The Big Picture A way-too-early US election playbook USA | EQUITIES | STRATEGY 24 March 2015 The 2016 US election is Hillary Clinton’s to lose We highlight ETF/stocks that may be in play as the election evolves We have an overweight recommendation for US stocks as its economic recovery is one of the most advanced One of the themes you will see emerging over the next few weeks and months is the 2016 US presidential elections as both Republican and Democratic candidates should start announcing their candidacy. The US presidential election runs in two stages. The first stage is the party primaries, which determines who will be on the ballot for the head-to-head election. The US uses the Electoral College system, which is a representative democratic system. Citizens vote along state lines with representation weighted by state population, with 48 of the 50 states awarding votes on a winner takes-all basis. The current front runners are Hillary Clinton (ie, the former Secretary of State and ex-First Lady) for the Democratic Party and Jeb Bush (ie, the former governor of the State of Florida and younger brother of George W Bush/son of GHW Bush). Republican frontrunner Jeb Bush & Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton Source: Mediamatters Analyst Phillip Research Team (+65 6531 1240) [email protected] Page | 1 | PHILLIP SECURITIES RESEARCH (SINGAPORE) MCI (P) 020/11/2014 Ref. No.: US2015_0010 The Big Picture A way-too-early US election playbook Odds in primaries. Based on the betting odds from UK betting site William Hill, Hillary Clinton is a prohibitive favorite to capture the Democratic party’s endorsement, even though she has not yet announced her candidacy. Current Vice President Joe Biden is a distant second. The Republican field is much more crowded with Jeb Bush being the current favorite to win the nomination. But his lead is not large over Scott Walker, and a duo of “Tea Party” candidates of Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, plus Libertarian-leaning Rand Paul. Chris Christie is the lone moderate in the field, but he has been hurt by minor scandal and health issues. Scott Walker is the dark horse. We think his odds may have improved recently due to an electrifying speech in Iowa. Figure: Odds on Winning 2016 Primary Election as of Jan 26 Democrats Hillary Clinton Joe Biden Elizabeth Warren Odds 5/4 16/1 25/1 Comments Quasi-incubment Perceived as too old Populist Republicans Jeb Bush Scott Walker Marco Rubio Rand Paul Chris Christie Ted Cruz Mike Huckabee Odds 5/1 25/1 12/1 14/1 16/1 18/1 50/1 Comments Generalist conservative, Bush family Rising star. General conservative. Tea Party Libertarian Moderate, controversial Tea Party Evangelical conservative Source: William Hill (via SportingNews) Hillary has a commanding head-to-head lead. A November 2014 post-election Gallup poll showed that 41% of American identified themselves as voting Democrat, while 42% identified Republican. This leaves about 17% independents, which is primarily undecided centrists. The Republican party is fractured into sub-groups, but the social conservatives are the vast majority the party. In the same Gallup poll, 70% of those identified as Republican said they were “conservative”. The Republican who wins the upcoming primary election will almost certainly have to position himself as socially conservative. However, the more socially conservative candidates may alienate the centrist undecideds, which means the Republicans may have a more difficult time winning the election without a gaff by Clinton. Page | 2 | PHILLIP SECURITIES RESEARCH (SINGAPORE) The Big Picture A way-too-early US election playbook Figures: Hillary Clinton’s head-to-head poll lead versus potential Republican candidates Source: Various polls Page | 3 | PHILLIP SECURITIES RESEARCH (SINGAPORE) The Big Picture A way-too-early US election playbook Republican strategy. Republicans know they are far behind, so it appears that they have drawn up a plan to fund candidates with strong Latin American ties to win over southern states, hit on social issues, personal attacks against Clinton, and focus on perception of incumbents’ ineffectiveness/apathy. Democrat strategy. Meanwhile, the Democrats will target the social