HUMUSICA Fundamental vocabulary and tables For observing the soil in the field we generally open a cubic hole in the ground. Facing the hole on our knees, we look to a face of the cube (50 cm x 50 cm, or more), which is a real object (humus form profile) composed of layers of different colour and structure, each of them being also a real object (humus forms horizon). Comparing these real objects in different sites, we defined the corresponding concepts of humus form and diagnostic horizon. Similar humus forms were also grouped in larger units labelled humus form interaction systems, or humus systems. These terms being very common all over the book, we would like to fix their definition just now: 1-‐ REAL OBJECTS (FIG. 1) Humus form horizon = organic or organo-‐mineral topsoil layer; the topsoil is made of few horizons overlaying like the pages of a book and labelled all together humus form profile; each horizon can be assigned to an abstract category labelled “diagnostic horizon”; Humus form profile = face of a parallelepiped hole in the soil, comprising humus form organic and organo-‐mineral horizons; this object made of few humus form horizons can be assigned to an abstract category labelled “humus form”. Abstraction Diagnostic horizons Reality Humus form horizons OL OF et OH A B SOIL PROFILE Organic horizons HUMUS FORM PROFILE Organo-mineral horizon (Mineral horizons) C Figure 1. Real humus form profile and horizons and abstract diagnostic horizons. Alpine beech forest with Amphi humus system. 2-‐ CONCEPTS Diagnostic horizon = reference for organic or organ-‐mineral horizons, defined by characters and qualities that stay within prescribed limits; Codes of diagnostic horizons, Terrestrial: OLn, OLv, OFzo, OFnoz, OH, maA, meA, miA, Anoz; Histic: Hf, Hm, Hszo; Hsnoz, Hsl, Aa; Semi-‐ terrestrial: OLg, OFg, OHf, Ag (or: maAg, meAg, miAg, Anozg), AEg. Humus form = (HF recommended) = reference for a group of humus form profiles having the same series of diagnostic horizons. Terrestrial HF : Pachytangel, Eutangel, Leptotangel, Pachyamphi, Eumesoamphi, Eumarcoamphi, Leptoamphi, Oligomull, Eumull, Mesomull, Dysmull, Hemimoder, Eumoder, Dysmoder, Hemimor, Humimor et Eumor; Histic HF: Euanmoor, Limianmoor, Saprianmoor, Limisaprimoor, Eusaprimoor, Oligosaprimoor, Humiamphimoor, Euamphimoor, Fibriamphimoor, Saprimesimoor, Humimesimoor, Eumesimoor, Fibrimesimoor, Saprifibrimoor and Humifibrimoor, Eufibrimoor. At larger scale, similar humus forms profiles will be found in a single relatively homogeneous ecosystem (a forest, or a meadow, or…); then, on a conceptual statement, these humus forms are grouped in a single “Humus form interaction system”. This level of organisation is very important for the purposes of this book and allows to see by naked eyes the features of a specific “soil functioning”. Humus system (abbreviating of "Humus form interaction system", HS recommended) = reference for a group of humus form profiles showing the same main characters and having nearly the same ecological determinants (biological, mixt or abiotic) which range in announced values; Terrestrial humus systems: Tangel, Amphi, Mull, Moder, Mor; Histic: Anmoor, Saprimoor, Amphimoor, Mesimoor, Fibrimoor. Interaction system: outward dimension element of the analysis of the natural organisation, according to the operator theory. Here down the figure 1 and its legend, as appear in the article of Gerard et al. (2014) that clarifies the role of acting operators in universal structures. In the outward dimension, the Humus system can be considered as an Ecosystem placed in the first (5-‐50) cm of soil (Fig. 2). 