Document 133815

Issue 13 | 2014
Join the resurgence
of a generation on fire for God with a faith that
stands firm against trials and storms. Let Jesus
Christ’s sacrifice on the cross be your beacon of
hope and that of others around you. Heed the call
to declare that “Salvation is found in no one else,
for there is no other name under heaven given to
mankind by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12
the HIstory of
the day i was saved:
jimmy needham
Notorious redemption
Let The Future Begin
by PASSION is now
available at
ike many Christian artists, Jimmy Needham has inspired thousands
upon thousands of people around the world with his soulful music
and meaningful true-to-life lyrics. There’s something to be said
about the way Jimmy connects to his audience through his music, his
performances, and his honest account of the challenges, defeats, and
victories in his walk with God.
But the heart of Jimmy’s chart-topping songs and his growing career
in the industry goes all the way back to the day God freed him from the
bondages of porn addiction. Jimmy shares in a post on CovenantEyes:
We all have our hidden corners.
You know, those secret and wicked
sins in our life that look so
attractive in the dark, so much so
that we sometimes spend our whole
life trying to keep them from the
bright exposure of the Son. Indeed,
we all have hidden corners. Some
are just better at hiding them than
I was 9 years old when my secret
began. I was a 4th grader with
6th grade friends; friends who had
access to pornography and graciously
let me indulge with them. They took
me to a nearby park and there under
the playground’s kid castle was a
magazine. I imagine many reading
this were my age or even younger
the first time Satan got his foot
in the door of their hearts using
pornography. What I cannot imagine
is just how much it breaks the heart
of God to see little ones corrupted.
From that day forward I was living
with an addiction, an addiction that
wouldn’t leave for many more years
to come.
It’s interesting to me that
ultimately God would use this
addiction to bring me into a
relationship with Him years later. I
came to know God at the beginning of
my sophomore year of high school. I
had one Christian friend in school
who was truly walking with Jesus,
and he took me under his wing.
One day I was compelled to tell
him the things I was involved in.
…I was living with
an addiction,
an addiction that
wouldn’t leave for
many more years
to come.
I hadn’t ever opened up to anyone
about it and it was tough to
confess. But, I mustered up the
courage and spilled my guts to him
on the way home from school. I
hadn’t cried that hard in years.
I remember being shocked as he
told me that he struggled with the
same thing, but that the difference
between me and him was that,
although he struggled with lust, he
was already free from its power over
him and I wasn’t. He told me about
the liberty from sin and death that
Jesus brought him, and that evening,
with a broken and contrite spirit, I
committed my life to Christ.
I suppose I thought from that day
forth, everything would be smooth
photo courtesy of artist’s website
sailing: no more lust, no more
porn, just freedom! I was wrong,
and anyone who knows God can vouch
for me. The battle had only begun.
I found myself struggling even more
than before, and now I had the added
bonus of the conviction of God every
time I sinned. If you are anything
like me, you have felt incredibly
frustrated at yourself in view of
your sin. I began to live in a
constant state of guilt and shame,
always imagining the scowl of my God
as He looked down on me from a lofty
The battle had
only begun.
There was one night in particular
that was quite difficult for me. I
was still in high school. My parents
had gone to bed and I was alone in
my room with my computer. I got
off the computer, having stumbled
again, and hit my knees right by my
bedside. I remember crying out to
God in the darkness of that room. I
told him I wasn’t worthy of Him. I
told Him how I just kept on sinning
against Him and it seemed like total
victory was nowhere in sight. I
didn’t deserve Him, and I knew it. I
remember wanting Him to just leave
me in my sin. He was too perfect,
and I was too wicked.
That’s when it happened. As clear
as I can see right now, I had a
vision. I saw myself kneeling by my
bed, broken, hurting, and ashamed.
And then, I saw the Lord Jesus,
Maker of Heaven and Earth, come
and kneel beside me. No words were
spoken. All He did was put His hand
on my back, and we knelt there in
I was so moved by that simple
gesture of God that I wept, and
wept hard. In that simple, silent
vision God spoke louder to me than
ever before. I sensed Him saying
to my heart, “I’m near. I care. I
forgive you.” In a lot of ways that
was the beginning of the end of my
From that moment on I began
to walk in some very liberating
principles. The first is this: “There
is therefore now NO condemnation
to those who are in Christ Jesus”
(Romans 8:1).
