AEEJL.TOg ,. f(,l Jl,'r -rR vtDyur vtTRAN NTGAM LtMtrED Chier Accounh Offi cedtA) _(jdoij{ivi!'8MMi.]dFd,JJd rk /Ftx: o14j 274a26A Wcbsic: $w$.iripurdisconlcom Enaitr caoi 4rjwnt. No.JPD/cAnl. /.MolEst-conr rF. /D SZ? Jaipur.late.l: n lj. o5 r_o ORDER The rollowire."nij:,tes, being srood in oerjr in the Common wijtten Comp.ti,jve Examin.lin held on 22.i2.2013, are hereby appointed in JWNL on t-!r. post of.rJ-. ac.oultart, as probarioner Trainee subj€ct to outcome of sBc s/P ND, 10559/2014 fUed by Sand€€! Ctrcudbary V/s RrryN & oth..s before Hon'hle RiiastlEn Figh Court, Jaipu! on tued .emune.ario! @ Rs. I2OOO/_ .Pdp-es r{e... onh' T"r mor r or d ,, oo"-a ,n ,d oclow aq ".a, trd .te o ".r m. , " 'lou"and L\e rdr . & londr. o, oo.m i/o N rNca *6 ,rii,l .l I r n .0, Th"-pr d (ond, o'\ -Fr. p-',W\- Fpg!n,ioa..Ord-r), once . malor 1. Lb- ,rven betnu,: lnitially, th€se appoir:f,renrs are as "Probarioner-Tsinee' fo. a pcfiod otta. (2) years ad du.inA ilr i,eriod of probatior rraining, they shal be paid fB;d reouneratior a:4. p , 11000/- (Rupees t$€tve thousand onty) per nonth. Aiter iuccessful .omplctoi ot probation trainins period, rhey vid be rf€d i! rhc rc.s,ular pay scale cf J.. Acc.unbnt in running pay Bdd (pB-2) of Rs.93oo33800 wlth cra.le Pay olRs. 3600/ .The period of probatidn tninine not t.r .oun{ad for srdt or annuat srade nrcfenent(s). Howeler, th€ p;od speit as tuobarioner t.inee shall be counred for experlence & ejigtbiliry tor Provided 'hat probationcf trainee, iI any, vho is alrcady in-seruice of JVVN! may ot:.t iithe. for Ired remuneration or €xistin8 pay dd al1 rhe admissilte ruo\a...s helshe :: feceiving p.ior ro joining as probation tra:rc. Jr. A.countant (not the.r.r' band and sradc pay or new arpointmenr), vhichc,.ris It ;*i'":?:T"}"i: :i:fft"'i"':"iffj"[: :"f.,* "xistins pav band md .fl r:""*;:; i: *:1,.* i;r*;*:i# ;hiy*il*i poba";l lhc ,rdrinc p(.ioo dro he penod ol ::lt.l-"]-l::'l 'lrins hau d 2. i;.^.:j'";;.,-* Duanc. rD nodoI-.o. bp co,n.ed fo-c_o, o, Anr u€r cr"de rnoercn.,s, rn-.r o,oL"uoner ucinecs \h.,, be i: .:' ;;.""T;:;.,":t1l' ;":: r ifil lj;, i; :i:""'ci= -il :,i : convevance Arrowance - *v otr'* arr.*,"e(;) 3'il:"ff1f.'"*l'i#::' ii: i:";:;"i:T",i';*ii-' :; ;i,,1 :Lll ;:."=fi ..:': ;:;i.,,lf l,"li"1lii .ae.J Ddr Deam.s .rv. D. A o!4." Horq- p"n. 1.1 "^sp"l,r li'l;fl ii,,i 3_ "l,.Til,'"1J,:1 Scfl €s r ?bov" P ob"Lorer Ir" nre!.c1 op,crrn",ed ar r, Uto" mli.e r' r flr'np o, ov sr.r s on- mo.- *."i.*." onM, .l: " aro-" p,,1,,.r,i".. .an n.trce and/or corloensation .I.rinees s"-rc"" or be rermrnar€d loun.l to have been cormitted '1,,1ffi',1X1:'" -' bv a-hrp ,,-r"i qrhout any t nd of deqc'prion ,s p'ma racic A! trre tine ofjoinins duties, rhe above probarioner Tiain€es, shan have ro .