Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 3068–3081 www.elsevier.com/locate/actamat Representation of single-axis grain boundary functions Srikanth Patala a,b,⇑, Christopher A. Schuh a a Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA b Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA Received 3 October 2012; received in revised form 30 January 2013; accepted 30 January 2013 Available online 27 February 2013 Abstract The ability to describe continuous functions on the space of grain boundary parameters is crucial for investigating the functional relations between the structure and the properties of interfaces, in analogy to the way that continuous distribution functions for orientations (i.e. texture information) have been used extensively in the optimization of polycrystalline microstructures. Here we develop a rigorous framework for the description of continuous functions for a subset of the five-parameter grain boundary space, called the “single-axis grain boundary” space. This space consists of all the boundary plane orientations for misorientations confined to a single axis, and is relevant to the method of presenting boundary plane statistics in widespread current use. We establish the topological equivalence between the single-axis grain boundary space and the 3-sphere, which in turn enables the use of hyperspherical harmonics as basis functions to construct continuous functions. These functions enable the representation of statistical distributions and the construction of functional forms for the structure–property relationships of grain boundaries. Ó 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Grain boundaries; Crystal symmetry; Grain boundary planes; Distribution functions 1. Introduction The importance of grain boundaries to the properties of polycrystalline materials is widely appreciated and is quickly becoming a cornerstone of the modern materials design paradigm. There are numerous instances where grain boundary distributions have been manipulated to improve the functional and mechanical properties of polycrystalline materials [1–8]. While the primary focus of many of these studies has been to tailor the grain boundary misorientations, there has been a recent emphasis on manipulating the grain boundary plane distributions to obtain better properties [9–13]. These investigations have benefited greatly from experimental advances in the characterization of grain boundaries in full crystallographic detail, inclusive of all five macroscopic parameters defining their geometry [14–19]. The focus for the future of grain boundary engineering is shifting towards simultaneously tailoring the five parameters. One significant obstacle to the investigation of the distributions of the five grain boundary parameters is a lack of analytical tools to describe the distributions of quantities involving both the misorientation and the boundary-inclination aspects of grain boundaries. This is because the five-parameter space is vast and has a complicated topology due to various constraints. Owing to symmetries of the boundary and the crystals abutting it, there are some duplicate sets of distinct parameters that describe the same physical boundary, and hence are symmetrically equivalent. Such symmetry constraints can be expressed as equivalence relations, and have been developed in detail elsewhere [20–22]. It is useful to reiterate these here: h i ðM;~ nÞ ðS i Þ1 MðS j Þ; g ðS i Þ1 ~ n where i; j 2 f1; ... ;ng ⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA. E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Patala). 1 1 nÞÞ ðM;~ nÞ ðM ; g½M ð~ 2 0 0 ~ ~ n; n 2 S ðI;~ nÞ ðI; n Þ 8~ 1359-6454/$36.00 Ó 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2013.01.067 ð1aÞ ð1bÞ ð1cÞ S. Patala, C.A. Schuh / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 3068–3081 In these expressions, M denotes the misorientation, ~ n represents the boundary-plane normal vector, and S represents a point symmetry operation of the crystallographic point group of order n. The operation g simply outputs the 3 3 matrix equivalent to the rotation operation in its argument, regardless of the parameterization used. I represents the identity matrix corresponding to the zeromisorientation angle. These three equivalence relations capture some important physical concepts about grain boundary crystallography: (i) rotating one or both of the crystals through one of their symmetry operations does not change the boundary; (ii) the boundary is physically the same when viewed from either of the two grains at the boundary (the “grain exchange symmetry”); and (iii) if there is no misorientation, then there is no unique boundary plane either (the “no-boundary singularity”). To be able to analyze and exploit the full potential of the vast amounts of grain boundary data that can now be obtained from microstructural analysis, it is crucial to develop tools that help resolve or remove some of the complexities of the grain boundary space. This is largely an open problem at present [23]. In Ref. [24], we addressed a simple version of the problem, for one-dimensional boundaries between two-dimensional (2-D) crystals. By appropriately transforming the 2-D grain boundary parameters, the no-boundary singularity was resolved, and by including the grain exchange symmetry, the space of grain boundary parameters was shown to be equivalent to the 2-sphere with appropriate equivalence relations (S2/E). The analysis of the 2-D grain boundary space emphasized the necessity of a new parameterization that naturally accounts for the no-boundary singularity and simplifies the equivalence relation associated with the grain exchange symmetry. In this paper, we present developments that resolve a subset of the five-parameter grain boundary space, the single-axis grain boundary (SAGB) space. The SAGB space is the collection of grain boundary parameters with the misorientation axis confined to lie along any specific crystal direction ~ b (with certain exceptions discussed in Section. 2). This subset of the complete grain boundary space is particularly relevant because, in the experimental literature, grain boundary planes are often analyzed for misorientations along a specific symmetry axis of the crystal [25– 31]. This space also describes the collection of grain boundaries of perfect fiber-textured materials, and has direct relevance to, for example, thin films and severely extruded metals. 