table of contents

for Foreign
1. GENERAL INFORMATION, BASIC PRINCIPLES AND RULES...................................................................................
2. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS......................................................................................................................................
3. APPLICATION PROCEDURES...........................................................................................................................................
4. THE EXAMINATION............................................................................................................................................................
5. EVALUATION OF THE EXAMINATION RESULTS......................................................................................................
6. ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATIONRESULTS................................................................................................
7. QUOTAS FOR ERU PROGRAMS.......................................................................................................................................
8. PREFERENCES AND PLACEMENT PROCEDURES......................................................................................................
9. PLACEMENT RESULTS......................................................................................................................................................
10. REGISTRATION....................................................................................................................................................................
11. TURKISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY............................................................................................................................
12. ABBREVIATIONS.................................................................................................................................................................
Application Period
Feb 2 - April 30, 2015
ERUYOS Examination Date
May 24, 2015, Monday
Examination Results
June 12, 2015 Friday
Application/Examination Fee
200 TL (Two hundred Turkish Liras)
N a m e o f t h e Bank
T.C Ziraat BANK
IBAN Numbers
TR58 0001 0014 3949 3067 0350 01
Account Name (Beneficiary)
1.1. Erciyes University Entrance Examination for Students from Abroad, referred to
henceforth as ERUYÖS, is an exam to be taken by students from abroad wishing to
study at Erciyes University (ERU). The examination is administered by ERU. The
exam results can also be used by some other universities for placing students
to associate degree and undergraduate programs.The ERUYÖS will be performed
on May 24th, 2015.
1.2. This guide contains the regulations and procedures which must be followed by
students from abroad who wish to take ERUYÖS in 2015 in order to study at
ERU or another university in Turkey accepting the results of ERU YÖS,
starting in 2014-2015 academic year.
1.3. ERUYÖS results are valid for 2 years.
1.4. Applications must be submitted via the Internet between Feb 10 - April 20,
1.5. All correspondence between ERU and applicants must be in Turkish or
English, using Latin letters.
1.6. The results of ERUYÖS are applicable only for students who wish to be
enrolled in an associate degree or undergraduate (Bachelor and/or Associate)
program at ERU. ERUYÖS results cannot be used for transfers and/or
graduate programs.
1.7. ERU is responsible for neither any accommodation or maintenance problems that
students may have nor securing a scholarship or a residence permit.
1.8. The application fee must be paid before the upcoming examination date and may
not be credited toward future examination dates. A person who pays the fee, but
decides not to apply, or one whose application is considered invalid, or one who
does not or cannot take the exam, or one who is not allowed to sit the exam or who
is expelled from the exam hall, or who fails the exam, or whose exam paper is
invalid for any reason, or who pays for any procedure that does not require payment
cannot claim the right to a refund of the fees paid. Applications of those who have
not paid the examination fee will not be accepted.
1.9. Upon the publication of this Guide, ERU reserves the right to make any such
changes in the regulations of the examination that may be deemed necessary,
following the rulings of executive, legislative, and/or judicial bodies, and/or of the
Higher Education Council (YÖK), the Evaluation Committee,
the ERU
Executive Board or the ERU Senate. Any such changes will be put into effect
by ERU. Furthermore, any contingency not specifically covered in this Guide will
likewise be dealt with by ERU.
ERUYOS Guide will be neither published in paper form nor distributed.
