Form No. JSEB/ Jharkhand State Electricity Board REQUISITION FORM FOR SUPPLY OF ENERGY (Requisition Form downloaded from the website will also be accepted) (This form is available free of cost) Application fee receipt No. Photograph of the applicant with Signature Date Application No. To, THE ASSISTANT ELECTRICAL ENGINEER ELECTRIC SUPPLY SUB-DIVISION …………………………………………………. …………………………………………………. Sir, I/We hereby require you, in accordance with 43 (I) of the electricity Act’2003, to supply energy for the premises owned/occupied by me/us and situated within the area of supply of the Jharkhand State Electricity Board. I/We further require you to supply me/us with the necessary meter/meters on hire in terms of section 55 of the Electricity Act’2003. I/We agree to give you such security as may be required for the price of the meter/meters, whenever called upon to do so. 1. Particulars of the Applicant/Applicants: Name: Mr. /Mrs. on his own behalf and on behalf of other members of joint family namely Occupations designation Son/Wife/Daughter of Permanent resident of Village/Town P.O. P.S. Dist. Tele. No. E. mail. Aadhaar Card (UID) no. OR 2. a Partnership Firm/ Joint Stock Company duly registered under Indian Partnership Act 1932/ Indian Companies Act, 1956 bearing Registration No of Page 1 of 4 with the Registrar of Firm/ Registrar of joint Stock Companies at in the state of and having its registered office at acting through its namely Mr./Ms. Son/Wife/Daugher of Permanent resident of village/Town P.O. P.S. Dist. ……………………. in the State of & presently residing at Village/Town P.O. …………………………………………… P.S. ……………………………… Tel.No. Dist. . E. mail (Note: Portions not needed should be struck off) 3. Particulars of the premises where supply is required (a) (i) name of the premises, if any (ii) Holding no. (iii) Plot no (iv) Khata no (v) Ward no (vi) Road no (vii) Mohalla (viii)Village (xi) P.O. (x) P.S (xi) Sub Div (xii) Dist (Strike out the words not applicable) (b) Nature of right title, and possession of the Consumer of above given premises (c) Name and address of the owner of the premises, if applicant is not the owner Son/Wife/Daughter of Permanent resident of village/Town P.O. P.S. in the State of Dist. …………………… & presently residing at Village/Town P.O. Dist. P.S. Tel.No. E. mail (Note: Portions not needed should be struck off) (d) Written permission of the Landlord tendered. (Write ‘Yes’ ‘No’ or Not applicable, as the case may be) Page 2 of 4 Note:- (i) Proof of legal occupancy in the form of copies of sale deed or partition deed or succession certificate or power of attorney or lease/rent agreement or allotment order or in case of agricultural connection “Khata Nakal” giving Khesra no. to be submitted with the requisition form. (ii) Photo copy of Aadhaar Card to be submitted with the requisition form. (iii) In case of partnership firm, partnership deed, authorization in the name of the applicant for signing the requisition form and agreement be submitted with the requisition from. (iv) In case of Public and/or Private Limited Company, Memorandum and Articles of Association and Certificate of incorporation together with an authorization in the name of the applicant for signing with the requisition form and the agreement. 4. I/We require Service Connection for – Purpose under tariff 5. The following are my/our requirements. Lamp/Fan/Plugs Description No. Wattage Total wattage Appliances (Heater,Oven,Refrigerater,Cooler, A/c, M/c) Description No Wattage Total wattage Motors HP No. Total HP (In case the space is insufficient, please attach details on separate sheet) Total connected load applied for …………………………… KW/HP/KVA 6. 7. (A) This requisition is for: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. A new service connection Temporary Service connection Shifting of service connection no. An extension of any existing installation from service no. Seasonal connection A reconnection of Service No……………………………………………………………… change of name from Service connection no h. Enhancement/Reduction of load of service no……………….. from ………………… KW/HP/KVA to KW/H/P/KVA i. Change of tariff from………………… to ………………………. j. A sub service from the existing service no.…………………………………. (B) a. Particular of previous connection, if any, to the premises described earlier……………… b. Relationship with previous consumers………………………… c. Whether the applicant undertakes to clear the past liability on the previous connection in the premises……………………………………. d. The system of wiring will be Page 3 of 4 e. The wiring will be carried out by: Name Address f. Whether the applicant wants to carryout the works of laying service line and/or dedicated distribution facility for the electricity supply requisitioned Applicant’s Signature and his Present address Dated the………Day of…………200….. NOTE: (1) The applicant is requested to complete the clause referring to this requisition and to strike out the clauses which are not applicable to him/ her. (2) Under provision of law, the Board shall not be bound to comply with any such requisition unless and until the person making it. (a) Within fifteen days after the service on him by the Board of notice in writing in this behalf, complies with the provisions laid down in the electricity supply code 2005 and tender to the Board a written contract in approved form duly executed and with sufficient security binding himself to take supply of energy for not less than two years to such amount as will assure to the Board at the current rates charged by it an actual revenue not exceeding 15 percent of the Cost of the service line required to comply with their requisition, and (b) If required by the Board so to do pays to the Board the cost of so much of any service line as may be laid down or placed for the purpose of the supply upon the property in respect of which the requisition is made and of so much of any service line as it may be necessary for the said purpose to lay down or place beyond one hundred feet from the Board’s distributing mains, although not on that property. DECLARATION 1. I/We hereby declare that I/We desire to have and agree with the Board to make supply of energy for the above mentioned purpose for a period of not less than two years from the date of commencement of the supply and to be bound by the Provisions and Rules made under the Electricity Act, 2003 and by the appropriate tariffs applicable to me/us and conditions of supply as are from time to time inforce. 2. I/We further hereby agree to pay every sum that may become due from me/us for the energy or other charges of the Board to the officer authorized by the Board to receive it and in event of non-payment of the said sum, it shall be recoverable from me/us as public demand under the Bihar and Orissa Public Demand Recovery Act’1944. 3. I//We further agree that no unauthorized addition/alternation to the equipment or unauthorized use of electricity will be carried out by me/us. 4. I/We undertake to intimate the Board, as per the provisions in the electricity supply code-2005, whenever I/We intend to vacate the premises for which the electric connection is being taken. (Affix Stamp) Applicant’s Signature Page 4 of 4
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