Community Friends of International Students In t e r n a t i o n a l P l a c e o f T h e C l a re m o n t C o l l e g e s , 3 9 0 E a s t 9 t h S t r e e t , C l a re m o n t , C A 9 1 7 1 1 - 5 9 0 5 Fa ll 2014 h ttp: //ip la c e.claremon t.ed u Vo l. 38, No. 1 Fun Facts About I-Place 156 students were met at the airport (149 at LAX and 7 at ONT) for pick-up. 42 New International Student and Scholar Orientation (NISSO) volunteers helped out with I-Place Orientation at the start of school. 283 students participated in the Orientation program at I-Place. 76 host families hosted 122 students. This year, for the first time in many years, there were more requests from students for host families than there were families! Twenty-five students were not able to stay with families and had to stay in residence halls (opened early to accommodate them), and 4 stayed with other students. I-Place Fall Events: Nov 17 – 22, 2014: International Education Week: This year, we are ending our International Education Week celebration with the first annual International Gala. November 22, 7pm – 9pm: International Autumn Gala: A night of cultural celebration put on by the international student community of The Claremont Colleges. Look for tickets in the upcoming few weeks! November 25, 6pm – 9pm: November Social: Thanksgiving Gathering December 7, 3pm – 5pm: CFIS Holiday Reception: 709 Harvard Ave (CGU President’s House) December 12, 2pm – 7pm: December Social: Holiday Shopping Trip at Victoria Gardens Page 1 President’s Message Members of the Board 2014-2015 Officers Another school year is beginning and members of Community Friends are already active: hosting new international students, having a dinner party for visiting parents and holding our annual picnic at Scripps College for students and their host families. As the year progresses, there will be several other events sponsored by Community Friends and iPlace that will not only enrich the lives of the students who take part, but also enrich the lives of our members and host families and broaden their understanding of people from other parts of the world. When one thinks of the hundreds (thousands?) of families who have hosted students over the years, the impact that our host family program has had in developing the character of the people of Claremont and surrounding communities must be significant. In addition to our traditional programs, Community Friends has been fortunate for the last two years to be the recipient of two UPS grants totaling $13,200 which we have used to help international students in need. Community Friends created a committee to screen applicants and approved grants of up to $400 per student, often used to help them purchase laptops among other things. Unfortunately, the UPS grants have run out. However, these grants were so successful and much appreciated that the Community Friends’ Board is trying to find ways to continue it on our own. The only way we can do this is through contributions from our members. Maintaining our programs that have had such a positive impact on international students and the town of Claremont plus trying to continue the UPS grants will not be possible unless members of Community Friends contribute. We have a large contingent of new international students (many with serious financial needs), a Board with many new faces who are eager to do their part and an agenda of doing good things. Hopefully, we will have the resources we need to expand on our excellent beginning to the semester and make this another great year for Community Friends. You can easily renew your tax deductible membership or contribute to Community Friends by going to the home page of I-Place ( and clicking on the CFIS link. I hope that all of you can join in on our activities this year whenever you can. Dave Bedell President, Community Friends of International Students President: David Bedell Co-Vice-Presidents: Maureen McCluney & Neva Barker Secretary: Renuka Balakrishnan Treasurer: Susan Brinkama Nominating Chair: Claudia Lennear Directors & Coordinators Host Family: John Tarin Co-Membership: Amy Bernstein, Linda Scott, Tamara Lindvall Newsletter Co-Editors: Barbara Rugeley, Helen Young Special Events: Joan Gerard, Linda Heilpern, Mitra Nag Support Council: Neil Gerard Conversation Partners: Katya Fairbanks Electronic Communications: Catherine & Frank D’Emilio Members-at-Large Aleta Wenger, Rita Wodinsky Community Support Council Sandra Baldonado, Donna Bedell, Norma BlissettJacoob, Laura Bollinger, Virginia Bower, Tina Brooks, Deb and John Corey, Barbara and Vasu Dev, John Faranda, Emily and Michael Fay, Sandra Flores, Carol Gil, Helaine and Steve Goldwater, Betty Hagelbarger, Brenda & John Hill, Anita Hughes, Sue Keith, Pat Lightfoot, John Mark Lindvall, Susan Lominska, Charlene Martin, Marc Massoud, Dean McHenry, Swapan Nag, Deede and Larry Olson, Claire Oxtoby, Dee Pawley, Lissa Petersen, Diann Ring, Marguerite Royse, Linda and Peter Saeta, Herb Scott, Greg Shapton, Judith and David Tanenbaum, Ellen and Marshall Taylor, Cindy Walkenbach, Edie Young International Place Staff Director: Donald Delgado Assistant Director: Marsha Habib Administrative Assistant: Sue Kerns Program Coordinator: Chrystal Orozco Contact Information I-Place Office: (909) 607-4571 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (909) 621-8549 Page 2 Thank you, Host Families! 