When we begin to understand
that this cloud of guilt over us
isn’t from God but from our own
misunderstanding of His character,
and when we begin to understand the
nature of our salvation, then we
have one less inhibition that keeps
us from fully walking in obedience
I sensed Him saying
to my heart,
“I’m near. I care.
I forgive you.”
to God. Our God is for us through
Christ. We are as “saved” now as we
ever will be. We are His. Let that
truth sink into your bones today.
Another sweet truth I learned that
gave me great victory is this: Our
Father is pleased with baby steps.
Could you imagine a father getting
mad at his 1-year old because he was
having difficulty learning to walk?
The thought is absurd! Any little
progress the child made, the father
would rejoice with him and encourage
him to go further. I believe it is
the same way with God. He is our
Father and we are His children. As
it is with earthly children, we
too start off as spiritual babies,
and the progress we make in this
life, though small to be sure, our
Father rejoices in it. No longer do
we need to fear the judgment-laden,
wrathful heart of an angry God. We
are children in the household of the
King and He loves our progress.
Understanding these things along
with some helpful resources, was
crucial to me finally seeing victory
in my life. When I entered college
I redoubled my zest to beat this
addiction with God’s help, and
soon I was going a couple of weeks
without falling, then a couple
more, until one day I was just
done altogether with it. That was
a little over eight years ago now
and I haven’t fallen back into the
snare of pornography. Though the
journey hasn’t been easy and I am
still fighting the battle of lust
every day, I am walking in victory
because of the power and promises
of a loving Father and the freedom
provided through His Son.
Jimmy Needham’s latest album Clear The Stage was released in March 2012. Check out www. or follow @JimmyNeedham to know more about him and his music.
or more than a decade, Carlos Choi has been ministering to the youth and gangs in Cebu City, while
also living out his passion for music and worship. When he’s not counseling or doing outreaches, he
leads the Carlos Choi band as frontman and vocalist in both local and international concerts—often
speaking at worship conferences and workshops in the Philippines, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. But the
one thing that brings out his laughter and easy grin is spending time with his wife and two children.
No one would ever suspect that this spiritual leader used to be a member of the notorious Hong
Kong triads. No one would ever guess that this family man once spent years in jail. This is his story of a
life saved by grace.
My parents divorced when
I was 10 years old. I really
didn’t have a role model
growing up because my dad was
always out getting stoned—
the whole musician-rockstar
lifestyle. I then looked for
family outside, people who
would stand up for me when I
needed help. I became a drug
dealer and gang member of the
Hong Kong triads. [That life]
was never safe—it was always
a life of looking over my
I was truly
saved the
day I was
to pr ison.
I became a
dealer and
member of
Hong Kong
My first encounter with God
was at a drop in center where
other gang member drug addicts
were seeking help. I joined
the community because I wanted
to quit drugs instead of going
to rehab. When I was prayed
for and someone began speaking
of things about me they
couldn’t have known, that only
God would know, at that moment
I realized that He was real.
And I remember crying for a
long time.
But once I was well, I
didn’t want anything to do
with God. I wanted to go back
to my old ways without being
bound by drugs. The reality
was that drugs weren’t my
real issue. As soon as I left
the center, by God’s mercy,
I got arrested for boosting
a car. From there, it led to
my surrender to Him in the
I was truly saved the day
I was sentenced to prison. At
that moment when the judge
gave me my sentence, I really
felt the Holy Spirit whisper,
”Stop running.” I’ve prayed
the Sinner’s prayer before,
but even though I felt the
presence of God, I didn’t
really understand it. It was
only when I left my community
and got in trouble again, that
it became real for me.
I accepted my sentence and
did my time. The miracle was:
I was facing 6 — 10 years
for drug trafficking and car
theft but was only sentenced
for 2 – 12 months, and was
released after 6 months for
good behavior. The one memory
that I’ll never forget about
being in a gang was when I was
in prison and no one came to
visit me.
After moving to Cebu from
Hong Kong, Carlos followed
God’s leading in using his
talent and experiences for
spreading the good news of
salvation through Christ. He
For the last 14 years, I’ve
been working with the poor
in a notorious area called
Lorega-San Miguel in Cebu
City. I personally work mainly
with the youth, gangs, and the
like. In my 14 years there,
I’ve seen generations come to
know Jesus, seen miraculous
provision and physical healing
amongst them. And I’ve seen
hopeless young people becoming
professionals, making an
honest living and giving back
by leaving their jobs to serve
with us. We have sent out
people to different parts of
the world to make disciples
and share what they have
received from Jesus.