2.1. All applications will be accepted and evaluated on condition that the applicant is
either in the final year of their secondary education or has completed the same (stateless
people and refugees may also apply) and
a) Is a foreign student (including stateless people and refugees),
b) Became Turkish citizen by birth and who expatriatehim/herself from
Turkish citizenship with the permission of Ministry of Internal Affairs and their
underage children registered on these people’s citizenship expatriation
document, providing evidence of ownership of the document for the usage of the
rights given by the law with number 5901,c) is a foreign student who has taken
Turkish citizenship,
c) Has Turkish citizenship and completed his/her secondary education in a foreign
country except KKTC (including Turkish Schools in a foreign country except
d) Has dual citizenship where one is KKTC citizenship (except the ones who
completed his/her secondary education in KKTC having GCE AL examination
results and the ones who have/will have GCE AL examination results after
registering and receiving education in a college or high school in other countries
between 2005-2010),
2.2. Applications for the following individuals will not be accepted. The applicants who;a)
Has Turkish citizenship (except the ones who have completed his/her secondary
education in a foreign country except KKTC),
a) Has KKTC citizenship (except the ones who have completed their
secondary education in KKTC having GCE AL examination results, and the
ones who have/will have GCE AL examination results after registering and
receiving education in a college or high school in other countries between
b) Has dual citizenship with a birthright Turkish citizenship (except the ones who
have completed his/her secondary education in a foreign country – including
Turkish Schools in that country- except KKTC),
c) Has dual citizenship where one is KKTC citizenship (except the ones who
completed his/her secondary education in KKTC having GCE AL examination
results and the ones who have/will have GCE AL examination results after
registering and receiving education in a college or high school in other countries
between 2005-2010),
d) Has Turkish citizenship and has attended foreign high schools or foreign
embassy schools in Turkey,
e) Has been dismissed from an institution of higher education in Turkey due to a
disciplinary action or identified as cheater in an examination accomplished by
OSYM or COMU in previous years,
f) Has acted physically or mentally against T.C. or was stripped of his/her
Turkish citizenship as a punishment.
g) Even if these individuals take the examination, the scores they obtain will be
3.1. Applicants living inside or outside Turkey should apply to the Internet address of ERU.
Applications are accepted only within the application period.
3.2. Adaylar başvuru süresi içinde ERÜ’nün internet adresinden Aday Başvuru Formunu çevrimiçi
(online) olarak dikkatle doldurup Aday numaralarını online almalıdır.Filling in the Application
Form and Obtaining your Applicant ID
3.3. Applicants are fully responsible for any negative results that occur due to the errors made
while filling in the Application Form. Identity fields of the Application Form should be filled in
with the information on the applicant’s passports without any abbreviations.
3.4. Applicants should also upload their passport style photograph electronically. Since this
photograph will be used on the Exam Entrance Card, on the Examination Result Card, as well as
for registration and on the Student Identity Card, it must be taken within last three months by
the application date, and must be easily recognizable.
3.5. Those applicants who have filled in the Application Form and completed the application
procedures will be given an Applicant ID.
3.6. As the Applicant ID and password is necessary for all stages of the examination and for all
future transactions with ERU, applicants should record them in a safe and easily accessible
Paying the Examination Fee
3.7. The application will be approved after payment has been made to the following account:
a) IBAN No:
IBAN Number: TR58 0001 0014 3949 3067 0350 01
b) Beneficiary name : ERUYÖS
c) Amount:
200 TL (Two hundred Turkish Liras)
d) Explanation: Application ID - First Name Surname - Beneficiary
Example: 14000216 - ALBERT EINSTEIN - ERUYÖS
e) Do not forget to provide the bank with this information when making the payment!
f) Extra information for payments inside Turkey:
Bank: T.C. Ziraat Bank / Branch: Talas
3.8. Applicants in Turkey can deposit the required fee in any branch of the bank.
3.9. Applicants outside Turkey can deposit the required fee from a correspondent bank or any other
internationally active bank.
3.10. Applicants, inside or outside Turkey, should be careful about the following points:
a) Applicants are considered to have paid the examination fee only after the funds have
been transferred and accredited to COMU’s account. Personal checks, money orders, travelers’
checks, postal orders, bank notes or any other form of money transfer are not acceptable; bank
checks, postal orders or money enclosed in an envelope should not be sent by post.
b) The processing fee that will charged by the bank for the service of depositing the
examination fee is not included in the examination fee.
c) The application will be invalid unless the examination fee has been paid.
d) Applicants should check the information on the confirmation slip to make sure it is
accurate before leaving the bank. Any mistakes should be corrected immediately.
