For IRB Approval Stamp SUBJECT INFORMED CONSENT AND RESEARCH AUTHORIZATION DOCUMENT TITLE OF RESEARCH STUDY (Delete any of the first four lines that are not applicable. Answer line five if the IRB number has been assigned. Lines 6-8 must be answered. Delete all instructions in RED shown in this template.) Sponsor assigned number: Industry Contracts number: Grants number: Sponsor(s) name & address: IRB assigned number: Investigator(s) name & address: Site(s) where study is to be conducted: Phone number for subjects to call for questions: [After reading, remove this information section: Researchers are strongly encouraged to register any research that appears to meet the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007 (FDAAA) definition of a Clinical Trial at or the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) definition of a Clinical Trial. If there is any question at all about whether or not a study should be registered, then it should probably be registered. ICMJE journals will consider trials only if registration occurred before the first subject was enrolled (“prospective registration”). The consequence of not registering, if a journal editor thinks the study should have been registered, is refusal by a journal to publish the work. See the document ICMJE Guidelines for Clinical Trial Registration for additional information.] Introduction and Background Information You/Your child (referred to as you in the rest of this document) are invited to take part in a research study because (tell why). The study is being conducted under the direction of (principal investigator/faculty member-list degree) and (Co-PI). Approximately _______ local subjects will be invited to participate. Your participation in this study will last for (give time in days, months, years, or hours). Purpose The purpose of this study is to (include a brief description in lay terms of the scientific purpose of the study. This description should be written so subjects reading at the middle school level can understand the terms.) Procedures Consent version date___________ Page 1 of 14 IRB # : TITLE OF RESEARCH STUDY This needs to be on the top of the second through last page of the consent. (As much as possible, describe in lay terms all study and screening procedures that may be required. Explain which procedures are standard of care and which are experimental (research). If the study involves multiple sessions, estimate the amount of time for each session. State whether hospitalization is required and where the subject will be hospitalized. If the study involves randomization, state that and explain that this process is similar to “flipping a coin”. If questionnaires are used (e.g., Quality of Life), state that the subjects may decline to answer any question that may make them uncomfortable, or, if applicable, which may render them prosecutable under law.) (OPTIONAL (remove entire sentence if not using:) See Appendix _____ (page _____) for the procedures table that gives a timeline of study visits and when study procedures will be done. Potential Risks There are (no-remove unless true) known physical risks linked with ________ (specify study drug(s), device, or procedure(s)). Studies in animals have shown that _______ (include only if there is little or no human risk data). In a tabular form (see table below) list probable and possible physical risks and frequency of occurrence (by percent of occurrence if known) and use a descriptive term such as Very Common (Greater than 10%), Common (Greater than 1% but less than 10%), Uncommon (Greater than 0.1% but less than 1%), Rare (Greater than 0.01% but less than 0.1%). Other terminology such as Frequent, Rare, Infrequent, Very Rare, etc., may be used but the terminology should be consistent with terminology used in the study protocol if different from the current table headings. Describe risks/adverse events in lay terms as much as possible, e.g. heart attack instead of acute coronary syndrome or ACS. Where known, show the frequency of occurrence expressed as a percent (%) for each risk/adverse event. State all medical terminology in lay wording. Remove this instruction. The following table details the known adverse events related to this research and how often they may occur. (Use this table format to report known adverse events; Select the header line you wish to use and delete the other line) Very Common Greater than 10% Common Greater than 1% but less than 10% Very Common Greater than 50% Common Likely Greater than 25% Greater than 10% but but less than 50% less than 25% (%) Uncommon Greater than 0.1% but less than 1% (%) (%) Consent version date___________ Page 2 of 14 Rare Greater than 0.01% but less than 0.1% Infrequent Greater than 1% but less than 10% (%) Very Rare Less than 0.01% Rare Less than 1 % (%) IRB # : TITLE OF RESEARCH STUDY This needs to be on the top of the second through last page of the consent. There may also be other procedures required as part of the study. The risks associated with these procedures are: [list procedures and related risks (e.g., Colonoscopy, described in lay terms) that are part of this study]. (If additional consents for procedures are required, state that the subject may need to sign more than one consent.) (If applicable, include risks of blood draws.) Other possible risks to you may include: (address: psychological, social, economic, and/or legal risks if they are a part of the research). In addition, you may suffer harms that