Aberfoyle Park High School Newsletter Taylors Road East Aberfoyle Park 5159 Phone: 8270 4455 Email: [email protected] Website: www.aphs.sa.edu.au Diary Dates March 24 31 1 3 6 7 10 11-‐26 Zone Athletics Reports distributed Yr 9 Drama (6.30pm) April World Challenge Info Session (7.00pm) Good Friday Easter Monday SSSSA Athletics Yr 8-‐12 Parent / Teacher Interviews (3.30-‐8pm) Last day of term -‐ early dismissal 2.15pm School Holidays 27 29 30 May 1 7 8 11 12 12-‐14 April-‐Term 2 Term 2 commences Anzac A ssembly L3 Principal Tour Principal Tour Yr 8 Immunisation Yr 9/10 Aquatics Camp Principal Tour Principal Tour Ignite Testing Principal Tour Finance Mtg 6.30pm Governing Council Mtg 7.30pm NAPLAN Issue 2, March 2015 2015 SPORTS DAY -‐ THORPE RULES Friday March 13th provided perfect weather for Sports Day held at Flinders University playing fields. As students headed to the buses colour reigned supreme with huge sways of red (Freeman), green (Fraser), blue (Bradman), yellow (Moneghetti), purple (Barassi) and white (Thorpe). The friendly rivalry commenced on arrival as students headed to their tents and chants began. The competition quickly kicked off with Long Jump, 5-a-side soccer, Discus, Volleyball, Vortex, Frisbee Golf and this was soon followed as the points started to mount with the 200 metres, Tug of War and Cross Country. No sooner were these events over than we saw teams competing in Handball, Field Darts and the famous Year 10 Boat Race. The day culminated with the Spoke Relays and the batten relays. In the end however there can only be one FIRST and for the second year running Thorpe House was the overall winner. 1 2 3 4 5 6 SPORTS DAY RESULTS HOUSE Colour Points THORPE White 1437 MONEGHETTI Yellow 1423 BARASSI Purple 1291 BRADMAN Blue 1129 FREEMAN Red 1076 FRASER Green 979 Congratulations to Thorpe House but a huge thank you to all students who competed and helped make the day so successful. A special thank you to Mr Richard Garrett, Mr Dave Edwards and the PE team and Year 11 PE students for their great organisation ensuring the day ran smoothly. Liz Mead Provider Name: Department for Education and Child Development T/A South Australian Government Schools CRICOS Provider No. 00018A Inside this issue: World Challenge – Premier’s Challenge – Pacific School Games – Elevate Education – International SA Premier’s Anzac Spirit Award Competition – Tennis Report – A Taste of Flinders – Re-‐Set Program – Uniform Update – 2015 APHS Gig Guide Liz Mead -‐ Principal Issue 2, March 2015 ABERFOYLE PARK HIGH SCHOOL & WORLD CHALLENGE MALAYSIA 2016 Aberfoyle Park High School is delighted to announce that we are launching another very exciting World Challenge program which offers students the opportunity to plan, fund and ultimately lead their own month long expedition to Malaysia in November 2016. This program will be managed by World Challenge, a pioneering educational organisation with 25 years of experience in delivering personal development expeditions for students. The expedition to Malaysia is preceded by a training and preparation program, during which students play a major role in planning their itinerary, which will include project work in a local community and a challenging trek. Students are also supported in setting and achieving individual and team fundraising goals to help cover the cost of the expedition program where, on average, students raise over half of the total program cost. We would like to invite you and your son or daughter to a presentation delivered by a member of the World Challenge team who will discuss the benefits of the program, the fundraising support and safety back-up they provide, and how they deliver a fun, rewarding, and safe experience. INFORMATION NIGHT Date: Wed 1st April 2015 Time: 7pm – 8pm Venue: Performing Arts Centre - APHS To learn more about World Challenge, please visit: http://www.worldchallenge.com.au For administration purposes and attendance numbers please email your intention to attend to the following email: [email protected]. If you unable to attend the Information Night and are interested in being considered as a participant please contact Jo Jaensch on 8270 4455. PREMIER’S READING CHALLENGE Is your son or daughter taking up the Challenge in 2015?? If so, please ensure they fill in their student reading records as they read their books, get them signed off as they go and please make sure your child hands it in to the school before Friday 4 September. The Challenge is to read a minimum of twelve books in total. Years 8 and 9 students read four books from the Challenge lists and eight of their own choice and these can include prescribed texts, research texts and any other texts from their research or studies. Years 10 to 12 students read twelve books of their own choice, and these can include prescribed texts, research texts and any other texts from their research or studies. Student reading records are available from your child’s teacher, from the library or download from the website. Diana Stevens PACIFIC SCHOOL GAMES – ADELAIDE - 2015 The countdown has begun! 