TERM 4 NEWSLETTER | DECEMBER 2012 Thank you CVC Thank you CVC ―To the Principal and the staff @ CVC. Five years of schooling has come to an end for our daughter. She is indeed sad to leave the place that has helped shape her life for the past 5 years. We are grateful to the amazing staff who have helped her along this journey to realise her dreams. CVC heralded her journey into the battle fields of Crete, fighting poverty, learning to be a board member, leading a school community and not forgetting the strong academics, her dance and music. A really well-rounded education: an excellent testament to our public system. A huge thank you to all for this. It has been a pleasure to be associated with CVC and such a wonderful team of teachers.‖ Mr and Mrs Hansen Canning Vale College Board CVC is looking for Expressions of Interest from parents, teachers and community members who may be interested in becoming part of the College Board. Please email the Principal Ron Bamford with your details and your expression of interest [email protected] Farewell Year 12 students – Good luck Thursday 25th October was an emotional day for many of our Year 12 students. This day was the last official day of their schooling. They had an early start, with a cooked breakfast supplied by the college café. The rest of the day was focused on receiving a raft of meaningful messages – some of which we hope they will remember and take with them way beyond the day. Farewell Year 12 students – Good luck A variety of presenters took the time to offer them some advice: There was an RAC presentation focused on the effects of alcohol and drugs whilst driving. Students were given the opportunity to participate in hands on activities and experiment with fatal vision goggles. Symon Still from Paraplegic Benefit Fund (PBF) delivered a powerful firsthand account of the emotional, life-changing and enduring impact that a serious road crash has on an individual and assisted students in identifying risk-reducing strategies. A presenter from Headspace explained the services that Headspace can provide to students. Headspace is a free one stop shop for young people aged 12-25 where they can help with issues such as mental and physical health, relationships, drug and alcohol issues, sexual health, accommodation etc. The final session provided information to students who were planning to attend Leavers. This was informative and discussed keeping safe, what to pack, support agencies that will be at Leavers, activities that will be on etc. This presentation was co-facilitated by a policeman from Canning Vale station. The day ended with a fancy dress River Cruise – what a great way to end! We wish all the Year 12 students the very best for their exams and beyond. Mr Berger Year 12 Coordinator Thank You Parents and Care Givers Thank you to all those parents who have already been in to see us in the business centre and have discussed payments for next year‘s charges and contributions. We look forward to seeing everyone else early next year. A reminder: All accounts paid in full before the 19th April 2013 will once again have the opportunity to win a $500 bonus – thanks to the generosity of the College P & C. Please check with us if you are eligible for the Secondary Assistance Scheme (please refer to the December Contributions and Charges mail out for all the details.) Thank you! Janet, Kay and Jackie Janet Buckle, Kay Lynch and Jackie Jacobsen have served on the CVC P & C for over 6 years and given their time freely to help our college become a great place to learn and work. Janet has served as President since 2006, Kay as Vice President and Jackie as Treasurer. The other major achievement of these three dedicated people was forming the Canning Vale Local Drug Action Group. This Group aimed to raise community awareness about drug use and implement strategies to minimise harm to our children. All three watched their children grow and mature during their years at CVC and now the last child in each family has graduated and will move into life after CVC. We all wish Janet, Kay and Jackie and their families all the best for the future. Martine Martin has taken on the role of P & C President and a new executive has been formed to move the association forward. Schools can't work in isolation and parent support is always needed. The P&C only meets once a term with the next meeting scheduled for the 5th March next year. Everyone is welcome. Ron Bamford Principal Canning Vale College Council’s Awards for Excellence Congratulations to the recipients of the 2012 CVC Council Awards for Excellence. Peter Rudrum – Associate Principal Wendy Qasem – Middle school operations manager Colleen Ernst – Year 11 Coordinator The ―Café Girls‖ - Adele, Eric, Cindy and Gloria The CVC council acknowledged these staff members at the Graduation Ceremony for their ―above and beyond‖ contribution and we thank them for their dedication to the college community. Thank you Canning Vale College would like to take this opportunity to thank Jackie Jacobsen for her efforts over her children‘s time with the college. Jackie has held positions on the CVC Council, the P & C and she spent time as the manager of the CVC uniform shop. What a mammoth individual effort. The college will miss her amazing loyalty and enthusiasm. We wish her and her family all the very best for the future. CVC