Capacity Building Programmes 2015-16 at ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar for Field Veterinarians, Lab Veterinarians, Livestock Extension Officers, Veterinary Pharmacists, Para-Veterinary Staff, Farmers, Farm Women & Rural Youth S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Topics of Trainings No. of Dura on Expenditure trainees Approx in Rs. TRAININGS FOR VETERINARY OFFICERS Entrepreneurship Development in Livestock 20 08 days 200000 Sector Advances in the management of infer lity in 20 08 days 200000 ca le and buffaloes Modern Livestock Disease Diagnos c Methods 20 08 days 200000 and Innova ve Techniques Precision Dairy Farming 20 08 days 200000 Organic Animal Husbandry 20 08 days 200000 Livestock management and breed improvement 20 08 days 200000 Informa on and Communica on Technology 20 08 days 200000 Applica on Hygienic Meat Produc on 20 08 days 200000 Clinical and lab diagnosis of important bacterial 20 08 days 200000 and fungal diseases of livestock Immunodiagnos c Techniques 20 08 days 200000 Economic losses due to important livestock 20 08 days 200000 diseases Impact assessment of livestock disease control 20 08 days 200000 programme Postmortem & Histopatholoical diagnosis of 20 08 days 200000 important animal diseases Diagnosis and control of some important 20 08 days 200000 parasi c diseases Detec on of mycotoxins and other toxicants 20 08 days 200000 Preparedness for disease outbreaks and way 20 08 days 200000 forward for remedial measures Diagnosis and control of sexually transmi ed 20 08 days 200000 diseases of farm animals Sample collec on, preserva on and dispatch of 20 08 days 200000 samples suspected for various infec ous diseases of animals Mas s Management 20 08 days 200000 Scien fic feeding and management of dairy 20 08 days 200000 animals TRAININGS FOR LIVESTOCK EXTENSION OFFICERS / VETERINARY PHARMACISTS/ PARA-VETERINARY STAFF 1. Entrepreneurship Development in Livestock Sector 20 05 days 120000 2. Advances in the management of infer lity in ca le 20 05 days 120000 and buffalo 3. Modern Livestock Disease Diagnos c Methods and 20 05 days 120000 Innova ve Techniques 4. Precision Dairy Farming 20 05 days 120000 5. Organic Animal Husbandry 20 05 days 120000 6. Livestock management and breed improvement 20 05 days 120000 7. Informa on and Communica on Technology 20 05 days 120000 Applica on 8. Hands on training on importance of vaccina on 20 05 days 120000 against bacterial disease in livestock 9. Record keeping/management 20 05 days 120000 10. Prepara on of bankable project profile for 20 05 days 120000 livestock enterprises 11. Diagnosis and control of some important parasi c 20 05 days 120000 diseases 12. Detec on of mycotoxins and other toxicants 20 05 days 120000 13. Preparedness for disease outbreaks and way 20 05 days 120000 forward for remedial measures 14. Diagnosis and control of sexually transmi ed 20 05 days 120000 diseases of farm animals 15. Sample collec on, preserva on and dispatch of 20 05 days 120000 samples suspected for various infec ous diseases of animals 16. Mas s Management 20 05 days 120000 17. Scien fic feeding and management of dairy 20 05 days 120000 animals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. TRAININGS FOR LIVESTOCK FARMERS, FARM WOMEN & RURAL YOUTH Ms;jh Ik”kqvksa esa LokLF; izcU/ku] uLy lq/kkj ,oa vkgkj izcU/ku 20 05 days 100000 Ms;jh Ik”kqvksa dk oSKkfud izcU/ku 20 05 days 100000 oSSKkfud i}fr }kjk 'kwdj ikyu 20 05 days 100000 oSKkfud nqqX/k O;olk; ds vk;ke 20 05 days 100000 tSfod Ik'kqikyu 20 05 days 100000 lesfdr Ik'kqikyu 20 05 days 100000 tSfod [kkn mRiknu 20 05 days 100000 jkstxkj gsrq i'kqikyu esa m|ferk ds fofHkUu volj 05 days 100000 20 This ins tute can also arrange customized training on any specific area related to animal health & produc on. The Bank Dra for required amount, drawn in favour of ICAR Unit IVRI, Izatnagar payable at Bareilly (UP), may be sent to the following address so that dates of the training programmes may be decided and necessary arrangements may be made well in me. The TA/DA for the par cipants will be borne by the Sponsoring Agency. Joint Director (Extension Educa on) ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Ins tute, Izatnagar- 243 122, Bareilly, U ar Pradesh Email: [email protected] Telefax: 0581-2310259
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