04/2015 News - In the Light of One

Volume 2, Issue IV
April 2015
This Month in Review
In the Light of ONE
Full Moon is Called
Moon Names
Oil of the Month
Stone of the Month
Article of Month
Thank You
Educational: Let’stalk about the Chakra’s
Hello Everyone…
This month we are going to start a series of articles with information about your Chakras and how
they affect your everyday Life. Let us start our discussion with The Earth Star Chakra - for some
reason we seem to skip right over this chakra and start at the base or root chakra. Would you take a
shower and not wash your feet? ... of course not! So, let’s start appropriately below the feet with
the Earth Star Chakra and work our way up over the series of discussions. Did you know that all
of our chakras spin and your auric energy vibrates? Some of these have a very specific frequency
we will be sure to give you each as they apply. We will also cover Essential Oils that work
especially well on specific chakras as we discuss them. This is very helpful information for those
of us who are healers and for those who need healing.
Earth Star: (beneath your feet)
Area affected: This affects our everyday reality and groundedness or Material connection.
Organs Affected: The physical body, electrical systems of the body and the sensory organs.
Effect: If the Earth Star is not balanced or has blockages this will lead to discomfort in your body. A feeling
of helplessness and lack of being grounded accompanied by an inability to be practical. An out of balance
Earth Star picks up adverse environmental factors such as geopathic stress (due to electromagnetic fields),
Black ley lines (fatal accidents, disaster, and violent deaths) and toxic pollutants. When this chakra is fully
functioning you are well grounded and feel comfortable.
Typical dis-eases when out of balance: Arthritis, Cancer, Muscular Disorders, Depression, Psychiatric
Disturbances, and Autoimmune Diseases.
Gemstones: Red Tigers Eye, Petrified Wood, Black Obsidian, Black Kyanite, Chiastolite, and Smokey
Quartz, Black Diopside, Dalmatian Stone, Gaia Stone, Goethite, Hematite, Huebnerite, Limonite, Rhodonite,
Obsidian, Smoky Quartz
Root or Base: (base of your spine/perineum)
Area Affected: Basic survival instincts and security issues.
Organs Affected: Adrenals, Veins, Lower Back, Rectum, Lower Extremities, Lymph Systems, Skeleton
System (Teeth And Bones), Immune System, Gonads, Prostate Gland, Kidney, Bladder And Elimination
System, And Sense Of Smell.
Effect: Imbalances in this chakra lead to sexual disturbances and feelings of anger, impotence and
frustration. When it is functioning well you are confident and self-assertive.
Typical dis-eases when out of balance: Constant low level or flare ups of stiffness in joints, Chronic
lower back pain, Renal, Reproductive or Rectal disorders such as Fluid Retention/Constipation (Diarrhea if
stuck open), Varicose veins or Hernias, the extremes of Bipolar Disorder, Glandular disturbances, personality
and Anxiety Disorders, Autoimmune diseases.
Gemstones: Agate, Black Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Hematite, Garnet, Jet, black Agate, Bloodstone,
Carnelian, Citrine, Gold Tiger's Eye, Hematite, Obsidian, Onyx, Rhodonite, Shiva Lingham, Smoky Quartz,
Zebra Agate/Stone
Middle C, 256 Hz
Essential Oils: Myrrh, Patchouli, Rosewood, Thyme
Herbs: Cedar, Clove Pepper
Page 2
April 2015
This Month’s Full Moon on the Medicine wheel is called: Frog Returns Moon
The frogs Return Moon is the
second moon of Wabun of the
East. The Stone for this Moon is
placed midway between the
Eastern and Southern Stones in
the outer Circle of the Medicine
Wheel. The mineral totem for
this Moon is the Chrysocolla, the
plant is the Blue Camas, and the
animal is the Beaver. The color is
blue and the elemental clan
influence is the TURTLE CLAN
Full Moon 4th April
Last Quarter 12th April
New Moon 18th April
First Quarter 25thApril
Tree or Flower: (Blue Camas)
Blue Camas is not only beautiful,
but useful. The Nez Perce prepare
bread from the Camas root. It is said
to be sweet and nourishing.
Color: Blue
Using this color in your home
or attire will help you feel
contentment, harmony, and
happiness with your life.
Crystal or Mineral :( Chrysocolla) Animal: Beaver
Auric Cleanser, Support, Soothes Take charge, adapt, generous
and Calms. Chrysocolla gently
draws off negative energies of all
kinds and is especially helpful
during transitional times.
Various Names of the Moon for this Month
Each full moon holds a little
extra special meaning. It
represents the universe in
brilliant glory, wholeness or
completeness. But as with each
phase of the moon, each cycle
of the full moon also contains
its own special energy.
Thomas's Old Farmer’s
Almanac - circa 1792
Pink moon
Many flowers turn pink and
bloom in April, thus the name
pink moon. This is a good time
for working on potential
relationships, or heading off
problems in an existing one
The Deboreans Clan circa 1780-1800
The Algonquin Tribes circa 1400-1450
Rain moon
Pink moon
The early spring rains awaken
the plants and trees. And
bringing forth the renewed life
of nature and spirit
The grass pink or wild ground
phlox is one of the earliest
widespread flowers of the
spring. Other names were the
Full Sprouting Grass Moon,
the Egg Moon, and -- among
coastal tribes -- the Full Fish
Moon, when the shad came
upstream to spawn.
The Wiccan Tradition circa 1953-1956
Wind moon
In April, the thunderstorms of
March are beginning to subside,
and the wind picks up. Seeds are
being blown about on the
breezes, spreading life all around
from one place to the next.