moderates and the lowermiddle class. Hillary Clinton will likely play a defensive battle, not bring up new issues, and generally try to play a plain vanilla campaign as the election is hers to lose based on current figures. Areas to watch. The swing states (ie, battlegrounds states with large populations) are Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Oregon, and Missouri. The Republicans lead in Kentucky and Louisiana. The Democrats are leading in Ohio, Florida, and North Carolina. Virginia is a toss-up. Tennessee and Missouri have not had major polls yet. Sectors/Stocks that are in play. As candidates enter and drop out, look at the following table as a way to play the election. In general, the Democrats can be broadly described seen as social liberal champions, more fiscal free spenders, and regressive taxers. This contrasts with Republicans who will be seen as the opposite – likely reversing some of Obama’s social programs (eg, Obamacare), shrinking government except in defense, and generally market friendly. We do not officially cover these securities, but we do suggest that they may be in play as the election process progresses and evolves. Figure: ETFs and stocks “in play” as US Election progresses Sector Democrats Sma l l a rms Genera l hea l thca re Pha rma ceutica l s Pha rma di s tri butors Al terna tive energy Home bui l ders Bi g box retai l ers Fa s t food Na tura l ga s futures Republicans Ma na ged hea l thca re Ra i l Fi na nci a l s Refi neri es Coa l Defens e Tel ecoms Pa per Theme ETF Stocks Gun control fea r s purs s a l es Oba ma ca re continues Oba ma ca re continues Oba ma ca re continues Ta x credi ts Res tri ctions on forecl os ures Lower/mi ddl e-cl a s s perks Lower/mi ddl e-cl a s s perks Les s fra cki ng cuts s uppl y none RYH PJP, XPH PJP, XPH PBW, KWT, FAN XHB, ITB PMR PEJ UNG RGR, SWHC CYH, HCN, WCG, HCA PFE, SNY, NVS, JNJ ABC, MCK, CAH, ESRX NEE, TSLA, EXC PHM,TOL, LEN WMT, TGT, COST, FDO, DG MCD, YUM, JACK, DPZ n.a. Repea l of Oba ma ca re More coa l s hi pments Repea l of Dodd Fra nk Les s regul a tion Les s regul a tion More s pendi ng Lower taxes on di vi dends Les s regul a tion XHS, VHT none IAI, RYF none KOL ITA, PPA, XAR IYZ WOOD, CUT UNH, HUM, CYH, THC, ANTM CSX, UNP, NSC, KSU GS, JPM, BAC, WFC PSX, TSO, VLO, HFC, MPC ACI, CNX, AHGP TXT, LMT, RTN, GD, BA T, VZ, WIN IP Source: PSR Page | 4 | PHILLIP SECURITIES RESEARCH (SINGAPORE) The Big Picture A way-too-early US election playbook Contact Information (Singapore Research Team) Management Chan Wai Chee (CEO, Research - Special Opportunities) [email protected] Research Operations Officer Jaelyn Chin [email protected] Macro | Equities Soh Lin Sin [email protected] Bakhteyar [email protected] Osama Market Analyst | Equities Kenneth Koh [email protected] US Equities Wong Yong Kai Finance | Offshore Marine Benjamin Ong [email protected] Real Estate REITs Telecoms | Technology Transport & Logistics Richard Leow, [email protected] CFTe Contact Information (Regional Member Companies) MALAYSIA Phillip Capital Management Sdn Bhd B-3-6 Block B Level 3 Megan Avenue II, No. 12, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, 50450 Kuala Lumpur Tel +603 2162 8841 Fax +603 2166 5099 Website: Colin Tan [email protected] SINGAPORE Phillip Securities Pte Ltd Raffles City Tower 250, North Bridge Road #06-00 Singapore 179101 Tel +65 6533 6001 Fax +65 6535 6631 Website: Caroline Tay [email protected] Dehong Tan [email protected] [email protected] Consumer Shane Goh [email protected] HONG KONG Phillip Securities (HK) Ltd 11/F United Centre 95 Queensway Hong Kong Tel +852 2277 6600 Fax +852 2868 5307 Websites: JAPAN Phillip Securities Japan, Ltd. 4-2 Nihonbashi Kabuto-cho Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0026 Tel +81-3 3666 2101 Fax +81-3 3666 6090 Website: INDONESIA PT Phillip Securities Indonesia ANZ Tower Level 23B, Jl Jend Sudirman Kav 33A Jakarta 10220 – Indonesia Tel +62-21 5790 0800 Fax +62-21 5790 0809 Website: CHINA Phillip Financial Advisory (Shanghai) Co Ltd No 550 Yan An East Road, Ocean Tower Unit 2318, Postal code 200001 Tel +86-21 5169 9200 Fax +86-21 6351 2940 Website: THAILAND Phillip Securities (Thailand) Public Co. 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