we have not seen before. (If there are no risks to pregnant females or females of child bearing age, you do not need to include any of the following statements in the informed consent.) Possible Pregnancy Risks (If pregnant or nursing women are excluded from the study, include in the protocol and consent a statement supporting the rationale for not including pregnant women). (For studies that involve the use of drugs or procedures with risk(s) to the fetus in females of child bearing potential, choose the most appropriate of the following statements: a. There is evidence of potential for birth defects; or b. Animal studies have shown potential for birth defects and there are no human studies; or c. There are no known animal or human data on the potential for birth defects. You should discuss these risks with your doctor before signing this consent form. If you are pregnant or become pregnant, your unborn child may suffer harms that we have not seen before. If you become pregnant while in this study, the sponsor may ask to follow the outcome of the pregnancy. If you agree to allow the study doctor to follow your pregnancy, you will be asked to read and sign a separate consent form for permission to follow the outcome of your pregnancy for (specify length of time)[Pregnancy Consent template is available on the HSPPO website - remove]. If you are a man taking part in the study and your partner becomes pregnant, the study doctor may ask you to ask your partner for permission to follow her pregnancy. If she agrees, she will be asked to sign a separate consent form mentioned in the previous paragraph. Before starting this research study, females able to have children will have a pregnancy test. Talk to your doctor about the best method of birth control to use while you are in this study (tailor instruction to needs of the study). It is important that you tell (name of person to contact) at (phone number of person to contact) right away if you become pregnant or father a child during Consent version date___________ Page 3 of 14 IRB # : TITLE OF RESEARCH STUDY This needs to be on the top of the second through last page of the consent. the course of this study. <Choose one of the following and delete the other> If you or your partner becomes pregnant, a decision may have to be made whether or not to end the pregnancy. <OR> We do not know the effects of <study drug name> on an unborn baby. There is a risk that your unborn baby could be harmed if you become pregnant during your participation in the study. (If you ask, your study doctor will discuss the possible risks to your unborn child and your options should you become pregnant while in the study.) Research involving genetic information (Remove if the research does not involve genetic testing. If the research involves a separate consent form for genetic testing, include this paragraph in that consent form and remove from this consent) A new Federal law, called the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), generally makes it illegal for health insurance companies, group health plans, and most employers to discriminate against you based on your genetic information. This law generally will protect you in the following ways: 1. Health insurance companies and group health plans may not request your genetic information that we get from this research or use your genetic information when making decisions regarding your eligibility or premiums. 2. Employers with 15 or more employees may not use your genetic information that we get from this research when making a decision to hire, promote, or fire you or when setting the terms of your employment. Employers with 15 or more employees, health insurance companies, and group health plans must follow this law. This new law does not protect you against genetic discrimination by companies that sell life insurance, disability insurance, or long-term care insurance. Benefits The possible benefits of this study include (list any possible benefits for the subject or for future patients. Don’t overstate the potential benefits). <or> The information collected may or may not benefit you directly; however, the information learned in this study may be helpful to others. Alternatives Instead of taking part in this study, you could choose to: [(list alternatives, including choosing not to participate as that is always an alternative.)(If same treatment is available without participating in the study state that the treatment is available without being a part of the study.)] Research Related Injury (Choose one of the following options. If industry sponsored, pick the option that best matches the proposed contract language and remove the other options. You may have to edit some language in the selected paragraph to make an exact fit to the contract language. After you select the best paragraph, remove this instruction as well as the remaining sample paragraphs under Research Related Injury.) (Sponsor pays for injury) Consent version date___________ Page 4 of 14 IRB # : TITLE OF RESEARCH STUDY This needs to be on the top of the second through last page of the consent. If you are injured by being in this research study, the study doctor will arrange for you to get medical treatment. The sponsor will pay for any necessary medical cost related to the treatment of your injury. (Add sentences if sponsor will pay for research related injury) To pay these medical expenses, the sponsor will need to know some information about you