Council members Canning Vale College Board CVC is looking for Expressions of Interest from parents, teachers and community members who may be interested in becoming part of the College Board. Please email the Principal Ron Bamford with your details and your expression of interest [email protected] Working with WA police to improve attendance The West Australian Police are working with schools to help students to attend school regularly and keep students safe in the community. Every day at school matters and every day you miss from school means missing out on learning new information, missing out on school activities and not seeing your classmates at school. If you are not at school for a legitimate reason, such as being sick, you need to be accompanied by an adult or have a school leave pass. It is much safer to be at school than alone in the community. It is important that a responsible adult knows where you are for your safety. We care about your safety and wellbeing and will support the police in reinforcing the importance of being at school rather than truanting. If you are collected by police and returned to school, your parents will be called and given the details of when and where you were found. Canoeing Camp - Year 12 Late in Term 3 the Year 12 Outdoor Education students took part in a canoeing camp along the Swan river. This was a culmination of the expedition planning and canoeing skills the students had been building in class. During the camp students were challenged with both endurance and skill building activities. These activities tested the skills and team work of the students such as canoe polo, which was agreed to be the best part of the camp as it was fun and competitive. It was great to see the students enjoy themselves as they took in the peaceful surrounds of the river as they paddled along and discovered many types of flora and fauna found in the area. We camped at the Perth vineyards caravan park where the students set up tents and used the kitchen facilities to prepare their own meals and relax after all the canoeing. I would like to thank Ms Cooke and Mr Simich for also attending the camp and helping to make it the success it was. Ms Gordon - Health & Physical Education Teacher The Maths department says "Thanks" The Maths department would like to thank the parents and ex-students who have kindly donated their text books and other mathematics resources to the college. These have proved very useful. Trevor Beanland - Head of Maths Healthways Act Belong Commit CVC Circus Troupe “In my first year of High School, I have been privileged to be able to join the circus troupe. It has helped me with my confidence and given me a chance to perform in front of an audience. I have made many friends and we have become like a family. This year I have been involved in lots of performances and have been able to attend Yohfest, I've performed at multiple schools, I've been able to perform at retirement homes, South of the Swan dance festival, community festivals, and go on the circus's country tour to Bridgetown. Through all this I have been able to learn lots of unique skills and have so much fun. I've been able to go into circus at recess and lunch time and enjoy time with my friends. My older brother was in circus before I joined and seeing how much fun stuff he was able to do, and all the skills I saw he learnt made me decide on my goal of joining the circus troupe and to be successful like him. Circus is my favourite class and I love making people smile. This year our circus troupe has been planning to go to Disneyland to perform next year and through the hard work of Miss Challinger, we have been able to get through the auditions and have scored a spot for next year on the Disneyland and Universal Studios show schedule and I'm extremely excited to go.‖ Jarom Kuru – Year 8 Thank you CVC staff ―On behalf of myself and the Healthways Act Belong Commit Circus Troupe I would like to extend the greatest thank you to all the staff who helped us this year. The Circus troupe has performed at 31 different events this year, with a total of 54 hours of venue time at shows accumulated this year outside of school hours, and this could not be possible without the help and support of staff at the college. Some staff members gave up their time to supervise on more than one occasion. So from the Circus Troupe, thank you all so much!!!!!‖ Crystle Challinger – Circus Teacher CVC Welcomes Year 8’s for 2013 Congratulations to everyone involved in the orientation day. It was a wonderful day and lots of fun was had by all. This was a great opportunity for students to meet some new friends and to get to know their way around the college. Our student mentors did a great job on the day by helping the new students feel relaxed and being involved in lots of activities. CVC looks forward to welcoming over 300 Year 8 students to the college community next year. Ms Colleen Ernst Year 8 Coordinator After spending the whole day worrying about her daughter a parent rang to say: “My daughter came confidently laughing and smiling to the car. She had a wonderful, positive day and she is really looking forward to next year. My daughter also wanted to say a special thankyou to the student mentors, who were amazing.” Internet Safety Presentations Young people today are immersed in digital technologies. They