JCITMS Prepared by: Mr. Mahmood-ur-Rahman JAUHAR COLLEGE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT SCIENCES GUESS PAPER OF ENGLISH-I (SCIENCE & COMMERCE) FOR THE H.S.C-I EXAMINATION (2015) SEC A: MCQ’S (Solved Last Five Years) 20 Marks 20 Min SECB: SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS 50 Marks 01 Hr 20 Min Answer the following Questions. (Prose, Poem & Novel) PROSE 1. Why does the Writer apply tha Word “terrible" to the first year of Pakistan's history? Pakistan Zindabad 2. State briefly what did the Pakistan Resolution decide? Pakistan Zindabad 3. Why did Kashmir not join Pakistan? Pakistan Zindabad 4. What was the outcome of Jinnah and Gandhi meeting? Pakistan Zindabad 5. What happened to the Birkenhead on 25th February, 1851? Birkenhead Drill 6. Describe the heroic action of the Commander performed after the Birkenhead went down. Birkenhead Drill 7. What would probably have happened if there had been a panic on the ship? Birkenhead Drill 8. What was the legend associated with the Cernogratz Castle? The Wolves Of Cernogratz 9. Explain the Phrases “Jumping To Conclusions “And” The Man in the Street ". Science and Scientist 10. What is meant by “Jumping to Conclusions”? Science and Scientist 11. What does scientist usually mean by scientist and unscientitic work? Science and Scientist 12. Why was The UNO formed? How far is it Successful in establishing Peace in the world? The United Nations 13. What is the function of “The International Bank ''? The United Nations 14. Describe the functions of UNESCO, WHO, UNICEF. The United Nations 15. What is Security Council and what is its function? The United Nations 16. What mistake did the author make when he wrote the Check? My Bank Account 17. Why was there '' a roar of laughter “when the author left the bank”? My Bank Account 18. What Crime had been Committed in Newcastle? The Hostile Witness 19. At what point in the play does the audience realize that Chariton is telling lie in order to throw suspicion on wing. The Hostile Witness 20. Why did Manning never believe that king was the murderer? The Hostile Witness POEM 21. What religious lesson did Coventry Patmore draw from the Incident in '' The Toys ''? The Toys 22. Why did the poet visit his son’s bed room and what did he find? The Toys 23. What happens with an unpatriotic person when he dies? Lines from the Lay of the Last Minstrel 24. Wisdom is a God-gifted thing which could be bestowed upon anyone without education. Support your answer In the light Of the Poem “The Abbot of Canterbury “. The Abbot of Canterbury 25. What were the three intelligent answers given by the Shepherd in the Poem '' " The Abbot of Canterbury ‘‘? The Abbot of Canterbury 26. What happened to Lucy Gray on her way to the town? Lucy Gray 27. Why did Lucy’s father ask her to go to the town? Lucy Gray 28. What message is conveyed in the Poem '' Abu Ben Adhem"? Abu Bin Adhem 29. Describe some of the most outstanding qualities of a happy man, with reference to the poem “The Character of a Happy Life”? The Character of Happy Life 30. Why does wotton’s man pray God and how does he pass his day? The Character of Happy Life 31. What are the merits and demerits of forest life according to Lord Amiens? Under the Greenwood Tree Q.2 Add: B-60, Block-6, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Opp. Gulshan Police Station, Karachi. Ph: 021-34819698, 021-34968600 Web:www.jauharcollege.edu.pk, e-mail:[email protected] join us:www.facebook.com/jcitms JCITMS Prepared