Since the first time I
encountered God and until now,
God just keeps surprising me,
loving me and humbling me. I
don’t think that it’s going
to end until I meet Him.
I’m now back in HK training
worship leaders and growing
songwriters, having done a lot
I understood
what it meant
to be loved f or
real, that no
matter what I
did He would
never stop
loving me.
For me, being saved is to be
in a place where you realize
that you’re in “need” and at
the same time being certain
that your needs are met
because of the relationship
you have with your Savior.
What changed me from my
old life? When I understood
what it meant to be loved for
real, that no matter what I
did He would never stop loving
me. I didn’t have to fight
for it, to get attention, to
work my self-worth, because
I have worth and I am loved.
Why would anyone look for
temporary things when they
can tap into the everlasting
source of grace and love?
Cebu-based Carlos Choi band released their new album Come and Have Your Way in January last year. The
album and its title track reflect the testimony of a man who surrendered his life to God, and gained
everything in return by His grace. Visit or follow @CarlosChoiBand to know more
about the band. Photo courtesy of artist’s Facebook page.
anila has been enjoying excellent food, beverages, and
services from The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf since 2003.
Today, there are 68 stores nationwide. It is one of the most
celebrated brands not just locally, but all over the world. Their
friendly customer service, yummy tea lattés (have you tried their
African Sunrise lately?), contemporary ambience, and Swirl Card
perks have established CBTL as the coffee shop of choice for most
According to Mr. Walden Chu, President of The Coffee Bean
& Tea Leaf Philippines, the business was admittedly run very
differently compared to how it operates now. “We were a very
profit-focused, product-driven company for a long time,” he
explains. “But things have changed. A little after a year I gave my
life to Jesus Christ, my partners and I took a long hard look in the
mirror and decided that we needed to run the company differently.”
Change, of course, takes sacrifice. It’s an overhaul of the
internals more than the externals, and Mr. Walden Chu experienced
this for himself. “The tenant of the gospel is love and building
relationship with our Creator and with each other. We wanted to
see this in our corporate culture, we wanted to be people-driven
instead of product-driven. We needed to create a sincere, genuine,
authentic culture where our Team Members know in their hearts
that we weren’t just concerned about how great-tasting our coffees
and teas were, but that we care about who they are as people, their
families, their dreams and aspirations. Only then can our culture
translate to care for our customers as well.”
of worship training and taking
worship out of the church
walls and into the local
music scene. Music for me is a
byproduct of my faith – I keep
laying my music down for God,
and God keeps giving it back
as I lay it down.
I’ve gone through a lot of
inner healing and was able to
surrender a lot of baggage
I‘ve been carrying for many
years, because I believe that
unless we surrender and lay it
down before God, it’s useless
to ask God to take things
away. He’s been such a gentle
Father patiently waiting for
me to surrender to Him the
things that were hindering my
growth and relationship with
... When you’re not
living for yourself,
everything changes.
CBTL is now an employer of choice for job-hunters, and a brand
that customers prefer because they can tell that it’s a company that
makes a positive difference in local communities. “We put God first,
above everything. When you’re not living for yourself, everything
changes. I certainly try to live glorifying God. I try my best to cultivate
excellent relationships with the people who report directly to me, and
it just cascades down. You sense it. You know when a brand cares.”
And that’s exactly what people see and feel. The Coffee Bean &
Tea Leaf is one of the largest corporate sponsors for The Real Life
Foundation. Aside from this, they have partnered with Habitat for
Humanity’s iBuild program because Mr. Walden believes that nobody
deserves to live in squatter areas. The Giving Journal, which you can
probably still get in CBTL stores today, encourages everyone to live a
kinder, more generous life. Other initiatives, such as The Caring Cup,
opens up avenues wherein dialogue and action is encouraged to make
a difference in all sorts of communities
in need.
Mr. Walden Chu also shares a secret: “To the outside world, CBTL is
really known as Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, but internally – for us – CBTL
means Christ Brings Truth & Life.”
With all the accolades that CBTL receives as an employer and brand,
Mr. Walden Chu is quick to dodge all forms of credit with an almost
sheepish grin: “Everything that’s happened, you know, it’s only because
my heart belongs to Him.”
he Greatest Story of all begins with the virgin birth of Jesus of Nazareth, His fulfilment of
messianic prophecy, His gruesome sacrifice on the cross, and His resurrection from death and
ascension to heaven. Recorded in the Gospels written by His Apostles, the Greatest Message
was propagated through the ages by believers saved by grace. This is the Great History of our
Salvation through the GOD-Man, Christ Jesus.