\€ u F . iBond proforma pr,toled c , Appeudix-Ar on \on o lial srrm! I, prpfl wo-fi FslO0 \rFo,a ih..,-. o r .drvu. orJwNL. io, -a,au. g,.,g," "*."".p.,. ,.a",_"! rr,,i llT.:e ol,"xtcL'c F.{d h\ hp uain,rc."ru,.e or.F;o o, t*".,p _1ul. ll,-lll :: 11 dLrng ll.. .,."'.. emprom^nr rt"c pe'iod of hoba'or-Trdr.rB;on. ed ot , ba.ior--rainrng. at"o dunng _J ,r.,,." "rd "h", . )monrh"bI.Lproo sfor"period -{e-drrs _I1 :y:" "".I n"riod- i. rL cx --d\ o roa,hs: bJt In , "se h"/ ,t e ;ot,re. ,.1::"-Djiq-.lm\ \ -hcvill Fn nd ,o rwNL Jremorrmen.q orid h m hp-, r.luo rg hc cxp-n .) :n u-ed bv .\\N- or ,L.t- udinhg rt. .oJonA qrt aaou',! or renunqatjon/sarartr for noiice period subject io ndimih of nrN rlo, dor onrj ,cxr'udnc d - doun ldd l: l:ll 910 , 'R'o* 9'--je."trrg wdy or 'd do daitv Jtowan. - !ndpr rhe Fter'anr rrgxEumJ nd dr dh"r dnour I rio mnJ b. dre o JVVNL. ,og€.n.r wiLh rFrFq .2!o p€r anrum rror lhF dare otdenenJ,o rh. o".€ oIp"yTenr r r4 \ Denod hp above cano,d.,e. iNrgao il'l,t:Tt ) rru: 1.. Lr t:rj.,S rh,ee moaLhs nor .- rr riti,,g ro ne , oTpe,c,. e\ :' Au_horiN. ,rr o b."".n o. rnr, p,o\rs.on U1 ,HL^i. . n .o p"v t}e anou, -y "nJa.e, L of \a ary ro, Lhe nou.e D^.od ldlrns drourt . s Lompcneton to the JWNL. In case oi Eny default, such may be deduared from my money ft:b.a br' fAinerq \vitr f"\- ro brng a ,surra.,ot r lhe emptojer central/st!k Gdehnenr puLrtic o, | undenJ ne o, "iyy ..."-y. ",.,. _ d., .,-,, .,.".,t;*:13,i 3.'1"""jj,"i,,'.i; i::r li: :i'itr t;"t:.',,.,:,i; " "j-"T.'h,. T"::i.',:";f:. or.pxbr.. I rdcn"^inc.hcr.,",j,,..., ^:^.-:"il t_.", :f': :::" trri t ?, en.lo. rd a. Appetrdtx-Bl i,,ili1."."",iij1,f.,ft-"j:'ji.""fffi 8. r .r, ,*"If#,.#Th aq" rhe sJJerJ oord "a i\ 6houdie !;$ed b; T: Jovc qobaLolT ''cineps rI no. a.F"dJ ou,5-:rnB ,hp qJdI cron I enuo | -'eLndp' I rhe ompu.p, ir.ld. ,h" . be ."qLrrpo .o q ri. 'cl ". bl:*, d, d \ in, ompu €r p.or_..n^ d.,.* *o,.u* ,0.,:,n 1:l:1::''n D-r od s. np/sr' ar bF .\rnd.d .irs rod.qi:-d rh. $ax be.eminated:. In period ot oae y^J, dd .r , "; s"ie, d,u.n.xFnded D"-od. hr,/hcr.e .,"s , (j O or HB'. I.e.e .e it,"e .ou,.e,ordL,-d by JucACC .onrror .rdirjp. or h. rrr en orte. .-,.ns..o\€rnm.n. Lnd". or OR Proa -lmrns q\.r{dnr r.ooA, Da.c p-pprrslor an. 1 ompurd so|lr.r. tDDCsl .-, r:fi, r,. o,cr /ed , rd(, n"u"n!t, Lounc cl vocaUonaj Ti€inine Schrme OR liii) Diplo-1a in conpuie. scien.e/Codpurer Applcalons fron a UnirersiLv estalrshed by in India or frcm an insr,tubon recogn zed br rh; '' :,Tlll::l 9*: :' & .