78 Families Hosted 126 New Students and Scholars (18 Are New Host Families for 2014!) (An asterisk indicates a first-time host family) Pat and Joe Almazan* Kathleen and Robert Anke Harriet and Richard Archibald-Woodward Andy Winnick and Martina Ebert Enid Eckert Kathrun and Carl Ecklund* Yvonne Maldonado Ellen and Marshall Taylor Charlene Martin Brian and Genevieve Troudy Sharon and Walter Martinez Elizabeth and John Tulac Victoria Verches* John Faranda Maureen and Bill McCluney Sandy Baldonado Emily and Michael Fay Mitra and Swapan Nag Neva Barker* Elise and Patrick Ferree Jill and Ron Nicholas Jude Schoch and Nola Wanta Christopher Bettera* Joan and Neil Gerard Lynn Packard* Ahlene and David Welsh Virginia Bower Carolyne and Terry Givens Dee Pawley Edie and Helen Young Shannon Braun Laura and Chuck Burt Mary and Chris Caenepeel* Jeannie Goings* Yixia Chen and Sharon Guan Julie and Sam Pedroza Lissa and Dan Petersen Kathy and Reed Phelps* Corey Calaycay* Jennifer Jackman and John Hott Gretchen Pino Katya Fairbanks and Soumya Chakravarti Judy Johnson Madeline Rios Shirley and Greg Jones Karen and Michael Rosenthal America and Dwayne Chambers Betsey Coffman Deb and John Corey Sue and Jim Keith* Leanne and Charles Kerchner Brittney Cortez* David Sawhill and Katherine Kinsey* Adriana Velasquez and Donald Delgado Elizabeth and Bill Kitch Frank and Catherine D'Emilio* Barbara and Vasu Dev Candida Neal and Brian Disatnik Maria and Mario Dunton Jan Collins-Eaglin and Fulton Eaglin* Wendy Waggener Wendy and Ardi Rashidi Frances Ross* James Makawa and Laura Rowley Greg Shapton and Barbara Rugeley Alexis and Michael Kogan* Rita Ruminski Fran and Jim Lehman Jaimie and Ellen Sherif* Claudia Lennear Rhonda and Rick Speier Abbie Lennox Chris and John St. Clair Glenn Miya and Steven Llanusa Lori and Kirk Strobel* Linda and Peter Saeta Karen and Patrick Tatone Host Family Coordinator John Tarin writes, I want to thank all the Host Families that hosted International Students in July and August. You are a valuable resource to CFIS and International Place. You are special to us because of the time and effort you put into hosting students. I know that the students appreciate your hospitality and generosity. In Memoriam Luzma Brayton We wish to convey our condolences to her family and to acknowledge her contribution to Community Friends of International Students. Page 3 Become a Member and Support CFIS! Since its beginning, Community Friends of International Students (CFIS) has embodied what it means to give of one’s time, talents, and treasures. This generosity has made a measurable difference in the lives of many students from around the world and ensures that they have an exceptional experience at The Claremont Colleges. Membership supports key programming and services to international students throughout the year, including the International Festival, the lunch and conversation program each semester, English conversation partner program, field trips, travel to academic conferences, and the annual holiday party. This year, we also have budgeted funds to provide financial help for students to participate in programs or who have unexpected expenses. To make a donation with our convenient PayPal, please go to and click on the orange “Donate” box. If you prefer to mail a check, please send it to International Place of The Claremont Colleges, 390 East 9th Street, Claremont CA 91711. Your generosity and support make an important difference. We look forward to your joining us for another great year of supporting international students of The Claremont Colleges. Amy Bernstein, Linda Scott, and Tamara Lindvall CFIS Membership Committee Co-Chairs Welcome Back Picnic At the beginning of each school year, we thank and praise our host families. This year is no exception. At our annual Welcome Picnic, we were delighted to see about 290 in attendance including new students, host families, college administrators and faculty, and city officials. We were welcomed by Scripps College Vice President and Dean of Students Charlotte Johnson and by Claremont Mayor Joe Lyons. Community Friends is indebted to the wonderful cadre of host families who are so warm and welcoming to our new arrivals. All present enjoyed the background music provided by guitarist Seth Greenberg, a CGU graduate. We owe a special debt of gratitude to Scripps College for sharing Jacqua Quad with us and to those on the Picnic Committee for their help purchasing materials; setting up; replenishing trays; providing salads, beans, watermelons, and lemonade; serving pies; and cleaning up. This was a memorable Welcome Picnic. Page 4 A Hosted Student Graduates….. Susan Brinkama and her husband Aaron Whitham hosted Sanggeet Mithra in 2010 for her freshman year at Scripps. At graduation in May 2014, they hosted her parents and little brother. They are from Malaysia. and…. A Hosted Student Returns Steffi Sonnenschein