like your name, date of birth, and social security number. This is because the sponsor has to check to see if you receive Medicare and, if you do, report the payment it makes to Medicare. The sponsor will not use this information for any other purpose. If you are injured, there is no money set aside for lost wages, discomfort, disability, etc. You do not give up your legal rights by signing this form. If you think you have a research related injury, please call (name of person to contact) at (phone number of person to contact). (Instruction: a. If limiting treatment sites, the investigator must state specifically where the treatment will be provided. b. If the sponsor attaches conditions for paying for the treatment state them, e.g., if the subject has followed all the instructions of the investigator, or if the investigator has followed all the procedures in the research study.) (Sponsor pays what insurance does not pay for injury) [Note: Some affiliated study sites may not allow the use of this option-check with the Research Office in your study site(s)] If you are injured by being in this research study, the study doctor will arrange for you to get medical treatment. Your insurance will be billed for the cost of treatment. The sponsor will pay for any necessary medical cost related to the treatment of your injury due to your taking part in the study and not paid by your insurance or any other payer. (Add sentences if sponsor will pay for research related injury) To pay these medical expenses, the sponsor will need to know some information about you like your name, date of birth, and social security number. This is because the sponsor has to check to see if you receive Medicare and, if you do, report the payment it makes to Medicare. The sponsor will not use this information for any other purpose. If you are injured, there is no money set aside for lost wages, discomfort, disability, etc. You do not give up your legal rights by signing this form. If you think you have a research related injury, please call (name of person to contact) at (phone number of person to contact). (Instruction: a. If limiting treatment sites, the investigator must state specifically where the treatment will be provided. b. If the sponsor attaches conditions for paying for the treatment state them, e.g., if the subject has followed all the instructions of the investigator, or if the investigator has followed all the procedures in the research study, or will pay for whatever your insurance will not cover.) (Sponsor does not pay for injury) If you are injured by being in this research study, the study doctor will arrange for you to get medical treatment. The sponsor, the study site, or your study doctor has not set aside money to pay for treatment of any injury. You and your insurance will be billed for the treatment of these injuries. Before you agree to take part in this research study you should find out whether your insurance will cover an injury in this kind of research. You should talk to the study doctor or staff about this. If you are injured, there is no money set aside for lost wages, discomfort, disability, etc. Consent version date___________ Page 5 of 14 IRB # : TITLE OF RESEARCH STUDY This needs to be on the top of the second through last page of the consent. You do not give up your legal rights by signing this form. If you think you have a research related injury, please call (name of person to contact) at (phone number of person to contact). Compensation You will not be compensated for your time, inconvenience, or expenses while you are in this study. <OR> (If the sentence above applies, remove the paragraph below. If below applies, remove sentence above.) You will be paid (state the form or method of payment; $ in cash, given a $ gift card, other) for your time, inconvenience, or expenses while you are in this study. (If subjects will be compensated, state how much. Payments to study subjects must be pro-rated and distributed equally, if appropriate, or distributed according to time commitment and potential discomfort for each visit.) (The following sentences must be in the consent if subjects are paid.) Because you will be paid to be in this study the University of Louisville must collect your name, address, social security number, ask you to sign a W-9 form, and keep records of how much you are paid. You may or may not be sent a Form 1099 by the University. This will only happen if you are paid more than $600 in one year by the University. We are required by the Internal Revenue Service to collect this information and you may need to report the payment as income on your taxes. This information will be protected and kept secure in the same way that we protect your other private information. If you do not agree to give us this information, we can’t pay you for being in this study. You can still be in the study even if you don’t want to be paid. Cost There will be no additional cost to you for participating. (<or> If there are additional cost, so state, and give approximate amounts and state who pays.) However, you or your insurance company will be billed for all office visits and procedures that are part of routine medical care. It is your responsibility to find out what cost, if any, your insurance company will cover before taking part in the study. Instruction: Do not say there will be no additional cost if the sponsor will not pay for research related injuries or, if insured and the subject is responsible