use the internet and mobile phones to socialise, study, exchange ideas and play. While online activity has many benefits, there are also risks. To help your children stay safe online, Canning Vale College hosted a Cybersmart Outreach—Internet Safety Awareness presentation. This presentation is provided by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (the ACMA) as part of a national program of cybersmart initiatives. The Cybersmart Outreach—Internet Safety Awareness presentation is thorough and non-technical. It covered a range of issues including: the ways children use the internet and emerging technologies potential risks for children online, such as cyberbullying, identity theft, inappropriate contact and exposure to inappropriate content tips to help children stay safe online. Canning Vale College is committed to helping students develop appropriate behaviours when using digital technologies, both at school and home. If you would like more information about cybersafety, click on this link to take you to the Cybersmart website: http://www.cybersmart.gov.au Angela Somerville - CVC Nurse Year 8 Special Awards Semester 2 Year 8 Dux: Aminah Bail All Rounder Award: Jarom Kuru Citizenship Award: Ashli Townend Principals Award: Abby Webb Year Coordinators’ Award: Chloe Catalano Year 8 Subject Awards Circus Design & Technology Drama Italian Physical Education Science Visual Art Home Economics Health Education Jarom Kuru Leisha Lin Ethan Fritchley Bjorn Hannah Brandon Plumridge Zach Riordan Brielle Deering Aminah Bail Nicole Nice Dance Design Art ICT/Media Mathematics Physical Education Special Visual Art English Music Society & Environment Caitlin Gunn Nadine Ewings Dakshayini Ramesh Lagu Kanesarajah Katelyn Catalano Abby Webb Aminah Bail Nicole Nice Nicole Nice Year 8 Camp 2012 On Monday the 26th of November, 32 excited Year 8‘s boarded the bus to Woodman Point. When we first arrived at camp we ate pizza, good pizza. After lunch, group one headed off to raft building down at the beach. This activity required coordination and teamwork, which our group did not have. Rock climbing was next, which required us to trust our fellow campers. It was a lot of fun and scary at the same time, I will never trust my best friend with my life again. We had delicious BBQ sausages for dinner…yum. After dinner we had to escape from quarantine and if a guard caught you, you had to perform hilarious punishments. Everyone enjoyed midnight snacks all night long, even though they were not allowed. The next morning, we all woke up early and played soccer. By the end of the game there was a broken frisbee, a blood nose, bruises and a couple of other injuries that weren‘t my fault… For breakfast we had toast and cereal. My group went to search and rescue first. During search and rescue we split into two teams and worked together to find code words hidden within the bush. The second activity of the day was archery where accuracy was at a premium. A few close bullseyes from Chad and a close win between groups ‗12‘ and ‗the Archers‘. After lunch we participated in beach sports and ultimate sports. Dodge ball, mini cricket and soccer were the favourites. We had a roast beef dinner and a delicious brownie for dessert. When night fell we went on a ‗scary‘ history tour around Woodman Point, visiting the old crematorium, gravestones and hearing a couple of ghost stories. On the third and final day we had a luxurious pancake breakfast. After brekkie we cleaned our dorms and boarded the bus for the last time. Once we were at Wireless Hill we organised ourselves into groups of four and took turns running back and forth, using a map to help us find code letters. It was disappointing [not] that the weather did not hold out until the end of the day and we had to finish orienteering early. We were forced to get back on the bus and return to CVC. Everyone had a great time and the camp was an awesome experience that we will never forget. Written by Chelsea, Ellie and Nic Year 9 Special Awards Semester 2 Year 9 Dux: Kristen Hosking All Rounder Award: Kristen Hosking Citizenship Award: Lochia Brennan Principals Award: Ambreen Anjum Year Coordinators’ Award: Scott Austin Year 9 Subject Awards Circus Creative Technologies Design & Technology Electronic Game Design Italian Media Physical Education Recreation Sports Textiles Design Art Health Education Society and Environment Blake Johnson Breanna Roepen Habiba Asim Aaron Jones Shauna Teh Jamie Butcher Kurt De Silva Kayle Phillips Arnia Hamilton Charlene Bolo Charlene Bolo Adam Musonda Court Sports Dance Drama Foods Mathematics Music Physical Education Soccer Visual Art English ICT Science Kristen Hosking Natalie Flood Jared Thompson Xin Ee Khoh Stefan Nair Max Rankine Laura McGarrigle Callum Mellowship Melannie Lai Charlene Bolo Adam Musonda Adam Musonda Year 9 Media Class This year's Media students in Year 9 have been so awesome! They are friendly, enthusiastic and creative. The final project for 2012 was to produce a short film based on a 'fractured fairytale'. This meant small production teams throwing around some crazy ideas, turning well-known fairy tales on their head, and coming up with something a little twisted. The script development and storyboards were impressive even in their early stages. And then the costumes started rolling in! I was able to see some shy students