2. Mapping the single-axis grain boundary space onto the hypersphere (S3) As mentioned previously, the SAGB space is the collection of all boundary-plane orientations corresponding to disorientations (i.e. the misorientations lying in the fundamental zone of interest) along a fixed crystal direction ~ b. The boundary inclination space is the unit-sphere in three dimensions (2-sphere, S2) since any normal vector can be 3069 represented as a point on the unit-sphere. Therefore, from a topological perspective the SAGB space is the product space [0, xmax] S2, where xmax is the maximum disorientation angle along the axis ~ b in the fundamental zone. More precisely, the SAGB space is equivalent to [[0, xmax] S2]/ E, where E is the equivalence class representing all possible symmetries of the boundary-plane spaces (i.e. Eq. (1)). In Ref. [22], we have enumerated these symmetries for disorientations belonging to all the crystallographic point groups. The first objective of this article is to find a suitable transformation of the boundary parameters that maps the SAGB space ([[0, xmax] S2]/E) to the 3-sphere S3 4 (with P4 2 coordinates (x1, x2, x3, x4) in R such that i¼1 xi ¼ 1) with a convenient set of equivalence relations. Before considering these mappings and symmetries in detail, certain conventions are introduced. The symmetries of the boundary-plane spaces are denoted by G. As observed in Ref. [22], when x belongs to the interval (0,xmax), all the boundary-plane spaces S2 exhibit symmetries of a single point group (denoted as G1) and we denote the symmetries of the boundary-plane space when x = xmax as G2 (where G1 # G2). In this paper, the quaternion (q) parameterization is used to represent misorientations (M) and the grain boundary parameters are hence denoted as ðq;~ nÞ. The mapping of the ðq;~ nÞ parameters to the 3-sphere is obtained through the following steps: (a) The first equivalence relation that needs to be addressed is that of the no-boundary singularity Eq. (1c), which is crucial to the mapping between the product space [0, xmax] S2 and S3. According to this singularity, the space S2 corresponding to the zero misorientation angle needs to be collapsed to a single point. This is achieved by the following mapping from the ðq;~ nÞ to the ðq;~ rÞ parameterization: ðq;~ rÞ ¼ Cðq;~ nÞ ¼ ðq; ½CðqÞ ~ nÞ ð2Þ where C(q) is a scalar function defined as: CðqÞ ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 maxfððq GÞ0 Þ2 g ð3Þ G is the point group symmetry of the crystal. q G is the left co-set of G in SO(3) and ðq GÞ0 is the set of the first quaternion components of the left co-set q G. To state it simply, C(q) is a continuous function on the quaternion space and takes the value zero when the boundary misorientation is either the identity or symmetrically equivalent to the identity. In the case of the grain boundary space of a crystal with rotational point group symmetry C1, G ffi = C1 = {I}, pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (q G)0 = q0 and thus CðqÞ ¼ 1 q20 . In general, for allffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffifficrystallographic point groups, ffi p CðqÞ ¼ 1 q20 ¼ sin x2 if q belongs to the fundamental zone.This mapping results in a parameterization ðq;~ rÞ that is compatible with the no-boundary singularity by collapsing all the boundary normal vectors corresponding to the zero misorientation angle to 3070 S. Patala, C.A. Schuh / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 3068–3081 a single point. In the ðq;~ rÞ parameterization, the space [0, xmax] S2 is transformed into a solid ball with the origin corresponding to the zero-misorientation case and each sphere with radius sin x2 corresponding to the boundary-inclination space of misorientation angle x. This solid parametric ball in ðq;~ rÞ parameterization can be easily extended to a 3-sphere if none of the boundary-plane symmetries are considered. However, as shown in Ref. [22], the boundary-plane spaces may exhibit a wide array of point group symmetries.As mentioned already, the collection of boundary-plane spaces corresponding to a single fixed axis exhibits the symmetries of point group G1 when x 2 (0, xmax) and exhibits the symmetry of point group G2 when x = xmax. In the ðq;~ rÞ parameterization obtained using Eq. (2), the SAGB space is equivalent to a solid ball with the points in the interior of the solid ball and at a constant radius identified according to the symmetry operations of the point group G1 and the points on the surface of the solid ball identified according the point group G2. (b) In general, the symmetry axes of the point group G1 change as x changes (discussed in detail in Ref. [22]). For example, consider the symmetries h of thei boundary-plane spaces along the axis ~ b ¼ p1ffiffi ; p1ffiffi ; 0 2 2 for the crystallographic point group D4. The quaternions corresponding x 1 to this x axis are of the type x p1ffiffi ffiffi p ðcosÞ 2 ; 2 sin 2 ; 2 sin 2 ; 0Þ, where x 2 0; p2 . In the domain (0, xmax), the boundary-plane spaces exhibit symmetries corresponding to the G1 = C2v point group with the twofold axis along ~ b and one of the mirror-planes perpendicular to the axis x 1 x x 1ffiffi ffiffi p p ðq2 ; q1 ; q0 Þ ¼ sin 2 ; sin 2 ; cos 2 (refer 2 2 to Ref. [22]), which implies the dependence of the position of the mirror-plane on the misorientation angle x.If the ðq;~ rÞ parameterization obtained in Eq. (2) is used and the solid-parametric ball so obtained is mapped to the 3-sphere, the equivalence relations will depend on the coordinates xi (i.e. the position of the point on the 3-sphere). Such relations cannot be used to derive symmetrized hyperspherical harmonics. Therefore, the ðq;~ rÞ parameterization is further modified, to facilitate symmetrization of the basis functions, as follows: ( ðq; g½pðqÞ ~ rÞ if q0 – 1 ~Þ ¼ Pðq;~ ðq; m rÞ ¼ ðð1; 0; 0; 0Þ; ~ 0Þ if q ¼ 1 0 ð4Þ where p(q) takes the form: 1 pðqÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð1 þ q0 ; q1 ; q2 ; q3 Þ 2ð1 þ q0 Þ ð5Þ It is necessary to ensure that the above mapping is topologically consistent (satisfies uniqueness and continuity conditions) with the five-parameter grain boundary space. This parameterization is closely related to the so-called symmetric parameterization defined in Ref. [32]. However, the symmetric parameterization is lacking due to a discontinuity in the mapping, which is explained in Appendix A. Also described in Appendix A are the mathematical aspects (A2) and the equivalence relations (A3) of ~Þ paramethe ðq; ~ mÞ parameterization. Using the ðq; m terization, the symmetry axes of the point groups G1 and G2 align and do not vary as the misorientation angle x varies (as discussed in the examples that follow). (c) Even though the dependence of the symmetry axes on ~Þ the misorientation angle x is removed using the ðq; m parameterization, the symmetry axes need not be positioned in a manner convenient for the symmetrization of the hyperspherical harmonics. For example, consider again theh crystallographic point group D4 i with the axis ~ b ¼ p1ffiffi ; p1ffiffi ; 0 . As will be shown in an 2 2 example in the following sections, the twofold axis of G1 = C2v is parallel to p1ffiffi2 ; p1ffiffi2 ; 0 and one of the mirror planes is perpendicular to (0,0,1) in the ~Þ parameterization. For the symmetrization of ðq; m the hyperspherical harmonics, it is useful to have the symmetry axes of the point groups parallel to standard Cartesian axes ð^ex ; ^ey ; ^ez Þ. This is obtained by using an additional rotation operation (denoted by the matrix R), which aligns the symmetry elements of the point groups G1 and G2 along the relevant Cartesian axes. Therefore, we define