for co-pays or deductibles. If you are injured by the research, there may be additional cost for participating in the research. Otherwise there will be no additional cost to you. (Choose one of the following options. If industry sponsored, pick the option that best matches the proposed contract language and remove the other options. You may have to edit some language in the selected paragraph to make an exact fit to the contract language. After you select the best paragraph, remove this instruction as well as the remaining sample paragraphs under Cost.) If nothing is billed or paid for by the research program Consent version date___________ Page 6 of 14 IRB # : TITLE OF RESEARCH STUDY This needs to be on the top of the second through last page of the consent. You and/or your insurance company will be billed for all of the cost of treating you in this study. Examples include doctor’s office visits, blood tests, x-rays, CT scans, and EKGs that would be done even if you weren’t participating in this study. You will be responsible for paying your co-pay that is associated with any procedures. None of the charges from the doctor’s office or hospital during your participation in this study will be paid for by the research program. Some insurance companies will not pay for treatment cost for people who participate in a research study. You may call your insurance company to find out what they will and will not pay for before participating in this research study. If your insurance company does not pay for your bills associated with this study, you will be responsible for paying them. If nothing is billed to the program but will be paid upon insurance denial. You and/or your insurance company will be billed for all of the cost of treating you in this study. Examples include doctor’s office visits, blood tests, x-rays, CT scans, and EKGs that would be done even if you weren’t participating in this study. You will be responsible for paying your co-pay that is associated with any procedures. Some insurance companies will not pay for treatment cost for people who participate in a research study. You may call your insurance company to find out what they will and will not pay for before participating in this research study. If your insurance company does not pay for your bills associated with this study, please bring them to the research office for payment. If items are split between payers and the sponsor pays for denied claims. You and/or your insurance company will be billed for the cost of treating you in this study. Examples include the doctor’s office visits, blood tests, x-rays, CT scans, and EKGs that would be done even if you weren’t participating in this study. You will be responsible for paying your co-pay that is associated with these normal procedures. Some insurance companies will not pay for treatment cost for people who participate in a research study. You may call your insurance company to find out what they will and will not pay for before participating in this research study. If your insurance company does not pay for your bills associated with this study, please bring them to the research office for payment. You will not be billed for the tests and procedures that are only done for this research study. The charges for these items will be paid for by the research program. They include (name the procedures that are included as a part of the research.) If items are split between payers and the sponsor does not pay for denied claims. You and/or your insurance company will be billed for the cost of treating you in this study. Examples include the doctor’s office visits, blood tests, x-rays, CT scans, and EKGs that would be done even if you weren’t participating in this study. You will be responsible for paying your co-pay that is associated with these normal procedures. Some insurance companies will not pay for treatment cost for people who participate in a research study. You may call your insurance company to find out what they will and will not pay for before participating in this research study. If your insurance company does not pay for your bills associated with this study, you will be responsible for paying them. You will not be billed for the tests and procedures that are only done for this research study. The charges for these items will be paid for by the research program. They include (name the procedures that are included as a part of the research). Consent version date___________ Page 7 of 14 IRB # : TITLE OF RESEARCH STUDY This needs to be on the top of the second through last page of the consent. HIPAA Research Authorization The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) provides federal safeguards for your protected health information (PHI). Examples of PHI are your name, address, and birth date together with your health information. PHI may also include your medical history, results of health exams and lab tests, drugs taken and results of this research study. Your PHI may not be used or shared without your agreement, unless it meets one of the HIPAA exceptions. (Add the following if there are sub-studies with this protocol. If not, delete the following three sentences.) This research has an optional sub-study. If you agree to take part in this substudy you may be asked to sign a separate informed consent and "Research Authorization" form. This allows the use and sharing of your PHI by those listed in the “Research Authorization.” Site(s) where health information about you