come out of their shell, some loud students learn to work with others and every student feeling included and motivated. This class rocks! Check out the photos of our future award-winning Directors and method Actors. Mrs van de Sande – Media teacher Year 9 Dance and Technology! The Year 9 dance students have been using the dance class iPads and their own laptops to capture and create short dance videos. Each small group studied Youtube clips on a particular cultural dance, they then taught the whole class the dance moves and finished the project by creating their own instructional video. Lauren Pyke - Dance Teacher and ITC Coordinator Sir Charles Court Young Leaders Program Earlier this year, a year 10 student Meg Packham was selected to participate in the prestigious Sir Charles Court Young Leaders Program at Curtin University. The program is a partnership between Curtin University and the History Teachers‘ Association of Western Australia. It aims to increase understanding of leadership and history, and to increase recognition of the links between the two. It further aims to build upon the leadership talents of the participants, motivate them to develop as leaders and increase their community involvement. Congratulations Meg. CVC Students on Exchange in Italy Year 11 students Matthew Meinema and Jessica Hancock are currently enjoying the life-changing experience of being an exchange student, living as part of an Italian family and attending school in Italy. They departed Perth on 29th November and were excited about spending 8 weeks fully immersed in the Italian language and culture. Matthew is staying with a host family in the north, near Torino and Jessica‘s host family lives in a town near Naples. Here are some of their first impressions: “Italy is absolutely beautiful!! It is amazing, and the town I’m in is absolutely wonderful. My host family are really nice and friendly. I’ve surprised myself at what I can understand. I thought I would be struggling to understand Italian and make conversation, but I’m doing okay. I start school tomorrow and I’m really looking forward to it. I will make the most out of this wonderful opportunity.” Jessica Hancock “My family is really nice. Everything is good. It took so long to get to Torino, so I did not end up going to the soccer match. Instead I watched it on TV with family friends. Italians are MENTAL for soccer! It was the scariest thing, but very entertaining at the same time. The food is amazing. I’ve been keeping count, and every single day so far, I have had pasta at least once. My favourite time of the day is when I eat, because the family feeds me so much.” Matthew Meinema Buon Viaggio! Italy Study Tour 2013 On 11th January 2013 a group of 22 students and the supervising teachers Esther Blood, Erin Pavy and Lynda Melling will depart on the inaugural CVC Italy Study Tour. The group will spend 18 days in Italy, visiting some of the most famous sites, experiencing the Italian culture and improving their language skills. After months of planning and several preparation sessions for the students, the Study Tour became a reality at the final pre-departure meeting. The students received their plane tickets, student handbook and their very recognisable beanie and scarf. Some of the highlights are bound to be discovering the historical sites in Rome, learning to cook some traditional food in Orvieto, attending the language school in Florence, visiting the Ferrari museum and walking through the beautiful city of Venice. The participants have thus far proven to be responsible and mature students who will undoubtedly be fine representatives for Canning Vale College. The students are most looking forward to trying authentic Italian food, seeing the famous sites and applying the Italian they‘ve learnt at school in real-life situations. Esther Blood - Language Teacher CVC Sydney Canberra Trip 2013 Every two years the Society and Environment department runs a tour to Sydney and our nation‘s capital. This tour will coincide with Canberra‘s 100 years anniversary and thus will be a special occasion. This is now our 4th tour and it is very popular, so places will be filled quickly. Ms Young is looking at putting together a tour party of 30 students for December 2013. Every tour we look for a sponsor to help us absorb the cost of tour polo shirts. The shirts will incorporate the name of the company or business that sponsors us. If you are interested in sponsoring the tour in 2013 I would love to hear from you so please email me at [email protected] The tour places are usually offered to senior school students but if you are currently in Year 9 at CVC and are interested in the tour, you will need to speak with Ms Young. It is a great tour and a great experience for students. Mr Sanderson - Head of Society and Environment The Simpson Prize 2012 - History Competition Three enthusiastic Year 9 students have spent a fortnight working on their Simpson Prize essay. This essay competition coincides with Remembrance Day and challenges our students to research and discuss the actions at Gallipoli in evaluating the ANZAC ‗legend‘. CVC students Adam Musonda, Jessica Williams and Kirsten-Lee Hosking have all worked tirelessly to submit an entry into this competition. The prize of which is a place on the fully funded student tour of France and the Western Front in 