Interdependence Wednesday: Build Bridges (I-We Day: Build Bridges in 2015) (Wednesday April 8, 2015) Time Period Agenda Items Place 10:00amCampus Organizational Delegates Arrive, get Blank Name tags and Union 10:30am T-Shirts (name tags that hang around the neck) including Org. Name Room 3408 Morning Session: Exploring the “I” 10:30amWelcome to Interdependence Wednesday: Build Bridges (I/We Union 10:45am Day Build Bridges) (Dr. Sherick Hughes) Room 3408 Opening Remarks and Agenda (Acknowledgments to be provided on handout or poster) 10:45amLottery (18 Campus Organizational Leaders including Faculty Union 11:00am Sponsors/Mentors pull from a "Tar Heel Hat" to see what campus org. Room 3408 will be their partner on an I/We Day: Build Bridges service project) Groups will be seated together and remain together for the remainder 11:00amTeams Meet, Greet and Ice-Breaker Union 12:00pm Groups will get to know each other, what they are doing individually. Room 3408 Some potential questions: How and why did your group form? What makes your group unique? What kinds of activities are you already doing on campus? 12:00pmLunch Provided by The Picnic Basket Union 1:00pm Lunch Presentation: Sharing of some Digital Stories Room 3408 (Previously Created by Students of EDUC-508 (2013-2015) - Lunch can be a time to share contact info Afternoon Session: Building the “We” 1:00pmBuilding Bridges Union 1:45pm (1) “Welcome” after lunch – introduce long-term facilitators Room 3408 (2) The why of the project – introduce Tanaka’s work, the theory of building interdependence, how to go from “I” to “We” (3) Students have time to respond in new teams and share out 1:45pmBuilding Bridges on Campus Union 2:30pm (1) Move to campus context: Dr. Taffye Clayton Benson, Room 3408 Associate Vice Chancellor & Chief Diversity Officer will speak (essential question: how does the goal of interdependence fit our campus needs? Is this already happening in a nascent form anywhere on campus? How?) (2) Q&A (or) Students respond in new teams and share out 2:30pmBreak--Snacks from Elmo’s Diner and Alfredo’s Pizza Villa Union 2:45pm Room 3408 2:45pmI/We Day: Build Bridges Service Project Workshop Union 4:15pm (brainstorming, developing PowerPoint) Room 3408 (1) Assistance from I/We Day: Build Bridges Long-term Facilitators (2) I/We Day: Build Bridges service project ideas (5 minute PowerPoint saved and returned to facilitator to be uploaded to new I/We Day: Build Bridges Website) Facilitators check in with Team leaders May, Sep. Nov. Jan. Mar. and report progress on Website in Jan. of 2016 Teams will ultimately present their joint service projects to the Carolina Parents Council and April of 2016 to Chancellor /Provost/Vice Chancellor and all of us via Digital Storytelling I/We: Build Bridges 2016! 4:15pmReading and Signing of the Declaration of Interdependence by all Union 4:45pm Participants (Dr. Hughes) Room 3408 4:45pmReview of the day, Next Steps, Adjourn Union 5:00pm Room 3408
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