2015 will see the Pacific School Games held in Adelaide for the first time. Incomparable to any other international school sport championship, the Pacific School Games provides opportunities for around 4000 school-aged students to participate in nine different sports at the highest level. Students aged between 10 – 19 years from at least 12 countries, including every Australian state and territory, will compete from November 21 – 29, 2015 in the sports of Swimming, Diving, Basketball, Touch Football, Baseball, Softball, Football (Soccer) and Table Tennis, as well as Goalball for the visually impaired. Competitions will take place across Adelaide at the Glenelg Baseball Club, Pasadena High School, Wayville Stadium, Adelaide Shores, Westminster School, South Australian Aquatic Centre, the Netball Centre & the City Parklands. Pacific School Games General Manager Les Rauert said countries far and wide, particularly from around the Pacific and Asia have been invited. “Once the Pacific School Games were seen as a Games for the Pacific, now they are Games held in the Pacific and we expect up to 20 countries to attend. We are excited about the opportunities that Adelaide offers for our participants.” How can you get involved in the 2015 Pacific School Games? Whether you’re interested in assisting with sports or teams, hosting educational excursions or performing at the opening ceremony, there are endless opportunities for you to get involved. If you are interested in volunteering please contact us with your details, [email protected] Issue 2, March 2015 ELEVATE EDUCATION We are pleased to announce that we have engaged the services of Elevate Education to deliver a series of workshops to our senior school students. Follow up resources will also be provided to students to help them consolidate and practice the skills delivered at these sessions. A further session Ace your Exams will be offered in June. Elevate is an Australian company that has spent the past 14 years benchmarking the study habits of Australia’s top-performing students. They then offer their insight and experience in delivering engaging high impact workshops to students to help students learn more effectively, and increase their performance in assessments and assignments. The Study Sensei seminar breaks down the study techniques of top students, providing students with a road-map for what work they need to be doing across the year and how they need to manage this. The Time Management seminar addresses the question ‘ Once I know what to do, how do I find the time to do it?’ All year 12 students will be attending two compulsory sessions; Study Sensei in March and Time Management in May. All year 11 students will attend the Study Elevation session on March 24thwhich will examine the key fundamentals for school motivation and introduces students to a range of skills that will allow them to motivate themselves throughout the year. Warren Eaton INTERNATIONAL This year the International Program at Aberfoyle Park High School has got off to a fantastic start. We welcomed a number of students from Germany and Japan who were at Aberfoyle Park until the end of week 5. We also welcome Prach Boonnud from Thailand, Rio Fukuta and Hinano Kotaki from Japan and Mei Miyashita and Tatsuyoshi Kitani who are scholarship students selected by the Tokyo Board of Education for a one year Study Abroad Program. We are currently looking for families to host International students studying at APHS. We are anticipating three study groups from Japan later this year. To find out more and to register your interest please phone the front office on 8270 4455 or email [email protected] I Host families will receive financial reimbursement for hosting students. Warren Eaton JAPANESE SCHOLARSHIPS We wish Xuan Ye all the best as he departs Australia to undertake his 12 month scholarship to live and study in Japan for one year. SA PREMIER’S ANZAC SPIRIT AWARD COMPETITION Year 11 APHS student Lachlan Bruce and Humanities and Social Science Teacher Charlie Moyle are looking forward to their forthcoming trip to Gallipoli between the 17th and 28th of April. They