MI Bridges Sample Intake Script Hello, my name is ____________________________. I represent ___( ABC Agency)________________. I will be assisting you today with completing Michigan Department of Human Services benefits applications. May I have you first and last name? We will be using an internet-based benefit application system called MI Bridges, so you can access your application at any time and from any computer after you leave here today. Note to Volunteer: Show the applicant the homepage of MI Bridges and ask if they have ever seen or used MI Bridges on their own or with another organization before. Just so you are aware, MI Bridges allows you to apply for multiple public benefits, including food, medical, child care, and energy assistance, non-energy, and cash assistance at the same time. Do you know which benefit applications you would like to complete today? If you are unsure, we will reach a screen that will show the options available. You can apply for one or multiple applications during this session. The amount of time it takes to complete the application will depend on the number of benefits you select and the specifics of your situation. However, it does take less time to complete multiple applications through one submission, then individually applying for each benefit at a later time. Also, you can save your application mid-way through and complete it later on your own or return for a follow-up appointment. You can also check the status of your submitted application, report changes, and recertify your application all on-line. In addition, you will be able to view and print correspondence immediately from MI Bridges rather than waiting to receive a letter in the mail. We can also scan your documentation for verification and upload it directly into the MI Bridges for your convenience. First, in order to access MI Bridges and use all the features on-line, you will need to create a user name and password to apply and check the status of your submissions. I am able to assist you with completing the on-line application. However, I am only a volunteer and not a Department of Human Services (DHS) caseworker. Any issues encountered after submitting your application should be addressed to your DHS caseworker. You will be attesting to the accuracy of the information provided, expected to respond promptly to request from DHS, and to be held responsible for program requirements. Applying for benefits does not guarantee you will receive the benefits. Do you understand this? Would you like to proceed with completing the application with my assistance? Note to Volunteer: If no, provide the applicant with the web address to complete the application themselves at your location or elsewhere. – www.michigan.gov/mibridges If the individual would like to proceed with your assistance, ask the applicant if they have applied for any state benefits before to determine whether the person may already have a case number and/or user name & password for MI Bridges. a. Yes to having a DHS case number, but never applied using MI Bridges – Create a new user name and password through “View My Case” on home page (will need DHS case number or social security number). b. Yes to having a DHS case number and used MI Bridges, but forgot user name and password - Inform client he/she can create up to three different user name and passwords to access existing case through the “View My Case” section of MI Bridges or attempt to retrieve password with secret questions. c. Yes to having applied for benefits before using MI Bridges – Login with existing user name and password. Creation of User Name and Password: Now, I need you to think of a username between 5 to 20 characters long, number and/or letters. It should not include your first or last name, but it should be something you can remember easily. Note to Volunteer: User name may come back as an error, if someone else has already selected the same user name. Have applicant add a number or special character to make unique. Make sure that character that has been added/changed is also written down. Next, decide on a password that is 8 to 20 characters long with letter and/or number. However this is case sensitive, so make sure to write it down exactly as you can remember it. Next you will need to select two secret questions that you can easily remember the answers. Note to Volunteer: Instead of reading all the questions, suggest two questions for them to answer, and enter the response they provide. Then write down the questions and the answers on the client follow-up handout. Your user name and password you will take with you when you will leave here, so you must remember your login information to access your application or case later on. You will have 5 attempts to enter the correct login information before you will be locked out. However, you can create up to three new user name and passwords, as well as, request your password by answering the secret questions.
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