came to Claremont from Berlin, Germany, in the 1998-1999 school year as an exchange student through World Heritage. She stayed at the home of Gary and Lynne Westfahl and attended Claremont High School. Steffi particularly enjoyed her foray into the world of musical theatre, singing and dancing with much enthusiasm in Claremont High School’s production of “42nd Street.” Another highlight was enrolling in CHS’s rock climbing class which taught her fundamental climbing skills that she used when returning to her hometown of Berlin. (Steffi mentions that her instructor, after meeting her, stated his desire to host an exchange student, too!) Since her departure from “the city of trees and Ph.D’s,” she has acquired a veterinary degree from the Department of Veterinary Medicine at the Freie Universitat Berlin. Steffi returned to spend a few days with the Westfahls in September 2014. Page 5 The 2014 Graduate By Mitra and Swapan Nag Jing Jin joined our family 4 years ago. A freshman from China, she was a Pomona student with a full scholarship majoring in Art. She came prepared with an impressive portfolio of photographs, paintings, and etches. Last week, she graduated. A week before she graduated, Jing, as one of the graduating class, was selected to exhibit at the Pomona Art Museum show Viscerreal. Her series “Hairspace ... seeked to weave together a labyrinth of hair strands creating a calming space with the monotony of tracing one line after another, and the silence so profound that the murmurs of light and shadow are almost audible.” Jing joined us the day before her graduation at a farewell lunch at a local Indian restaurant, and we repeated the usual advice that she graced with a smile. We know that smile well; Jing is fiercely independent, and does not hesitate to undertake adventures with a spirit that few dare. Like the time she went hitchhiking against our advice from San Francisco to Denver over summer, and survived seemingly unscathed. We’ve watched Jing mature over the years, with an intense passion for everything she does. Last year, she spent six months studying abroad in Paris. We wish Jing all of the best for her promising future, which she will be starting on in San Francisco this month. We were lucky to obtain a self portrait of the series that we shall always treasure. For the rest of the series, see: drawingsculpturedesign/#/hairspace/ Page 6 New Outreach and Parent Relation Initiatives at I-Place From Donald Delgado, I-Place Director Along with the steady growth in the number of international students at The Claremont Colleges, we have seen a tremendous increase in the number of parents and other family members who are accompanying their new student upon arrival in Claremont. The Colleges clearly recognize the importance of parents as part of the education process and have supported I-Place as we’ve developed a couple of new initiatives to reach out to students, their parents and other family members, and to help international parents feel more comfortable about their student’s choice to join The Claremont Colleges. I-Place Receptions Overseas In June 2013, colleagues from Claremont McKenna College and I were able to travel to Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai. Then in June 2014, we visited Singapore, Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi. More than sharing information about The Claremont Colleges, the principle goals of these visits was for us to learn more about the cultural and educational background of our students and to meet new and current students and their families in their home country. During these trips, we visited local secondary schools and universities, meeting with students and staff. In each city we also held receptions to which we invited new and current students and their families. With parents and students. These receptions provided a relaxed and informal opporShanghai, summer 2013 tunity for me to meet the new students and their (often quite anxious) parents and for them to interact with other administrators and current students from The Claremont Colleges. Students and families really appreciated that we took the time and effort to visit them in their hometown. I-Place Parent and Family Orientation Program Each year, more and more parents accompany their new international student to Claremont during New International Student and Scholar Orientation. Several years ago, as we noticed this trend, Community Friends and I-Place collaborated to create the International Parents Welcome Dinner. The first Parent Dinner was held during the Fall 2009 Orientation program, at the home of David and Donna Bedell with approximately 10 to 12 new parent attendees. This past August, over 60 new parents joined Community Friends at the home of John Faranda for dinner in a relaxed and informal setting, meeting each other and several members of Community Friends of International Students. With the growing success of the Parent Dinner, I-Place added a new component to the new parent experience: International Parent Information Sessions. For the first time this past August, I-Place and some of the Parent Relations Offices