HOLY FAMILY SUNDAY MASS & SERVICE SCHEDULE A REMINDER that Mass intentions can be booked for the daily Masses on Monday - Wednesday at 12:00 Noon along with the weekend Masses. These Masses can be said for reasons other than the death of a loved one such as birthdays and anniversaries. Call the parish office to schedule. SATURDAY, December 27 4:30 PM MASS-ANNA & FRANCIS ASHMORE and ELSPETH ASHMORE req. by the Family SUNDAY, December 28 8:30 AM MASS-PARISHIONERS 10:45 AM MASS-JAMES HALL. JR. req. by the Hall Family December 28, 2014 Weekly Offertory Goal - $ 3,900 Last Week's Actual - $ 2,900 Thank you. We are keeping up with technology! Our parish provides Online Giving as an electronic tool for contributions so you can give via the Internet. Online Giving helps you maintain your giving even if you cannot be here at Mass. This also helps the parish streamline our cash flow, especially during bad weather or vacation times. You can go to our parish website at http://stbernardschurch.org. to get started today. MONDAY, December 29 (5th Day in Octave of Nativity) 12:00 PM MASS-PARISHIONERS PARISH WEB SITE – Check out our website at http://stbernardschurch.org. Church’s email address: [email protected] TUESDAY, December 30 (6th Day in Octave of Nativity) 12:00 PM MASS-PARISHIONERS Father's email: [email protected] WEDNESDAY, Dec. 31 (7th Day in Octave of Nativity) 12:00 PM MASS-PARISHIONERS 5:00 PM MASS-PARISHIONERS Solemnity of Mary Solemnity of Mary THURSDAY, January 1 12:00 PM MASS-PARISHIONERS SATURDAY, January 3 4:30 PM MASS-PAUL BISSON req. by Lorraine Goss SUNDAY, January 4 8:30 AM MASS-JOE HALL req. by Wife, Thelma 10:45 AM MASS-GILBERT BOUCHARD req. by the Palacio Family 6:00 PM MASS-PARISHIONERS Do you know that you can have the SANCTUARY CANDLE burn for a full week in memory of your loved one or for a special intention? Your intention can be scheduled if you call the parish Dear Parishioners, St. Bernard’s invites anyone who would like prayers to please contact our prayer chain by calling the parish office at 860-658-5142 or e-mail with their prayer request to [email protected]. If you are not comfortable leaving a last name, leave only the first name and a simple request i.e. “Please pray for healing from cancer for John.” We will pray for 10 days unless the request is called or e-mailed in again. If interested in praying for intentions please call Mary, 860-653-7354 or the parish office, 860-658-5142. If you have received an answer to your prayer request as a result of prayer from St. Bernard’s prayer chain, would you please consider letting us know so that we can be encouraged and share your joy. Thank you. THE PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED THIS THURSDAY, JANUARY 1 IN OBSERVANCE OF THE NEW YEARS HOLIDAY. VALLEY CATHOLIC CREDIT UNION For the week of New Years: OPEN Tuesday, December 30 from 68PM - CLOSED Friday, January 2. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SHELTER DONATIONS Gift Presenters for Next Week January 3 - 4:30 PM Mass: TBA January 4 - 8:30 AM Mass: Hall Family 10:45 AM Mass: Palacio Family 6:00 PM Mass: TBA can be placed in the box in the vestibule of the church. Some suggestions: dish detergent, laundry detergent, bathroom cleaners, sponges, mop, dusters, toilet brushes, and toiletries such as hand soap, shampoo, toothbrushes & tooth paste. - From From Fr. Jay - TEEN SCENE 9th & 10th graders will follow their regular class schedule this week. Dear Parishioners, Happy New Year! I look forward to the new opportunities and challenges of the new year... Many of us make New Year's Resolutions (which last for about 3 weeks). Pope Francis has offered some suggestions to make our new year one of more HAPPINESS. After all, isn't that what we all want? Here are his "secrets" to HAPPINESS: 1. LIVE AND LET LIVE...spend more time on our own spiritual growth, less trying to control others. 2. BE MORE GIVING TO OTHERS... 