3.11. List of applicants, whose applications are approved, and the exam halls will be announced
on ERUYOS website from May 8, 2015. Following this date, applicants should print their
Exam Entrance Card from Applicants who do not have the Exam
Entrance Card will not be admitted to take the exam.
4.1. The 2015-ERÜYÖS examination will be held on Monday, May 24, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.
4.2. Applicants should bring their passports, Exam Entrance Cards for the exam to the
examination hall.
4.3. Applicants must bring soft lead pencils, an eraser, and optionally a pencil sharpener with
them; they must not bring cellular phones into the examination hall.
4.4. Following identification check starting at 9.30 a.m., applicants will be admitted to the
examination halls. The exam will start at 10.00 a.m. and will be held in 1 session; therefore
applicants should be ready at least 1 hour before the exam starts.
4.5. ERUYÖS consists of two parts. The first is the “Basic Learning Skills Test,” which will be
prepared and given in four languages including Turkish and English. This test will be a 80
question test including abstract reasoning ability questions, mathematics questions and geometry
questions. This test does not consist of questions from the fields of
Turkish, physics, chemistry, biology, or geography..
4.6. All of the questions in the booklets are multiple-choice, and the applicant is required to select
the right answer from among five alternatives. The applicant should mark the answer sheet
carefully, filling in the alternative of his/her choice. Answers will be counted as incorrect if more
than one choice is marked or if the applicant’s marks overflow the given space for the answer.
4.7. Answers marked anywhere other than on the given answer sheet will not be considered
valid. Answers written on the booklet will be invalid.
4.8. It is against the rules for applicants to talk, cheat or assist others during the examination.
Applicants found disobeying the rules will be disqualified.
4.9. At the end of the examination, applicants, as instructed, will hand in the question booklet with
the answer sheet to the person in charge of the examination hall. The answer sheets of applicants
whose examination results have been declared invalid because they have broken the rules of the
examination or have not returned the necessary documents at the end of the examination will not be
evaluated and an Examination Rsesult Card will not be issued
5.1. ERUYOS Basic Learning Skills Test is scored on a scale of 0-100.
5.2. The raw scores are converted to standard scores, the mean of this is 50 and the standard
deviation is 10
6.1. Examination results will only be published on ERU website
6.2. Applicants will be able to find out their examination results by using their user name and
6.3. Examination Result Cards will be issued for applicants who have taken the ERÜYÖS
provided that their exam is valid. Any applicant who wants to receive an Examination Result
Card can get his/her card from the "YÖS Koordinatörlüğü" personally.
7.1. Information related to Bachelor’s Degree programs is given in Table 1.
7.2. Information related to Associate’s Degree programs is given in Table 2.
7.3. Information related to Bachelor’s Degree programs in which students are placed by an
Aptitude Exam is given in Table 3.
The 2015 Quatas will be announced later.
8.1. The evaluation of the candidates’ applications will be based on the points of the candidates
from the Basic Learning Skills Test. In case of equality of the test points of two applicants from
this test, the younger candidate will be accepted
8.2. An applicant who gets at least 40 points in 2014 from the Basic Learning Skills Test will be
able to make a program preference.
8.3. Applicants can make at most four preferences from the programs given in Table 1, Table 2
and Table 3.
8.4. The applicants who will prefer a program which takes students with an Aptitude Test
should also enter the ERÜYÖS exam. Only applicants who get at least 40 points from the Basic
Learning Skills Test gains right to attend the Aptitude Test. The placement of these applicants will
be upon the results of the Aptitude Test.
8.5. The Aptitude Tests are held on the dates determined by ERU Rectorate and announced on the
academic calendar. The dates are also announced on the units’ web sites. Any applicant not
attending the Aptitude Test will not be placed in a program
8.6. The applicant will be placed in only one program according to his/her scores and order
of his/her preferences by the Foreign Student Office of COMU Student Affairs Department. A list
of alternative candidates will be created in the same manner as the student lists.