2013. I wish all our participants the best of luck. Mr Sanderson - Head of Society and Environment Remembrance Day 2012 Background…. Remembrance Day - originally called Armistice Day- is a day that commemorated the end of the hostilities for the Great War (World War I) and the signing of the armistice, which occurred on 11 November 1918 – on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. Armistice Day was observed by the Allies as a way of remembering those who died, especially soldiers with 'no known grave'. Our Year 9-10 students have studied World War One and armistice in depth within Society and Environment classes across the year. The Flanders poppy became accepted throughout the allied nations as the flower of remembrance to be worn on Armistice Day. The red poppies were among the first plants that sprouted from the devastation of the battlefields of northern France and Belgium. 'Soldiers' folklore had it that the poppies were vivid red from having been nurtured in ground drenched with the blood of their comrades'. In Australia on the anniversary of the armistice, 11 November 2011, Remembrance Day ceremonies become the focus of national attention. On this day Remembrance Day ceremonies are conducted simultaneously in towns and cities all over the country, culminating at 11 am and coinciding with the traditional one minutes‘ silence. This ceremony has touched a chord across the Australian nation, and since 1996 it has been re-established as a significant day of commemoration. This day now commemorates all the conflicts since 1918 that Australia has been involved in, and committed troops toward; including World War Two, Korea, Malaya, Vietnam, Iraq, East Timor and Afghanistan. Lest we forget the sacrifices they made, and still do make The Darlington Arts Festival Youth Art Exhibition The Darlington Arts Festival is Western Australia's longest running free community festival now in its 49th year. The event hosts a Youth Art Exhibition for talented young artists aged 13 to 18. This year some of our own talented art students‘ creations were featured in the exhibition. Our students contributed a variety of different artworks to the display that intrigued and interested the public. Quite a few viewers admired the artwork so much they even wanted to purchase some pieces, such as the beautifully crafted ceramic bowls and plates students had designed and made. This is a massive compliment and they should be very proud of their artwork and success in the arts. Congratulations to the following students: Abby Webb, Vanessa Harwood, Savannah Dickson, Celine Teo, Parichaya PiwchaOom, Daniel Panameno, Gia De Martinis, Meg Packman, Jian Xu, Amber Oliver. Sarah Eve – Visual Arts teacher Visual Art Exhibition 2012 This year‘s visual art exhibition was a celebration of our student‘s artistic talent and achievement. Students from years 8 to 12, across each visual arts course, have been working hard all year to contribute to the beautiful display of artwork on show. These artworks showed viewers what students have been learning throughout the year and how they have been developing their skills and attention to detail in The Arts. There was such a variety of creative styles, concepts and ideas explored by students, across all the different art mediums. Family favourites from the opening night included the detailed glass plates, ceramic necklaces and the life size kangaroo made from sticky tape. The Arts staff are very proud of our students achievements and success over the year. Kate Grayson - Head of the Arts Year 10 Special Awards Semester 2 Year 10 Dux: Caitlyn Chan Principals Award: Said Shah All Rounder Award: Tyler Rollo Year Coordinators’ Award: Caitlyn Pearce Citizenship Award: Isaiah Kuru Year 10 Subject Awards Construction English Foods Italian Music and Rock Visual Art Physical Education ICT Drama Riley Pobjoy Alphons Gwatimba Yasmine Radwan Mariya Patel Leah Talley Daniel Panameno Isaiah Kuru Emily Somerville Amanda Lee Business Management Megan Packham Science Megan Packham Electronic Game Design Expedition and Sport Independent Living Manufacturing Physical Education Joshua Pennings Dewald Hoogenboezem Sheryl Pang Vong Lun Chelsea Hemmett Caitlyn Chan Certificate II Creative Industries Isaiah Kuru Health Education Emily Somerville Dance Amanda Lee Mathematics Amanda Lee Design Megan Packham Society and Environment Megan Packham Year 10 River Cruise The Year 10 River Cruise was a fabulous evening and a great way to end the year. The students were very well behaved, the girls looked stunning and the boys scrubbed up extremely well, some even choosing to wear suits. There was lots of dancing thanks to DJ Jaz and plenty of memorable moments. Thanks to the staff that volunteered to attend on the night. Kirsty Hirschberg - Year 10 Coordinator STRIDE Celebration Parents, students and staff gathered at the STRIDE House on the evening of Monday 19th of December to acknowledge and celebrate the 2012 year. We honoured the important achievements including: JP Van der Heever: Metal Fabrication Apprenticeship Neil Fourie: Metal Fabrication Apprenticeship Tamara de Santos: Retail Traineeship Nathan Jones: Fulltime Employment Aidan Jenkins: Chef School Based Apprenticeship Luke Plummer: Fulltime Employment leading to an apprenticeship Cassandra Thomas: Hospitality School Based Apprenticeship