from The Colleges organized two information sessions specifically for international parents. During these sessions, we addressed a variety of issues related to student life and the challenges faced by international students and their families. Together with Parent Relations staff and Student Deans, I fielded questions from parents on topics such as student health and safety, the campus party culture, even where and how students do laundry! Based on comments from parents afterwards, it is clear that information sessions were a success and I look forward to continuing the program at the start of next fall semester. Page 7 Meet Your New CFIS Board Members AMY BERNSTEIN – Co-Chair, Membership Amy and her husband Bob arrived in Claremont from Chicago a year and a half ago, when her husband accepted the position of Director of Information Technology at Pitzer College. Amy, now retired, was a bank lawyer. In the year and a half they have been here, they have gotten involved in many Claremont activities. Amy is a member of the Claremont Chorale and a volunteer with the CLASP afterschool tutoring program. She has audited some college classes and is currently taking a religious studies course on Jerusalem at CMC. She has been a Conversation Partner with CFIS, and she and her husband are also both avid Claremont Club gym members. They have two children, a daughter (31) who is currently the Consular Officer for the US Embassy in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo. Their son, 23, is in his second year of teaching with the “Teach for America” program in Memphis, TN. Both children participated in Study Abroad programs during their high school and college years and her son spent a summer during high school in Uganda helping build a school. Amy and her husband have participated in the International Visitors’ Council, which facilitates local tours and hosting for State Department-sponsored international visitors. Some of the visitors they’ve hosted, either for longer stays at their home or for dinner, have included two museum educators from Belarus for three weeks; two science teachers from Madrid for one month; and dinners with two Algerian scientists specializing in solar energy and various Fulbright scholars attending regional conferences. NEVA BARKER - Co-Vice President Neva Barker has been connected with international education in one way or another for over 25 years. When she moved to Claremont from Arkansas, her first job was with an ESL program based at Pitzer College, annually working with up to a thousand international students, mostly on short-term programs. In 1993, she joined the Pitzer College External Studies Office, advising students on study abroad opportunities. Currently she is the director of Off-Campus Studies at Scripps College, which includes internship options in Washington, D.C. and Silicon Valley, as well as programs overseas. Her job enables her to travel regularly to visit and review programs; her most recent trip was to Durban and Cape Town, South Africa. Once her three children were grown, Neva became a host parent for students studying at Pitzer College, first welcoming a Japanese student for several months and then a second young woman from Japan for the full seven month stay. She has also hosted students from Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Morocco, and Thailand through the I-Place Host Family Welcome program. One of Neva’s passions involves arranging and photographing flowers, and she enjoyed making floral crowns in the PACE flower booth at the International Festival for several years. In 2005, she received an Avery Adventure Grant through the Claremont Colleges which enabled her to travel to China for five weeks, visiting flower markets in Beijing and attending a Peony Festival in Luoyang, where she caught this darling boy and his father posing among the blooms. She is excited to be part of the Community Friends of International Students and to join them in welcoming our international visitors to Claremont, just as she was made welcome by so many of the people she met in China. Page 8 Meet Your New CFIS Board Members continued…. CATHERINE AND FRANK D’EMILIO – Co-Chairs, Electronic Commications Catherine and Frank D'Emilio are delighted to be the new Electronic Communications Coordinators on the CFIS Board. They moved to Claremont in 1988, although Catherine is a Claremont “native,” having attended Claremont schools K-12. Frank just began his 30th year in elementary school education and his 27th year with the Claremont Unified School District, this year, teaching 3rd grade at Vista del Valle School. For the past eight years, Catherine has worked at Scripps College where she presently is Program Coordinator in the Dean of Faculty office. They have three grown children Joseph (25 years) and Lara (19 years), both of whom live in San Francisco, and Michael (23 years) who is currently living in Costa Rica teaching English. This is their first year hosting a 5C international student; however they have a German “daughter” as they were an AFS (American Field Service) host family for Lille, a high school student from