TThhee MMoosstt Ho Hollyy TTrri ni ni ti tyy Scripture Readings Deuteronomy 4: 32-34, 39-40 Romans 8: 14-17 Matthew 28: 16-20 Music 9:30 am, 11:00 am, & 7:30 pm Gathering #567 Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! Psalm Response “Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own.” Gifts Preparation #566 O God, Almighty Father Communion #681 We Remember Recessional #769 Go Make of All Disciples The texts of the Mass responses, the Gloria and Creed, can be found in the front covers of the worship aids. May 31, 2015 May 31, 2015 OUR NEW ORLEANS ARCHDIOCESE FAMILY PRAYER Loving and Faithful God, through the years the people of our archdiocese have appreciated the prayers and love of Our Lady of Prompt Succor in times of war, disaster, epidemic and illness. We come to you, Father, with Mary our Mother, and ask you to help us in the battle of today against violence, murder and racism. We implore you to give us your wisdom that we may build a community founded on the values of Jesus, which gives respect to the life and dignity of all people. Bless parents that they may form their children in faith. Bless and protect our youth that they may be peacemakers of our time. Give consolation to those who have lost loved ones through violence. Hear our prayer and give us the perseverance to be a voice for life and human dignity in our community. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us. Mother Henriette Delille, pray for us that we may be a holy family. I M M A CU L AT E C O N C E P T IO N P AR I S H Immaculate Conception Jesuit Church 130 Baronne Street New Orleans, LA 70112 (504) 529-1477 / fax: (504) 524-0155 STAFF Rev. Frank Reale, S.J., Pastor (ext. 243) ([email protected]) Rev. Daniel J. Tesvich, S.J. Parochial Vicar (ext. 222) ([email protected]) Cathy Brown, Executive Assistant (ext. 223) Julie Vanderbrook, Wedding Coordinator Paul Wattigny, Organist & Choirmaster JESUITS IN RESIDENCE Bro. Larry Huck, S.J. Mr. Jason LaLonde, S.J. INFORMATION CONTACTS Religious Education & Faith Formation Baptisms & Funerals: 529-1477 x 224 Weddings (Julie Vanderbrook): 504-442-2622 MASSES Monday-Friday: 7:30 am, Noon Saturday: 8 am, 4 pm (Sunday Vigil) Sunday: 8 am, 9:30 am, 11 am, 7:30 pm CONFESSIONS Monday-Friday: Saturday: Sunday: DEVOTIONS Tuesday: Friday: First Friday: Sunday: CHURCH TOURS 11-11:50 am 3:15-3:50 pm 7-7:25 pm at Masses at Masses 12:30 pm 12:40 pm Perpetual Help Novena Sacred Heart Novena Benediction Stations of the Cross & Rosary 8-11:45 am Adoration & Benediction at Masses Sacred Heart Novena 12:30 pm Stations of the Cross & Rosary 9 am Rosary 7 pm Adoration, Rosary, & Benediction 3:15 pm Saturdays NEW ORLEANS, LA WEEKLY REFLECTION Holy Trinity There are many who are confused by the doctrine of the Trinity. Three divine Persons in one divine Being can seem to some to be a maddening divine math problem that we are called to figure out if we want to know who God is. Although it is true that Trinitarian theology can be quite complicated, on this Trinity Sunday I think it best to focus on two realities that help us understand the importance of this foundational Christian doctrine. First, another way to say that God is Trinity is to say that God is love. Not just that God has love or is loving, but that He is love. In other words, God is not merely a static monolith but a communion of love consisting of a Lover (Father), Beloved (Son), and the Love they share (Holy Spirit). And because this love of Father, Son, and Spirit is the very essence of the divine nature, all God is really and truly one. This claim is utterly unique to Christianity and enormously comforting. Through Christ’s revelation of God’s very essence, we know that at the heart of all reality is not some merely vague force (like in Star Wars), nor some distant and inactive deity (as in other monotheistic understandings) but rather a communion of divine love so intense that the divine love overflows into our creation and redemption. Second, the doctrine of the Trinity reminds us of what we are doing every time we make the Sign of the Cross. We are reminded that our redemption in Christ is a work not just of Christ Himself but of all three Persons of the Trinity. We are reminded that it was the Father who sent His Son down into the depths of our sinful world in order to bring us up out of darkness into the unity of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit who unites us to God and to one another. When we reflect on this we see we have a great privilege in that we not only can pray to God but also in God. Through the revelation of the Trinity we see that God does not merely wish to forgive us and love us from a distance but from within humanity. Thus God ultimately wishes all humanity to be drawn truly and substantially into the communion of divine love He has enjoyed from all eternity. This isn’t a math problem to be figured out but a mystery to be passionately accepted. Fr. Danny Tesvich, S.J. T H E M O S T H O L Y T R I N IT Y M A Y 31 , 2 0 1 5 WELCOME We welcome priests from Jesuit High School who are helping