will be used or shared for this research: In our research, we will look at and may share information about you and your health. Federal law requires that health care providers and researchers protect the privacy and security of health information that identifies you. We may ask for your health information from the following: (Select sites where you may obtain PHI. Delete all other sites. Make this table as small as possible. Remove this instruction.) Affiliated Sites: Non-Affiliated Sites [9] [] Louisville Metro Public Health & Wellness [] [] KY Cabinet for Health & Family Services Seven Counties Services [] Other(s): [] [] [] University of Louisville (Do not remove this check.) Jewish Hospital & St. Mary’s Healthcare Norton Healthcare, Inc., including Kosair Children’s Hospital University of Louisville Hospital/J. Graham Brown Cancer Center University of Louisville Research Foundation (ULRF) Clinical Sites [] [] [] [] [] [] Children & Youth Clinic Dentistry Clinics (Undergraduate DMD; Graduate, Perio, Endo and Ortho; Oral Surgery and GPR at ACB; Faculty Practice, Graduate Pedodontic Clinic) Family Medicine – (Newburg and Cardinal Station; also Geriatrics and Sports Medicine at Cardinal Station) Kidney Disease Program (Dialysis Unit and UL Renal Transport Lab) Neonatal Follow Up Program University Allergy & Immunology Clinic [] [] UL Pathology Flow Cytometry Lab (BCC) UL Pathology Special Procedures Lab [] UL Molecular Pathology Services [] Weisskopf Child Evaluation Center [] [] WINGS Clinic – (ACB) University Health Services (HSC and Belknap) Faculty Practice Group Sites Consent version date___________ Page 8 of 14 IRB # : TITLE OF RESEARCH STUDY This needs to be on the top of the second through last page of the consent. [] [] University Anesthesiology Associates, PSC University Radiological Associates, PSC [] [] [] University Physicians Associates (UPA)/ UPG – Radiology, PSC University Emergency Medicine Associates, PSC University Family Practice Associates, PSC University Physicians Associates (UPA), PSC University Medical Associates, (UMA), PSC University of Louisville Neurosurgical Faculty Group, PLLC University Neurologists, PSC Associates in Dermatology, PLLC University GYN/OB Foundation, Inc. University OB/GYN Associates, PSC Ophthalmological Services, Inc. – Primary Eye Clinic [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Eye Specialists of Louisville, PSC Kentucky Vision Center, Inc. Shea, Tillett, Malkani, Caborn , PSC Orthopedic Trauma Associates, PSC University Pathologists, PSC Louisville Pathology Laboratory Associates, Inc. [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Bone Marrow Transplant, LLC Other: [] [] University Pediatric Gastroenterology, PSC University Pediatrics Foundation, Inc. d/b/a University Child Health Specialists, Inc. (UCHS) University Children’s Infectious Disease Specialists, LLC University Children’s Sleep Specialists, LLC University Children’s Kidney Specialists, LLC University Children’s Sedation Service, LLC University Pediatric Endocrinology, LLC University Pediatric Rheumatology of Kentucky, LLC Neonatal Associates, PSC Pediatric & Perinatal Pathology Associates, PSC Pediatric Cardiology Associates, PSC Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Specialists, PSC Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine, PSC University Psychiatric Foundation, Inc. University Psychiatric Services, PSC University Radiotherapy Associates, PSC University Surgical Associates, PSC University Pediatric Surgery Associates, PSC University Cardiothoracic Surgical Associates, PSC University Urology, PLLC Other: State and federal privacy laws protect your health information. In most cases, health information that identifies you can be used or shared by the research team only if you give your permission by signing this form. If you sign this form your health information will be used and shared to answer the research questions described above and to make sure that the research was done correctly. The time period when information can be used or shared ends when all activities related to this study are completed. Your access to your health information will/will not (choose will or will not) be limited during this study. When the study is over, you will have the right to see your health information related to this research. You do not have to sign this form. If you do not sign this form you may not participate in the study and health information that identifies you will not be shared with the research team. Protected health information (PHI) that will be used or shared for research (Delete all check offs that do not apply) Consent version date___________ Page 9 of 14 IRB # : [] TITLE OF RESEARCH STUDY This needs to be on the top of the second through last page of the consent. Consultation reports Diaries and questionnaires Discharge summaries Specimens Healthcare provider orders [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Records of your operation(s) Medical progress notes Photos, videotapes, or digital or other images Records about the study device Records about the study drug and other drugs you may be taking Other: [] History and physical exams [] Laboratory, x-ray, and other tests (If not looking at any of these below, delete the entire section) [] THE INFORMATION WE MAY LOOK AT OR GATHER FOR THIS RESEARCH MAY INCLUDE: [] HIV / AIDS status Hepatitis infection Sexually transmitted diseases The diagnosis and treatment of a mental health