The Big Picture: thematic weekly Rising interest rates are not bad GLOBAL | EQUITIES | STRATEGY 16 March 2015 FOMC decision on Wednesday (18 March 2015) Quit agonizing over the timing of a Fed Rate hike A rate hike is inevitable and prudent We believe the market, after a knee-jerk reaction, will forecast in expectations of lowand-slow rate hikes – which is positive for equity markets. Figure: Don’t believe everything you see in the media This is the inaugural issue of “The Big Picture”, a weekly thematic report. It is targeted at all equity investors, whether via individual equities, ETFs, mutual funds, or other securities. Source: Ellie Kazan, 1950 (not copyright protected) You should hear a lot of news about interest rates this week. The US Federal Reserve will meet on Tuesday and make an announcement on Wednesday whether or not they will raise their benchmark overnight rate from zero. If the media to be believed, a rate hike is a bad thing. We disagree. Let’s take the big picture to put things into perspective. Phillip Research Team (+65 6531 1240) [email protected] Page | 1 | PHILLIP SECURITIES RESEARCH (SINGAPORE) MCI (P) 022/11/2014 Ref. No.: SG2015_0097 The Big Picture: thematic weekly Rising interest rates are not bad 0.25% interest rates are low. It seems painfully obvious; but it is worth repeating to clients. Near-zero interest rates are an emergency measure meant to flood the market with liquidity to jump start an otherwise severely hurt economy. US Overnight Target Federal Funds Rate (%) 25 20 15 10 5 0 1974 1984 1994 2004 2014 Source: Bloomberg The US economy is no longer severely hurt. The financial system has recovered. The US consumer is doing relatively well helped by lower unemployment. Granted, other parts of the American economy are not strong, but in a world where many economies are outright weak – the US is certainly going in the right direction. US: unemployment rate (%) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1974 1984 1994 2004 2014 Source: Bloomberg One can infer the probability of the Fed raising rates by looking at interest rate contracts. The market is looking for a slightly better than 50% chance of a rate hike on Wednesday. This is slightly better than last week, prior to the latest job figures out of the US. The market also implicitly expects a 50% chance of another rate hike by year end. That is, look for where the 50th percentile is, adding from left to right in each row in the table below. Implied probability of Fed Funds via Interest rates contracts (top row = basis points, body = percentage points, column = FOMC meeting dates) Page | 2 | PHILLIP SECURITIES RESEARCH (SINGAPORE) The Big Picture: thematic weekly Rising interest rates are not bad 0 25 50 18-Mar-15 48.0 52.0 29-Apr-15 44.1 51.7 4.2 17-Jun-15 30.9 49.4 18.5 75 100 125 150 1.3 29-Jul-15 18.1 41.8 31.2 8.4 0.5 17-Sep-15 9.6 30.6 36.2 19.1 4.2 0.3 01-Oct-15 3.4 17.0 32.6 30.2 13.9 2.8 0.2 01-Dec-15 1.9 11.2 25.9 31.2 20.9 7.5 1.3 17-Jan-16 0.6 4.6 15.5 27.5 28.2 17.0 5.7 Source: CME Group as of 11 March 2014 When a rate hike happens, we expect the market to correct over the short term. We would not be surprised if there is a global equity sell-off that resulted in a loss of several percentage points, hitting the US and emerging economy equity markets more. Emerging markets affected most. We expect emerging and frontier markets to be the most affected by an US rate hike. Free-floating currencies would change through the arbitrage triangle (interest rates futures currencies) as the US rates would be comparatively higher than weak economies where benchmark rates are still easing. The strong US dollar should continue, which would have a knock on effect on import/export prices, inflation, and translational impact of offshore earnings back into local currencies. For example, Mexico has already decided to take some measures that include selling sell billions of US dollars to fight currency volatility. Likewise, Brazil’s central bank could increase the size of its currency swaps program if volatility in the real continues. We believe central banks understand that fighting the dollar rally would probably be futile; these measures are mostly meant to slow the process as too-rapid depreciation could be a disruptive shock for local economies. Our view: Fed rate hike 3Q14… For the record, we think that the Fed will not raise rates on Wednesday given their finely tuned speeches that careful include words like “patience” and “month by month”. We think a rate hike is likely to come in 3Q14, which is an acceleration from our previous view of 4Q14. …but who cares? Zero rates are an emergency measure and the US economy is getting stronger. We think that raising rates by 25 basis points – whatever month it is in – is beyond prudent. Conversely, we think that not raising interest rates in 2015 would be irresponsible monetary policy. What equity market investors wants to see a return of the late 1990s and 2000s when excessively loose monetary policy lead to asset price bubbles and bursting? Beyond the first rate hike: low and slow. The markets and media are acting like an inebriated party guest upset that the punchbowl is being taken away. We believe that once the initial hike happens, the markets will start measuring when the next rate hikes will be. The consumer is really the only engine of growth for the US economy and signs are not convincingly that their sentiment will continue to improve on its past pace. We think that the market will look