Nepal Relief Work -

Interserve Canada
Re lief w or k i n Ne Pa l
Nepal is still reeling from the impacts of the
7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit the
country just before noon on Saturday April
25th. We thank God that all Interserve
workers are reported safe.
All across the world Christians are coming
together to pray and to help raise support
for the urgently needed relief work. The
United Mission to Nepal (UMN), a longtime
partner of Interserve Canada, has already
begun to help the victims of this disaster.
They are raising funds to cover treatment
costs for those who need surgery, sending
medical teams to support a medical
camp in the Gorkha district and bringing
relief materials to the Dhading district. In
addition, they are supporting a Christian
community center focused on first aid and
the distribution of basic relief items, trauma counselling and the rebuilding of housing that has been
Interserve Canada has established a fund to honour the memory of Dr. Mariano and Ninette DiGangi. We
are sending $5,000 from that fund for disaster relief in Nepal. We invite you to join us in helping UMN reach
their goal of $450,000. In order to do so please visit the UMN website at and click on the
DONATE button and follow the prompts. Put “EARTHQUAKE” in the ‘Message’ Pane.
Alternatively, if you wish a tax receipt for your donation, the International Nepal Fellowship (INF), is providing
basic living needs for the Nepali people who are without food, water and shelter and has also sent medical
professionals in conjunction with UMN to support medical camps. The International Nepal Fellowship is
another partner of Interserve. You can go to to make a donation.
Please continue to pray with us for the situation in Nepal. Pray that God will give His peace to the Nepali
people who have lost loved ones, their livelihood and their homes. Pray that the relief workers can help ease
the pain of the destruction. Finally, pray that the Lord would use this tragedy to open the minds and the
hearts of the Nepali people to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thank you in advance for your support,
In Memory of Dr. Mariano and Ninette DiGani
Dr. Mariano and Ninette DiGangi served with Interserve for 20 years in the role of North
American Director, then National Director to Canada and International Chair of
Interserve. Interserve has been blessed by their heart for global mission and their
passion to move this work forward. The DiGangi’s are fondly remembered by the
Interserve Canada fellowship.
Interserve Canada
Re lief w or k i n Ne Pa l
Nepal is still reeling from the impacts of the
7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit the
country just before noon on Saturday April
25th. We thank God that all Interserve
workers are reported safe.
All across the world Christians are coming
together to pray and to help raise support
for the urgently needed relief work. The
United Mission to Nepal (UMN), a longtime
partner of Interserve Canada, has already
begun to help the victims of this disaster.
They are raising funds to cover treatment
costs for those who need surgery, sending
medical teams to support a medical
camp in the Gorkha district and bringing
relief materials to the Dhading district. In
addition, they are supporting a Christian
community center focused on first aid and
the distribution of basic relief items, trauma counselling and the rebuilding of housing that has been
Interserve Canada has established a fund to honour the memory of Dr. Mariano and Ninette DiGangi. We
are sending $5,000 from that fund for disaster relief in Nepal. We invite you to join us in helping UMN reach
their goal of $450,000. In order to do so please visit the UMN website at and click on the
DONATE button and follow the prompts. Put “EARTHQUAKE” in the ‘Message’ Pane.
Alternatively, if you wish a tax receipt for your donation, the International Nepal Fellowship (INF), is providing
basic living needs for the Nepali people who are without food, water and shelter and has also sent medical
professionals in conjunction with UMN to support medical camps. The International Nepal Fellowship is
another partner of Interserve. You can go to to make a donation.
Please continue to pray with us for the situation in Nepal. Pray that God will give His peace to the Nepali
people who have lost loved ones, their livelihood and their homes. Pray that the relief workers can help ease
the pain of the destruction. Finally, pray that the Lord would use this tragedy to open the minds and the
hearts of the Nepali people to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thank you in advance for your support,