Literacy We teach 4 letter sounds each week. Your daughter will bring home her Phonics book on the day a phoneme has been taught. Please help her to trace the letter and repeat the sound. Curriculum newsletter. Reception 2014 We focus on using the correct ‘froggy leg’ pencil grip when drawing and writing. We focus on correct letter formation of lower case letters. Knowledge and Understanding This term’s topics are called ‘Ourselves’ and ‘My Body’. Girls learn about their facial features, they label parts of the body and learn about keeping fit and healthy. We would like to invite anyone in the medical profession to come and talk to the girls and perhaps bring a few props! In the past this has been very successful, and we have had doctors, dentists and pharmacists. ICT In ICT lessons we concentrate on mouse control, the space bar and keyboard skills using colourful infant friendly software. Music Introduction to beat and tempo. Singing. Percussion instruments—using beat and rhythm. Experiencing ups and downs. Bouncing back. RS Girls celebrate ‘special times’ such as starting Reading books are sent home daily. Please school, birthdays and share and enjoy them with your daughter. baptism. Sign her reading record daily please. Harvest is celebrated in school. We look at how it Tricky words will be sent home each week for is celebrated around the your daughter to memorise and learn. world. We learn We will have weekly ’Show and tell’ sessions about each where the girls can speak about an item from other’s culhome. tures and learn to respect them. The girls have access to the computers and Interactive White Boards within the classroom . Thinking Skills Each half term the girls are encouraged to use a particular thinking skills disposition. This term it is persistence. We will also be talking about: Things to remember: Library: Friday Swimming : Tuesday (RM/ RT) Wednesday (RA) Ballet: Thursday PSHE Through circle time games, the girls get to know each other’s names, likes, dislikes and hobbies. We work on friendship and encourage all the girls to work, share and play together. Reminders Please Label all your daughter’s belongings clearly. Tie hair back with blue or black ties and remove earrings and nail varnish. Send a named box with a piece of fruit in it each day and plain water in a sports cap style bottle. Numeracy This term we will work on: Correct number formation, recognition and accurate counting to 10 and beyond if appropriate 2D shape recognition and basic properties 1 more / 1 less than numbers to 10, or beyond if appropriate Estimation. Simple addition Creative Development We will draw, paint, collage and create works of art around various topics, such us myself. We will encourage role-play in the home corner.
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