parameters ðq;~ lÞ such that: ~Þ ðq;~ lÞ ¼ ðq; R m ð6Þ (d) Now, coordinates (x1, x2, x3, x4) of the 3-sphere are defined such that: 2 3 2 3 x2 l1 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 6 7 6 7 4 x3 5 ¼ 4 l2 5; x1 ¼ 1 x22 x23 x24 sinðxmax =2Þ x4 l3 ð7Þ It is observed that x22 þ x23 þ x24 ¼ sin ðx2 Þ 2 lies in the Þ range [0, 1]. Therefore, the collection of parameters (x2, x3, x4) belongs to a solid ball of outer radius unity in R3 . The relation x21 þ x22 þ x23 þ x24 ¼ 1 implies that the coordinates (x1, x2, x3, x4) indeed belong to a 3sphere of unit radius (although Eq. (7) only defines points in one half of the 3-sphere corresponding to x1 2 [0, 1]).The points on a sphere of radius sin ðx2 Þ correspond to the boundary-plane vectors r ¼ sin xmax ð 2 Þ of boundary misorientation x (related by Eqs. (2), (4), (6) and (7)). If this boundary-plane space sin ð xmax 2 2 S. Patala, C.A. Schuh / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 3068–3081 (corresponding to the misorientation angle x and axis ~ b) has the symmetry G1, the following equivalence relation should hold: 0 2 31 0 2 31 x2 x2 B 6 7C B 6 7C ð8Þ @x1 ; 4 x3 5A @x1 ; g½g1 4 x3 5A 8g1 2 G1 x4 x4 The sphere corresponding to x1 = 0 has a radius r = 1 and describes the surface of the solid ball. The points on this surface correspond to boundary-plane vectors at the misorientation angle xmax. According to Eq. (8), by substituting x1 = 0, these points exhibit symmetries of the point group G1. However, the boundary-plane space corresponding to misorientation angle xmax should exhibit the symmetry of point group G2. Therefore, the condition that the points (0, x2, x3, x4) need to satisfy is: 0 2 31 0 2 31 x2 x2 B 6 7C B 6 7C ð9Þ @0; 4 x3 5A @0; g½g2 4 x3 5A 8g2 2 G2 x4 x4 Since G1 # G2, Eq. (8) does not violate the condition in Eq. (9) but it is not sufficient. An additional equivalence relation has to be imposed on the 3-sphere such that Eq. (9) is satisfied. This additional equivalence relation is as shown below (h is defined in the next paragraph): 0 2 31 0 2 31 x2 x2 B 6 7C B 6 7C ð10Þ @x1 ; 4 x3 5A @x1 ; g½h 4 x3 5A x4 x4 By imposing the above equivalence relation, Eq. (9) will be satisfied and no additional relations will be introduced if the groups G1 and G2 are such that: G1 is a normal subgroup of G2 (denoted as j G2 =G1 j 6 2); and the number of elements in the quotient group G2/ G1 is less than or equal to two (i.e. j G2 =G1 j 6 2). 3071 If the number of elements in the quotient group G2/ G1 is one, then G2 is equal to G1 and h is simply the identity operation {e}. If the number of elements of the quotient group G2/G1 is two, then it can be written in the form {G1, h G1}, where G1 and h G1 are disjoint sets and h is one of the elements (can be any element) of the co-set not equal to G1. Using the properties of quotient groups, the group G2 can be written as G2 = G1 [ h G1. Combining the equivalence relations in Eqs. (8) and (10) defines all the symmetries on the 3-sphere. For constant x1, the points (x2, x3, x4) are related through the point group symmetry G1 and for x1 = 0, they are related through the point group symmetry G2. Eq. (10) also helps define the 3-sphere completely; Eq. (7) only defines one half of the 3-sphere where x1 2 [0, 1]. In Eq. (10) the points in one half (x1 2 [0, 1]) of the 3-sphere are related to the other half (x1 2 [1, 0]). Table 1 shows the cases in which the combination of point groups G1 and G2 do not satisfy the above-mentioned conditions (G1 E G2 and j G2 =G1 j 6 2). For these SAGB spaces, the formalism developed here may not be applied. However, the number of cases for which this condition is violated is small compared to the large number for which it works. The complete list of SAGB spaces, G1, G2 and the operation h for different crystallographic point groups is provided in the online Supplementary Information. 2.1. Examples The four steps described above for the mapping from any SAGB space (not considering the exceptions listed in Table 1) to the 3-sphere are now illustrated using the following examples. 2.1.1. Crystallographic point group D4, axis ~ b ¼ p1ffiffi2 ; p1ffiffi2 ; 0 , xmax is equal to p2 ; G1 ¼ C 2v and G2 = D2d The quaternions (q0, q1, q2, q3) that lie along the axis ~ b x x pffiffiffi are such that q0 ¼ cos 2 ; q1 ¼ q2 ¼ sin 2 = 2 and Table 1 List of single-axis grain boundary (SAGB) spaces for which a mapping to the 3-sphere cannot be obtained using the formulation developed in this paper. The SAGB spaces are listed by specifying the crystallographic point group, the point where the axis intersects the outermost surface of the corresponding fundamental zone (specified as conditions satisfied by the quaternions in the “Geometry” column) and the boundary-plane symmetries G1(x 2 (0, xmax)) and G2(x = xmax). The proper rotational point group and the corresponding Laue group are grouped together. Point group Geometry G1 G2 C3/C3i Cn/Cnh (n = 4, 6) S4 (proper/improper) S6 (proper/improper) Dn/Dnh (n = 2, 4, 6) T/Th q3 = q0 = 0 q3 = q0 = 0 q3 = q0 = 0 q3 = q0 = 0 p q = (cos h, cos h, sin h, sin h), where h ¼ 2n q1 þ q2 þ q3 ¼ q0 ; q3 – 2p1 ffiffi3 q1 = 0; q2 – 0 q2 = 0; q1 – 0 q0 ¼ q3 ¼ p1ffiffi2 ; q1 ¼ q2 ¼ 0 q ¼ 2p1 ffiffi2 1k ; 1; 1; k C1/Ci Cs/C2h Cs/C2 C2/Cs C1/Ci Cs/C2h C3v/D3d Cnv/Dnh D2d D3h D2/D2h C3v/D3d C2v/D2h Cs/C2h Td/O D2d/D4h T/Th O/Oh 3072 S. Patala, C.A. Schuh / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 3068–3081 q3 = 0. xmax ¼ p2 is obtained by using the condition pffiffiffi 2q0 ¼ q1 þ q2 (defining the boundary intersecting the axis ~ b in the D4 fundamental zone), q1 = q2 and q3 = 0. The axes of the point group G1 = C2v are such that one of the mirror-planes is perpendicular to the axis (q2, q1, q0) and ~Þ the twofold rotation axis is along p1ffiffi ; p1ffiffi ; 0 . If the ðq; m 2 2 parameterization is used, the equivalence relation is modified such that the mirror-plane is perpendicular to the axis (0, 0, 1) as described in the equation below. ðq;~ nÞ ðq; g½ðp;~ aÞ ð~ nÞÞ; where ~ a ¼ ðq2 ; q1 ; q0 Þ and q ¼ ðq0 ; q1 ; q2 ; 0Þ ) ðq;~ rÞ ðq; g½ðp;~ aÞ ð~ rÞÞ From Eq. (4), ~Þ ) ~ ~ ðq;~ rÞ ¼ ðq; ½g½pðqÞ1 m r ¼ ½g½pðqÞ1 m ~Þ ðq; g½ðp;~ aÞ ½g½pðqÞ1 ð~ mÞÞ ) ðq; ½gðpðqÞÞ1 m 1 ~Þ ðq; ½g½pðqÞ g½ðp;~ mÞÞ ) ðq; m aÞ ½g½pðqÞ ð~ ~Þ ðq; g½ðp; ½0; 0; 1Þð~ ) ðq; m mÞÞ ð11Þ where ½g½pðqÞ g½ðp;~ aÞ ½g½pðqÞ1 ¼ g½ðp; ½0; 0; 1Þ relation (x1, x2, x3, x4) (x1, x2, x3, x4) to the above set of relations.1 2.1.2. Crystallographic point group C1, axis ~ b such that bz P 0,xmax is equal to p, and G1 = C1 and G2 = Cs xmax = p is obtained by using the condition q0 = 0 (defining the boundary intersecting the axis ~ b in the C1 fundamental zone). The mirror-plane in the G2 = Cs point group is perpendicular to the axis ~ b. In this case, the symmetry axes for the Cs point group are not modified in the ~Þ parameterization and the mirror-plane remains perðq; m pendicular to ~ b. However, the disorientation dependence of the symmetry axes is not a problem here since G1 = C1. A rotation R is defined such that axis ~ b is rotated parallel to the