at the US economy, see that it is okay but not fantastic and see that rate hikes are likely to be “slow and low”. The current round of rate hikes are not like Paul Volcker raising interest rates by nine percentage points in three months to defeat inflation. This is a prudent tapping on the brakes to keep the US economy on a measured and controlled trajectory. Slowly tightening monetary policy is positive for equity markets. It facilitates a shift out of high-priced bonds to other asset classes. It avoids shocks to the capital markets. It gives time for other parts of the US economy to catch up to the consumer. And perhaps best of all, it reduces the risk and unpredictability, which markets really dislike. We remain quite bullish on equities. Our top market recommendations are not unique – but they have worked wonderfully over the past two years and we see no current reason to Page | 3 | PHILLIP SECURITIES RESEARCH (SINGAPORE) The Big Picture: thematic weekly Rising interest rates are not bad change that strategy: US, followed by Japan, India, and China. We are more cautious on emerging markets, including Malaysia – where we have an underweight recommendation. The slow, measured rise in interest rates plays into our themes of banks (improved NIM spreads, recovery in fees), consumer (improved spending), commodities (the long awaited supply correction and re-stocking cycle), telecom (a de-facto consumer play), and industrials (return of manufacturing). In conclusion, we believe investors should be reminded to ignore the media fear mongering. We say stay long and strong. We believe those markets that have done well over the past two years will continue to do well for the time being. Figure: Equity market strategy/ratings/investment vehicles Markets Themes PSR Rating Unit Trust ETF Fi del i ty - Ameri ca Legg Ma s on - Cl ea rbri dge US Growth Legg Ma s on - Royce US Sma l l Ca p Opp. Templ eton - Europea n Schroder - Europea n Eq. Al pha Schroder - ISF Euro Sma l l er Co Aberdeen Ja pa n Equi ty Fund Li on Gl oba l Ja pa n Growth Fund Ni ko AM Shenton Ja pa n Fund Fi rs t State Regi ona l Chi na Fi del i ty Grea ter Chi na Schroeder Grea ter Chi na Aberdeen Indi a Opp SGD Fi dl ei ty Indi a Focus A SGD Li on Gl oba l Indi a Acc SGD SPDR S&P500 (SGX) - S27 Lyxor NASDAQ (SGX) - H1Q i Sha res Rus s el l 2000 (NYSE) - MVM DBX Tra cker MSCI Europe - IH3 VGK Va ngua rd Europea n Stock Index DWS Si nga pore Sma l l /Mi d Ca p Ni kko AM Si nga pore Di vi dend Eq Amundi Si nga pore Di vi dend Growth Aberdeen Indones i a Equi ty Fi dl ei ty Indones i a A USD Li on Gl oba l Ma l a ys i a Fund Aberdeen Ma l a ys i a Equi ty Fund SPDR STI ETF (SGX) ES3 Ni kko AM STI ETF (SGX) G3B Strong markets (past two years) US Rel a tivel y s trong economy O/W Europe Recovery i n credi t/centra l ba nki ng Neutra l Ja pa n Regi me cha nge --> economi c reforms O/W Chi na Rel a tivel y s trong economy O/W Indi a Regi me cha nge --> economi c reforms O/W DB Xtra ckers MSCI Ja pa n (SGX) LF2 i Sha res MSCI Ja pa n (NYSE) EWJ Wi s domTree Ja pa n Hedged Equi ty - DXJ DB Xtra ckers MSCI Chi na TRN Index (SGX) LG9 DB Xtra ckers CSI 300 ETF (HK) 3188.HK CSOP FTSE Chi na A50 ETF (HK) 2822.HK MSCI Indi a (SGX) I98 DBX Indi a (SGX) LG8 Weak markets (past two years) Si nga pore Mi xed economi cs /$/funda mental s Neutra l Indones i a Regi me cha nge --> economi c reforms O/W Ma l a ys i a U/W Lower oi l --> economi c contra i nts Source: PSR Our message to investors: Stay long and strong Source: Page | 4 | PHILLIP SECURITIES RESEARCH (SINGAPORE) Lyxor Indones i a 10US$x (SGX) P2Q DB XT MS Indo 10US$ (SGX) KJ7 DB Xtra ckers MSCI Ma l a ys i a (SGX) LG6 XE Sha res Ma l a ys i a (HK) 3029.HK The Big Picture: thematic weekly Rising interest rates are not bad Contact Information (Singapore Research Team) Management Chan Wai Chee (CEO, Research - Special Opportunities) Macro | Equities Soh Lin Sin Bakhteyar Osama [email protected] Research Operations Officer Jaelyn Chin [email protected] Market Analyst | Equities Kenneth Koh [email protected] US Equities Wong Yong Kai [email protected] Real Estate Caroline Tay REITs Dehong Tan [email protected] [email protected] Finance | Offshore Marine Benjamin Ong [email protected] Telecoms | Technology Colin Tan [email protected] [email protected] SINGAPORE Phillip Securities Pte Ltd Raffles City Tower 250, North Bridge Road #06-00 Singapore 179101 Tel +65 6533 6001 Fax +65 6535 6631 Website: [email protected] Transport & Logistics Richard Leow, [email protected] CFTe Contact Information (Regional Member Companies) MALAYSIA Phillip Capital Management Sdn Bhd B-3-6 Block B Level 3 Megan Avenue II, No. 12, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, 50450 Kuala Lumpur Tel +603 2162 8841 Fax +603 2166 5099 Website: HONG KONG Phillip Securities (HK) Ltd 11/F United Centre 95 Queensway Hong Kong Tel +852 2277 6600 Fax +852 2868 5307 Websites: JAPAN Phillip Securities Japan, Ltd. 4-2 Nihonbashi Kabuto-cho Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0026 Tel +81-3 3666 2101 Fax +81-3 3666 6090 Website: INDONESIA PT Phillip Securities Indonesia ANZ Tower Level 23B, Jl Jend Sudirman Kav 33A Jakarta 10220 – Indonesia Tel +62-21 5790 0800 Fax +62-21 5790 0809 Website: CHINA Phillip Financial Advisory (Shanghai) Co Ltd No 550 Yan An East Road, Ocean Tower Unit 2318, Postal code 200001 Tel +86-21 5169 9200 Fax +86-21 6351 2940 Website: THAILAND Phillip Securities (Thailand) Public Co. 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