condition Other reportable infectious diseases [] [] [] [] Revocation of Research Authorization You may cancel the permission you have given us to use and share your protected health information at any time. This means you can tell us to stop using and sharing your protected health information. If you cancel your permission: • • • We will stop collecting information about you. You may not withdraw information that we had before you told us to stop. o We may already have used it or shared it. o We may need it to complete the research. Staff may ask your permission to follow-up with you if there is a medical reason to do so. To cancel your permission, you must complete a written “Revocation of Research Authorization” form at the end of this document. A revocation form is attached to this form or you may obtain a copy from your study doctor, designated personnel or from the Human Subjects Protections Program Office website ( Confidentiality Total privacy cannot be guaranteed. We will protect your privacy to the extent permitted by law. If the results from this study are published, your name will not be made public. Once your information leaves our institution, we cannot promise that others will keep it private. [Insert the following four sentences exactly as written if this study is an applicable clinical trial that is published or required by law to be published on Remove all four sentences if this study does not meet the definition of an applicable clinical trial-remove this instruction] A description of this clinical trial will be available on, as required by U.S. Law (remove “as required by U.S. Law” if study is registered because of ICMJE guidelinesdelete this instruction). This Web site will not include information that can identify you. At most, the Web site will include a summary of the results. You can search this Web site at any time. Consent version date___________ Page 10 of 14 IRB # : TITLE OF RESEARCH STUDY This needs to be on the top of the second through last page of the consent. Your information may be shared with the following: • • • • • • • The sponsor and others hired by the sponsor to oversee the research The University of Louisville Institutional Review Board, Human Subjects Protection Program Office, Privacy Office and others involved in research administration at the University People who are responsible for research and HIPAA oversight at the institutions where the research is conducted People responsible for billing, sending and receiving payments related to your participation in the study Government agencies, such as: (List all that apply) o Office for Human Research Protections o Office of Civil Rights o Food and Drug Administration (include only if study involves a drug or device) Data Safety Monitoring Board(s) related to the study (include only if study involves a drug, device, or procedures greater than minimal risk) Others (please specify) Security Your information will be kept private by (describe how the subject information will be protected from disclosure and physically secured, e.g., locked cabinet, encrypted, password protected computer or secured server, limited access, locked area, etc.). Conflict of Interest This study involves a conflict of interest because (Select one of the following three options. Delete the remaining options and instructions prior to submission.) (1) the institution, (2) the investigator or (3) the institution and investigator will be compensated for your participation. If you want to know, please ask the investigator how (Select one of the following three options. Delete the remaining options and instructions prior to submission. This selection should agree with your previous choice.) (1) the institution, (2) the investigator or (3) the institution and investigator will benefit by your participation in the study. Voluntary Participation Taking part in this study is completely voluntary. You may choose not to take part at all. If you decide not to be in this study, you won’t be penalized or lose any benefits for which you qualify. If you decide to be in this study, you may change your mind and stop taking part at any time. If you decide to stop taking part, you won’t be penalized or lose any benefits for which you qualify. You will be told about any new information learned during the study that could affect your decision to continue in the study. Termination Your study doctor has the right to stop this study at any point. Your study doctor may take you out of this study with or without your okay. Reasons why this may occur include: (disclose anticipated circumstances under which the subject’s participation may be terminated by the investigator without regard to the subject’s consent) Consent version date___________ Page 11 of 14 IRB # : TITLE OF RESEARCH STUDY This needs to be on the top of the second through last page of the consent. (Include the following language if there are adverse consequences (physical, social, economic, legal, or psychological) of a participant’s decision to withdraw from the research-if no adverse consequences, delete the following.) If you stop taking part in this study, it could harm you. You may be asked to follow these steps for your own safety: (Describe all procedures for orderly termination of participation.) Participation in Other Research Studies You may/may not (choose one or the other) take part in this study if you are currently in another research study. It is important to let your doctor know if you are