SPAIN IS SPAIN THE NEXT GREECE? 30 March 2015 MACRO | ECONOMY | EQUITY MARKET Key Takeaways This report comes as a supplement to our previous report on Eurozone published on 20th March 2015 We believe that although with few similarities between Greece and Spain, it would be rather credulous to simply put Greece and Spain on the same basket. Spanish economy is already picking pace and on the road to recovery. General Elections are supposed to take place during Nov/Dec 2015 period A recent opinion poll published shows Podemos, equivalent of Greece’s Syriza, is on a lead with nearly 28% of the voting support. Overall the economic outlook on Spain looks strong. Economic recovery the key for Spain’s stability After years of double-dip recession and rampant job destruction, Spain’s downward lurch has ended and growth has returned finally. The Spanish economy is picking up pace as domestic demand is boosted by improvements in the labor market, greater confidence, looser financing conditions and lower oil prices. Growth in manufacturing and services is creating new jobs, and consumer demand is creeping back. But the hurdle on growth and job creation remains many. Banks, businesses and families are still shedding their debts, keeping money out of the economy. And as private debt falls, public debt surges. Public debt, which stood at below 40% of GDP when the crisis hit, has risen to more than 90%, leaving Spain more vulnerable to future shocks. Looking at the output components of GDP, we see that the services sector has made the strongest contribution to growth. The banking sector still remains weak but has drastically improved compared to 2012 situation. We expect the current levels of GDP growth to persist, pushing up the forecast to 1% y-o-y for 2015. Although unemployment (22% in Feb 2015) which is declining as a result of economic growth, still remains high and poses the biggest political risk in the wake of next year’s election. Page | 1 | PHILLIP SECURITIES RESEARCH (SINGAPORE) MCI (P) 022/11/2014 Ref. No.: SG2015_0108 Osama Bakhteyar [email protected] +65 6531 1793 SPAIN EQUITY MARKET The recovery of the Spanish economy also has had an impact on the government finances. On the spending side, the improved economic situation necessitates lower contributions to autonomous regions than in the previous years. Also, the reduction in unemployment lowers the cost of unemployment benefits. This has positively impacted the net borrowing position of the central government. On the revenue side, there has been an income increase in every tax category. Spaniards have routinely blame euro-zone leaders for their woes. But in reality Eurozone policy has actually helped Spain to recover. The biggest aid has come from the ECB, whose battle to bring the euro back from the brink of meltdown has eased the pressure on Spanish debt. The recent crisis in Greece after Syriza win in the recent election has unleashed serious doubts about the Eurozone situation. Many already wondering to what would happen to the Eurozone if Greece exits and would this have a contagion effect to other peripheral member states – especially Spain. In short is Spain the next Greece? The Greece’s defense minister Panos Kammenos’ in one of his recent statements said that if Greece explodes, Spain would be the next has exacerbated these doubts. The remainder of the thesis will ponder more on this. A recent opinion poll published shows Podemos, which is barely a year old, could win Spain's election with nearly 28% of the vote, ahead of the two mainstream parties that have dominated Spanish politics for decades. Like Syriza, Podemos has been born out of indignation at many years of austerity and perceived endemic corruption that look like toppling established parties. Greece’s Syriza and Spain’s Podemos, are part of the same bloc in the European Parliament, which want an end to austerity and a major restructuring of their countries’ debt. Page | 2 | PHILLIP SECURITIES RESEARCH (SINGAPORE) SPAIN EQUITY MARKET Is Spain the Next Greece? Well some similarity in the situation do certainly exist, but so do differences –and to a greater extent–. First, the Greek crisis has been much deeper than Spain’s: its GDP has fallen by around 25% compared with 7% for Spain. Greece, unlike Spain, was forced to accept a sovereign bailout by the ‘troika’ (the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF) and had to go through a tight round of austerity policy. On the Spain’s case only the banks with toxic assets on their balance sheet had to be rescued. Spain has already exited this program a year ago, whereas Greece is still beholden to the ‘troika’. Greece’s general-government gross debt is much higher than Spain’s (175% of GDP as against almost 100% and considered unsustainable and not just by the radical left), which explains Syriza’s determined push for debt forgiveness that is frightening Europe’s leaders. Greece began its crisis with a debt load of more than 100%, while Spain’s level was under 40%. Unlike Greece, Spain has a recovering economy (as discussed earlier) and full access to capital markets where its borrowing costs are around record lows. Bond yields show there has been a decoupling between Greece and the rest of southern Europe, including Spain. The risk premium (spread) on Spain’s 10-year government bonds over the benchmark German bunds has come down to 1.06% points, while Greece’s spread to German bund remains as high as 10.4% points. Page | 3 | PHILLIP SECURITIES RESEARCH (SINGAPORE) SPAIN EQUITY MARKET Among the crisis-hit countries Spain has been the most reform minded. The labor market is less dysfunctional, as a result of reforms in 2012 that have reduced severance payments for unfair dismissals and given companies greater flexibility to set wages and working conditions themselves rather than through sector-wide bargaining. To conclude, Spain being the 3rd largest economy within Eurozone is on a road to recovery and it would be rather credulous to simply say that Spain is Greece in making. However, the real test to which Spain is not bracketed in the same basket case as Greece will come if, Greece has to exit the Eurozone creating repercussions for other member states. No one is sticking their neck out and saying the contagion for Spain would be none, but the improvement in the country’s macroeconomic fundamentals would suggest that the jitters might not be catastrophic and may only be short-lived. 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