with Masses this weekend while Father Reale is in St. Louis visiting family. They will also be helping next weekend while Fr. Reale is attending meetings at Loyola University here in New Orleans. DID YOU NOTICE? … that with the conclusion of the Easter Season last Sunday, Pentecost, the Paschal Candle has been moved from the sanctuary to its more usual location near the baptismal font where it will be lit when baptisms and funerals are celebrated. VISITING IMMACULATE CONCEPTION? Welcome! We are happy you are with us. If you would like to read about the art and architecture of our historic building, we invite you to consult the brochure found at the back of the church. And if you are here for the 8:00 a.m. or 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass, please join us afterwards for coffee and donuts in our parish hall. DON’T FORGET… A 30-minute docent-led tour of our church takes place every Saturday beginning at 3:15 p.m. NOVENA TO THE SACRED HEART In anticipation of the Feast of the Sacred Heart, we will be celebrating a Novena from June 4-12. The text of the novena prayer, which can be used in private devotion and which will also be used at our daily Masses, appears later in this bulletin. FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION Join us this Friday, June 5, for First Friday exposition and adoration beginning immediately after the 7:30 a.m. Mass and concluding with benediction at 11:50 a.m., right before the Noon Mass. This is a great opportunity to pray explicitly for the needs of our parishioners and of others listed in our prayer lists. DAY OF PRAYER & FASTING The Bishops of Louisiana have designated Friday, June 5 as a day of prayer and fasting for protection during the upcoming hurricane season. BAPTISMS We celebrate, and continue to pray for, those infants baptized in our church in May: Lucia Isabel Osteicoechea, Molly McCormack Bankston, Griffin Edward Persand, John Xavier Renne, Ireland Reese Burke, James Ross Bland, and Sophia Alexis Ebrahim. Baptisms usually occur on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at noon, although other times can be arranged. Also, we hold a monthly baptism preparation class for parents and godparents. The next class is scheduled for June 11 at 5:00 p.m. in the parish rectory. For more information, or to register, please contact the parish office. DATES TO KEEP IN MIND… June 5 First Friday Adoration Friday 8:00 am - noon June 11 Altar Society Church Cleaning Thursday 8:00-10:00 am June 11 Baptism Preparation Class Thursday 5:00 pm / Parish Rectory June 12 Feast of the Sacred Heart Friday June 15 Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Monday 5:00 pm / Parish Rectory JESUIT ORDINATIONS Eight members of the Central and Southern Province of the Society of Jesus (i.e. the Jesuit province created a year ago by the merging of the former Missouri and New Orleans provinces) will be ordained to the priesthood at a Mass taking place at Saint Joseph Church (Tulane Avenue) at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 13. They are: Carlos D. Esparza SJ, Vincent A. Giacabazi SJ, Randall Gibbens SJ, Joseph Hill SJ, John Nugent SJ, Ronald O’Dwyer SJ, Quang Tran SJ and José Ruiz-Andujo SJ. Many of these men will be celebrating their “first Mass” at our parish liturgies on Sunday, the 14th. Please keep them in your prayers. PLEASE CONSIDER … … serving our parish as an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion. Additional ministers are needed for the 7:30 p.m. Sunday Mass, although there are opportunities to serve at other Masses as well. To do so, the Archdiocese requires participation in a training workshop, the next of which will take place on Saturday, July 11 (9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.) at Our Lady of the Rosary (3368 Esplanade Avenue). If interested, please contact Fr. Reale soon. Workshop spaces are limited. I M M A CU L AT E C O N C E P T IO N P AR I S H N E W O R L E AN S , L A A PRAYER LIST Your prayers are asked for the following individuals who are facing illness or other life challenges. Francoise Benton Kirk Bernard Ronnie Bourgeois Olga Deegan Brown Rena Cantrell Dr. Keith Collins L. J. Falgout, Jr. Raymond Fitzgerald SJ John Garrity Dr. A. J. Giorlando Jimmy Godbery Bonnie Torres Gurtner Tommy Gurtner Sean Hallligan Philip Henriquez Patrick Hughes Celeste Landry Genevieve Lewis Kody McCord Cindy Migliore John Odinet Paul Osterle SJ Maureen Poche Shelly Raynal Herb Sayas Shirley Schnyder Sharon Sciavico Charles & Evelyn Sumrall Olivia Sumrall Carl & Janette Todd Ellen Waller Imelda Ward Joseph Waguespack II Gerald A. Wilson Dana Jones Woodcock EACH MASS IS OFFERED FOR THE INTENTIONS OF ALL PRESENT & FOR THE FOLLOWING: Saturday, May 30 8:00 am 4:00 pm The Honorable John Volz † Ruth McCarty † Jackie Cambre † Myra Kihnel † Lillian Bagnoli † Sunday, May 31 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 7:30 pm IN MEMORY May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. John “Buddy” Curry, Jr. † Intention of Celebrating Priest Mass for the People Lillian Bagnoli † Robert “Bob” Foret † Tommy Pritchett † JoAnn Waddell Barthé † Monday, June 1 Norma Bair † Kenneth Barnes † Marlene Barnes † Robert Barnes † Curtis Binder † Ronald Bourg † Wayne Breen, MD † William W. Brink, Jr. † Musette Mary Buckley † Randolph I. Butler, Sr. † Jack A. Chaney † Nick Cimo † Harold Clavier † John Conners † Brandon Courtney † John Edward Curry, Jr. † Billy Dwyer † Glen Derbes Eagan † Amelia Degan Formigue † Keith Gee † Celo Belou Geheeb † Ellen Isabel Geheeb † Ron Grampa † Patricia Grass † Bill Habighorst † Betty Ridley Hammer † Bruce R. Hoefer, Sr. † Marilou Marshall Hogeboom † James Ignatius Hymel, Jr. † Dr. Chukwuka Ilombu † Gerard F. Johnson † Margaret Kiper Johnson † Margie Jones † Thelma Grass Kelly † Joseph Michael Marques † Rita Cruthirds McCue † Mary Ann Moon † James Mulkey † Toddy Nathansen † Dan Ness † John Noto † Lynn Ott † Althea Ulmer Ovella † Kaitlyn Pittfield † Thomas Redmon † Carmella Fernandez Robert † Leo Rodrigue, Sr. † James Schiro † Joseph Schmidt † Jean Slaten † Anne Sullivan † Michael Tofani † Thomas J. Ward † Katherine Webb † Treasure Williams † WEDDING BANNS Please keep in your prayers those who in the coming weeks will be united in the Sacrament of Matrimony at Immaculate Conception Jesuit Church. June 5/6, 2015 Michelle May & Sean Brennan Mary Silverberg & James Barrios Irma Navarro & Jason Brown Claire Moore & Michael Cusimano June 12/13, 2015 Caroline Brady & Ryan Bozant Emily Trocquet & Rene Pastorek Elizabeth Antoon & Christopher Martin 7:30 am Noon The Honorable John Volz † Lillian Bagnoli † Tuesday, June 2 7:30 am Noon Paul & Anthony Szantyr † Ruth McCarty † Wednesday, June 3 7:30 am Noon Lillian Bagnoli † Michelle Abadie Mahaffey † Thursday, June 4 7:30 am Noon Deborah Daly † Victor E. Babin, Jr. † Friday, June 5 7:30 am Noon Melba & Peter Zanett † Doris Bordelon † Saturday, June 6 8:00 am 4:00 pm The Honorable John Volz † Apatini Family Tommy Pritchett † JoAnn Waddell Barthé † Mr. & Mrs. LeDoux R. Provosty † WEDDING BANNS June 19/20, 2015 Marguerite Bruns & Blase Connick Brookelynn Russey & Russell Trahan III Laura Rabito & Ethan Oddo Tabitha Eusea & Mark Grillo, Jr. HOLY FATHER’S JUNE PRAYER INTENTIONS Immigrants and Refugees: That immigrants and refugees may find welcome and respect in the countries to which they come. Vocations: That the personal encounter with Jesus may arouse in many young people the desire to offer their own lives in priesthood or consecrated life. A NOVENA PRAYER IN HONOR OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS Lord Jesus Christ, your heart was moved with love for the men and women who came to you for help in their need. You healed the sick, you fed the hungry, you forgave sinners, you cried over the city of Jerusalem. Above all, you showed others the way to true happiness, for you are the Way, the Truth and the Life. Lord, your heart is still moved by the needs of your people. Open our hearts to hear your word, to accept your love, and to respond to your call. In particular, I beg you to grant me the favor I ask during this novena [pause, and silently make your request], provided that it will contribute to my own eternal good and to the building up of your Kingdom of justice, peace and love here on earth. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you. T H E M O S T H O L Y T R I N IT Y COLLECTIONS (May 18-24, 2015) Sunday: $ 7,803.00 2nd Collection (Peter’s Pence): $ 1,529.00 Weekdays: $ 486.00 ONLINE PARISHIONER REGISTRATION & GIVING We invite you to register as a member of our parish family. To do so, log on to and click the “I’m New” and “To the Parish” tabs, or contact the parish office. Also, follow Immaculate Conception Parish on Facebook by logging onto and entering Immaculate Conception Jesuit Church and “Like” us. In reflecting upon your support of the parish, please consider online giving, a quick and easy way to do your part to foster the life and ministry of Immaculate Conception. We thank all those who have fulfilled their Legacy Campaign pledges, as well as those who continue to fulfill their Legacy commitment by making their outstanding pledge payments. MAY 31, 2015 PARKING at 220 O’Keefe For registered Immaculate Conception parishioners, parking at a reduced fee of $2.00 for a 3-hour period is available in the CENTRAL PARKING GARAGE at 220 O’Keefe, next to the Quality Inn, near the corner of O’Keefe and Common. The garage is open to parishioners on Sunday mornings beginning around 7 o’clock, and then again beginning around 6 p.m. To get the reduced rate, you must use a magnetic voucher card available for purchase in the parish office, Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. To take advantage of the reduced rate, enter the garage from O’Keefe, and take a ticket from the auto attendant. KEEP YOUR TICKET. When you exit the garage, you will need to insert both that ticket and the voucher. Difficulties? The Central Parking emergency number is 504-655-3204. Questions? Please contact Cathy Brown at 529-1477, ext. 223 or Father Reale at ext. 243.
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