3-‐ STRUCTURE OF THE CLASSIFICATION A humus system has to be understood as a biological system that operates the biodegradation of the dead organic matter produced in a given inhabited place of the planet. There are Terrestrial humus systems and forms (submersed from few months to few days per year), Histic humus systems and forms (submersed the largest part of the year), Semiterrestrial intergrades which are defined using the prefixes Hydro (if presence of Ag or AEg horizons, intergrades from Terrestrial to Histo) or Epihisto (if combiner presence of Ag or AEg and H or Aa histic horizons, intergrades from Histo to Terrestrial) and Para humus systems and forms, atypical systems and forms dynamically more or less relied to the formers. An overview of the proposed classification of humus systems is illustrated on figure 3. The main systems are in the centre, 5 Terrestrial disposed in “V” along two ranges starting from a neutral point (Mull), on siliceous rock on the left and on calcareous on the right, and 5 Histo, listed from left to right from more to less submerged. Two Prefix, Hydro and Epihisto (and some diagnostic horizons listed on the left of the tables 1 and 2), allow to classify all the situations occurring along a gradient between Terrestrial and Histo systems. All around are placed the Para systems, corresponding to “young” phases of central systems (arrows indicate that Para are constantly attracted by the centre). Even if dynamically attracted, they can stay “young” for centuries or millenaries, blocked by hard climatic conditions or constant erosion. Strongly influenced by man, the Para Agro and Techno systems has been set in black/grey and does not occupy a fixed place, rather in a temperate and relatively drained situation, more propitious for crops and grazing, or anthropic sites. Figure 1: Three dimensions for the analysis of organisation according to the operator theory. The upward dimension depicts a transition from an operator of a lower type to an operator of the adjacent higher type. The inward dimension focuses on various kinds of organisation in the interior of an operator. The outward dimension depicts various groupings of operators according to certain grouping rules. Thick black arrow: transitions between operator types. Thin black arrow: organisation in the interior or an operator. Thin dashed arrows: contribution of operators to low level abstract grouping. Circles are used to indicate increasingly inclusive (abstract) groupings of concepts. For practical reasons only a limited part of the upward dimension is shown. The second perspective of the inward dimension describes the organisation one can find within any Figure 2. Figure with its legend xtracted from from article of Galways erard must et astart l. (2014) that clarifies individual operator. When definingeconcepts thethe ground up, we with defining the an role of acting operators in universal structures. n the oThe utward dimension, the operator, before we can analyse the organisation in its Iinterior. internal organisation canHumus system can always be considered a s a n E cosystem, w ith c ommunities o f p lants a nd a nimals c o-‐acting be analysed using different perspectives, such as displacement, information construction andin a information, DICE approach, that was explained in Jagers op Akkerhuis (2008). shared physic the and chemical environment. Diagnostic horizons reveal the natural structure of an undisturbed soil. In tilled or artificial soils The third perspective of the outward dimension describes all complexity which is the result of the interactions described between vertical operators. series of Ithorizons often cannot be detected. However, the organisms living is crucial here that the outward dimension describes all objects in tthat he sare oil rnot epeatedly r e-‐build t he o riginal tructure and little etc. by Any little the soil rdoes ecovers operators, e.g. footballs, cars, bee scolonies, ecosystems, such object not its functional andwich appearance. A coperator, hapter oand f this dedicated to a,rtificial have the srequired topology for being an is m a anual ed a ii s te a tio s ste because ithumus forms, which have parted in agro-‐systems nd each techno-‐systems, he first roup related consists ofbaeen group of operators that interact a with other (in othertways thangthat lead to the to formationpofrocesses, an operator). defining an interaction from the ground agronomic the When second to industrial or wsystem aste treatments. up, it must always be explained from the interactions between operators. Organisation in interaction systems can also be analysed according to different (and overlapping) perspectives, as for example the DICE approach indicates (Jagers op Akkerhuis 2008). If we start with using these three dimensions for analysing organisation and hierarchy in our analyses, this leads to the observation that many existing analyses seem to amalgamate the principles that, according to the operator theory, belong to three separate dimensions of systems analysis. We use the following example for illustrating the utility of using three dimensions. We imagine a ranking that starts with an atom, and continues via a molecule and organelle, to a cell, the organism and the population. 