Norden, Germany, who lived with their family during the 2010 – 2011 academic year. This very rewarding experience remains a highlight for their family and created new international “family” ties. Two years ago Lille returned to Claremont to spend her summer, and this past July, son Joseph visited Lille in Berlin, Germany. This fall, Frank and Catherine are for the second time serving as a Friendship Family for US Department of State’s Teaching Excellence and Achievement (TEA) program hosted by Claremont Graduate University. This program brings international teachers to CGU for eight weeks of intensive training and hands-on teaching experience in local public schools. Through this experience the D’Emilio family has enjoyed friendships with teachers from Rwanda, South Africa, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Bulgaria, and India, and are currently hosting Mohammad from Jordan and Kamola from Uzbekistan. This past summer, Frank, Catherine, and daughter Lara traveled to eastern Canada touring the provinces of Quebec, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island – a trip prompted by Lara’s love of L.M. Montgomery’s “Anne of Green Gables” stories. The D’Emilios are looking forward to visiting their son in Costa Rica later this fall, and plan a return trip to Europe during their daughter’s junior year semester abroad. Included in that trip will be a long overdue visit to Germany to meet their “German daughter’s” family. TAMARA LINDVALL - Member at Large I have been involved with Community Friends and International Place since the mid-1980s when I came to Claremont to study international relations. I had been interested in other countries and cultures since I was about 9 years old. We were living in Ohio, our lives happily revolving around bridge, The Monkees, Hoola-hoops, VW bugs, The Rolling Stones, Jean-Claude Killy and The Ed Sullivan Show, when my father decided that he would apply for a job with the French Geological Survey. He got the job, but was surprised to find out it was not in Paris, but in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Dad left in the spring of 1968 for Jeddah, and my mother and brother and I joined him in the fall. That experience was so rich and dramatic that it shaped my view of the world forever. My father and I felt very invigorated by the whole experience, he because he was like a kid in the sandbox getting to do geology, and I because I was quite literally a kid in the sandbox. We went to the beach every weekend, we had fun shopping in the Sooq for everything from gold bangle bracelets, to gorgeous cloth to make-shift items that we could take home and fashion into "Christmas decorations" for our designated palm tree. We associated with people from many other countries. My father encouraged me to learn words in Arabic and also French, Spanish and Italian. I was really thrilled when he arranged for me to tutor a Syrian man in English! At the same time, my mother and brother experienced serious culture shock so badly they were both reeling. So as I watched them struggle while Dad and I thrived, I really wanted to understand. In the end I decided that it would be extremely valuable for anyone to live in Saudi Arabia for a year and that whether you thrived or struggled, it would teach you more than you had ever learned about people, the world and your place in it. I studied history in college and came to Claremont to study international relations. I met Neepa Chowdhury right away and Charlene soon after that. They both included me in all the fun of the new and growing International Place. I had the great pleasure of working for Charlene and with Neepa for many years as the assistant director. My nest here at home is empty now, and so I look forward to being very involved with Community Friends again, and taking part in all the joy and learning that is involved. Page 9 International Parent Dinner On August 25, 2014, Community Friends and I-Place sponsored an International Parent Dinner at the lovely home of John Faranda, with 63 parents attending and 8 CFIS members serving food and conversation. Every picture of John had him serving wine! Elena, from Quito, Ecuador, with her husband, Miguel Pienknagura said, “We feel more comfortable leaving our son here now, because of this chance to meet all these people.” They had plenty to worry about because last year their son spent the summer abroad in Lyons, France, but got extremely sick and spent a full month in the hospital there: very scary. She faced the frustration of applying for a visa to France, a slow process on her Ecuadorean passport, but her husband, on a Polish passport, was able to get to France immediately. They have always encouraged world travel for their children, but that was a scary time. The son’s host family was kind enough to welcome them into their home while they shuttled back and forth to the hospital. The kindness of strangers, indeed. Murli and Usha Kadaba invited Donald Delgado, the International Place Director, into their home last summer in Delhi, India, with many parents and students from Vasant Valley School, the school where their son, Shreyas, just