April 22, 2015 Investment Strategy EUs threat to ban imports of seafood from Thailand would only be negative sentiment for the market in the short term, while SET Index will still be driven by 1Q15 earnings previews for the real sector. Todays top pick is VNG([email protected]) for its 1Q15 profit is likely good. SET Index Change Market cap (Bm) 1,569.35 9.03 39,217.99 Net buy and sell by investor type (Bm) Foreign Proprietary Trading Institution Retail 2,346.36 623.68 585.46 -3,555.50 SET Index Sensitivity (x)7) (456 14.0x 14.5x 15.0x 15.5x 16.0x 16.5x 17x 18x A48.9. pr 15E 58E May :.;. 15E 58E 1,196 1,239 1,281 1,324 1,367 1,409 1,495 1,580 1,227 1,271 1,315 1,359 1,403 1,447 1,534 1,622 Jun 8<.9.15E 58E Sep =.9.15E 58E Dec >.;. 15E 58E 1,258 1,303 1,348 1,393 1,438 1,483 1,573 1,662 1,352 1,400 1,448 1,497 1,545 1,593 1,690 1,786 1,446 1,497 1,549 1,601 1,652 1,704 1,807 1,910 EU's yellow card to affect Thai seafood exporters for short term With January-February export growth of -4.9%, Thailand's export is projected to contract in 1Q15, and full-year export growth is not likely to improve from 2014. In addition to trading partners' slowing economy, the EU also threatened to ban Thai seafood exporters over illegal labor and undisclosed source of raw material. Thailand is given six months to tackle these problems within October 2015, otherwise the ban will be ultimately imposed. The EU excluded Thailand from the generalized scheme of preferences (GSP) lists in early 2015, so Thailand's duty on frozen shrimp exports has increased from 4.2% to 12% and the tariff on cooked shrimp has risen from 7% to 20% since 2014. Thailand exported total 148,000 tons of seafood to the EU at the total value of B26.3bn in 2014 (versus 176,000 ton of seafood totaling B31bn in 2013), making up 3.1% of total export in 2014: shrimp (28.5%), fish (9.7%), squid (5.81%), other canned seafood (40%), and other goods (16%). This warning would have an effect on the SET, especially seafood exporters like TUF and CFRESH that make most of their income from seafood export. However, this issue would only have negative sentiment but no significant impact on their earnings in 2015-2016 since most seafood exporters do not severely violate the regulation. The yellow card would have a Porranee Thongyen, CISA limited effect on CFRESH([email protected]) since most of its exported shrimps come from its own farms. Although License No: 004146 TUF(Buy:FV@B26) generates most of its income from tuna and shrimps, it has a strict policy not to use illegal raw material [email protected] or measures, so it would not be affected by the ban. Moreover, since TUF has overseas allies, it has production bases in Therdsak Thaveeteeratham many countries, e.g. India (holding 25.12% stake), thus having a limited negative effect. CPF(FV@B32) mainly makes profit License No: 004132 [email protected] Pobchai Phatrawit License No: 052647 [email protected] Assistant Analysts Maraporn Kiwiriyakun English research reports are a rough translation of our Thai-language research products. It is produced primarily with time efficiency in mind, so that English-reading clients can see what the main recommendations are from our Thai-language research team. Given that this is a rough-and-ready translation, Asia Plus Securities pcl cannot be held responsible for translation inaccuracies. The Thai language research reports and information contained therein are compiled from public data sources and our analysts' interviews with executives of listed companies. They are presented for informational purposes only and not to be deemed as solicitations to buy or sell any securities. Best attempts have been made to verify information from these vast sources, but we cannot guarantee their accuracy, adequacy, completeness and timeliness. The analyses and comments presented herein are opinions of our analysts and do not necessarily reflect the views of Asia Plus Securities. from livestock, feed, and overseas businesses, while only 2% of its profit comes from shrimp export and most of its shrimps are probably from farms in Thailand, so it would be affected insignificantly. Looking for real sector 1Q15 profit. Top picks: TASCO, VNG 1Q15 net profit of the 11 commercial banks was reported at B52.4bn, growing 6.2%qoq and 3.1%yoy (2% better than projected). Operating expense decreased due to seasonal effect. Net loans stayed flat, but likely to increase in 2H15 owing to accelerated disbursement of government budget (investment and expenditure) and economic stimulus measures. The policy rate cut has affected commercial banks since they are net lenders with a large proportion of floating rate loans. However, we maintain the banking sector's earnings forecast, estimating the sector's net profit growth at 9.9%yoy in 2015 and 12.9%yoy in 2016 (underperforming the market though). We reiterate NEUTRAL. The market will be focusing on the real sector's potential earnings from now on. We are working on 1Q15 earnings preview. Initially, we estimate market earnings to leap significantly from B69.2bn in 4Q14 to above B200bn in 1Q15, having positive sentiment and becoming a driving force for the market. According to our study on each sector, we project 1Q15 market earnings to rebound close to B223bn in 1Q14 (the peak of 2014). Earnings of the following sectors are expected to grow yoy: Construction material Earnings of many companies are