18 HUMUS&SYSTEMS& Cyanobacteria/& lichens/algae/fungi&! PARA!=!Strongly! influenced!by:! Crusto! TERRO& TANGEL& MOR& Bryo! Techno& Ser ies & Agro& Man& MULL& SemiMterrestrial& HYDRO& EPIHISTO& Water&table& FIBRI& MOOR& Ligno! AMPHI& MOOR& Man& CaC & SiO 2 AMPHI& MODER& O& 3 Se rie s & Mosses! SAPRI& MOOR& ANMOOR& MESI& MOOR& Rhizo! HISTO& Wood&decomposers! Figure 3. Relationships between Humus systems and classification. Roots/rhizomes&! Tabe 1. Diagnostic horizons of TERRESTRIAL HUMUS SYSTEM and FORMS and Hydro intergrades (Hydromorphic Terrestrial humus forms). Above: acid series; underlying: Calcareous series. Legend HYDRO = prefix to utilize if presence of “g horizons” (horizons periodically hydromorphic, horizons water-‐ saturated less than few months per year), examples: OL + maA = Mesomull; OL + Ag or OLg + Ag = Stagnic Mesomull; (typical) = tacit, without “g horizons ”= in typical terrestrial condition (horizons water-‐saturated less than few days per year) ; possible = horizon present or absent or thickness < 2 mm; “g horizons” could be present with or without typical (non-‐hydromorphic) horizons; not sufficient for using the Stagnic prefix possible and mandatory = horizon present or absent or thickness < 2 mm, but mandatory present for using the Hydro prefix; example: Hydromull; Hydrooligomull; Hydromoder…. OH > 2A = thickness of OH horizon > 2 times thickness of A horizon; A ≥ OH/2 = thickness of A horizon ≥ half the thickness of OH horizon; disc pock = horizon discontinuous or in pockets; ≥ 3 cm = thickness of indicated horizon ≥ 3 centimeters; or = the indicated horizon could be present instead of another indicated horizon; and/or = the indicated horizon could be present with or instead of another indicated horizon. DIAGNOSTIC;HORIZONS; and;Transition;OAA HYDRO (typical) OLg,;OFg,;OHg; possible;but; not;sufficient; for;using;the; prefix;Hydro OLn EU AMPHI LEPTO PACHY Possible%not%discriminant OLv EUMESO MULL EUMACRO LEPTO OLIGO EU MODER MESO DYS disc%pock Possible%,%not%discriminant MOR EU DYS Possible%,%not%discriminant OF disc%pock Anoz HUMI EU Possible%,%not%discriminant disc%pock ≥%3%cm <%3%cm ≥%5 <%5% ≥%1%cm <%1%cm disc%pock <%5 <%3 ≤%1%cm >%1%cm ≥%5 msA miA%and/or%meA or disc%pock disc%pock <%3 sgA,%msA miA meA HEMI disc%pock OH%>%2A;% OH%>%2A;% OH%>%2A;% (OH+OF)>30%cm (OH+OF):%15L30 (OH+OF)<15%cm A%absent%=%E%or%sgA,%or%msA or or%only%meA%A%≥%OH/2 or or A%≥%OH/2 maA MANDATORY: In%Tangel:%pHwater%of%msA%≥%4.5 In%Amphi,%one%of%the%following:%living%eartworms%or%freshly%deposed%earthworm%feaces%in%A;%diffuse%transition%A/O;%%pHwater%of%A%≥%5 In%Mull,%one%of%the%following:%presence%of%living%earthworm%or%their%casts%in%A;%transition%O/A%<3%mm;%pHwater%>%5 In%Moder,%one%of%the%following:%transition%O/A%≥%5mm;%pHwaterof%A%<%5 In%Mor,%three%of%the%following:%presence%of%OFnoz;%transition%O/ALE%<%3mm;%pHwater%of%E%or%A%<4.5;%A%absent%or%presence%of%msA%or%sgA%or%E HEMI OFnoz OH Transition;OAA;(mm) Anozg,;Ag; possible;and; mandatory; for;Hydro TANGEL PACHY Tabe 2. Diagnostic horizons of SEMITERRESTRIAL HUMUS SYSTEM and FORMS and Epihisto intergrades (partially drained Semiterrestrial humus forms) Legend EPIHISTO = prefix to use if presence of horizons periodically hydromorphic (horizons with “g” index: Ag, AEg). These “g horizons” are not present in a fixed position of the profile but generate at different levels in it, sometimes even parting in two a main organic or organo-‐mineral horizon. The presence of OLg, OFg and OHg horizons is not sufficient for using the prefix Epihistic, examples: Hs, Aa = Hs, Aa, Ag = Limimull; Hs, Aa, Ag dominant (thickness Ag > Aa) = Epihistic Limimull; (typical) = tacit, suffix not reported in the name = without periodically hydromorphic g