increased by more than 30% y-o-y, notably faster than 19.5-25.0% achieved by Twitter in the same timeframe. DAU q-oq growth rate has gradually slowed down as the user base enlarges, but still clocking in high single-digits growth. DAU as % of MAU has also remained rather stable, averaging 45-46% for past 3 years, signifying its stickiness and appeal to Weibo users. On the other hand, its DAU q-o-q growth rate has been substantially slower than Tencent-backed WeChat, which registered as much as 6.9 more percentage points in 2014, despite having a user base already 160% larger than Weibo. While Weibo is akin to Twitter, WeChat is more similar to WhatsApp, hence this metric alone might not be comparable. Nonetheless, investors should closely track Weibo’s user growth rate (disclosed quarterly) and be prepared to sell off if the trend does turn negative. Page | 2 | PHILLIP SECURITIES RESEARCH (SINGAPORE) SINA CORP NON-RATED Weibo vs Twitter Users Monetization $1.60 $1.51 $1.40 $1.20 $0.93 $1.00 $0.80 $0.57 $0.60 $0.40 $0.51 $0.44 $0.20 $0.23 $0.00 Q1 2012 Q2 2012 Q3 2012 Q4 2012 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Weibo ARPU Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Twitter ARPU Weibo has historically done a great job monetizing its vast user base. ARPU, calculated by dividing quarterly “Advertising & Marketing Revenue” by the average of current and previous quarters’ MAU, has increased from nearly non-existent in Q1 2012 to $0.51 in Q4 2014, a fifty-fold increase by harvesting low-hanging fruits. Initial ramp-up has been impressive, registering 91% ARPU growth y-o-y in Q4 2013, but decelerated in 2014 to end the year with a lower 16% y-o-y growth. The ARPU difference between Twitter and Weibo has also widened considerably, from $0.34 to $1.00 in the span of two years. As of 31 Dec 2014, Twitter ARPU is 3x that of Weibo. It can be reasoned that because the average Twitter user generates 3x more revenue for the company, they should be worth a proportional premium over Weibo users. Based on Twitter’s $28.0b enterprise value, the average Twitter user is worth $97. And since Weibo’s ARPU is one-third of Twitter, Weibo users would be roughly worth $32. In reality, Weibo trades at a much lower ~$14/user ($2.4b enterprise value / 175.7 million MAU). It is indeed possible that Twitter’s ARPU continues to increase at faster rate than Weibo, thus widening the gap and consequently per user valuation. Regardless, $14 per Weibo user represents 85.6% discount to Twitter per user valuation of $97, and it seems likely that Weibo ARPU catches up from a low base. At today’s share price, the market essentially has low expectations for Weibo, and there appears to be room for upside surprise if Weibo takes a leaf from Twitter’s playbook. $'m 2013-14 Segment Revenue & Operating Income $'m 120.0 10.0 100.0 0.0 80.0 -10.0 60.0 -20.0 40.0 -30.0 20.0 0.0 -40.0 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Weibo Value-Added Services Ad & Marketing Revenue - Third Parties Page | 3 | PHILLIP SECURITIES RESEARCH (SINGAPORE) Ad & Marketing Revenue - Alibaba Operating Income (Loss) SINA CORP NON-RATED Combination of users and ARPU growth has supercharged Weibo’s revenue, increasing from $25.9m in Q1 2013 to $105.2m in Q4 2014, up 300%. Meanwhile, its quarterly operating losses (with the exception of the festive fourth quarter) have stabilized in the vicinity of $10m, trivial relative to the $450m cash & short-term investments on its balance sheet and thus doesn’t warrant fundraising anytime soon. 40.6% of FY14 revenue is derived from related party Alibaba, which owns 38% stake in Weibo. This represents a substantial portion of Weibo’s revenue, but no guarantee Alibaba would continue to channel its advertising spend to Weibo. After all, the 38% stake is more strategic than financial, and