*,. t-,\ tiLj OR D'olm' n , i',r.r S!i-n" & .rgine"r rS lrom c Ins!tulon Lec rhp lnted by ,oR co!ernderl por)re,tn. (v) Rajasthd Stare Certiiicate course in tnro.marion Te.hqolo$ (RScrTl ,.-du!rcd bv \ Vdha.""- Open Urr/er1ry, Ko urder , oruo. or R;l.srhan Knoqtedgc Corporanon Limrted. (vr) CIC/CIT lroo IGNOU. lo Ttuv,:rc Ato\"n,. shc b" ,dmi\s otF for o,rma a\ c proba.oncr t ce ,a !h" .e rn "rpqr on.v V .€dgp Aj!.. n " "dmiai\,.". ' and incidenbl cha.,r.. cn th€ basis or txed monthty renuneraticn sh.jl be These Prcbationer Trainees shall bc cove.ed unde. the contriburory Pmvidelr F\rnd Rxles ol JWNL. Thei. conbibution rowa.ds CPF shall b! dcducred as Ti.:;:,lT :i?""i"-';J,'i;'if.'^:;11 1;tttt* il'"T:; nonrJ F-!nch!ion. prov,ded rndr prob" o;"r uajr ":!i rJ*.rny. who .s "". a-.:-ad m,:T F o._J\,., \L ,fa i oe conuru-d @ bp \dryed unofl rh; ip; Femc \hi rqe' s €Dp' cbP h'n/hc' b\ ;"J:."l,11;;,:'..;:::'::s5 ll 'o'| abo,l ProbJrior-ftdr d.q, L roL ove,cd o) nc St A.r, to48, st-t. bp .o\fleJ Lnd.r rhr p, riq ons of Medi-rtcjm Insu;Mc" po.nJ. . ,.,eif The t1 a .e ,i iiii!ri, -H"::1,::;;";ii;:";,ffir.i:i.:;"";a;l; .":i"'.li ,i""'{:J:;J,;;, LlilT ;}." ;;",;i';*ttl;jj: ";*ii_* 'a.Lrrce Dolilr rr" !h-veJ appti o.oi,o ,,:" r," i; :;i!l ro de .q Fost ,ppoi,,."l. t "0. Ti.rneEl '."i ofJr. Accounrdr iprobationer l2 Cov-cg" d rh-, Crcup pp-eonat ,r!.ro-.t In,Lrd,c S herc.v.t .rare-! ro, w.,.h h. pr.nium ".so oc eFndeq rhp\rorp. nrobc lf, *" s,rcL b. as is beinc done i" *"p-t .r _g.; *"J:i.j".* ll 'n- e,o. edlablr ur rnp coDorlys aclorrod"uol f- sde wi]l be ::e::.1'":;1ll ; ;i ;:T$Ill:;;'.i;". i;'"-. T:.",i11.,:.:"*';'; Probatione-r Tminees shau be eligibte for Casuat Lave ot t2 days in a Cal€nde v-rr p), drd lor. pe od oI nd e,"t-ndaryed., cnat b-ad-r,srbF in . , dar ."rF iJ::::f13"":!":'.":;1;Hsl;"J:i'_! ,j':,-1";li.ffi,1 ":?,.*' ;:;it::+'ii:l*il',:,':,"X"'"-dm pL :*:: ;;1,1"; 15 No deplbron a|ofJce shajt be 4Fo.eip1 depukd t^ 16 ::a,r.c" admissible for tr.,nrnA eL ih_ "ppoinrr{. | , s..qc. . to P _orng br tommc d-us . p,ob^4pdico, to : Probztioner Trane. rt, Inc\c oi rhp rand.o-kq. Ar !h. un€ or er |", ee. s t nave ro p.odL.e a Mfdrc, F "i j?ix:.1 e:.1*l:":s"TT,'::u::i i1ll:::,:! :i lfii 1{i-*:'t.:'fi."i; ,,h .rhe cov-,nmq r col."Bpr fd,ns vhi.. rhe ;::::)il.:L";""":'Th:l;: q' Nic -, ii fouad r-,ir. ;::',;;:;iftJ.;,,i;:'.-.r Tn" ;ltX..l: ";il,i" JJI,t",1-.Iii1,li..1] jor du [' drd " t)""1j v. Hotr, .