by: Mr. Mahmood-ur-Rahman 32. Why the Chief’s did eyes Flash In the poem“The Incident of the French Camp”? The Incident of the French Camp 33. What was the attitude of the young soldier when he came to Napoleon? The Incident of the French Camp 34. What news was brought to Napoleon Bonaparte? How did he react to it? The Incident of the French Camp 35. Briefly describe the beauty of Auburn before it was deserted. The Deserted Village 36. What is the poet’s view on the run of his village? The Deserted Village 37. When did words worth chance to witness the beauty of London city? Sonnet Composed Upon Westminster Bridge 38. ''War is an organized butchery of young boys'' What does Mrs Meldon mean by the statement? The Progress 39. Who was Eddie and how did he die? The Progress 40. What was the opinion of Corrie about Women? The Progress 41. Why does Mrs. Meldon call herself '' a most lonely Woman, Cruelly alone”? The Progress 42. Why does Carrie call his formula "a humanitarian invention”? What did he want to achieve through his invention? The Progress 43. How can you say that Mrs. Meldon is in killing justified? The Progress 44. Why did Henry Corrie expect to revolutionize war? The Progress 45. Why did Albert make an apology to the Count of Monte Cristo and On What account did he refuse to fight a duel? The Count's Revenge 46. What was the basis of hatred between the Count of Morcerf and the Count of Monte Cristo? Count's Revenge 47. Do you think the end of the play ''The Count's Revenge” is justified? State with reasons. The Count's Revenge 48. Why did the Countess of Morcerf go to meet the Count of Monte Cristo? What was the outcome of her visit there? The Count's Revenge 49. How did the Count of Morcerf betray his Country? The Count's Revenge 50. What is an Arab Custom? The Count's Revenge Grammar 1. Articles 3. Verbs 2. Preposition 4. Idioms SEC C: DETAILED ANSWERS QUESTIONS 30 Marks 01 Hr 20 Min Q.3 Letters 1. Letter to the editor about load shading of electric / gas in your city / locality. 2. Letter to the editor expressing your concern over increasing incidents of street crimes / Law & Orders situation in the city / locality / increased strikes in the city / increasing incidents of sectarian violence. 3. Letter to the editor about reckless driving / traffic accident / traffic jam in Karachi. 4. Letter to the editor about in sanitary condition / supply of water in locality / city. OR Stories 1. Pride hath a fall. 2. All that Glitters is not gold. 3. God help those who help themselves. 4. Honesty is the best policy. 5. Greed is a Curse. 6. Unity is strength / United we stand, divided we fall. 7. As you sow, so shall you reap. Add: B-60, Block-6, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Opp. Gulshan Police Station, Karachi. Ph: 021-34819698, 021-34968600 Web:www.jauharcollege.edu.pk, e-mail:[email protected] join us:www.facebook.com/jcitms JCITMS Q.4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Q.5 Q.6 Prepared by: Mr. Mahmood-ur-Rahman Essays Importance of Commerce OR Need of Commerce Education Blessings of Science OR Science is the service of mankind OR Science is the service of humanity A One-day Cricket Match OR An Exciting Moment in my Life OR An Interesting Match OR My Happiest Moment in my Life OR An Exciting Cricket Match OR A Sensational Match OR A Memorable Match A Remarkable Scientific Invention OR An Amazing Scientific Invention Merits & Demerits of Mobile Phones OR Uses and Abuses Mobile Phones OR Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones OR Role of Mobile Phones in our Life Merits & Demerits of Internet OR Uses and Abuses Internet OR Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet OR Role of Internet in our Life Merits & Demerits of Electronic Media OR Uses and Abuses of Electronic Media OR Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Media OR Role of Electronic Media in our Life. Merits & Demerits of Social Media OR Uses and Abuses of Social Media OR Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media OR Role of Social Media in our Life. Character Sketch 1. Prof. Henrie Corie 2. Mrs. Meldon Translate the following sentences into English. (Solved Last Ten Years) PREPARED BY: Mr. Mahmood-ur-Rahman Add: B-60, Block-6, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Opp. Gulshan Police Station, Karachi. Ph: 021-34819698, 021-34968600 Web:www.jauharcollege.edu.pk, e-mail:[email protected] join us:www.facebook.com/jcitms JCITMS Prepared by: Mrs. Nausheen Khursheed Jauhar College of Information Technology & Management Sciences ( 2015)]* * JZ ñZ, ' I-( k%»zb‚ )zŠg Z Ä’ 20 :]* *K ¶À ( ]ÑZÎ! NÑZM ) ( òiÑ)³ Zz 420 :܉z X ,™i]ÑZÎ! NÑZMÆw‚Vv0* —‚ / 50 : ] * *K ¶À ( ]ÑZÎÆ[ Z¿)[z 440 ‚ 1 :܉z X < ô=Å]‚ ½Zsfzgq :( ³ Z ) 2wZÎ X <k , ’x ** »'Æ]‚ ½Z {Š™ ô= :( [) X <k , ’yZÄ»y*Æ]‚ ½Z {Š™ ô= yÎ 0* ú/ ¸ Ôw DZ oè è / ¨ :( ` ) ]** vÆ~È0* Å ` ZzgzÌg / X < ô=Åg ÃZ :3wZÎ ( ìŠñ~[ÂÏgŠBçå) ÷i÷ / ŠgŠ÷zZp / ¸V{vZ‡Z Zi% / ¨ :<k , ’wì~œ / %Æq -Z Ë~sfzgq ðæW / ^Ã** Z6,/ :( ³ Z ) 4wZÎ :<k , ’x ** »² á ÆÄ{Š™É :( [ ) :<k , ’sg ¬¿»² á ÆÄ{Š™É :( ` ) ¤zÅãyÎ / ~t]x / :<k , ’Ü »t òZsfzgq :( ³ Z ) 5wZÎ Ñâ â / :sx ** »'Æy*{Š™É :( [ ) :ssg ¬¿»'Æy*{Š™É :( ` ) ,jzx ³»g Ñ‚(yZ â / ~gzZÕ / ½Å` !*/ X < yÒwVZ;p°Å]q ˜Z ~Ä :6wZÎ U/ 30 :]* *K ¶À —/ B‡ / i/ {g 7Z / ¾I / pŠg / Š§ / \/ ( ]ÑZÎÆ[Z -) `z ‚ 1 :܉z X < {û6, , k ’i§Æg ósfzgq :7wZÎ Š Zi W@· / ò ÂŒzZp / £Zk , +÷e / 2 X < {û6, [|ZƲ á zgq :8wZÎ wD Z / ¸V{vZ‡Z Zi% / ¨ ÷i÷ / PREPARED BY: Mrs. Nausheen Khursheed Add: B-60, Block-6, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Opp. Gulshan Police Station, Karachi. Ph: 021-34819698, 021-34968600 Website: www.jauharcollege.edu.pk, e-mail:[email protected] join us: www.facebook.com/jcitms JCITMS Prepared by: Mrs. Nausheen Khursheed Jauhar College of Information Technology & Management Sciences ( 2015)]* * JZ ñZ, ' I-( k%»zb‚ )]xsZ Ä’ 10 : ] * *K ¶À ( ]ÑZÎ! NÑZM ) ( òiÑ)³ Zz 415 :܉z X ,™i]ÑZÎ! 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Ph: 021-34819698, 021-34968600 Website: www.jauharcollege.edu.pk, e-mail:[email protected] join us: www.facebook.com/jcitms JCITMS Prepared by: Mr. Sajid JAUHAR COLLEGE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT SCIENCES GUESS PAPER OF ACCOUNTING-I FOR THE H.S.C-I EXAMINATION (2015) SEC A: MCQ’S (Solved Last Five Years) 20 Marks 20 Min SECB: SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS 50 Marks 01 Hr 20 Min 1. General Journal 2011-R, 2011-P, 2008, 2007, 2003-P, 2000 2. General Ledgers 2012-P, 2011-R, 2011-P, 2010, 2002-R, 2002-P 3. Special Journals 2012-P, 2012-R, 2011-R, 2006, 2005, 2002-R 4. Bank Reconciliation 2012-P, 2006, 2000 5. Cash Book 2011-P, 2007, 2006, 1994 6. Petty Cash Book 2006, 2002-R 7. Correction of Error 2011-R, 1997 SEC C: DETAILED ANSWERS QUESTIONS 30 Marks 01 Hr 1. Financial Statements 2011-R, 2010, 2003-R 2. Opening/Closing Entries 2011-R, 2010 PREPARED BY: Mr. Sajid Add: B-60, Block-6, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Opp. Gulshan Police Station, Karachi. Ph: 021-34819698, 021-34968600 