graduated. Shreyas is now a freshman at Pomona College and the only student from his high school to be accepted to Pomona. With her social event in Delhi, Usha hopes that other students will apply to Pomona and be accepted. Shreyas could then be a “big brother” to them the following year. She also hopes that her son will display his talent on the tabla, a percussion instrument he studied for 8 years. About our I-Place Director, Donald, Usha stated, “He is a lovely person: amazingly cheerful.” Murli and Usha Kadaba, parents of Pomona College student Shreyas Kadaba. Page 10 Funny in Farsi: A Memoir of Growing up Iranian in America By Firoozeh Dumas Random House, 2003 Book Review by Barbara Rugeley This is a delightful book, written by a woman who came to the US as a 7 year old, in 1972, returned to Iran at 9, then returned to the US at 11, and stayed through high school, college and marriage. To give you the flavor, I have quoted a few paragraphs: Page 31-2: I was lucky to have come to America [to Whittier, CA] years before the political upheaval in Iran. The Americans we encountered were kind and curious, unafraid to ask questions and willing to listen. As soon as I spoke enough English to communicate, I found myself being interviewed nonstop by children and adults alike. My life became one long-running Oprah show, minus the free luxury accommodations in Chicago, and Oprah. On the topic of Iran, American minds were tabulae rasae. Judging from the questions asked, it was clear that most American in 1972 had never heard of Iran. We did our best to educate. “You know Asia? Well, you go south at the Soviet Union and there we are.” In Iran, geography is a requirement in every grade. Since the government issues textbooks, every student studies the same material in the same grade. In firstgrade geography, I had to learn the shape of Iran and the location of its capital, Tehran. I had to memorize that we shared borders with Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and the USSR. I also knew that I lived on the continent of Asia. None of the kids in Whittier, a city an hour outside of Los Angeles, ever asked me about geography. They wanted to know about more important things, such as camels….How many did we own back home? What did we feed them? Was it a bumpy ride? ...We were also asked about electricity, tents, and the Sahara. Once again, we disappointed, admitting that we had electricity, that we did not own a tent, and that the Sahara was on another continent. Page 128: Through my friend Marilyn, I found out that the local movie theater was looking for summer help. I was hired to work at the concession stand, where I was responsible for selling the type of food that should come with a free angiogram. Page 144: Perhaps the people we think we know best are the ones who surprise us most. Once my mother realized that I wanted to marry Francois, she said, “He will be like a third son to me,” and wiped the tears off her face. At that very moment, my mother threw aside everything she and her generation knew about marriage and entered a new world where daughters select their own husbands. She became a pioneer. Page 145: In contrast to Francois’ family [4 came to the wedding], mine were busy making plans for a joyous occasion…. “We can’t possibly leave them out” became a regular refrain. I didn’t know half the people on the list….”They invited us to their daughter’s wedding last year. Plus, they live in Australia. They won’t come.” They came, and they brought a niece with them….We invited 140 people, 163 accepted; 181 showed up. Several cities have chosen this book, or her second book, Laughing without an Accent (2008), for their All City Read: Orange County Reads 2004; Whittier 2005; Cape Ann, (Massachusetts) in 2006; Palo Alto and Berkeley 2006, among others. Funny in Farsi is now on the California Recommended Reading List and is used in many junior highs, high schools and universities across the country. You may have also heard Firoozeh’s commentaries on NPR or read her pieces in the NY Times, LA Times, Wall Street Journal, Good Housekeeping, Gourmet, SF Chronicle or Lifetime Magazine. This is a perceptive and humorous book – I thoroughly recommend it! Electronic News You may view the CFIS newsletter on the I-Place website at Click on the link for "Community Friends of International Students.” If you want to receive the newsletter in print, or prefer not to receive the newsletter at all, please let us know by sending a message to [email protected] or phone us at 909-607-4571. Page 11 Community Friends of International Students 390 East 9th Street Claremont, CA 91711-5905 International Autumn Gala SA VE TH E DA TE Cultural performances and cuisine from around the world Saturday, November 22, 2014 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Bridges Auditorium - Pomona College Tickets available through International Place No tickets at the door International Place of The Claremont Colleges Phone (909) 607-3910 or (909) 607-4571 E-mail: [email protected] I-Place office at 390 East 9th Street, Claremont Page 12
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