-,. c prooa $np. u. rrpr hdr be "x"ap'"d f'om \ubm' ':a ol 'wNL rppoirhen' r. . jbrrct.o o,od r,,or oI, f er" r-,, .l.l!:i'j"', ii.;il,t.',:l;,,-1Tj"::i" "r r(!F. A..h" ure oI TflT:J .: f"l::. :: l,#:; on,p-ed Dishcr q\fle h4 t€ b"iorg. fdt,iS {h.r .h" dppoinre.,, rde. ro naLr. dxJ \' ,r d \d pted ufoL. dy no . p/inrordlion A F "r r rnrr,eAdd \b i.D^supdbv.V\NL o jle.or (rncd Sup"_.rL€ndprrotpo tr( .s addre$.svel b\ Lh-,rdidarp. ,)., ,feir .n rppr\a ror l_I:-y'lli:, -hplovep rho ,> "t-"ddv rr s-ryi.p oL wNi sfau be cxemprdtrom ve.licarjon oi dre alte.edenii sra I ar 18 The appoinLnent of such p€rcons will sland aubmauc y cancelt€d $,iihout rj\, mu!e/.:.o m"!9, ir rr rio- i s rorno rh. r, J Jr A .our6 o.p thdr r{o, chr!.1 h idr-n ol of a'.er Ot.Ob.2oo.r bL fror c" ter d-t,very. as no,drdjoa.p "1...t have nore born oe etisi!1. iiappointne,rt who than two ciritdren ." r.s:.,0i Jo4dpd_ tha, $e..rd,dare latrg nor- dan ao.t.,d.en, q I, be . rl " aLmbe, ot .1,dren hc \he id. on t6.2OOl, oocs notincrease -.n.. 11 Ihe 20 They caa be eosred at any l)tace uDder the jurisdiction oI JWNL. 2l othe. tern. & conditions of senice will be the sanc as ne emplo-'ees ot JWNL .i similsr car€gory. 22 No.request shall b€.(llertained for trdsfer du.inA the 23 eppo ntmcnt . D.oMs onal and sub ecr to Erilication of desree/marksshc.t oi educationrt/prore,.ionut/h,sn;, qualincation from rhe issuine fhe abovc €ndidabs wilr have to subnit the fotoivins ccrtificates/ documents *ll"r r: \ Jona wur p,orosrd, ,opr"" du.) !- .d,req.d :lr'41or ror o ! c rp.o.d a rh-rimcorjoDrrediq: il cerdli-ie Mdk-shep' orslo.dcryc,toot !)tJ rn wrr F Dd,c or Brft o: be.andrLrare is indi.3r.d (ii) Degres a C".tirrcat." of all Educarionat d<l proiessionar/Hisher rii I qualiiicition, along wijll Mels-sheets otal years/ semesle.s. cer'i1, of cc /r i,r occ Bc sBC or \o1.rpd. y ta)^., a\ jp,. .e... y "-p o". b.L d by rh- .,. -rn,d (omDp-par A rd-oriry or prlc".han Sur- o,,7 lil appliebrel. rrr-" . oI Pn: . l|v Hardiaoped."ra ddF. Vedr dt c-,r fi, ".p ,.ndi.dhr or diqdb rir', ,\eu"o o" tt . o' .-'n"a T;.:., -*"*" (v) (vi) (vr4 (r'iii) .o.o-e.i Udriage Resistration ce.iificate jssued by the con.em€d cohpeteDt Authorii' or Amdavit (if mariedl. In case of a wldow, death cerit.a!€ oi her husbdd. ln a* ;i Divorce€, Dcree or c€fificatc issued by the courr g.aDting In.r'. Isf fljll;i ed. .Jiddqr,€o bnh .,co ",."''" rdop'ed rrd \hrro_"r or f d rrnd"q. .