Johann Gutenberg prints the
very first Bible using his
invention, the printing press.
6/5 BC
In Bethlehem, Jesus of
Nazareth is born.
27AD - 30AD
Jesus starts his
ministry and chooses
the Twelve Apostles; He
fulfills the messianic
prophesy with miracles,
healing, teaching about
the Kingdom of God and
preaching salvation.
30/33 AD
After a three
year ministry,
Jesus is
Wycliffe translates
the Bible from
1000-year old
handwritten Latin
to English,
enabling even
“common” folk at
his time to read
the word of God.
550 AD
The Crusade
period in
Antioch, and
Three days later,
he rose from death.
55-95 AD
Early Church Fathers establish Christianity:
Clement, a student of John the Apostle, writes the
Epistle to the Corinthians (100 AD); Ignatius,
the overseer of Antioch in Syria, preaches in
captivity while waiting to be killed by the wild
beasts in the imperial games (107 AD); Polycarp,
overseer of Smyrna, endures persecution (155 AD),
Irenaeus writes moving accounts of the martyrs and
against emerging heresies (177 AD); and Tertullian
passionately defends the vigorous Christian
lifestyle and coins the “Trinity” (196 AD).
Mark, friend of the Apostle Peter, writes
the Gospel of Mark. (53-55 AD)
Luke the Physician writes the Gospel of Luke
and the Book of Acts. (62 AD)
The Roman Empire splits into
two: the Western and the Eastern
portion, as governed from the
city of Byzantium (also called
Constantinople; now modern day
Istanbul) following the victory
over the civil war by Emperor
Constantine I in 312 AD.
Beverley, J.A. (2005). Religions A to Z.
Tennessee: Thomas Nelson taken from http://www.
This timeline does not exhaustively present the full
history of the Church and its movements. Dates
mentioned are approximated from available sources.
The Church survives amidst persecution
by wicked Roman Emperors such as Nero,
Septimus Severus, Decius. Martyrs were
often killed by beheading, burning,
the blade, or in the arena by beasts.
324-638 AD
Byzantine Period
325 AD
Athanasius defends the
doctrine of the Trinity
(365 AD). Damascus lists
the Old Testament and
New Testament Canon of
Scripture (382 AD).
432-461 AD
Patrick evangelizes Ireland.
Although once enslaved by
Irish raiders as a child,
he was called by God in a
dream to be a missionary
and share the Gospel to the
Irish people, transforming
their belief from druidism
to Christianity.
The Apostle Matthew writes the Gospel of
Matthew. (55-65 AD)
The Apostle John writes the Gospel of John,
the three epistles: 1, 2, 3 John and the
Book of Revelation as he was exiled on the
island of Patmos. (85-95 AD)
Dionysius Exiquus
invents the modern
Calendar and system
of dating. It
establishes the
birth of Christ as
the central point
of all of history.
Everything before is
B.C. (Before Christ).
Everything after is
Anno Domini (“in the
year of our Lord”).
From this, Irish monks
created and proliferated
one of the earliest Latin
manuscripts of Biblical
commentaries. Their writings
were propagated by the Irish
Christians at a time when
Europe was invaded by the
The prolific and brilliant
theologian Augustine of
Hippo journeys to reach and
preach to the English and
Africans (387 AD). John
Chrysostom becomes bishop
of Constantinople--known
for his eloquence in
preaching and public
speaking, and his
denunciation of
abuse of authority
by hierarchal
leaders (398 AD).
On 1517, the 95 Theses is posted by Martin
Luther, a German monk, issuing critical
concerns with the ritualism and dead faith
along with corruption, greed, and false
teaching that was being tolerated and
proliferated in the hierarchal church during
his time.
More than 2,000 years has passed and
yet generations continue to spread
the Greatest Message in all of
history—salvation through the Savior,
Christ Jesus, until He returns.
This simple act started what is called the
Reformation on the basis that salvation could
only be received by grace through faith.
John Calvin publishes
The Institutes
of the Christian
Religion, bringing
all key beliefs of
the reformers into a
systematic theology
of scripture. He was
one of the reformers
to reach Geneva and
teach brilliantly on
the doctrines of the
Christian faith.
The Reformed Church is
started by John Knox in
Scotland, even reaching
England. Despite the
danger that he was facing,
he boldly preached the
scriptures in nearby
castles and towns, even to
common folk and royalty,
continuing the spread of the
reformation across Europe.