z-axis. p p ~ ð14Þ ðq;~ lÞ ¼ q; g½h; cos u ; sinðu Þ; 0 m 2 2 where (h, u) are the polar coordinates of the axis ~ b. The parameters (x1, x2, x3, x4) and the equivalence relations on the 3-sphere can now be described as: 2 3 2 3 l1 x2 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 6 7 6 7 1 4 x3 5 ¼ sinðp=2Þ 4 l2 5; x1 ¼ 1 x22 x23 x24 ð15Þ x4 l3 if q3 ¼ 0 ~Þ parameterization is used, the Therefore, if the ðq; m symmetry axes of the point group C2v are transformed such that one of the mirror-planes is perpendicular to thez-axis (0, 0, 1) and the twofold axis is parallel to p1ffiffi2 ; p1ffiffi2 ; 0 . The rotation matrix R is used to rotate the axes p1ffiffi2 ; p1ffiffi2 ; 0 and (0, 0, 1) such that they coincide with (0, 0, 1) and (1, 0, 0), respectively. R is defined by the product of two axis-angle parameters as g p2 ; ð0; 1; 0Þ g p ; ð0; 0; 1Þ . Hence, the 4 ~ parameters ðq; lÞ are: hp i hp i ~ ; ð0; 0; 1Þ m ðq;~ lÞ ¼ q; g ; ð0; 1; 0Þ g 2 4 ð12Þ The parameters (x1, x2, x3, x4) and the equivalence relations on the 3-sphere can now be described as: 2 3 2 3 x2 l1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 6 7 6 7 1 4 x3 5 ¼ sinðp=4Þ 4 l2 5; x1 ¼ 1 x22 x23 x24 x4 l3 2 03 2 3 x1 x1 6 7 6 7 ðx1 ;x2 ;x3 ;x4 Þ x1 ;x02 ;x03 ;x04 4 x02 5 ¼ g½g1 4 x2 5 8g1 2 G1 ¼ C 2v x03 x3 2 03 2 3 x1 x1 6 7 6 7 ðx1 ;x2 ;x3 ;x4 Þ x1 ;x002 ;x003 ;x004 4 x02 5 ¼ g½h 4 x2 5 h ¼ Z p2 1 0 x3 x3 ð13Þ where Z p2 is a rotation operation of angle p/2 along the ^z axis and 1 is the inversion operation (i.e. the negative of an identity matrix). This above example can be easily extended to the Laue group D4h by adding the equivalence ðx1 ; x2 ; x3 ; x4 Þ ðx1 ; x2 ; x3 ; x4 Þ due to the point group symmetry of G2 ¼ C s For Laue group Ci, the relation (x1, x2, x3, x4) (x1, x2, x3, x4) is considered in addition to the above relation. 2.1.3. Crystallographic point group O and ~ b ¼ p1ffiffi3 ; p1ffiffi3 ; p1ffiffi3 ; xmax is equal to p/3, and G1 = C3v and G2 = D3h The axes of the point group G1 = C3v are such that one of the mirror-planes is perpendicular to the axis pffiffiffi q0 þq1 q1 q0 pffiffi ; pffiffi ; 2q 1 and the threefold rotation axis is along 2 2 p1ffiffi ; p1ffiffi ; p1ffiffi , where q0 ¼ cos x2 and q1 ¼ q2 ¼ q3 3 3 3 x pffiffiffi ~Þ parameterization, the sym¼ sin 2 = 3. Using the ðq; m metry axes are transformed such that the mirror-plane is per1ffiffi p 1ffiffi p ; 2 ; 0 and the threefold axis is along pendicular to 2 p1ffiffi ; p1ffiffi ; p1ffiffi . The symmetry axes for the point group 3 3 3 ~Þ parameterization are also such that G2 = D3h in the ðq; m 1ffiffi ; 0 the vertical mirror-plane is perpendicular to p1ffiffi2 ; p 2 and threefold axis is along p1ffiffi3 ; p1ffiffi3 ; p1ffiffi3 . The rotation matrix 1ffiffi ; 0 parallel to the x-axis R is used to rotate the axis p1ffiffi2 ; p 2 and the axis p1ffiffi3 ; p1ffiffi3 ; p1ffiffi3 parallel to z-axis. R is defined by 1 As shown in Ref. [22], the boundary-plane symmetries of a Laue group can be obtained from the boundary-plane symmetries of the proper rotational point group by adding an inversion center ð1Þ operation. S. Patala, C.A. Schuh / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 3068–3081 the product h of two i parameters as axis-angle p 1ffiffi 1ffiffi p 1ffiffi p p g 4 ; ð0; 0; 1Þ g acos 3 ; 2 ; 2 ; 0 . Hence, the parameters ðq;~ lÞ are: h i p 1 1 1 ~ ðq;~ lÞ ¼ q; g ;ð0;0;1Þ g½acos pffiffiffi ; pffiffiffi ; pffiffiffi ;0 m 4 3 2 2 ð16Þ 2 ð17Þ 2.2. Equivalence relations To summarize the above developments, the SAGB space for any fixed axis ~ b (except for the list in Table 1) can be mapped to the 3-sphere (S3) with a collection of equivalence relations. The equivalence relations are in fact matrices that belong to the group O(4) (the group of 4 4 orthogonal matrices). Any equivalence relation described in this section can be expressed as a 4 4 orthogonal matrix as shown in the following equation: 3 2 32 3 1 0 0 0 x1 x1 6 x 7 6 0 g g g 76 x 7 B 6 7C 6 27 6 6 7 11 12 13 76 2 7 @x1 ; 4 x2 5A ðx1 ;g½g 4 x2 5Þ () 6 7 6 76 7 ð18aÞ 4 x3 5 4 0 g21 g22 g23 54 x3 5 x3 x3 x4 0 g31 g32 g33 x4 32 3 2 3 2 0 2 31 0 2 31 x1 1 0 0 0 x1 x1 x1 6 x 7 6 0 g g g 76 x 7 B 6 7C B 6 27 6 6 7C 11 12 13 76 2 7 @x1 ; 4 x2 5A @x1 ;g½g 4 x2 5A () 6 7 6 76 7 4 x3 5 4 0 g21 g22 g23 54 x3 5 x3 x3 x4 0 g31 g32 g33 x4 ð18bÞ 2 x1 31 2 x1 2 3 The relationship (x1, x2, x3, x4) (x1, x2, x3, x4) is obtained when g = I3 in Eq. (18b) and (x1, x2, x3, x4) (x1, x2, x3, x4) is obtained by substituting g with I3 in Eq. (18a). Using this notation, the equivalence relations on the 3-sphere can be summarized as: 2 3 x1 6x 7 1 6 27 6 7 4 x3 5 ½031 x4 3 x1 7 ½013 6 6 x2 7 6 7 gðg1 Þ 4 x3 5 2 x4 8g1 2 G1 3 6 x 7 1 6 27 6 7 4 x3 5 ½031 ð19aÞ 2 3 x1 7 ½013 6 x 6 27 6 7 gðhÞ 4 x3 5 ð19bÞ x4 such that G2 = G1 [ h G1, G1 E G2 and j G2 =G1 j 6 2. The complete set of equivalence relations forms a subgroup G4SAGB of O(4) and is obtained by using the closure property of groups. The generators for the group G4SAGB can be enumerated using the generators of the group G1 and the single symmetry operation h. If g11 ; g21 ; . . . ; gn11 are the generators of the group G1, then 4 4 orthogonal matrices F i1 and F2 are defined as: 1 ¼ ½031 1 F2 ¼ ½031 F i1 where Z p3 is a rotation operation of angle p/3 along the ^z axis and 1 is the inversion operation. This above example can be easily extended to the Laue group Oh by adding the equivalence relation (x1, x2, x3, x4) (x1, x2, x3, x4) to the above set of relations. 0 x1 x4 The parameters (x1, x2, x3, x4) and the equivalence relations on the 3-sphere can now be described as: 3 2 3 x2 l1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4 x3 5 ¼ 1 4 l2 5; x1 ¼ 1 x2 x2 x2 2 3 4 sinðp=6Þ x4 l3 2 03 2 3 x2 x2 ðx1 ; x2 ; x3 ; x4 Þ x1 ; x02 ; x03 ; x04 4 x03 5 ¼ g½g1 4 x3 5 8g1 2 G1 ¼ C 3v x204 3 2x4 3 x002 x2 ðx1 ; x2 ; x3 ; x4 Þ x1 ; x002 ; x003 ; x004 4 x003 5 ¼ g½h 4 x3 5 h ¼ Z p3 1 x004 x4 2 3073 ½013 i 2 f1; 2; . . . ; n1 g g gi1 ½013 where G2 ¼ G1 [ h G1 gðhÞ ð20Þ The experimentally measured SAGB parameters can now be mapped to the parameters (x1, x2, x3, x4) of the 3sphere (S3) using the transformations provided in this section. The group of equivalence relations on this 3-sphere is the group G4SAGB with generators defined in Eq. (20). The existence of a mapping from the SAGB space to the quotient space of the 3-sphere (S3/E) suggests that functions of these parameters, such as statistical distributions, energy or mobility, can be described using continuous distribution functions. The symmetrization procedure of the hyperspherical harmonics has been well developed and used for the expansion of both orientation [33] and misorientation distribution functions [34]. The same formulation can be directly extended to symmetrize the hyperspherical harmonics to represent distributions on the SAGB space using appropriate symmetries. In the case of orientation distribution functions, the first step in the symmetrization process is concerned with obtaining the rotation operation in SO(4) that represents the simultaneous action of both the crystal and sample symmetries. In the case of SAGB space, the equivalence relation can be directly expressed as operations of O(4) as shown in Eq. (20). The steps necessary for the symmetrization of hyperspherical harmonics such that functions of the SAGB space inherit the symmetries G1 and G2 are described in detail in Appendix B. To illustrate the process of constructing continuous distribution functions for SAGB spaces, a case study describing all the essential steps is discussed in the following section. 