\e,iF ".1 ao (" BoDaidc Resident Certiicate. gf lsp issued by the concerned competenr Authority, if rhe 9:rri.It1g UR/o-Bc/Bc/sBc/sc/sl caregory cddidate is a aonande resid;i or any ("') one or the notined TSP AJea6 ot Rajasurd. o. .onludr at shp p.Dcr wo.Lh Rq. tO duv oJ \olar] Pub-ic fid ro -rmmJ c6.. i! bhd:nC .ou.r Lou ,n fly"Lks."o u; "eri1., voD i6.f ror been i u.fcrfd in r) .rimindt js-. , you hov. oF.a lonv-lred or dv 6minJ , -se is pcnornB agdr\. Jo I Lhe deb. s rodtd b- merlioned An Amdavir 'n the Arfidavit. acordmpl\ cerdficatc, ir you sre d ensling lx4 !yp.l9y19l! DVPNL/PVUNL/J\,^ \l/Av^ \'. JDv\ N o anjvhp.e.n emproyee oi ses\e Ldo.dares .Jreadv ,mpo\ed wr,h coM. Depemprr" DsLr/ AuLonomous Bodi"s tim. bf loining Se^i.e, if ofered appointnenl (zni) An other docuneris as per derails siven in the adve.tjs€ment (n9 (rr'i (xq) stl ad/or .aI Erperience cenificate, jf Epplicable. A Bord {profoma stmporRs.l00/- .i rhe Bond encro*d as A!!6ndlx-A) on Non,Ju.licial issued in the nane otcsndidate. A S!.ety 6J an employee of Centrat/State covemnent/psu on Nonjudicist srdp of Rq t00'-. tProiomd ot Lhf su.p.J en toyd c . Appetrdtx.Bj. Ih" Non uor.l sbmp s.o bF p' --Llr ed jn rhp lrm- of d-p per.on wro.s sisning rhe Sure9 (*ii) Medicri Fitn€ss No 16 a, issued fmm a Do.ror as per c,ndition (winJ Ant€cedeDts/venncation Report issued Superilt€ndent oi police as per coDdition No. 17. 'xixl .4. epb, r urde' om t rdmrinB drd +Anarr rd or c phoroccr .op) ol us /pionoeni oder ,learlv sE.rnA dar "I have gonc rhjouah the Terhs & Conalltlols of my aplotltment as "probattonet TEtnee. or tte post ol Jr, A..ourtant. I h.r undeEtood aU of them and I accelt alt ?:rss and Cordtttons,. (x) An undertakins regdding nor smokine & not .hewin8 Cutka aa_ per willins cmciCltes, ro whom th€ above rerms & conditions of appointment E.e acce!,tabler nay report forjoinins thei. duly ro the onicer jndicatcd agairsr nan€ or ea.h cildidate in the above table on or before o3-06-2ots, rair,s rvhich this offe. or appointment w stand automaticaxy cancetlcd without dy norjc€/informarion. --3\!'E chtef a.couats oficer (IA) Copy to the lolowing for infonation dd neess@ au The chief EnsinetAddl./%nal/Dy. chief E;ei( r. 2. 3. 4. L 6. / a. the secretary (Adm.), JWNL, jai;ui The Chiel personnel Oftce., JWNL. Jaiour. Tne Chlel \. rcunts Oilicer r.M-w&I4/C;nuol), J |ne Acdi. SP(VIG). J\.,/N!, Jalur. The omceron sppcir.t Duw rATRj. JWNL. Jaipur Ine compdy Secr-Luf, JWNL, Jdpu!. The Superintendinr Engineer I, J.VvIt I 9. The TA to MD, JVINL, Jajlur, ro, The S!. Ao/AOlAAo/pRO ( l,JwNL, ll. TrF EF(urik En8intrrte"""*, e,ein*,i;CoS rz. $eftbry {cpFTrust), RRWN!, Jaipur. !3. 'ne r+. The PA o Di (ror lFDd-7r."r,t, .rwNr. .rutp,. JWNL, _. rne con.:r.ed Conuoling OtaLer I is edvis".t ro check in: originl a."