The STRIDE team prepared a slide show for each student showing them in action over the year including photos from work placements, working in the garden, cooking, listening to guest speakers and excursions. We shared stories of the struggles and the fun times – what a journey we have had! After the presentations there were refreshments which included muffins made by the students using produce from their gardens. The students then showed their family and friends around the house and looked at the displays of the students work. It was an uplifting evening, enjoyed by all. Tamara Lampard - STRIDE teacher STRIDE 2013 Induction Week Following a strong selection process the successful applicants spent a week in the STRIDE House for an Induction. During the week we got to know each other, found out more about the Agrifoods, Health & Wellbeing, Career Development and Work Placement Program that make up the STRIDE curriculum. We tried Drumbeat, visited the Amherst Village Youth Centre and spent one day at Bickley Recreation Camp challenging our ability to work together and support each other. This was especially tested at the Leap of Faith – a climb of 20m up a pole to a plank and a leap to a trapeze. This was an amazing experience of group support and personal courage, something none of us will forget! It was a wonderful week and we are all really looking forward to the start of 2013. Tamara Lampard – STRIDE teacher CVC Hosts Information Technology Workshop CVC hosted a ―Notebook for teachers PD‖ during Term 4. This was a great opportunity for over 60 primary and secondary teachers to experience the excellent facilities that our students enjoy all year round. The teachers used the IT labs and the conference room and many even took advantage of the café facilities at the college. 11 Outdoor Education Sea Trek Early in term 4 the Year 11 Outdoor Education classes had their respective sea trek camps. The camp is the culmination of two terms of VET education where they receive their Recreational Skippers ticket as well as a number of sailing units of competency for their Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation. The sea trek involved the students using 13ft boats to sail out past the Fremantle harbour and down the coast to Woodman's Point. The students had to use marine charts to navigate their way safely, communicate and work as part of a team to set sails and judge the wind conditions to best suit their boat. They were also responsible for setting up their campsite and preparing their own meals. The windy conditions provided very challenging real life situations at sea, however, the students persevered and performed very well throughout. The students also had the opportunity to see a range of marine life from dolphins, crabs, many different types of birds including pelicans, ospreys and shags and they even did a bit of fishing. These camps are always very enjoyable for the students and help to consolidate all that they have learned in a fun and challenging environment. Mr Quinn - Outdoor Education Teacher The challenging weather saw one of the groups sail up river and enjoy the amazing views that our great city provides. Miranda Cooke – Outdoor Education Teacher World Challenge Team Ryan (our chaplain), Dave (STRIDE teacher) and Varina (Education Assistant) and 19 Year 10 and 11 students are currently on the World Challenge tour of Cambodia and Vietnam. They are helping a remote orphanage, visiting temples, trekking through the jungle and generally having a cultural awakening that they will share with us on their return. This photo was taken on the morning of their departure. Thank you to Mrs Packham for supplying the photograph. Specialist Music Program @ CVC Band Night A few weeks ago the music students performed for their family and friends over two consecutive nights. First up were the rock bands playing to a sell-out crowd. There were 7 bands in all and most of the bands played 3 songs that they have been rehearsing for the semester. There was a great variety of songs and styles and some outstanding performances. One that deserves a mention was a performance by Rachel Law out the front of her band Soundproof wowing the audience with a riveting performance of ―No Light‖ by Florence and the Machine. Soundproof band members include Jarod Osbourne and Ben Ethridge on guitars, Josh Melling on drums, Nicole Nice on keyboards and Zoe Mohanasandrum on bass. The band was very tight and together, and Rachel's vocals were absolutely amazing as she captivated the audience. The vocal group performed 3 part harmonies on ―Empire State of Mind‖ (Alicia Keys) with Kit Sekerhan out the front, then ―The Fighter‖ (Gym Class Heroes) with Jackson Mail performing the rap and Zach Illingworth on vocals and backed up beautifully again by Soundproof. Members of some bands were selected to help as stage crew. Their role is to make sure the guitars are in tune, the microphones and keyboards placed on stage when needed and the volumes of amps are at the right level. Thank you to Erica Emery, Rachel Kent, Max Rankine, Hayden Ryan, Nick Cullen-Lucas, Mashall and Jackson Mail for their hard work. On lighting again was Year 11 Jayden French. I would like to thank all of the band members for their efforts over the year. We have played a huge variety of songs and had a great time at the performances. A BIG