3. Case study In this section we provide an example for representing statistics of SAGB parameters using the hyperspherical harmonic formulation. The representation of the statistics has an added layer of complexity as compared to, for example, a function of grain boundary energies. The 3074 S. Patala, C.A. Schuh / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 3068–3081 statistics of SAGB parameters are more intuitively represented on the product space S1 S2. However, the noboundary singularity makes it difficult to use the basis functions of S1 S2 to construct continuous distribution functions. Functions on the 3-sphere (S3) provide a convenient alternative to deal with the singularity, since we have shown above that the space S1 S2 with the no-boundary singularity is equivalent to the 3-sphere. The hyperspherical harmonic expansions are especially well-suited for constructing functions that vary continuously to a singlebounded value at the zero-misorientation case (energies, mobility, etc.). In the case of constructing functions for statistics, the added complexity comes from the definition of the uniform distribution case and the convenience in having a constant uniform distribution function. 3.1. The uniform distribution case The uniform distribution refers to an ideal polycrystal whose individual grain orientations (sampled from the space of rotations) and the normal vectors of the interfaces (sampled from the points on a 2-sphere) are uniformly distributed and there is no correlation between grain orientations and interface normals. Let us consider a triclinic crystal (with point group C1) for simplicity. In the case of grain boundaries, there is a small-angle cutoff below which the grains cannot be physically distinguished. For this theoretical case, let the cutoff xc be equal to zero. Since the choice of the interface normal is completely independent of the misorientation, the interface normals for any given misorientation are uniformly distributed. For any given axis of interest, if the orientations are uniformly distributed, the misorienation angle x is also uniformly distributed. Therefore, the probability distribution (p(x)) of boundaries as a function of misorienation angle x (along a fixed axis) is a finite-constant for all x 2 (0, p] and zero for x = 0. Suppose the function U x2 ; h; u (constructed as a summation of hyperspherical harmonics) represents the uniform distribution, then the following condition is satisfied: Z p Z 2p x2 x ; h; u sin pðxÞ ¼ U ðsin hÞ dh du ð21Þ 2 2 0 0 Fig. 1. A simulated set of discrete boundary-plane orientations for misorientations along the [1 0 0] axis for crystals with Oh point group. The boundaryplane orientations are represented as points on a sphere and the top (left) and bottom (right) halves of the sphere are projected using the area-preserving projection scheme. The orientation of the Cartesian coordinate axes is shown on the top, suggesting a high population of boundary orientations along the twist axis and the [0 0 1] crystal direction. The red dotted lines represent mirror-plane symmetries exhibited by the boundary-plane distributions. The blue ellipses, squares and octagons represent the locations of the two, four and eightfold axes. The circled dot (in green) at the origin represents the presence of an inversion-center symmetry. The boundary-plane symmetries are D4h point group when the misorientation anlge x < p/4 and D8h when x = p/4. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) S. Patala, C.A. Schuh / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 3068–3081 3075 Fig. 2. Projections of the single-axis grain boundary function constructed for the data set shown in Fig. 1. It suffices to project only the top half of the sphere due to the presence of the inversion-center symmetry. The red dotted lines represent the mirror-plane symmetries present in the boundary-plane space. The blue ellipse, square and octagon represent the locations of the two, four and eightfold axes. The circled dot (in green) at the origin represents the presence of an inversion-center symmetry. The location of the symmetry elements depends on the misorientation angle. The boundary-plane symmetries are D4h point group when the misorientation angle x < p/4 and D8h when x = p/4. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) Since p(x) is a constant, U x2 ; h; u is proportional to 1 2 . Therefore, the uniform distribution function is repsin ðx2 Þ resented by a function that is not a constant on the 3-sphere. Instead of using U x2 ; h; u , we can define the 2 function U 0 x2 ; h; u ¼ U x2 ; h; u ðsin x2 Þ as the constant function describing the probability distribution function on the space S1 S2. This can be generalized to any distribution function f(a, h, u) such that: Z p=2 Z p Z 2p 2 fða; h; uÞðsin aÞ ðsin hÞ da dh du 0 ¼ Z 0 0 p=2 0 Z p 0 Z 2p f 0 ða; h; uÞðsin hÞ da dh du ¼ 1 ð22Þ 0 where f0 (a, h, u) = f(a, h, u)(sin a)2. The uniform distribution for triclinic crystals is simply: 1 a–0 2 ð23Þ f 0 ¼ 2p 0 a¼0 This formulation can be used for any SAGB distribution (with exceptions listed in Table 1) and the constant describing the uniform distribution will be used to define the multiples of random distribution (MRD) scale. 3.2. Point group Oh with misorientation axis (1 0 0) The fixed axis of misorientation is the fourfold symmetry axis in the Oh point group. A simulated set of data, shown in Fig. 1, is used for the purpose of this example. The boundary-plane normals for any given angle of misorientation are chosen to be concentrated around the z-axis and the x-axis (twist axis). The population of points close to the z-axis, on average, is about six times higher than the population of points around the x-axis. The number of interfaces for any given misorienation angle x is proportional to sin(x). This following set of data is chosen specifically to compare the distribution function with the experimental distribution shown in Fig. 14 in Ref. [26]. The mappings and the symmetries required to construct the SAGB distribution function for crystals with Oh point group symmetry and with misorientations lying along the fourfold axis [1 0 0] are obtained by using the formulation in Section. 