expected to be strong. TASCO would also benefit from high asphalt selling price, soaring demand, and lower production cost thanks to falling oil prices. VGN would benefit from dropping raw material cost (given that selling prices stay high). MCS would enjoy higher sales and increasing orders. SCC's 1Q15 profit is expected to grow 16%yoy thanks to sales of investment in Siam Michelin co, ltd. Contractor STPI's profit will be remarkably high if a conclusion on the income from the urgent project is made by April 2015 and the income is recognized in 1Q15. Hotels and hospitals 1Q15 profit is expected to rebound significantly from 1Q14 since 1Q15 tourism volume is projected to rise by 22%yoy. Air transportation THAI and AAV's earnings are projected to revive remarkably thanks to the oil price plunge and a rebound in passenger volume. However, share prices would be depressed by the ICAO issue in 2Q15. ICT Migrating subscribers from 2G network to 3G network reduces regulatory cost. JAS recognized extraordinary profit from sales of assets into JASIF. On the other hand, earnings of commodity sectors are projected to decline from 1Q14. For the energy and petrochemical sector, stock loss is still expected in 1Q15 (no stock loss in 1Q14) while normalized profit is likely to stay flat, thus resulting in weaker net profit. For the agribusiness sector, pork and chicken prices have been declining, and first quarter is usually a low season for food export, so net profit is expected to fall. For earnings plays, top picks are TASCO and VNG. VNG([email protected]) Product selling prices have been high as a result of increasing demand; demand for particle boards has grown as the global economy rebounds. Due to limited supply in Asia, particle board and MDF prices have not dropped much like other commodities. Production costs (e.g. rubberwood scrap and glue) have dropped and stayed low throughout the year. Also, the company has been focusing on expanding production lines of highmargin goods. Therefore, VNG's FY2015 net profit is estimated to jump by 42%yoy. 2 TASCO(FV@152) Accelerated government investment in roads expansion (additional B40bn budget) has resulted in asphalt undersupply, thus benefiting TASCO most. Since TASCO has its own asphalt factory in Malaysia and asphalt tank ship, it can import asphalt for sales in Thailand. Asphalt sales volume is expected to jump by 80%yoy in 1Q15, so its net profit is projected to skyrocket in 1Q15 and 2Q15. Fourth day of foreign net buy in Asia. Thailand has foreign net buy again Foreign investors continued to posses a net buy position in Asian stock markets for the fourth day in a row at US$467m yesterday. South Korea was with foreign net buy for the 11th day, while the Philippines was with foreign net buy for the first time, though slightly at only US$5.8m, after facing eight consecutive days of net sell. For Thailand, foreign investors reversed to be net buyers of US$72.48m or B2,346m (totaling B8,962m net buy from early April until present); proprietary traders also bought net for 11 days straight (totaling B8,480m since the beginning of the month) and local institutions returned to be net buyers again at B585m. Accordingly, SET Index was able to close up 9 pts like its opening yesterday Mln USD ytd mtd -5d -1d 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 126 251 6 - 12 1,000 72 2,000 -1,000 Indonesia Philippines S. Korea Taiwan Thailand 3 Stocks Recommended in Market Talk Start Stocks Date Price Fair Value Start Last Accumula ted Return PER 2015F PBV 2015F Dividend Yield Strategist Comment 30-Min Chart Inexpensive laggard stock with high dividend. SPALI 05-Jan-15 31.96 23.43 22.30 -4.8% 6.98 1.83 5.80 TASCO 21-Apr-15 152.00 127.00 138.00 8.7% 12.71 2.87 2.17 STPI 05-Jan-15 23.64 16.96 17.50 3.2% 8.88 2.71 4.29 PTT 08-Jan-15 398.00 341.06 354.00 3.8% 9.47 1.37 3.95 PTTEP 03-Feb-15 134.00 115.03 121.50 5.6% 11.46 1.21 3.70 VNG 09-Apr-15 10.25 7.70 8.15 5.8% 9.94 1.72 4.02 ASK 12-Mar-15 30.10 22.50 19.80 -12.0% 8.27 1.59 8.46 RCL 25-Mar-15 13.10 9.10 9.75 7.1% 22.46 0.82 2.23 SAMART 16-Apr-15 41.00 30.25 31.00 2.5% 16.85 3.21 3.21 Backlog making up 80% of FY2015 income target. Domestic rubber demand makes record high. Revise up forecast by 45%. BUY. Potential winner of EPC Contractor bid. Likely to win other projects too, but share price has not risen yet. Rebounding crude oil price, LPG price float benefiting PTT. Crude oil oversupply subsides. Benefiting petroleum business. Growing demand, lower cost, high margin, growing profit, developing new products with attractive growth story. Benefiting from policy rate cut. Low P/E ratio, high dividend yield. HRCI rising countinuously, low fuel cost promotes earnings growth. FY2015 profit to grow 25% owing to digital economy. New energy business to boost profit by threefold. AIT excluded; TASCO included in portfolio yesterday Accumulated returns since our recommendation ASK -12.0% -4.8% SPALI SAMART 2.5% STPI 3.2% PTT 3.8% PTTEP 5.6% VNG 5.8% RCL 7.1% TASCO -15% 8.7% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% Note: In calculating returns from a stock we recommended, we use the average price on the day of our recommendation as cost and compare it with the recent closing price. This will result in accumulative returns until the day we recommend closing the position to take profit or cut loss. 4
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