THANK YOU - the arts department would especially like to thank Miss Nicole Whiteside who has given of her time several times a year, every year for 9 years to help Mrs Harrison out for the variety night events. Miss Whiteside will be sadly missed by us all here in the music room and we wish her the best in her new position. Rebecca Harrison and Marisa Spina – Music Specialist teachers Specialist Music Program @ CVC Acoustic Night The acoustic night offers an opportunity for the ensembles and soloists to perform for their family and friends. There was a variety of performers including the concert band, guitar ensemble, flute players, singers and keyboard students. The night kicked off with the concert band under the direction of Mrs Harrison with an arrangement of ―I Got a Feeling‖ by The Black Eyed Peas. Next up was the guitar ensemble under the direction of Mr Bonini our guitar teacher from the School of Instrumental Music (SIM). The well-executed songs showed off the beautiful arrangements for classical guitar and bass guitar. Flute students Rochelle Buttigig, Kristen Jesson and Kit Sekaran played a song each with the new instrument microphones. It was a Cold Play festival of flutes as they beautifully soared over the music. Next up were the vocal solos: Jackson Mail reaching for his softer side performing Landslide (Fleetwood Mac), Kit Sekaran belting out Uncharted (Sarah Bareilles), Erica Emery delivering a beautifully sweet Skinny Love (Birdy) and Carine Seyegh roaring up Adele's Set Fire to the Rain. The vocal group performed their songs from the night before acoustically and really showed off those well executed harmonies. Lastly from the vocal group was a lovely rendition of Everyone's Waiting by Missy Higgins with Carine Seyegh and Nikita Hope on lead vocals backed up by 3 part harmony. The end of the night was a cracker with a 4 keyboard Michael Jackson Medley. There were 4 songs in the medley: Billy Jean, Beat it, Man in the Mirror and Bad. Each player takes on a particular part for each song: be it drums, bass, strings or piano melody and changes their part for each song. It was superbly played by Leah Talley, Siska Sands, Niclole Nice and Tanita Johnson after many hours of practice. CVC has some very talented musicians and these two nights was a fabulous opportunity for us to showcase this talent. Rebecca Harrison and Marisa Spina – Music Specialist teachers School Uniform Shop Hours for “back to school” Wednesday 23rd Jan 8.00am - 12.00noon Friday 25th Jan 8.00am - 12.00noon Tuesday 29th Jan 8.30am - 2.30pm Thursday 31st Jan 8.30am - 2.30pm Friday 1st Feb 8.30am - 11.30am Regular Term Uniform Shop Hours 2013 Tuesdays 12.30 - 3.30pm Friday 8.15 - 11.30am The uniform shop is managed by Uniform Concepts [email protected] Ph: 9270 4652 2012 Graduation ―We don‘t remember days, we remember moments.‖ On the 21 st of November 2012, the graduating class of 2012 embraced a moment that they will never forget... their high school graduation. As the teachers robed us up, making sure our sashes faced the right way, and ordered us into our lines, before we all walked into the auditorium, we had a moment of reflection. 12 years of schooling were now over. 12 years of waking up and putting on a uniform, 12 years of life were over. As each student walked up on stage, they had their moment of glory, where they were acknowledged for the achievement, hard work, and dedication of 12 years of schooling. The Year 12‘s sat and listened to teachers acknowledge our moments of weakness, but more importantly commend our strengths. Awards were given to those who excelled in their subjects, those who stood out amongst the crowd, and those who brought something unique and refreshing to Canning Vale College. As Liam and I presented an emotional speech, highlighting the highs and lows we as a year group went through, many Year 12‘s saw themselves on a trip down memory lane. As we presented the world‘s greatest year co-ordinator with his gift, the tears in his eyes, it made leaving Canning Vale College behind even harder. There have been so many teachers and staff at CVC without whom, many of us, would not have achieved what we have. The 21st of November 2012, will be a moment in time that will remain with each Year 12, as well as teachers. It was a night to recognise our hard work over 12 years, acknowledge the trials and tribulations we overcame, as well as glorify our moments of success and achievements. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” It was our high school graduation that encouraged us to start believing in our dreams, to begin having faith in our skills, and become determined to see them through. To my fellow year 12‘s: Today is your day. You are off to great places! You are off and away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose! You‘re on your own. And you know what you know. And you are the one who‘ll decide where you will go. Thank you Canning Vale College! Congratulations graduating class of 2012, Off you go! (Jade Hansen 2012 Head Girl) Congratulations Jade CVC recently received news that Jade our 2012 Head Girl has been offered early entrance to both Murdoch University and the University of Notre Dame to study law. She is currently weighing her options. Congratulations on this fantastic achievement that is just rewards for the effort she has put into her