horizons but with water-‐saturated at least 6 months per year horizons = typical semiterrestrial humus forms; possible = horizon present or absent or thickness < 2 millimetres; not sufficient for using the Epihisto prefix; examples: Epihistoanmoor; Epihistollimianmoor; Epihistomoder. possible and mandatory = horizon present or absent or thickness < 2 mm, but mandatory present for using the Epihisto prefix; variable = horizon variable in thickness; dominant = horizon thicker than each other single horizon of the series. NB: The relative thickness of the horizons is graphically indicated in the table (grey area) because it influences the result of the classification, ex: Fibrimesimoor = Hm>Hf>Hsnoz; Eumesimoor = Hm>Hsnoz>Hf. ANMOOR DIAGNOSTIC?HORIZONS EPIHISTO (typical) EU LIMI SAPRIMOOR SAPRI LIMI EU AMPHIMOOR OLIGO HUMI EU MESIMOOR FIBRI SAPRI HUMI EU FIBRIMOOR FIBRI SAPRI HUMI EU Hf Hm OLg,?OFg,? OHg? possible? but?not? sufficient?? for?using? Epihisto? prefix Hs Hsnoz possible Hsl Aa Ag,?Anozg,? AEg? possible? and? mandatory? for?using? Epihisto? prefix Ag dominant Anozg Aeg Table 3. Para humus Systems (or Prefix), still under discussion Legend The name of Para Humus System can be used alone when no diagnostic characters allow to assign a Para form to a Terrestrial or Semiterrestrial Humus System or Form. It is also possible to combine two (or even three ?) names, placing them in a decreasing importance, setting the dominant system at the head. Example: Rhizo-‐Bryo, when a Rhizo system shows patches of mosses here and there. Crusto are often a mosaic of visible community of algae, lichens and mosses: it is relatively easy to see that this community does make sense rather as a whole than as separate single elements. Humus System Description Diagnostic characters Dynamic considerations Crusto Biological complex mosaic of cyanobacteria, green algae, lichens, mosses, microfungi, and other bacteria Cyanobacterial and microfungal filaments are weaved throughout the top few millimeters of soil, gluing loose particles and forming a matrix that stabilizes and protects soil surfaces from erosion Bryo Mosses totally covering the soil and forming a stratified carpet or cushion Moss material more than 75% of thickness or with living (green) parts overgrowing a volume of combined organic diagnostic horizons layer of dead stems and leaves Rhizo Organic and/or mineral-organic Root material more than 50% of thickness or diagnostic horizons almost entirely volume of combined organic diagnostic horizons made of root material (living and dead) Ligno Organic diagnostic horizons almost entirely made of wood decayed by fungi and tunnelled by invertebrates Pioneer ecosystems of arid and polar deserts and rocky outcrops, harsh climate condition, permanent or periodic lack of water, nutrients or soil, phases of incipient pedogenesis Pioneer ecosystems succeeding to biological crusts in cold, arid or wet environments (peat formation); also in mosaic on boulders or under forest trees on eroded soil Heathland and grassland ecosystems built by grass, fern, ericaceous and other suffrutescent or scrub vegetation Specific ecosystems exploiting the energy released during wood decomposition. The process of decomposition takes place on the ground or on stems and branches still on standind dead trees. Very common in old-growth forests, particularly in unmanaged temperate and tropical forests. Agro Techno Humus form under prominent man influence: Agrimull or Compost or Mulch or other artificial organic or mineral-organic mixtures Humus form under prominent, directly or indirectly man influence: sewage sludge, tossic waste, landfill waste, colonized masonry wastes, more or less structured Edifisols Decaying wood more than 75% of thickness or volume of combined organic diagnostic horizons. Presence of animals and animal droppings linked to wood decay Tillage profile or managed dump of organic remains Agricultural fields, market gardens, kitchen gardens Artefacts or waste materials more than 50% of thickness or volume of combined organic and organo-mineral diagnostic horizons. Landfills, urban soils, heaps of waste, industrial waste,…
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