2. For this high-symmetry SAGB space, xmax is equal to p/4. The boundary-plane symmetries are such that G1 = D4h and G2 = D8h as mentioned in Ref. [22] and detailed in the Supplementary Information. The axes of the point group D4h are such that one of the mirror-planes is perpendicular to ~ a1 ¼ ð0; q0 ; q1 Þ and the fourfold axis is 3076 S. Patala, C.A. Schuh / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 3068–3081 Fig. 3. A simulated set of discrete boundary-plane orientations for misorientations along the [1 1 0] axis for crystals with Oh point group. The orientation of the Cartesian coordinate axes is shown on the top, suggesting a high population of boundary orientations along the twist axis and the [0 0 1] crystal direction. The distribution of points is identical to the distribution shown in Fig. 1 except for the twist axis, which is now located along the [1 1 0] axis. The red dotted lines represent the mirror-plane symmetries present in the boundary-plane space. The blue ellipses represent the locations of the twofold axes. The circled dot (in green) at the origin represents the presence of an inversion-center symmetry. The symmetry exhibited by the boundary-plane orientations is D2h. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) Fig. 4. Projections of the single-axis grain boundary function constructed for the data set shown in Fig. 3. It suffices to project only the top half of the sphere due to the presence of the inversion-center symmetry. The red dotted lines represent the mirror-plane symmetries present in the boundary-plane space. The blue ellipses represent the locations of the twofold axes. The circled dot (in green) at the origin represents the presence of an inversion-center symmetry. The location of the symmetry elements depends on the misorientation angle. The symmetry exhibited by the boundary-plane orientations is D2h. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) S. Patala, C.A. Schuh / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 3068–3081 along ~ a2 ¼ ð1; 0; 0Þ, where q0 ¼ cos x2 and q1 ¼ sin x2 . ~Þ parameterization, the symmetry axes are Using the ðq; m a2 ¼ ð1 0 0Þ. The transformed such that ~ a1 ¼ ð0 1 0Þ and ~ ~Þ symmetry axes for the point group G2 = D8h in the ðq; m are also such that the mirror-plane is perpendicular to (0 1 0) and the eightfold axis is along (1 0 0). The rotation matrix R is used to rotate ~ a1 and ~ a2 parallelto the z- and the x-axes respectively and is given by g p2 ; ð0; 1; 0Þ . The parameters ðq;~ lÞ and (x1, x2, x3, x4) and the equivalence relations on the 3-sphere are described as: ~ ðq;~ lÞ ¼ q; g p2 ; ð0; 1; 0Þ m 2 3 2 3 l1 x2 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 6 7 6 7 1 4 l2 5; x1 ¼ 1 x22 x23 x24 4 x3 5 ¼ sinðp=8Þ x4 l3 2 03 2 3 x2 x2 6 7 6 7 ðx1 ; x2 ; x3 ; x4 Þ x1 ; x02 ; x03 ; x04 4 x03 5 ¼ g½g1 4 x3 5 8g1 2 G1 ¼ D4h x04 x4 ðx1 ; x2 ; x3 ; x4 Þ ðx1 ; x2 ; x3 ; x4 Þ 2 00 3 2 3 x x2 2 6 7 00 00 00 6 00 7 ðx1 ; x2 ; x3 ; x4 Þ x1 ; x2 ; x3 ; x4 4 x3 5 ¼ g½h 4 x3 5 h ¼ Z p4 1 x004 x4 ð24Þ The generators for the symmetrization procedure are: 1 ½013 g g11 ¼ gðM ^x Þ; F 11 ¼ 1 ½031 gðg1 Þ where M ^x is the mirror-plane perpendicular to the x-axis: 1 ½013 2 F1 ¼ ð25Þ ½031 I 33 hp i 1 ½013 ; ð0; 0; 1Þ I F2 ¼ gðhÞ ¼ g 4 ½031 gðhÞ The symmetry operation corresponding to p/2 rotation along the z-axis (for D4h point group) is not considered because F2 F2 represents this operation. Using the above generators, the symmetrized hyperspherical harmonics are constructed for the simulated data shown in Fig. 1 by fitting to a continuous function obtained using the summation of these symmetrized hyperspherical harmonics. The SAGB distribution function is plotted in Fig. 2. A complex pattern in the distribution function arises from a simple set of simulated data owing to the arrangement and the dependence of the symmetry elements of the grain boundary plane spaces. For example, the position of symmetry elements directly explains the bimodal-like distributions that arise in the misorientation angle range x 2 [25°, 35°]. The SAGB distribution function also closely resembles the experimental distributions obtained in Ref. [26]. The significant improvement in this case, though, is that the relative magnitudes of populations can also be inferred across various misorienation angles. In order to elucidate the influence of boundary-plane symmetries in the patterns observed, a simulated data set similar to Fig. 1 is used to compute the probability density 3077 function with the misorientation axis along the [1 1 0] crystal direction. The simulated distributions binned in discrete categories are shown in Fig. 3 with a high density of boundary-plane orientations concentrated along the [0 0 1] axis and along the [1 1 0] twist axis. The mappings necessary to obtain the SAGB function along the [1 1 0] misorientation axis for the octahedral point group are detailed in Section. 3.1.9 of the Supplementary Information. The distribution function is plotted in Fig. 4 and a bimodal-like distribution similar to the plot in Fig. 2 is observed. However, the peaks are located perpendicular to the [1 1 0] axis in Fig. 4 (as opposed to the location of the peaks perpendicular to the [1 0 0] axis in Fig. 2). The number of peaks perpendicular to the twist axis are also different: four and two in the distributions in Figs. 2 and 4, respectively. These differences arise solely due to the different point group symmetries exhibited by the boundaryplane distributions: D4h and D2h for [1 0 0] and [1 1 0] misorientation axes, respectively. Since the symmetrized hyperspherical harmonics (described in Section 2.2) are used, the distribution functions inherently represent these symmetries. 4. Conclusions A rigorous framework for constructing continuous functions of the single-axis grain boundary parameters has been developed. If the misorientation axis is fixed to be along a crystal direction (with exceptions listed in Table 1), the space of grain boundary parameters is shown to be topologically equivalent to the 3-sphere (S3) with appropriate equivalence relations. Since the hyperspherical harmonics form an orthonormal basis on the 3-sphere, any general square-integrable function of the SAGB parameters can be expressed as a series sum of these harmonics. Owing to the symmetries of the boundary space, the boundary-plane orientations exhibit a diverse array of point-group symmetries. Therefore, a general method is outlined to obtain symmetrized hyperspherical harmonics to represent SAGB parameters. The equivalence relations on the boundary parameters can be expressed as 4 4 orthogonal matrices and the complete set of symmetry operations can be obtained by the set of generators described in Eq. (20). In Section. 