in another research study. Contact Persons If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about the research study, please contact (Name and phone number, including area code, of the researcher. This section is mandatory for all studies.) Research Subject’s Rights If you have any questions about your rights as a research subject, you may call the Human Subjects Protection Program Office at (502) 852-5188. You may discuss any questions about your rights as a research subject, in private, with a member of the Institutional Review Board (IRB). You may also call this number if you have other questions about the research, and you cannot reach the study doctor, or want to talk to someone else. The IRB is an independent committee made up of people from the University community, staff of the institutions, as well as people from the community not connected with these institutions. The IRB has reviewed this research study. (Do not state approved. This section is mandatory for all studies.) Concerns and Complaints If you have concerns or complaints about the research or research staff and you do not wish to give your name, you may call the toll free number 1-877-852-1167. This is a 24 hour hot line answered by people who do not work at the University of Louisville. (This section is mandatory for all studies.) Acknowledgment and Signatures This informed consent document is not a contract. This document tells you what will happen during the study if you choose to take part. Your signature indicates that this study has been explained to you, that your questions have been answered, and that you agree to take part in the study. You are not giving up any legal rights to which you are entitled by signing this informed consent document. You will be given a copy of this consent form to keep for your records. (This section is mandatory for all studies.) Do you want your primary care physician notified that you are a subject in this study? Yes No ___________________________________________ ________________________________ Printed Name of Signature of Subject/Legal Representative Date Signed Subject/Legal Representative Consent version date___________ Page 12 of 14 IRB # : TITLE OF RESEARCH STUDY This needs to be on the top of the second through last page of the consent. __________________________________________ Relationship of Legal Representative to Subject ___________________________________________ ________________________________ Printed Name of Person Signature of Person Explaining Date Signed Explaining Consent Form Consent Form (if other than the Investigator) ___________________________________________________________________________ Printed Name of Investigator Signature of Investigator Date Signed (The person who explains the consent must sign this form at the time of consent. If the investigator is not the person explaining the consent form, then the investigator must sign the Informed Consent Document within two weeks of the subject or subject’s legal representative.) LIST OF INVESTIGATORS PHONE NUMBERS (If the research study involves subjects that are children, an “Assent to Participate for Children” is required.) Consent version date___________ Page 13 of 14 HSC Approved 1/1/02 IRB # : TITLE OF RESEARCH STUDY This needs to be on the top of the second through last page of the consent. REVOCATION OF AUTHORIZATION FOR USE AND DISCLOSURE OF YOUR HEALTH INFORMATION FOR RESEARCH Return To: PI Address: (Add PI Address) OR PI Phone: Institutional Review Board MedCenter One, Suite 200 501 E. Broadway Louisville, KY 40202 Title of Study:__________________ __________________ IRB #: ________________ To Whom It May Concern: I would like to discontinue my participation in the research study noted above. I understand that health information already collected will continue to be used as discussed in the Authorization I signed when joining the study. Your options are (choose one): □ Withdraw from Study & Discontinue Authorization: Discontinue my authorization for the future use and disclosure of protected health information. In some instances, the research team may need to use your information even after you discontinue your authorization, for example, to notify you or government agencies of any health or safety concerns that were identified as part of your study participation. □ Withdraw from Study, but Continue Authorization: Allow the research team to continue collecting information from my personal health information. This would be done only as needed to support the goals of the study and would not be used for purposes other than those already described in the research authorization. Do not sign this letter unless you are withdrawing from this research. I understand that I will receive confirmation of this notice. ____________________ Signature of Subject _____ ___ ________ Date Signed ____________________ ___ Signature of Subject Representative (if subject unable to sign) _____ ____________________ Printed Name of Subject OR Subject Representative _____ ________ Date Signed ___ ________ Birthdate of Subject _________________________________________________ Relationship of Legal Representative to Subject ____________________ Address _____ ___ ________ Phone Number Optional: I am ending my participation in this study because: ___________________ ___ _____ ______________ ___________________ ___ _____ ______________ Consent version date___________ Page 14 of 14
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