Moon on the medicine
Frog returns moon
Astrological Signs for this Month
March 21 – April 19
Active, Demanding,
Determined, Effective,
Animal: Beaver
Take charge, adapt, generous
April 20 – May20
Security, Subtle strength,
Appreciation, Instruction,
Page 3
April 2015
Oil of the Month “Patchouli”
Patchouli is the Oil of the month since it is
the Essential Oil associated with the Root
Chakra. Patchouli Oil has a sweet and rich
aroma that is very beneficial for the skin. Use
to reduce wrinkled or chapped appearance.
For aromatic use: Diffuse up to 1 hour three
times daily.
Various Uses:
Antidepressant: This oil works great for
people suffering from depression. It helps
them to get over the feelings of sadness or
loss and fills them with new hope. It uplifts
mood, helps drive away disappointment,
relaxes tension in the majority of people,
even if they are being treated for something
Sedative: It
soothes inflammation and
sedates convulsions, coughs and epileptic
attacks resulting from hypersensitivity or
hyper-reactivity of the nerves.
Fungicide: Patchouli E.O. has been found
to be quite effective at inhibiting fungal
growths and infections, thereby providing
protection from some notorious infections
like Athlete’s Foot.
Diuretic: It increases the frequency your
urination as well as the quantity of urine. This
helps lose weight, lower blood pressure,
increase appetite, lower cholesterol and
remove of toxins from the body. Urination
removes excess water, unnecessary salts, and
uric acid, which reduces your chances of
developing gallbladder stones and kidney
stones, as well as forming conditions like
Astringent: This powerful E.O. stimulates
contractions in muscles, nerves and skin. This
helps strengthen the hold of gums on the
teeth, prevents sagging skin, hair loss, and
loosening of muscle tissue. The astringency
of patchouli oil also helps stop hemorrhaging
by contracting the blood vessels. It can act as
an anti-aging substance in this way, since
loosening of muscle and skin is commonly
associated with getting old.
Young Living Ingredients:
Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ Patchouli
essential oil nothing else.
Stone of the Month “Chiastolite”
Help with nerve damage, muscle weaknesses, rheumatism and gout. It can aide those who are
debilitated by stroke or other paralysis. This is a Protective stone, often worn to guard against
negative energies, curses and the like.
Issues and Ailments:
Gout, Muscle-Weakness, Nerve-Damage, Paralysis, Physical-Balance, Rheumatism, Stroke
Creativity, Dispel-Negativity, Harmony, Protection
ONE Spirit is a Native
This Stone Brings You:
Protection, Health, Harmony
Primary Chakra benefit: Earth Star, Root, Sacral
Number 3, 4
(If you would like more information on vibrational frequency just click here)
To Charge:
Wipe with a soft cloth and Sage it.
If you would like to know more about Crystal Vibrations check out this article by renowned Author Judy Hall
Chakra-Opening Exercises for Working with Crystals
American service
organization founded
to assist and support
American Indians.
Learn More
Page 4
Where do you call “Home”? Who am I?
Have you ever stopped and pondered what is “Home” to me? Is it a place where you have your
belongings, family, animal companions? How do you answer when asked where do you call
home? It could be where you were born, your family heritage, where you lived for many years
that felt like home, or where you’re current house is located? Perhaps where you felt drawn to as
a young child that you found pleasant, as an adult where you spent time, or at your age where you
are currently living? Is it the lakes that you sat by that gave you solace, the fields you walked in
that you allowed you to hear your inner voice or heart’s desires, possibly what you truly wanted
in life - was that home? Could it be where you have been given the most respect, honor,
responsibility? What personally speaks to you?
What does home mean to you in the physical, emotional, spiritual sense? Have you ever stopped
to think about “why you consider it home”? What about the Earth as a planet, this time in
History, is it the space around you that makes you feel at “home”?
When asked where do you come from? Does that mean The English, Irish, German, Indian heritage you were born into? Perhaps you
have never set foot on that particular soil! Could it be the state you lived in for so many years that you “felt” it was home because of
the friendships made there? What does home really mean to you? Is it just a location, a state of mine, a spiritual feeling?
In this exercise making your choices cannot be influenced or associated with any another person, only yourself. What are the
parameters of “home” that give home meaning to you? What gives it enough meaning that you feel emotionally or spiritually attached
to it? What gives you the feeling of being fulfilled in your home (remember no other person/people)? How did you come to this
conclusion? What inspires you to feel this, that or the other way about what is in fact a home isto you? Not just the House you live in.
Taking time to be alone to figure this out…There are monasteries that ask you to refrain from speaking for 3 up to 30 days while you
are staying on their grounds. You eat, pray, walk among others without speaking. You spend time in Nature without words. You are
“with yourself”…learning about you…what your needs are and what brings you happiness without the involvement or influence of
words from or with others. What if you didn’t have electronics of any kind : no TV / Phone / Computer / Radio no personal
involvement -verbal interaction or electronic stimulation, no news or song from the outside world during this timeframe. Would you
“find the time” to explore what was truly meaningful to you or be lost without words and paralyzed and place yourself in seclusion –
could you do it? Care to Read more just click below?
Thank You
Panther Ridge
Conservation Center
Register by Clicking above
Don’t forget about our October
Retreats at Panther Ridge
Oct 10th ½ day $100
Oct 11th Full day $150
Just Can’t get enough?
Both days: $200.00.
100% of Proceeds go directly to
Panther Ridge Conservation
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