are 2 winners of the 2015 SA Premier’s ANZAC Spirit Award Competition. In winning the right to travel to commemorate the Centenary Celebration of the Gallipoli landing in 1915, they will be part of the official dawn service. They will also visit Australian and New Zealand Memorials, specific battle sites like The Nek, and fantastic cultural and historical sites such as the Blue Mosque, Troy and St Sophia. This will truly be a trip of a lifetime. Claire Forsyth Jacinta Teigeler will also embark upon her scholarship and will represent Aberfoyle Park High School at our Southern Network Japanese partnership school, Mishima, in the April school holidays. This scholarship is open to all Year 9 students studying Japanese and applications will be called for during Term 3 for the 2016 position. We wish Xuan and Jacinta a rewarding stay in Japan. Ilana Nicole Issue 2, March 2015 TENNIS REPORT With the very successful commencement this year of the APHS Tennis Academy there has been a lot happening around the game in the last few weeks. Statewide Open Knockout Competitions Both the boys and girls teams have been active in this time. The Boys defeated Encounter College comfortably before coming up against a strong Tatachilla side in the second round. Our team of five players contained 3 year 8 students, which promises well for the future. The girls team won in a whitewash against Tatachilla, not dropping a single game. They now meet Henley and Glenunga in a 3 way contest in the next round. State Secondary Schools Individual Championships We entered around 20 students (academy and non academy) in these championships, and our results were outstanding. In no particular order, some of the highlights were: Chennoa Norris – Year 8/9 Girls Consolation Winner Elise Taverne - Year 8/9 Girls Consolation Runner Up Tatsuyoshi Kitani – Year 10 Boys Consolation Winner Lachlan Madera – Year 8 Boys Main Draw Semifinalist Holly Weatherall – Year 8/9 Girls Main Draw Quarterfinalist. Holly lost 7-5 in a tiebreaker to the top seed and eventual winner. Heidi Evans - Year 8/9 Girls Main Draw Quarterfinalist Sacha Rankine – Open Girls Main Draw Quarterfinalist Cody Menadue – Year 8 Boys Main Draw Quarterfinalist Matthew Reed – Year 8 Boys Main Draw Quarterfinalist. Matt was unseeded but defeated 2 seeds on his way to the quarters. These are an outstanding set of results, and they speak volumes of the work that these Tennis Academy (and non academy) students are putting in. Terry Ellis A TASTE OF FLINDERS In February 29 APHS students attended the Introduction to Science & Advanced Mathematics at Flinders University for Year 10 students. The event was provided for students who may be interested in Science and Technology, and want to know more about courses and careers. The day provided the opportunity to take part in a series of hands on workshops on a variety of topics including liquefied gases, palaeontology, electronics and forensic science. Students were also given the opportunity to hear from speakers about possible career pathways and university courses. Russell Johns THE RE-SET PROGRAM The successful Re-Set Program will be commencing in Week 8 of Term 1. The Program is for senior school females and aims to improve diet, stress levels, sleep patterns, concentration and overall perspective through physical activity. Medal winner Tatsu Kitani, Main Draw Semi-finalist Lachlan Madera & medal winners Elise Taverne & Chennoa Norris CONGRATULATIONS ...to Jared Crawford and Ryan Dixon! Jared and Ryan both performed their stand-up comedy acts at Class Clowns 2015, a part of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Both boys did Team Aberfoyle proud, achieving plenty of laughs and audience appreciation. Jared's performance was fantastic that he came second in the competition! Ryan won the competition and will now perform his act in front of a large crowd at the National Finals in Melbourne on Friday 17th April. Well done boys! Andy Vinter The group have two sessions per week, Tuesday mornings at Paragon Fitness, where the girls access Paragon’s cardio classes, and Friday afternoon on Happy Valley Oval with Switch2Fitness’s Personal Trainer, Mel Crawford. The group also attend various excursions throughout the year. If you would like to know more, visit the link below to see firsthand what we do in the ReSet Program: http://www.classmoviestv.com/DEC D02?movid=S9051-02-S9051-045 Leigh Charlesworth Issue 2, M arch 2015 UNIFORM UPDATE Uniform supplier DEVON have informed the school that the new hooded winchcheaters will be available at the shop during the last week of