King James Version of the Bible
is first published.
John Bunyan, coming from a foulmouthed demeanor and irreligious
lifestyle, came out of prison
for open-air preaching (which
was then considered illegal)
across towns in England where
people would come at dawn to
hear him preach at noon. So
compelling was his preaching
that flocks of people would
listen in, hear the Word of God
and come to faith in Christ. He
was imprisoned for years but
quipped “If I was out of prison
today, I would preach the gospel
again tomorrow by the help of
God.” Even prison could not
hold him from ministry, writing
most of his literary works
imprisonment for preaching,
one of which is The Pilgrim’s
Progress (the second most widely
circulated book next the Bible).
Billy Graham
preaches in the Los
Angeles crusade
and in the Greater
London crusade.
Stadiums are jampacked with people
wanting to hear the
Gospel. Millions
come to know Christ
and further expanded
the ministry of
spreading the Gospel
four decades later.
Following shortly after this is the exodus
of the Puritans (so-called Pilgrims) to
the new world, America, in the hopes of
worshipping God and having Jesus as head
rather than a monarch.
They firmly believed that worship extended
to all parts of life and that everything
was done unto the Lord—breaking the divide
between sacred and secular.
The Dead Sea Scrolls
are found in the Qumran
caves containing
the oldest ancient
manuscripts of
scripture, which was in
the early period copied
by hand on animal
leather skin or papyrus
in ink by scribes.
Charles Haddon
Spurgeon starts his
London ministry as
a young pastor and
preacher at the age of
19. He is known as the
“Prince of Preachers”
having preached more
than 5,000 volumes of
sermons to audiences
reaching tens of
thousands (an estimated
10,000,000 preached to
for Spurgeon’s whole
C.S. Lewis, called Jack during
his time, had come from an
atheistic background springing
forth from pessimism during
childhood when his mother died
due to cancer.
Immersed in literature and
intellectually gifted, he was
good friends with Christians—
such as J.R.R. Tolkien—who
were able to influence him
in the Christian faith,
becoming one of the bestknown Christian authors
(Chronicles of Narnia and
Mere Christianity) and
teacher/apologist of
the 20th century.
Jonathan Edwards leads the great awakening in
America. Often known as the theologian of revival,
he brought back the church to its biblical
roots amidst the age of reasoning, science, and
From his open-air preaching, revival came as
upwards of 300 converts at one time came to
repentance in Christ. This happened all throughout
the colonies as others like George Whitefield and
John Wesley also began to travel across England to
preach in the open air (1740-1741).
The Great Awakening was a period of extraordinary
conversion and repentance for individuals as well as
a time of multiplication for churches wherein different
denominations worked together to spread the Gospel and
spearhead missions locally and overseas.
1830 The second great awakening
Second Great Awakening, a flutter of societal reforms
in the country that transformed not only people’s
lives, but the society as well including movements
upholding antislavery, education, prison reform,
temperance, Sabbath observance, and women’s rights.
We are all in a battlefield. We are all at war.
In these times of spiritual darkness, discouragement, and despair,
SAVED rallies everyone to rise up in recognition of God’s
victory over sin, and His gift of salvation for all who are willing to
SEE, LISTEN and EXPERIENCE His unchanging love.
Join the resurgence of a generation living up to the true
calling of a saved life in Christ, spreading the message that
“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under
heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”
Acts 4:12
SEE lives transformed by His great love,
LISTEN and worship with the best in
Christian music from classic praise songs
to contemporary beats, from Gospel
soul and jazz to indie pop-rock hits. Be
uplifted by inspirational lyrics and dance
to upbeat music. Tune in to Saved Radio
FM 106.7 every Sunday night from
6 PM to 12 MN in a program that is both
engaging as it is entertaining.
and in turn impact those around them:
stories of hope, courage amidst trials, and
the extraordinary ways of God.
Subscribe to Saved Newsmagazine for your
quarterly dose of relevant news, features
on contemporary Christian artists, and
testimonies of lives changed by God.
What’s your story?
EXPERIENCE a gathering of thousands lifting their
voices up to His undeniable presence. Be part of a
movement that follows the footsteps of Jesus and
His Apostles in striving to spread the message of
salvation through Christ. We call for a united
mission of the Church to come together in “one
accord” and preach the word of God with boldness.
Get ready for the upcoming Saved Festival 2014!
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