Web:www.jauharcollege.edu.pk, e-mail:[email protected] join us:www.facebook.com/jcitms JCITMS Prepared by: Mr. M.Ali JAUHAR COLLEGE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT SCIENCES GUESS PAPER OF BUSINESS MATH-I FOR THE H.S.C-I EXAMINATION (2015) SEC A: MCQ’S (Solved Last Five Years) SEC B & C: SHORT & DETAILED ANSWERS QUESTIONS 10 Marks 15 Min 40 Marks 01 Hr 45 Min CHAPTER NO. 1 : (Introduction) 1. Division, Multiplication, Subtraction CHAPTER NO. 2 : (Ratio, Proportion & Percentage) 2. If 8 men are paid Rs. 9600 for 5 days work, what would be the wages of 9 men for 7 days? 3. Question of Selling Price, Cost, Price, Profit. 4. A retailer bought some hat for Rs. 190 each and sold them at 30% profit what was the selling price. CHAPTER NO. 4 : (Functions and their Graphs) 5. Find distance b/w two points (2, 6), (5, 3). 6. Find the slope b/w two points (4, 7), (2, 3). 7. Find the equation of straight line whose slope is -2 and y-intercept 4/5 write the answer in general form. 8. Find the equation of straight line which passes through the point (-2, 3) and (4, 5). 9. Find the slope and y-intercept of the st. line passes through the points (-2, -6). 10. For the quadratic eq. y = 8 – 2x – x2 Determine (a) which way the parabola open (b) The vertex (c) the root 11. Find the Equation of St. Line which has i. x – Intercept = 6 ii. y – Intercept = - 4 12. Find the equation of straight line passing through the point (0, 3) and (5, 2) also find x and y-intercept. CHAPTER NO. 5 : (Linear and Quadratic Equations) 13. Solve the following Equations: 3x + 2 4 x + 5 3x − 8 x−2 1 1 = 16 a) + − b) = − 2 4 8 4 x 4 2x 2 x − 12 3x − 2 2 x − 1 6 x − 1 c) d) −3 = + = x−3 3− x 2 3 3 x−2 x 1 1 1 1 1 e) f) + = + = − 4 3 24 x 4 5 4 x 2 1 1 1 1 1 g) h) − = + = − 3 x −1 x + 3 x b a b 2 x − 10 x−2 2 x − 5 3x + 5 j) i) +3= +4 = + 1 x+4 x−3 x−4 x+4 2 1 1 k) − = x +1 x −1 x+2 CHAPTER NO. 6 : (Binary Numbers) 14. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division a) 1011 + 1110 + 10001 b) 11101 + 10111 + 111011 c) 10100 – 1010 d) 10001 – 1110 Add: B-60, Block-6, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Opp. Gulshan Police Station, Karachi. Ph: 021-34819698, 021-34968600 Web:www.jauharcollege.edu.pk, e-mail:[email protected] join us:www.facebook.com/jcitms JCITMS Prepared by: Mr. M.Ali e) 11010 – 10111 f) 10110 x 1101 g) 1100 x 1110 h) 1100 ÷ 11 i) 110010 ÷ 101 j) 11011 ÷ 10 15. Conversion: a) Decimal to Binary 857, 1234, 270, 639 b) Binary to decimal 111100, 11000, 10110, 1111 16. Perform the following Binary Operations: a) 10111 + 10101 – 10111 b) (1111)2 x (1001)2 – (10011)2 c) (110111)2 x (1011)2 + (11001)2 d) (10100)2 + (11100)2 – (1011)2 (All similar Q of all topics in book + 5 year) CHAPTER NO. 7 : (Matrices and Determinants) 17. Solve the following system of equations by using Cramer’s Rule: a) 2x – 3y = 5 b) 4x – 3y = - 6 c) 4x – 7y = 14 4x – 5y = 11 3x + 5y = -15 x–y=0 d) 3x – y = 1 e) 3x – 9y = 4 x + 2y = 5 2x – 6y = 3 18. Perform Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication. 