worth $1.09b, ie. 0.5% Alibaba market cap. $'m 3,000 Breakdown of Liquid Assets & Net Cash 2,500 167 134 126 57 2,566 Alibaba Youku SOTP 417 2,000 1,665 1,500 1,000 Weibo Net Cash E-House Tian Ge Again, much of the SOTP valuation is attributable to Sina Corp’s 58% stake in Weibo, hence deserving of the above lengthy discussion. Sina Corp also owns stakes in various listed equities eg. E-House, Tian Ge, Alibaba, and Youku Tudou, collectively worth $484m. $800m convertible debt is more than offset by $1.59b worth of cash and deposits, and after subtracting total liabilities Sina Corp still has $417m net cash. At $1.88b market cap today, Sina Corp trades at 27% discount to its $2.57b SOTP. Yet, this SOTP only factored in liquid assets and net cash, while valuing the remaining working capital ($232.7m accounts receivable and prepaid expenses) and $228m long-term investments (held at cost) at zero. One of this long-term investment is ~51% stake in SINA Aicai, an online lottery operator with 7.4% market share that made roughly $223m sales in Q3 2014. It is profitable enough to pay out $7.8m dividend to Sina Corp in Q4 2014, but its financials are not publicly available. There are a few possible, non-exhaustive scenarios where this can play out: 1) Sina Corp trades up to its present SOTP, translating into +37% return today; 2) Share Buyback at below-SOTP share price is accretive, widening the discount; 3) Valuation of its equity stakes falls (rises), decreasing (increasing) SOTP valuation; 4) Cash balance is depleted to acquire start-ups or private companies, lowering SOTP. In all, we think the 27% discount to SOTP is a sufficient buffer. In the meantime, Weibo’s share price has fallen 46% since it last peaked at $26.08 on 11 th September 2014, while E-House, Alibaba etc have also fallen materially. It is unclear if their share prices have bottomed out, but it is cheaper to buy them via Sina Corp than directly. No stock rating or price target provided, as we do not have coverage on Sina Corp. Page | 4 | PHILLIP SECURITIES RESEARCH (SINGAPORE) SINA CORP NON-RATED Contact Information (Singapore Research Team) Management Chan Wai Chee (CEO, Research - Special Opportunities) Macro | Equities Soh Lin Sin Bakhteyar Osama [email protected] Research Operations Officer Jaelyn Chin [email protected] Market Analyst | Equities Kenneth Koh [email protected] US Equities Wong Yong Kai Real Estate Caroline Tay REITS Dehong Tan [email protected] [email protected] Finance | Offshore Marine Benjamin Ong [email protected] Telecoms | Technology Colin Tan [email protected] [email protected] SINGAPORE Phillip Securities Pte Ltd Raffles City Tower 250, North Bridge Road #06-00 Singapore 179101 Tel +65 6533 6001 Fax +65 6535 6631 Website: [email protected] Transport & Logistics Richard Leow, CFTe [email protected] Contact Information (Regional Member Companies) MALAYSIA Phillip Capital Management Sdn Bhd B-3-6 Block B Level 3 Megan Avenue II, No. 12, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, 50450 Kuala Lumpur Tel +603 2162 8841 Fax +603 2166 5099 Website: [email protected] HONG KONG Phillip Securities (HK) Ltd 11/F United Centre 95 Queensway Hong Kong Tel +852 2277 6600 Fax +852 2868 5307 Websites: JAPAN Phillip Securities Japan, Ltd. 4-2 Nihonbashi Kabuto-cho Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0026 Tel +81-3 3666 2101 Fax +81-3 3666 6090 Website: INDONESIA PT Phillip Securities Indonesia ANZ Tower Level 23B, Jl Jend Sudirman Kav 33A Jakarta 10220 – Indonesia Tel +62-21 5790 0800 Fax +62-21 5790 0809 Website: CHINA Phillip Financial Advisory (Shanghai) Co Ltd No 550 Yan An East Road, Ocean Tower Unit 2318, Postal code 200001 Tel +86-21 5169 9200 Fax +86-21 6351 2940 Website: THAILAND Phillip Securities (Thailand) Public Co. 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