3. BE KINDER AND PROCEED MORE CALMLY. 4. DEVELOP A HEALTHY SENSE OF LEISURE...pay more attention to family and friends... 5. MAKE SUNDAY A HOLY DAY...Let Sundays be truly a day of rest... 6. CREATE JOBS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE...make our young people more responsible by giving them meaningful "jobs" within the family. 7. RESPECT AND TAKE CARE OF NATURE...we are stewards of God's creation...let us make a better effort to preserve and protect it... 8. STOP BEING NEGATIVE...constant complaining, biting criticism, back-stabbing and gossip are like poisons that kill happiness... 9. RESPECT OTHERS' BELIEFS...be more tolerant of others' opinions and values... 10. WORK FOR PEACE...peace is always proactive...don't always expect others to make it happen... Pope Francis offers a blueprint for happiness based on the Gospels. Let us all pay more attention to the Word of God...take the message of each reading to heart and practice it in our own lives each day... May each day of the New Year bring HEALTH AND HAPPINESS to all in our parish family. In Christ, Fr. Jay Annual Roe v. Wade March for Life - Parishioners are invited to join in the uplifting annual Pro-Life March on Washington, DC, on Jan. 21-22. Bus departs from Holy Apostles College, 33 Prospect Hill Rd., Cromwell, on Jan. 21 at 10:00 PM. Arrival in DC is 6:00 AM. Following are a rally at noon, and the March at 2:00 PM. Departure is 4:00 PM on Jan. 22; cost is $50 for adults, $20 for high school and college students. To go on the bus waiting list, please call Dale Noble, 1-323-893-6623, or for alternate plans, call the Pro-Life Ministry for the Archdiocese of Hartford, 203-639-0833 or 203-238-1441. “You saw me before I was born.” – Psalm 139-16. STEUBENVILLE EAST FUNDRAISING MEETING will be held on Sunday, January 4th in the church hall right after the 10:45 Mass. This will be the ONLY organizing meeting to set up the Super Bowl Sunday Grinder Sale, the major Steubenville Fundraiser. MITTENS, HATS, SCARVES, SOCKS - THANK YOU to everyone who so generously donated items this year. Your response was incredible! All items will be distributed to those in need. MEN'S RETREAT - January 16-18, 2015 - Holy Family Retreat Center, West Hartford. The theme this season is Know Greater Joy. Explore how you can discover deep and enduring joy in God's presence no matter the situation. Includes home-cooked meals, inspirational liturgies and workshops, original music, and free time to rest and enjoy a walk on the 48 wooded acres & labyrinth. Cost is $295, more if you can; less if you can't. You can register at 860-760-9705 or www.holyfamilyretreat.org, or call Larry Laureno at 860-653-7354. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY will meet in the rectory NEXT Sunday, January 4 following the 10:45 Mass. Members are urged to attend this important meeting. THANK YOU to all who continue to bring in goodies for the House of Bread. Our next delivery date is Tuesday, January 6. Baked goodies can be left on the rectory porch or in the church hall that day by 9:30 AM. ABC's of ANNULMENT - On Friday, January 9, from 79 PM, Brother Larry Lussier of St. Gabriel, Milford will present "The ABC's of Annulment" at Holy Infant School Library, 450 Racebrook Rd., Orange, CT. The "ABC's" will be followed by a 6 week Annulment Workshop on the succeeding Fridays at the same time and place. Participants should come with laptops or trusty pencils to write their papers under the supervision of the Annulment Team. To participate in the workshop, attendance at the ABC's is required. There is no need to register. A small donation to help with the cost of materials is expected. For further information or inclemency, call Br. Larry at 203-937-7040. COOKBOOKS - Anyone interested in purchasing a St. Bernard's Cookbook is asked to please get in touch with Tracey Roderick at 860-651-5008.
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