0 a) If A = [3, 4, 5] B = [-1, 0, -8] C = 1 4 (i) A x C + A x D 4 3 b) If A = , − 1 − 5 2 B= 4 (ii) A x (C + D) 5 − 3 1 C= 2 f) 2x + 5y = 12 x + 3y = 7 − 1 D = 2 − 2 (iii) (A+B) x C 0 0 find (i) AxC (ii) A+B (iii) At-Bt (iv) BtxA 3 4 5 c) If A = 3 4 7 2 2 9 0 6 , B= C= verify that A x (B+C) = A x B + A x C 7 5 1 4 1 − 4 1 d) If A = , find inverse of A and verify that A x A-1 = I 3 − 1 4 − 3 3 7 e) For the matrices A = , B= Find: (i) A x B (ii) 2A x 3Bt 4 2 − 3 − 1 4 f) Show that the matrix is a singular matrix 2 2 8 6 5 3 4 3 PREPARED BY: M. Ali Add: B-60, Block-6, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Opp. Gulshan Police Station, Karachi. Ph: 021-34819698, 021-34968600 Web:www.jauharcollege.edu.pk, e-mail:[email protected] join us:www.facebook.com/jcitms JCITMS Prepared by: Mr. Sajid JAUHAR COLLEGE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT SCIENCES GUESS PAPER OF ECONOMICS-I FOR THE H.S.C-I EXAMINATION (2015) SEC A: MCQ’S (Solved Last Five Years) 15 Marks 15 Min SECB: SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS 40 Marks 01 Hr 40 Min MICRO ECONOMICS 1. Distinguish between microeconomics and macroeconomics. (Ch # 1) 2. Define Production. Name the factors of production. (Ch # 2) 3. Explain the relative importance of factors of production. (Ch # 2) 4. Write the difference between Utility and usefulness. (Ch # 3) 5. Explain price elasticity of demand. (Ch # 4) 6. Write the difference between want and demand. (Ch # 4) 7. Distinguish between stock and supply. (Ch # 5) 8. Explain Law Of Supply. (Ch # 5) 9. Distinguish between demand and supply. (Ch # 5) 10. What are internal and external economics? (Ch # 7) 11. State Laws of Returns. (Ch # 7) 12. What is the difference between Fixed and Variable Cost? (Ch # 8) 13. List the characteristics of perfect competition. (Ch # 9) 14. Distinguish between perfect competition and monopoly. (Ch # 10) 15. Explain Marginal productivity theory. (Ch # 11) MACRO ECONOMICS 16. What is the difference between GDP and GNP? (Ch # 12) 17. What is the impact of Inflation on consumers? (Ch # 13) 18. What are the difficulties of Barter system? (Ch # 13) 19. Write the advantages of paper Money. (Ch # 13) 20. Write the causes of Inflation. (Ch # 13) 21. Distinguish Private Finance and Public Finance. (Ch # 14) 22. Differentiate between direct tax and Indirect tax. (Ch #14) 23. What are the canons of Taxation? (Ch # 14) 24. Explain economic significant of Zakat. (Ch # 14) 25. Name the phases of Business Cycle. Explain any one of them briefly. (Ch # 15) 26. Distinguish between balance of trade and balance of payment. (Ch # 16) 27. Differentiate between the domestic trade and international trade. (Ch # 16) Add: B-60, Block-6, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Opp. Gulshan Police Station, Karachi. Ph: 021-34819698, 021-34968600 Web:www.jauharcollege.edu.pk, e-mail:[email protected] join us:www.facebook.com/jcitms JCITMS SEC C: Prepared by: Mr. Sajid DETAILED ANSWERS QUESTIONS 20 Marks 01 Hr MICRO ECONOMICS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. "Economics is the science of scarcity and choice."Elucidate (Ch # 1) Compare Marshall's and Robins' Definitions of Economics. (Ch # 1) State and explain the silent features of the definition of economics given by professor Marshall. (Ch # 1) What is the importance of the study of economics? (Ch # 1) Explain with the help of a schedule and a diagram the law of Diminishing Marginal Utility. Also mention its assumptions. (Ch # 3) 6. Explain the law of demand with the help of a schedule and a diagram. Also mention its assumptions.(Ch # 4) 7. Explain the law of diminishing marginal Return with the help of a schedule and a diagram. (Ch # 7) 8. Explain with the help of diagrams the equilibrium of the firm under perfect competition in the Short-Run. (Ch # 9) MACRO ECONOMICS 9. Explain the various concepts of National Income and explain in detail any one method of Measuring National Income. (Ch # 12) 10. Define National Income. Write the methods of Measuring National Income. (Ch # 12) 11. Describe the functions of Money in detail. (Ch # 13) 12. Explain Quantity Theory of Money. (Ch # 13) 13. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of direct tax. (Ch # 14) 14. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of International trade. (Ch # 16) 15. What are the causes of disequilibrium in the balance of payments? How to correct it. (Ch # 16) BOOK NAME: Beginners Economics for XI (Sh. Mubarak Ali) PREPARED BY: Mr. Sajid Add: B-60, Block-6, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Opp. Gulshan Police Station, Karachi. Ph: 021-34819698, 021-34968600 Web:www.jauharcollege.edu.pk, e-mail:[email protected] join us:www.facebook.com/jcitms JCITMS Prepared by: Mr. Aqeel JAUHAR COLLEGE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT SCIENCES GUESS PAPER OF P.O.C-I FOR THE H.S.C-I EXAMINATION (2015) SEC A: MCQ’S (Solved Last Five Years) 16 Marks 20 Min SECB: SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS 35 Marks 01 Hr 40 Min 1. Explain the Qualities of a Good businessman. (Ch # 1) 2. Define business, commerce, industry and profession.(Ch # 1) 3. Discuss the problems faced in starting a new business. (Ch # 2) 4. Discuss the merits and demerits of sole proprietorship form business. (Ch # 3) 5. Write the condition of Dissolution Partnership firm. (Ch # 4) 6. Describe advantages and disadvantages of partnership form of business.(Ch # 4) 7. What are the types of partners?(Ch # 4) 8. What is the difference between Memorandum of Association and Article of Association?(Ch # 5) 9. What do you know about the prospectus of the Company? (Ch # 5) 10. Briefly describe the characteristics of Joint Stock Company.(Ch # 5) 11. Write the characteristics of a cooperative society. (Ch # 6) 12. Write the different kind of Retailing.(Ch # 9) 13. What are the characteristics Good Advertisement? (Ch # 15) 14. Write the difference between Advertising and Publicity.(Ch # 15) 15. What are the media of Advertising?(Ch # 15) 16. What are the various kinds of warehousing?(Ch # 15) 17. What are the kinds of Insurance? (Ch # 18) 18. What are the various means of transport common in Pakistan? (Ch # 19) 19. Write the difference b/w Musharka and Modariba. (Ch # 20) 20. Describe the various parts of a business letter. (Ch # 25) SEC C: DETAILED ANSWERS QUESTIONS 24 Marks 01 Hr 1. 2. 3. 4. Define Company. Describe the procedure of incorporation of a Joint Stock Company. (Ch # 5) Explain the services rendered by Wholesalers to Producer/Manufacturer and Retailer.(Ch # 8) Describe the procedure of Export Trade and List the documents used in foreign trade. (Ch # 10) Describe the procedure of Importing goods from a foreign country and List the documents used in this procedure.(Ch # 10) 5. What role is played by Export promotion Bureau in promoting export? Describe its function. (Ch # 12) 6. Explain the functions of the chamber of commerce in Detail. (Ch # 13) 7. Describe the various parts of a Business Letter and explain it with the help of a sketch. Also write the qualities of a good Business Letter.(Ch # 25) BOOK NAME: Principles of Commerce for XI (Prof. M. Amin Khalid) PREPARED BY: Mr. Aqeel Add: B-60, Block-6, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Opp. Gulshan Police Station, Karachi. Ph: 021-34819698, 021-34968600 Web:www.jauharcollege.edu.pk, e-mail:[email protected] join us:www.facebook.com/jcitms
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