3, an example for constructing a continuous statistical distribution function of boundary parameters along the fixed fourfold symmetry axis (1 0 0) (for point group Oh) is discussed. Rich patterns in the boundary-plane orientations are possible because of the dependence of the symmetry elements (n-fold axes, mirror-planes, etc.) on the corresponding misorientation. The framework provided here is the first of its kind with respect to the fact that the continuous functions involve simultaneously the misorientation angle and the boundary orientations. These functions should be useful in the microstructural analysis of fiber-textured materials and, as shown in Fig. 2, in representing statistical boundary-plane distributions along a fixed axis. 3078 S. Patala, C.A. Schuh / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 3068–3081 ~Þ Appendix A. Mathematical aspects of the ðq; m parameterization The mapping presented in Eq. (4) is inspired by the symmetric parameterization provided by Morawiec [32]. As detailed there, a rotation matrix N is defined, which corresponds to the same rotation axis as M, but with a rotation angle half of that for M, such that N N ¼ M. This definition is well-defined for rotation angles less than p. If M corresponds to a rotation of p along an axis ~ b, there exist two equivalent descriptions ðp; ~ bÞ and ðp; ~ bÞ in axis-angle parameters. Hence a convention is assumed for selection of the axis if M corresponds to a rotation of p. The normal vector is defined as ~ r ¼ N 1 ð~ nÞ. The advantage of this representation of grain boundaries is that the grain exchange symmetry is considerably simplified, and is expressed as: rÞ ðN ;~ rÞ ðN 1 ; ~ ðA1Þ Even though this parameterization is convenient for representing boundary parameters, the symmetric parameterization does not account for the “no-boundary” singularity, since different boundary inclinations linked to M = I give distinct representations. Additionally, no matter what convention is used to select the rotation axis for misorientations of angle p, there is a discontinuity in the mapping from ðM;~ nÞ to ðN ;~ rÞ (unless an additional equivalence relation or a new metric is introduced) as illustrated in the following section. A.1. Discontinuity in the symmetric parameterization The discontinuity in the symmetric parameterization arises due to the convention necessary to define this representation. For example, consider two grain boundary parameters ðM 1 ; ~ nÞ ¼ ððx; ~ bÞ; ~ nÞ and ðM 2 ; ~ nÞ ¼ ððx; ~ bÞ; ~ nÞ. As x ! p; ðM 1 ; ~ nÞ ! ðM; ~ nÞ ¼ ððp; ~ bÞ; ~ nÞ and ðM 2 ; ~ nÞ ! ðM; ~ nÞ ¼ ððp; ~ bÞ; ~ nÞ. Since ðp; ~ bÞ ðp; ~ bÞ, which is the trivial symmetry of the rotation space, the distance dððM 1 ; ~ nÞ; ðM 2 ; ~ nÞÞ approaches zero as x ! p. d is the metric on the product space of SO(3) S2. If the mapping f : ðM; ~ nÞ ! ðN ; ~ rÞ is continuous, then dðf ðM 1 ; ~ nÞ; f ðM 2 ; ~ nÞÞ > must approach zero as x ! p. But p p b ; ; ~ b ~ n lim ðN 1 ; ! r1 Þ ¼ g ; ~ x!p 2 p 2p ðA2Þ lim ðN 2 ; ! b ; ;~ b ~ n r2 Þ ¼ g ; ~ x!p 2 2 And lim dðfðM 1 ; ~ nÞ; fðM 2 ; ~ nÞÞ x!p ¼ dððN 1 ; ~ r1 Þ; ðN 2 ; ~ r2 ÞÞ – 0 ðA3Þ Since d(N1, N2) – 0 and d(r1, r2) – 0. Hence the mapping proposed for the symmetric representation is not continuous and is not topologically consistent (not a homeomorphism) if the same metric d is used for the parameterization ðN ;~ rÞ. One solution is to define a metric d0 on the space ðN ;~ rÞ such that d0 (N1, N2) ! 0 as x ! p. It is also possible to remedy these problems by using the quaternion parameterization of the rotation space. In order to obtain a rigorous and topologically consistent mapping from the grain boundary space to the symmetric representation, the two copies of the rotation space, i.e. the complete 3-sphere with antipodal identifications, will be considered. As mentioned in Section. 2, we also show that the “no-boundary singularity” is essential for a topologically consistent definition of the symmetric representation. ~Þ parameterization A.2. Topological consistency of the ðq; m Using the quaternion parameterization, i.e. B ¼ ðq;~ nÞ, the grain boundary space is equivalent to S3 S2/E, where the set of equivalence relations E include: ðq;~ nÞ ðq;~ nÞ i 1 ðA4aÞ i 1 j ðq;~ nÞ ððS Þ qðS Þ; gððS Þ Þ ~ nÞ ðA4bÞ ðq;~ nÞ ðq1 ; gðq1 Þ ð~ nÞÞ ðð1; 0; 0; 0Þ;~ nÞ ðð1; 0; 0; 0Þ; n~0 Þ ðA4cÞ ðA4dÞ ðA4Þ The equivalence relation in Eq. (A4a) is this antipodal symmetry which is also referred to as the trivial symmetry of the rotation space. The relations in Eqs. (A4b–d) are obtained by expressing Eq. (1) in the quaternion parameterization. Since the symmetric parameterization is related to the axis-angle parameters of the misorientation, it will be useful to define the function that relates the axis-angle parameters to the quaternion space as A:[0, 2p] S2 ! S3: x x x x Aðx; ~ bÞ ¼ cos ; bx sin ; by sin ; bz sin 2 2 2 2 ðA5Þ The domain of the function A is [0, 2p] S2, since we let x 2 [0, 2p] and the axis ~ b 2 S 2 . It is important to note that A is not an injective map since Að0; ~ bÞ ¼ ð1; 0; 0; 0Þ and Að2p; ~ bÞ ¼ ð1; 0; 0; 0Þ for any ~ b 2 S 2 . But if x – {0,2p}, the mapping A is injective. Now, we define the mapping ~Þ, where ðq; ~ P : ðq;~ rÞ ! ðq; m mÞ is the new desired parameterization and ~ r is defined as CðqÞ ð~ nÞ (Eq. (2)). ( ~Þ ¼ Pðq;~ ðq; m rÞ ¼ ðq; g½pðqÞ ½~ rÞ ðð1; 0; 0; 0Þ; ~ 0Þ if q0 – 1 if q0 ¼ 1 ðA6Þ b p(q), for q0 – ±1, is defined such that gðpðqÞÞ ¼ g x2 ; ~ where ðx; ~ bÞ ¼ A1 ðqÞ. There is a one-to-one correspondence between quaternions q and axis-angle parameters ðx; ~ bÞ where x 2 (0,2p) and ~ b 2 S 2 . Hence, for all quaternions that do not correspond to identity rotations (x – {0,2p} or equivalently q0 – ±1), ðx; ~ bÞ ¼ A1 ðqÞ is well-defined. In terms of quaternion parameters, p(q) takes the form: 1 pðqÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð 1 þ q0 2ð1 þ q0 Þ q1 q2 q3 Þ ðA7Þ S. Patala, C.A. Schuh / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 3068–3081 Even though the function A1 is not well defined for x = 0, i.e. q0 = 1, the function p(q) is well-defined. When x = 0, the rotation axis ~ b is undetermined but this is not an issue in the definition of matrix g[p(q)]. If misorientation q corresponds to a rotation angle x = 0, the rotation p(q) corresponds to a rotation angle x2 ¼ 0, and hence it is not necessary to determine the axis of rotation ~ b. But when x = 2p, i.e. q0 = 1, the function p(q) is undefined. In the definition of the function P, p(q) appears only if q0 – 1. The abrupt change in the definition of P in the neighborhood of q0 = 1 does not result in any discontinuity of the mapping. To prove that the mapping is well-defined we prove the following condition: ~Þ ¼ Pðð1; 0; 0; 0Þ;~ rÞ lim Pðq; m x!2p ¼ ðð1; 0; 0; 0Þ; ~ 0Þ for all ~ b 2 S 2 where A1 ðqÞ ¼ ðx; ~ bÞ ðA8Þ Since P ðq;~ rÞ ¼ ðq; g½pðqÞ ½CðqÞð~ nÞÞ, we obtain lim Pðq;~ rÞ ¼ lim ðq; g½pðqÞ ½CðqÞð~ nÞÞ x!2p hx i b ½CðqÞð~ nÞ ¼ lim q; g ; ~ x!2p 2 ¼ ðð1; 0; 0; 0Þ; g½p; ~ b ½ lim CðqÞð~ nÞÞ x!2p ðA9Þ x!2p x x 1 ~ ¼ gðp; ~ ~ ~0 ¼ g p ; ~ b ½g ; ~ b m bÞ m m 2 2 ~Þ ðq; gðp; ~ ~Þ ) ðq; m bÞ m 3079 ðA12Þ ~Þ ðq; gðp; ~ ~Þ is the Hence, the relation ðq; m bÞ m trivial symmetry of the rotation space expressed in the symmetric parameterization. The grain exchange symmetry can be derived in a similar fashion. If q = (q0, q1, q2, q3), then there are two possibilities for q1 = ±(q0, q1, q2, q3), which are related to each other by the trivial symmetry. In this formulation, we use q1 = (q0, q1, q2, q3). Hence, if 1 ~ A ðqÞ ¼ ðx; bÞ, then A1 ðq1 Þ ¼ ðx; ~ bÞ. The grain exchange symmetry is now obtained as follows: hx i b ~ rÞ Pðq; ~ rÞ Pðq1 ; gðq1 Þ ~ rÞ ) ðq; g ; ~ 2 h i x ðq1 ; g p ; ~ b g½x; ~ b ~ rÞ 2 And h i h i1 ~ ¼ g x2 ; ~ ~ m b ~ r )~ r ¼ g x2 ; ~ b m h i ~0 ¼ g p x2 ; ~ b g½x; ~ b ~ r m h i h i1 b g½x; ~ b g x2 ; ~ b ~ m ¼ g p x2 ; ~ ðA13Þ ðA14Þ ¼ ~ m The important requirement here is limx!2pC(q) = 0, which is trivially satisfied since q0 ! 