ISCAMI 2015 preliminary program Conference opening ceremony – 16.00 Thursday Conference closing ceremony – 12.00 Sunday Thursday, April 23, 2015 16.00 Conference opening ceremony 16.30-17.30 Invited lecture, chair R. Mesiar Bustince H.: History of types of fuzzy sets Friday, April 24, 2015 9.00-10.00 Invited lecture, chair M. Štěpnička Holčapek M.: Introduction to MI algebras 10.00-10.30 Coffee break 10.30-11.50 Contributed lectures, Sections 1.1, 1.2 Section 1.1, chair J. Talašová Miś K.: Some remarks on fuzzy preference structures Cao Nhung et al.: An extension of fuzzy relational compositions using generalized quantifiers Glenszczyk A.: In how many different ways one can say “no” (in intuitionistic control logic) Nowakowska M.: The transitivity of the relation of being an ideal Section 1.2, chair P.Sarkoci Rácz G.: Summed r-Lah numbers Gyimesi E.: Recent results on r-Whitney numbers Hucíková V.: Regular maps of given type and their external symmetries Hriňáková K.: On external symmetries of regular maps on some types of matrix groups 14.20-15.40 Contributed lectures, Sections 2.1, 2.2 Section 2.1, chair M. Štěpnička Nguyen L., Novák V.: Filtering out high frequencies in time series using F-transform with respect to raised cosine generalized uniform fuzzy partition Hoďáková P. et al.: F-transform based string searching Vlasanek P., Perfilieva I.: Automatic image creation using F-transform Rusnok P.: Language description in time series modelling Section 2.2, chair M. Holčapek Suchánek R.: Weyl-Schouten theorem and holonomy groups Bačík M.: Hamilton´s transformation theory for autonomous systems in a plane Szatmári D.: Results of optimization of cartographic projections in the European context Kollár M. et al.: Creation of digital terrain models using surface evolution 15.40-16.10 Coffee break 16.10-17.50 Contributed lectures, Sections 3.1, 3.2 Section 3.1, chair M. Remešíková Špir R.: Using the direct 3D API to display mathematical data with geometric models Chvatal M.: Non-almost periodic solutions of limit periodic and almost periodic homogeneous linear difference systems Riečanová I.: Complex-valued solution of Helmholtz equation by finite volume method Růžička V.: Wirtinger type inequality and nonoscillation of higher order half-linear di erential equations Section 3.2, chair R. Mesiar Perrone E.: Ds-optimality for copula models: discrimination issues Dibala M.: Conic copulas - the special case of Archimax copula class Kopčová V.: Comparison between maximum likelihood estimators and quasi least squares method in the growth curve model Mišková A.: Toeplitz localization operators: spectral functions density Elkano M. et al.: Study of n-dimensional overlap functions in fuzzy rule-based classification systems Saturday, April 25, 2015 9.00-10.00 Invited lecture, chair P. Sarkoci Remešíková M.: Lagrangian methods for manifold evolution problems 10.00-10.30 Coffee break 10.30-11.50 Contributed lectures, Sections 4.1, 4.2 Section 4.1, chair M. Remešíková Kleinová V.: Velocity field extraction Tješšová M.: The influence of the vertebral body shape to the mechanical response of the motion segment Medľa M. et al.: New second order finite volume method for oblique derivative boundary value problems Tomek L. et al: Discrete duality finite volume method for mean curvature flow of surfaces Section 4.2, chair R. Mesiar Jandová V., Talašová J.: Evaluation as the degree of fulfillment of the goal Stoklasa J. et al.: On retranslation of mathematical outputs - from numbers and fuzzy sets to words Holeček P.: Linguistically oriented fuzzy modeling in the FuzzMe software Yusoff Binyamin, Merigo J.M.: Heavy aggregation operators in multiplicative preference relation model under group decision making Sunday, April 26, 2015 9.00-10.20 Contributed lectures, Sections 5.1, 5.2 Section 5.1, chair M. Holčapek Halčinová L.: On a probabilistic-valued integral Smrek P.: Level dependent capacities-based Choquet integrals and ordinal sums of aggregation functions Bůžek J.: Parallel model for evolutionary algorithms Section 5.2, chair M.Petrík Mikeš K.: Quasicontinuum approach applied to inelastic materials Poláková R.: On modification of mutation strategy in differential evolution Berec L. et al.: Sexuality transmitted infections and mate-findings Allee effects Dilara Aybala Elmas et al.: Efficiency measurement hospitals using MCDM method 10.20-10.50 Coffee break 10.50-11.50 Invited lecture, chair J. Talašová Mesiar R.: Integration based on decomposition 12.00 Conference closing ceremony
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