schooling whilst at college. We wish her all the best as she starts her journey beyond CVC. Year 12 Subject Awards 2012 The Arts ATAR Dux Dance 1A/B: Elisha Mathlin Dance 3A/B: Kerry-Lee Jacobsen Ieuan Teh Drama 3A/B: Emily Curtis Music 1C/D: Gabrielle Woodford Visual Arts 1C/D: Tyler Boon Visual Arts 3A/B: Jessica Spencer Certificate II in Visual Art & Contemporary Craft (Fashion): Holly Van Den Elzen English English 3A/B: Kerry-Lee Jacobsen English as an Additional Language 3A/B: Raymond Tan Italian 3A/B: Rachael Richardson Literature 1C/D: Jason Mazzocco VET Dux Mathematics Holly Van Den Elzen Mathematics 1D/E: Samirah Azlak Mathematics 2C/D: Kerry-Lee Jacobsen Mathematics 3A/B: Ekta Nathoo Mathematics 3C/D: Ieuan Teh Science Biological Science 3A/B: Jared Tan Chemistry 3A/B: Ieuan Teh Human Biological Sciences 3A/B: Kerry-Lee Jacobsen Integrated Science 1C/D: Seshin Nathoo Physical Education Outdoor Education 1C/D: Tyler Boon Physical Education Studies 1C/D: Jerry Li Society and Environment Career & Enterprise 1C/D: Jessica Spencer Economics 3A/B: Ekta Nathoo Geography 3A/B: Ieuan Teh Modern History 3A/B: Kerry-Lee Jacobsen Politics and Law 3A/B: Viviana Jacobs Technology and Enterprise Accounting & Finance 3A/B: Ekta Nathoo Applied Information Technology 3A/B: Sylvester H‘ng Building and Construction 1C/D: Rowan Glew Children, Family & Community 1C/D: Ekta Nathoo Food Science & Technology 1C/D: Mandy Magee Business Certificate II: Samirah Azlak Hospitality Certificate II: Holly Van Den Elzen ICT VET Certificate II: Jason Mazzocco Materials Design & Technology Metals 1C/D: Hussain Al Asadi Materials Design & Technology Textiles 1A/B: Holly Van Den Elzen Materials Design & Technology Wood 1C/D: Storm Du Preez Media Production & Analysis 1A/B: Shaun Deng Workplace Learning: Damien Lynch Enterprise & Vocational Education Award (Cert IV): Andrew Brekalo and Siveshan Chellan Australian Defence Force Award for Leadership and Teamwork Jade Hansen Senior School Community Values Award Jacob Hegan Arts Award for Excellence Holly Van Den Elzen Sports Personalities of the Year Thia Eastman & Joshua Newman Arts Award for Service Jade Hansen P & C Citizenship Award Liam O‘Neill CVC Bushranger Cadets Award Laura Buckle Caltex All Rounder Kerry-Lee Jacobsen CVC Chaplain’s Award Holly Van Den Elzen ECU Personal Excellence Award Ekta Nathoo Dinyar Kermani English Award Kerry-Lee Jacobsen Engineers of Australia Award Jared Tan Science and Innovation Award Jared Tan Rotary Leadership Jade Hansen Class of 2012 Alia Abdi Abdullah Abdulrazzak Kelvin Abel Matthew Abrahams Rachel Adams Adedayo Adeleye Hussain Al Asadi Juli Anderson Justin Andronicos Samirah Azlak James Balcomb Aidil Balmut Callum Battersby Tyler Boon Andrew Brekalo Heloise Brits Matthew Broad Laura Buckle Sam Caldera Shayley Carter Tayla Carter Mariel Castrence Sam Chapman Siveshan Chellan Aimee Chiverton Kesta Chong Jayde Cook Emily Curtis Divya Dakshinamurthy Logan Dale Jordan Dalton Tenisha Dann Tait Dawson Sophie de Boer Russell De Bono Clarke DelaneSquires Shaun Deng Beth Desalegn Adrian Dixon Mikayla Donohue Luke Drew Storm Du Preez Cory Dumbrell Dayna Durant Elley Earsman Thia Eastman Donna Edwards Zack Estrella Jamie Evans Claire Fares Jarryd Felton Mackenzie Flood Joshua Gallagher Jennifer Gill Rowan Glew Madie Gubb Mohammed Habib Jade Hansen Mariam Hawchar Brayden Hawtin Steph Hayman Jacob Hegan Oshara Herath Jasmine Higgins Wee Lian Hii Ayan Hildeed Idil Hildeed Sylvester H'ng Viviana Jacobs Kerry-Lee Jacobsen Aimee Jarvis Teana Jenkins Siti Jesa Kristen Johnston Resma Jose Mikal Joubert Nadiah Kadir Purnima Kapil Jooi Khoh Mike Latham Amanda Lee David Leitch Damien Lewis Jerry Li Joshua Lim Josephine Loh Jennifer Lopez Alyssa Lowe Rhiannon Luckett Jodi Lye Damien Lynch Jacinta MacKenzie Mandy Magee Courtney Maher Richard Marr Sthar Mathema Elisha Mathlin Jason Mazzocco Mark McGarrigle Sean McLaughlin Ryan McMile Naomi Meyerink Kirah MohammadSaid Hafiz Mohd Fadzli Theolan Morgen Shorn Murphy Nathan Mutch Seshin Naidoo Ekta Nathoo Keiren Neidig Ainslie Neretlis Joshua Newman Kayla O'Dea Amber Oliver Maddi Oliver Liam O'Neill Maggie Osman Zakaria Osman Lauren Outram Emily Palmer Sam Pearce Nicholas Peyton Jonathan Poi Lauren Preece Travis Rademan Vasheest Ramnauth Ary Rashid Ben Reddie Rachael Richardson Jazz Ridgway Jayden Roepen Christina Ronzitti Nadia Ryan Yasir Sadat Prabhtej Sanghera Poh Simseephim Nicole Skembovic Angie Slootweg Dannielle Smith Jess Spencer Shannon Stewart Alexandra Stumpf Jared Tan Kean Tan Marcus Tan Raymond Tan Rebecca Tarrant Ieuan Teh Cassandra Thomas Vivien Toh Gareth Travers Cameron Tropiano Shannon Tucker Aimee Uren Cody Usher Kelsey Van De Ven Holly Van Den Elzen Melissa Van den Heever Aidan Van Hemert Cameron Venditti Jessica Walton Brittney Webb Zoe Wickham Jessie Wilson Kim Wong Gabrielle Woodford Zach Wright Emad Younis Congratulations Head Girl 2013 Katelin Neil Head Boy 2013 Matthew Meinema Sponsors of the 2012 Graduation The staff and students of Canning Vale College would like to acknowledge the following sponsors whose kind assistance made the graduation ceremony possible: Mr Peter Abetz MLA - Ms Kate Doust MLC Australian Defence Force - Caltex Australia CVC P & C Association - Edith Cowan University Rotary Club of Kenwick – Westscheme
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