1 and max{((q G)0)2} ! 1. Even though the matrix g½p; ~ b depends on the choice of ~ b, the scaling function approaches zero as x ! 0 and hence the mapping is continuous in the neighborhood of q0 = 1. A.3. Equivalence relations The equivalence relations expressed using the symmetric ~Þ depend upon the type of symmetry under parameters ðq; m consideration. For example, the trivial symmetry of the rotation space in the quaternion parameterization implies that P ðq;~ rÞ P ðq;~ rÞ. This equivalence relation expressed ~Þ is: in terms of the parameters ðq; m x Pðq; ~ rÞ Pðq;~ rÞ ) ðq; g ; ~ b ~ rÞ 2 x q; g p ; ~ b ~ r ðA10Þ 2 where ðx; ~ bÞ ¼ A1 ðqÞ. According to the definition of ~Þ, we observe that ðq; m ~ m¼g x ; ~ b 2 ~ r )~ r ¼ ½g b ~ r and ~ m0 ¼ g p x2 ; ~ x ; ~ b 2 1 ~ m ðA11Þ ~0 , we obtain By substituting ~ r in the equation of m Therefore, the grain exchange symmetry is given by: ~Þ ððq0 ; q1 ; q2 ; q3 Þ; ~ ððq0 ; q1 ; q2 ; q3 Þ; m mÞ ðA15Þ Similarly, the equivalence relations due to the rotational symmetry operations can be expressed as: r Pðq;~ rÞ P ðS i Þ1 qðS j Þ; g½ðS i Þ1 ~ ) ðq; g½pðqÞ ~ rÞ h i h i 1 1 1 ðS i Þ qðS j Þ; g pððS i Þ qðS j ÞÞ g ðS i Þ ~ r ðA16Þ And ~ ¼ g½pðqÞ ~ ~ m r )~ r ¼ g½pðqÞ1 m h i h i 1 i 1 j 0 r m ~ ¼ g pððS Þ qðS ÞÞ g ðS i Þ ~ i h i h 1 i 1 j ~ ¼ g pððS Þ qðS ÞÞ g ðS i Þ g½pðqÞ1 m i h i h i 1 j i 1 j ) ðq;~ mÞ ðS Þ qðS Þ;g pððS Þ qðS ÞÞ g ðS i Þ1 g½pðqÞ1 m ~ ðA17Þ Appendix B. Hyperspherical harmonics for the single-axis grain boundary space Any square-integrable function defined on the 3-sphere can be expanded as a linear combination of the hyperspherical harmonics [33], which form the standard basis functions on the 3-sphere (analogous to spherical harmonics on the 2-sphere and the Fourier series on a unit-circle). 3080 S. Patala, C.A. Schuh / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 3068–3081 The hyperspherical harmonics are provided here as a function of the angular coordinates (a, h, u), where x1 = cos(a), x2 = sin(a) sin(h) cos(u), x3 = sin(a) sin(h) sin(u) and x4 = sin(a) cos(h). The complex Eq. (B1a) and the real hyperspherical harmonics Eq. (B1b and c) are as follows: L pffiffi K expðiMhÞ Z NL;M ða;h;uÞ ¼ ðiÞ ðB1aÞ 2 h i pffiffiffi M LþM N N L K cosðMuÞ ðB1bÞ Z NC L;M ¼ i ð1Þ Z L;M þ Z L;M = 2 ¼ ð1Þ h i pffiffiffi M LþM L1 ð1Þ Z NL;M Z NL;M = 2 ¼ ð1Þ K sinðMuÞ Z NS L;M ¼ i 1 h i 2 L M ½sinaL C Lþ1 K ¼ 2 pL! ð2L þ 1Þ ðLMÞ!ðNþ1ÞðNLÞ! NL ðcosðaÞÞ P L ðcosðhÞÞ ðB1cÞ ðLþMÞ!ðNþLþ1Þ! ðB1Þ with integer indices 0 6 N, 0 6 L 6 N and L 6 M 6 L. The Gegenbauer polynomial C Lþ1 NL and the associated Legendre function P M have been previously defined in L Refs. [33,34]. Since probability distribution functions are real-valued, it suffices to use the real harmonics Eq. (B1b,c). A continuous probability distribution of SAGB parameters may be expanded as a linear combination of the hyperspherical harmonics Z NL;M ða; h; uÞ: fða; h; uÞ ¼ " 1 N X X NC NC fL;0 Z L;0 N¼0;1;2... L¼0 # L X NC NC NS NS þ fL;M Z L;M þ fL;M Z L;M M¼1 ðB2Þ NC NS The coefficients fL;M and fL;M are determined from the inner product of the function f(a, h, u) and the appropriate harmonics. It is also necessary that the function f inherit the symmetries of the boundary space. B.1. Symmetrization procedure The method of obtaining symmetrized hyperspherical harmonics to describe orientation distribution functions (ODFs) has been described in complete detail by Mason and Schuh [33]. The symmetrization process consists of first obtaining rotation operations in SO(4) that are equivalent to applying the crystal and sample symmetries simultaneously. As developed in this paper, the equivalence relations for SAGB spaces directly consist of 4 4 orthogonal matrices as shown in Eq. (20). The following steps detail the symmetrization process of the hyperspherical harmonic of order N: (i) Given the axis and crystallographic point group under consideration, the generators of the group G4SAGB are first enumerated.The subsequent steps mentioned here are already described in Ref. [33]. The (N + 1)2-dimensional irreducible representatives of the generators of the group G4SAGB are determined. If the generator belongs to SO(4) the method outlined in Ref. [33] is followed to obtain its irreducible representative. If the generator does not belong to SO(4), it can be written out as a product of hinv and a matrix g that belongs to the group SO(4). The irreducible representative of hinv is described in Ref. [34]. The irreducible representative of the generator that does not belong to the group SO(4) can now be obtained as a product of the irreducible representatives of hinv and g. (ii) The simultaneous eigenvectors of eigenvalues of unity for all the irreducible representatives, of the generators obtained in the previous step, are calculated. (iii) An orthonormal system is constructed using the linearly independent eigenvectors obtained in step (iii). As mentioned in Ref. [33], the components of these orthonormal vectors provide the coefficients necessary to find the symmetrized hyperspherical harmonic of order N. (iv) The symmetrized hyperspherical harmonic of order)N corresponding to the kth eigenvector is denoted as Z Nk [33] and is expressed as a linear combination of the hyperspherical harmonic of order N as: ) Z Nk ¼ N ) L ) X X ) ;C;k N ;C ;S;k N ;S N ;C f NL;0;C;k Z L;0 þ f NL;M Z L;M þ f NL;M Z L;M L¼0 ) ðB3Þ M¼1 ) ;C;k ;S;k and f NL;M are the components of the kth linewhere f NL;M arly independent simultaneous eigenvector. Any continuous distribution function on the SAGB space can be expressed as a linear combination of symmetrized hypersphercial harmonics as: f ða; h; uÞ ¼ 1 KðN X XÞ ) ) f Nk Z Nk ða; h; uÞ ðB4Þ N¼0;1;... k¼1 where K(N) is the number of linearly independent) eigenvectors for a particular value of N. The coefficients f Nk are obtained by )the inner product of the symmetrized basis functions Z Nk and f. These coefficients are enumerated in the Supplementary Information for different SAGB spaces with the fixed axis lying along a high-symmetry crystal direction (e.g. a twofold roational symmetry axis in crystals with point group D222(222)). Appendix C. Supplementary data Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ j.actamat.2013.01.067. References [1] Norton DP, Goyal A, Budai JD, Christen DK, Kroeger DM, Specht ED, et al. Science 1996;274:755. [2] Lehockey EM, Palumbo G. Mater Sci Eng A: Struct Mater: Prop Microstruct Process 1997;237:168–72. [3] Lehockey EM, Palumbo G, Brennenstuhl A, Lin P. Metall Mater Trans A 1998;29:387–96. [4] Lehockey EM, Palumbo G, Lin P. Metall Mater Trans A 1998;29:3069–79. S. Patala, C.A. Schuh / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 3068–3081 [5] Lehockey EM, Limoges D, Palumbo G, Sklarchuk J, Tomantschger K, Vincze A. J Power Sources 1999;78:79–83. 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