Examination Session: Subject Grade Examination length and structural breakdown Content to be covered with textbook or note details Skills focus (if relevant) Special Requirements for exam (if any) June 2015 NS: Biology 8 90 minutes 100 marks (approximately) Scientific Method: - Biological Drawings - Graphs - Tables Classification - Keys of classification - Five vertebrate classes Ecology - Terminology - Food chains/webs - Energy Pyramids - Soil Symbioses - Mutualism - commensalism - Parasitism Biological Skills- drawing and representation of data Knowledge and understanding of content in context Blue or black pen Soft pencil Ruler Eraser Examination Session: Subject Grade Examination length and structural breakdown Content to be covered with textbook or note details June 2015 Afrikaans FAL 8 Paper 1: Taal,Gedigte, Begrip en Opsomming (90mins) Date: 18 June Paper 2: Literatuur (Jeugroman en Skryfwerk) Date: 23 June (90mins) Paper 1 Taal-en sinsktukture: S.nw, B.nw, V.nw, Trappe van Vergelyking,Voorsetsels, Ontkenning, Stompi, Tye, Voegwoorde, Opsommings, Begripstoetse, Gedigte: Rilrestaurant en Die wêreld het so klein geword. Paper 2 Literatuur (Jeugroman) en Skryfwerk: Perfek and Skryfwerk: Informele Brief en Dialoog Skills focus (if relevant) Special Requirements for exam (if any) MATHEMATICS: Grade 8 Examination requirements June 2015 June paper 1 100 Marks Algebra Based paper (Term 1 & bit of Term 2 work in this paper) 17 June 2015 for 1 ½ hours Topic 1 (p 4 – 17) Topic 2 ( p 18 -29) Topic 3 (p32 -43) Topic 6 & 8 *Topic 7 & 9 (depending on time in the term) June Paper 2 90 Marks 22 June for 1 ½ Hours Geometry Based Paper (All Term 2 work) Topic 11 (p110 – 116) Topic 12 (p132 – 143) Set by Mrs Groenewald Moderated by Mrs Viljoen/ Mr Claassen Number Systems Properties of Whole numbers Calculations with Whole Numbers Multiples & Factors Ratio & rate Discount & VAT Ascending & descending order Calculations with Integers Properties of integers Problem solving Financial Maths (class work) Writing in exponential form Exponential Laws Application of exponential Laws Scientific Notation Algebraic Expressions Analysis of an expression Substitution 4 main operations within expressions Algebraic Equations Solving by inspection and by calculation Equations with fractions Set by Mrs Viljoen Moderated by Mrs Groenewald / Mr Claassen Identify and classifying of triangles Triangle Theorems and application(Rhiders) Straight Line geometry: Complementary ; Supplementary; Adjacent Supplementary; Vertically Opposite angles Parallel lines and the angles: Corresponding; Alternate; Co-interior angles Examination Session: Subject Grade Examination length and structural breakdown June 2015 Social Sciences 8 Paper 1: HISTORY (1,5 hours) Date: 10 June Knowledge of concepts, definitions Source based approach Paper 2: GEOGRAPHY (2 hours) Date: 26 June Knowledge of concepts, definitions Ability to work with maps and diagrams Content to be covered with textbook or note details Paper 1 (History): Topic 1: The Industrial Revolution in Britain and SA from 1860 (Pages 110 – 138, power point note) Topic 2: The mineral Revolution in SA (pages 140 – 166 and class notes) Paper 2 (Geography): Topic 1: Maps and globes (Pages 2 – 27, power point note) Topic 2: Climate Regions (Pages 28 – 55, notes and power point) Skills focus (if relevant) Special Requirements for exam (if any) History: Content knowledge, ability to extract evidence from sources, write a paragraph using historical knowledge. Geography: Content knowledge, accurate drawing of diagrams, interpretation of maps and diagrams, basic map work skills. Geography: Each candidate must have a ruler, protractor, pair of compasses, coloured pencils, eraser. Black and blue pen. Examination Session: Subject: Grade: Examination length and structural breakdown: Content to be covered with textbook or note details: June 2015 Physical Science 8 PHYSICAL SCIENCE (1 hour) Date: 17 June – 60 marks Scientific knowledge, definitions and ability to incorporate the practical skills taught in the Science laboratory to use in answering the examination questions. Physical Science: All class summaries & notes covered in Term 1 and 2. Most Physical Science notes are on the Intranet; however, the Spoton textbook must be used as a study source in conjunction with these notes. Content: -Periodic Table -Atoms & Atomic Structure -Elements & Compounds -Rules for working in the Laboratory -Laboratory Apparatus -Experiments (x3) and Tests (x3): [Experiments (x3): 1. Mercury Oxide -> Mercury + Oxygen 2. Copper Chloride -> Copper + Chlorine 3. Water -> Hydrogen + Oxygen Tests (x3): 1. Test for Oxygen* 2. Test for Hydrogen* 3. Test for Carbon Dioxide] *These tests are used for Experiments 3 Skills focus (if relevant): Special Requirements for exam (if any): -Mixtures -Separation of Mixtures & Practical work -Define: Matter -Particle Model of Matter -3 Phases of Matter: Solid, Liquid & Gas -Density & Density Calculations -Flotation -Chemical Reactions Physical Science: definitions, skills and knowledge. Physical Science: Each candidate must have a scientific calculator, ruler, compass, pencil and eraser. Black and blue pen. SUBJECT / LEARNING AREA: ENGLISH GRADE: 8 NATURE OF EXAM: LENGTH OF EXAM: PAPER 1 Paper 1: 2hrs (12/6) 2 hours – Language, comprehension and poetry EXAMINER R. Humphreys PAPER 2 MODERATOR 2 hours – Film study, Novel and transactional W. Entwistle Paper 2: 2hrs (25/6) EXAMINER E. Entwistle MODERATOR R. Humphreys AREAS TO COVERED IN EXAM: PAPER 1 Poetry (seen and unseen) Comprehension Language and grammar Visual Literacy RELEVANT TEXTBOOK CHAPTER / NOTES: PAPER 2 ‘Spud’ Film study – ‘The Giver’ and film theory Transactional writing piece Film study hand-outs ‘The Giver’ All notes taken in class regarding the topics covered in the exams ‘Spud’ and the notes taken in class as well as hand-outs about the book. All poems covered in class in term 1 and 2 Oxford English Grammar book – Parts of Speech, Punctuation, Vocabulary development, Imagery and sounds, Critical language awareness. All notes and presentations uploaded onto the intranet dealing with the topics above. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR EXAMS: Please use black or blue ink. Healthy low GI snacks. (not noisy ones) A positive attitude and readiness to engage with the sources and to showcase all your acquired knowledge. Please ensure that you arrive at the exam venue early and with all necessary stationery.
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