*it" * tioned herein aboHt rhe um€ or icceprins dir joinins reporr 06I the cMd date. Th€ photocolt cj the""ts ;irct a .,1 r""i t" ome for re@rd. The Bond ad surev ".'inea on !!": ;toi.iiiaicjal paper of Rs_tO f uocra stbp staDp paDer Rs_ro /- each, (Bond md Surety shourd be duly dgi€d by rhe cadidate m<t surer lespecurely d€tletion of acceptan@ oI rerms & condirions ; appootmston each page), in JWNL on ti.e Pnotostat .opy of the Appointment Order ec Medical Fitness Certficate along witi drec€dents/verihcation reporrs shou d also be reken tom the codidates & b€ send to the Chief AccounB Omc r (IAl, "\iVNL, Jaipu., The ouid be issued by rhe which hel6he betongs. / 15, ), * t" 4PPENDD( S'ND FOR THE JR. ACCOUNTANT TO AE EXECUTED BEFORE POSTMG IN JAJPIIR VIDYTIT YITRAN NIGAM LTD. -. tua ron_trudictal sramp p.per ofI&.1oolj ^ " " -:m;-;" ".d.. tr #,1j,"T:.i, :,1,+,,;": ji r, r;;.ti.;"r.;J:j; ;:,n ; :"1**Jl j*#:- t_*.;.;.i.l,.+;"i;.:""F ";"i:':r ;'*,"" ;;;,iry:l"klt". ri ru1"1llil:riil:*j *i*,##il,n,.:,r9.::x ;.T$.ffi *",1,H,'"-T #"1"r*.:?i *ilili""-i;llilift'F,;*rin$rffi}::dtLt il l,_,}: "l:jl,.l ",:,: :;.:,::r ;; ":#.,:,,i :::,:l *ft *sid;t,ffi *:t* *+$**:ltt" j';;t-' ,ump.3un m rk ^4, or rolownc "' $adus], s. , .}: i:,""T i;I:ir,: :J:::_!; ::r,t. "..,ff l;i": :: ;' ;, ;*i:;r.'ll:..*l :fi ; !i{{#lii ;: ; ",r.* ; ; r :" ;,.m $e;*..;'"***",;it i# *! t.*#T I:?+i; il{$*#*,iiir#htfrithah$;{"Hi:riri*'"H!,f;",,*.**:i.I::r :1 " I:r,'L*^: .''ff '.'ll;:rr :: :: I: l":1"^"i',1' i;,i,T -;,',il ::ll "il'i "i"lii 1u',,,:"+:iri*i,n*:ft"-t'"d,i#f *:i1 ;1 F."i ":tl *o******#*,***{ ^.c.prcdr tur rd @ b.ha,r of rhc J.jru vldrlt vlbe x,sat r'€$dar in ! l@Fou s cadftd -.*"$",iffi,,"lttiiliffiff r S/D/w or shri __- - _- -hn/Ms Age D ar. witrr Crr I. paJ nooauons Trtie, - 1. APPENDTX , B Rerdent ot - nn rhe poqt A A(ou"ttur ;;der No. J"p,, t,,aw, v,t- tu,c* "de Ltdl," ,t.i win-ditismtry r.ithfulty dd b the bes! o, his/ he. by JWNL ad @nducr ;c ;:i:, "ffi ;#.i:: " J "1.i :ll :*,i, towtuds hA/ r.r upeno.s d.l !me berore .. .,Ftetjon rhe.e.f -_+..- , .r r,.n, r'f _a*:i,".'' ;",: ,fli..T::*"i tu\ ".. or m-.o.du..d;aa. L,e abnityu"ddsoG;ihi-"in;; :.r *.t- "ixi:l:#i{*"**;:,*ru#u$*n1r1tik".li"1;*tr*l:: qlt rru€ tne _ryr'Nl iJ-the Eain nS is ro. a pe.iod "rL, ' ffi ,ii,r,gg5"."#.:r:;;i.":' r:.i:t-l :-J ;;; .1, dbdr "i f J'-"s:,#".;#1":;l J il::; .:ff';esJ,ff _.p.u", *c;; b1 n l; ;,.lii ;*#r,. i,n+r"r; :fu rffi .: :;i" *rr,,ilf;r "t i' ' ' ;.;ffi: "/""jijftl: " ,*" r":"rl: ir - ;i'i; l,ill,i:.';l', :J, : :r: i:"" i:",l = j:*#:' :":' due inre.est in the p.obarion ;iiii;' l"':"i :; rainins or oy o!he. baining i"FtHi:i ::" ;:".' ;n;r: ';flr * ;';: rx**::: t:" ;;:.1;t;1:T.:L,i? "'.i,!""Jj"t,;""; :.,h * "*" *" n; --;:..{-!tt""-#; i+it :.;" In esc shri/t{s. reaves the sdic. e":L? 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