8.7. ERU is free to fill or not fill the quotas.
8.8. Even if a student has fulfilled all the application conditions this does not mean that
they will be placed.
9.1. Examination
9.2. The accepted applicants will be informed by a letter sent by the Foreign Student Office of ERU
Student Affairs Department. All necessary information will be included in this letter.
10.1. Each applicant accepted in a ERU program must, no matter his/her score in the Turkish
Language Proficiency Test, comply with the regulations of ERU and submit the required
documents within the stated registration time limits for the academic year 2015-2016.
10.2. Applicants who have gained admission to a ERU program must bring their passports bearing a
student visa to ERU during registration. This visa can be obtained from embassies or consulates
of the Republic of Turkey abroad. The right to study in Turkey is also granted, without a student
visa requirement, to non-citizens, including the holders of the Document for the Use of the Rights
Granted by the Law, No. 5901, who originally had Turkish nationality at birth but, upon the
Turkish Government's approval, have given up their nationality and have been admitted to the
nationality of a foreign state, and have, upon their qualification in the Examination for Foreign
Students, been accepted into a ERU program.
10.3. Vacant quotas will be announced on ERU (and/or related Faculty/ School) website.
Registration to vacant quotas will be coordinated by the Foreign Student Office of the Student
Affairs Department.
10.4.1. The original ERUYÖS Result Card
10.4.2. The original secondary school diploma with a notarized Turkish translation from a
Notary or Turkish Embassy/Consulate abroad
10.4.3. Diploma Equivalency Certificate given by the Turkish Ministry of Education,
10.4.4. Transcripts, showing the names of courses, number of hours per week and grades
received for the courses, approved by the principle of the applicant’s high school with a
notarized Turkish translation approved by a Notary or Turkish Embassy/Consulate abroad
10.4.5. A notarized copy of the applicant’s passport, (ERU Student Affairs Department
within 1 month following registration),
10.4.6. A copy of the Student Visa obtained from embassies or consulates of the Republic
of Turkey abroad,
10.4.7. A copy of the notarized Residence Permit (foreign students must give this
document to
10.4.8. Bank slip (receipt) of tuition fee payment,
10.4.9. 6 photographs,
10.4.10. Report of Medical Board for the applicants accepted to health-related programs
(chest x-rays and accompanying report for Chemistry programs).
10.4.11. For Turkish citizens, declaration of T.C. Identification Number or the copy of
the Identity Card.
10.4.12. For male Turkish citizens, declaration of military service.
10.4.13. For those who have dual citizenship by gaininig a foreign citizenship by birth
and later became also a T.C. citizen, “Vukuatlı Nüfus Kayıt Örneği”
10.4.14. Foreign Language Proficiency Exam Result Card, if any
10.4.15. Turkish Language Proficiency Exam Result Card, if any (Certificates taken from
a n y TÖMER centers of Turkish universities are valid),
11.1. Following registration, for students who have been accepted in a program where the
medium of instruction is Turkish, the date and conditions for the commencement of studies
will be dependent upon the scores obtained on the Turkish Language Proficiency Test.
a) Those who are deemed proficient in Turkish may commence their studies at the beginning
of the academic year (C-Level).
b) Those whose Turkish is considered to be inadequate will be given one year’s leave of absence
in order to acquire proficiency in Turkish (B or A-Level). First, however, the B or A Level
students must register in their respective programs. In order to secure the right to follow their given
studies in the 2015-2016 academic year, these students must demonstrate to COMU that they
have acquired an adequate level of proficiency in Turkish. Failure to submit Proficiency
results will result in an automatic loss of rights of study.
c) The Turkish Exam will be held on Monday, Sep 21, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. in ERSEM.
Note: Information about process of preference, special talent examination dates and
registration calendar of students will be announced on web site later.
: International Bank Number
: Evening Education
: The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
: Erciyes University
: Erciyes University Entrance Examination for Students from
: Republic of Turk