March. DEVON will be sending out messages to all families who have ordered these items as soon as they arrive. The outstanding orders of Polo Shirts have arrived and will be available in the shop next week (beginning Monday March 23). A NEW pair of girls black pants has just been added to the uniform list and these pants are now in production. A size range of the pants is now available at TOTALLY SCHOOLWEAR for girls who wish to try them on before ordering. The arrival date for the pants will be broadcast by the shop and via our newsletter, as soon as we have confirmation TOTALLY SHOOLWEAR Shop 3, 378 Goodwood Road (cnr Little St) Cumberland Park Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday 9:00am - 12:00pm Phone: 8373 1776 Email: [email protected] Online orders: https://onlineshop.devonclothing.com.au/aberfoyle-park PEDAL PRIX Riders Wanted We have registered a single APHS Bike for 2015. We already have 7 Registered Riders, but to produce a strong team we require 10-12 riders. This year our team will be involved in up to 4 races during the months of May –September. APHS has traditionally faired very well in these races, with regular top 5 places and several wins (out of nearly 200 entries). Rider Registration Forms are available from the Front Office. Please Log onto the Pedal Prix website to see videos, pictures and more information on the event. www.pedalprix.com.au Riders from any year level may enter. Female students are encouraged as they have faired very very well in the past. For further information please contact Andrew Aves on 0448 599 003 or [email protected] PASTORAL CARE WORKER (Previously known as “School Chaplain”) Schools Ministry Group along with the Aberfoyle Park Schools Ministry Network are seeking applications for this 8 to 10 hour per week position, commencing Term 2, 2015 at Aberfoyle Park High School. The position exists to offer a Chaplaincy Service to students, staff and the school community. A Job and Person Specification, including details on “How to Apply”, is available from Schools Ministry Group on 8378 6800 or [email protected] (Previous applicants need not apply) Closing date: Mon 4th May, 5 pm For details go to: www.smg.asn.au PINK PANTHERS WOMEN’S FOOTBALL CLUB (SOCCER) Come and Try Session For girls born in 2004 or after in preparation for the 2016 season. Pink Panthers are looking for girls that want to play in an all-girls team. SCHOOL HOLIDAY ACTIVITES Join in great fun and make new friends at Active Ed’s ‘Be your own Superhero’ holiday camp to be held 22 – 24 April at Victor Harbor for 7-12 & 13-16 year olds. Saturday 21st March 9am Our club is located on Galloway Rd, O’Sullivan Beach. No previous experience necessary – beginners are more than welcome. Bring a friend! Pink Panthers are also looking for players for their Senior Women teams for season 2015. For further enquiries contact Phil Webster on 0410 386 100. please 20% off a full camp booking if you book by 13/04/15 and mention that you saw this in the school newsletter. For more information, application forms and discount offers check out www.activeed.com.au or phone 8370 1500. ABERFOYLE PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL CAMPUS ‘OPEN DAY’ Tuesday 31st March 9-11am & 5-7pm 2 Campus Drive, Aberfoyle Park Issue 2, March 2015 2015 APHS GIG GUIDE WHO WHAT WHERE WHEN TERM ONE Stage 1 and 2 Music students Formative solo assessments APHS PAC Friday March 27th L6&7 (Week 9) TERM TWO Choir / String Ensemble / Percussion Ensemble/ Stage 2 Soloists Concert Band / Big Band / Year 9 and 10 Bands St Augustine’s Church Concert St Augustine’s Church 183 Unley Rd, Unley Thursday May 28th 7pm (Week 5) Band Night APHS PAC Monday June 1st 7pm (Week 6) Stage 1 and 2 Music students Summative solo assessments APHS PAC Friday June 12th L6&7 (Week 7) TERM THREE Stage 1 and 2 Music students Concert Band / Big Band / Percussion Ensemble/ String Ensemble / Choir / Yr 8 Band Stage 2 Music students/ Big Band/ Concert Band/ Percussion Ensemble Stage 2 Summative and Stage 1 Formative solo assessments Music Showcase Stage 2 Solo and Ensemble Performance final exam assessments APHS PAC Friday August 28th L6&7 (Week 6) Elder Hall University of Adelaide Wednesday September 9th 7.30pm (Week 8) APHS PAC TBC (Week 10) TERM FOUR Stage 1 Music students Stage 1 Summative solo assessments APHS PAC Friday October 30th L6&7 (Week 3) Year 8, 9 and 10 Bands Junior Band Night APHS PAC Thursday November 12th 7pm (Week 5) Selected Stage 2 soloists APHS Valedictory Adelaide Town Hall Monday November 30th (Week 8)
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