The Sozo Life and Healing Network Miracle Fellowship Gospel

Miracle Fellowship/ Sozo Network
Believers’ Evangelism and Healing Ministry Vision
Healing of the body, mind and spirit was one of Jesus’ most powerful expressions
of love: hence, one of, if not the most powerful tools for evangelism. Today through the
Church and through individual believers in particular, the healing ministry of Jesus
continues (Mark 16:18). The passion of this vision is for sin-sick and physically-sick
people to be saved/ healed, planted into the church (if not already so) and become
ministers of healing. We believe this can happen when basic teachings are studied,
taught, preached, believed and acted upon at the four levels illustrated in the diagram.
Jesus’ love and power will be manifested and His Name will be glorified in the city.
NOTE: Sozo is a Greek word which in English Bibles is translated as “save”
referring to the soul and “heal” referring to the body and mind.
Miracle Fellowship Gospel
Meetings (3 or 4 times/ year)
Healing School or Rooms
Intensive teaching on receiving
healing for terminally ill, difficult
cases and MF evangelist training.
(multiple sessions/ week)
Friends of Jesus
Sozo Training Units
Training Courses: Friends of Jesus,
Biblical Healing, The Authority of
the Believer and Holy Spirit I & II.
Friends of Jesus
New Life/ Sozo Cells
A leader, asst leader, member/ seekers doing
Bible study on the network topics. Goal: show
the life in Jesus Christ and the ministry of healing
of the whole person available to all believers.
The Sozo Life and Healing Network
In His three and a half years on earth Jesus was continually preaching, teaching,
healing and making disciples (Matt. 4:24; 6:38). Jesus taught and preached to large
crowds and healed all who were sick, but He also healed individuals who sought Him out
Jesus for Japan
and ones that He sought out. He also worked with groups. There was a group of 70 and
His group of twelve whom He sent out to preach and heal. Those gathered on the Day of
Pentecost were about 120. These carried forth Jesus’ ministry of preaching, teaching and
healing in much the same way as Jesus did, but none individually could do all Jesus did
single-handedly. It is the same today. None of us and no single local church or
denomination can alone do the work as effectively as Jesus in His earthly ministry.
Especially regarding the healing ministry, no single person or local church can get the
100% results like Jesus did. Only Jesus walked in a 100% anointing 100% of the time.
When He preached and taught, all that He spoke was of the Father (John 8:28, 38). So
His words always produced faith and conviction in those He addressed. When He acted,
He only acted to do as He saw His Father doing (John 5:19). Oh, that we were so tuned
in to the Holy Spirit channel as He was! So only Jesus could receive or inspire faith as
needed and heal every time. But through the power Jesus gives through His death and
resurrection as we learn to follow Him within us, that is, the Holy Spirit, we can
approximate the works of Jesus some of the time. By working together (keeping the
unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace -- Eph.4:3), we can attain to greater works (John
14:12). It’s imperative that we do so. It’s not just a nice idea, but how well Jesus’
ministry is extended by believers has eternal consequences. It will determine for many
non-Christians whether their final home will be heaven or hell. And for Christians, it can
make the difference between having a long life of service or a premature death at the
hand of some killer disease.
The Model in General: It is shaped like a pyramid to illustrate the number of
participants at each level when the model is working. This, of course, does not include
attendees to public meetings, but only workers -- relatively few, because the meetings are
few and infrequent compared to gatherings at the other three levels.
New Life/ Sozo Cells: The largest number of participants should be at this level
in active and dividing cells of various sizes. We don’t really know what the optimal size
for a cell should be. All cell members will be encouraged to share and minister outside
the network as they learn, to bring in new cell members and aspire to lead a cell. Actually
the activity in the cell is not much different than in the Sozo Training Unit, so much of
what is said next applies here as well. Cell leaders and cells are intimately connected.
Sozo Training Units: The reason for having this as a distinct level is that many
Japanese are culturally reluctant to lead without feeling they have been qualified. So this
level is for certifying cell leaders in the basic Friends of Jesus teachings. Aspiring leaders
should come from among cell members who have become confessing Christians (but not
necessarily become local church members or been baptized). Some leaders may also
come from local churches participating in the network. This would be an advantage for
the local assembly as friendships later developed in cells could often lead to new people
joining that local church. Also church members may start healing ministries or add to
existing ones in their church. It will be best for leaders to do one course, then teach it to
their cell or simultaneously take the course and immediately teach it to their cell members.
Leaders may also rotate between cells teaching various courses as needed or teach the
same course over as new members are added to the cell. Cell members could also on
recommendation of their cell leader take a test and upon passing, then teach the course in
other cells, i.e. become a cell leader.
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Sozo Healing Rooms and Healing Schools: The ministers on this level will
come form among cell leaders and training unit teachers with the most experience and
with a recognized call of the Holy Spirit to the healing ministry. The Healing Room
ministry involves relatively private by-appointment sessions where a small team of
believer/ ministers focus prayer on a single individual. On the other hand, Healing School
operates as an invitation only meeting where a small group of very sick people do a short
worship time, receive teaching by an experienced and anointed teacher to build faith and
answer questions and then receive prayer. Miracle healing and slower faith-persistent
healings are expected. The Sozo Healing Room model is is along the lines of what is
being done at Bethel Church in Redding, CA and the Healing School as operated at Faith
Life Church in Branson, MO. There is a Sozo Room ministry in Japan within the
framework of a house church near Osaka, Japan. It is providing translations of Bethel
messages in Japanese in downloadable format on the website. Friends of
Jesus people will be encouraged to listen. This website is mostly Japanese, but does have
an English portion with some helpful info about the healing room ministry.
Miracle Fellowship Gospel Meetings: Eventually as salvation and healing
testimonials accumulate, as the community becomes aware of the network and leaders
immerge with a call to a public preaching ministry, then the Gospel Meetings can be
started. The whole enterprise including the meeting attendees will be called a fellowship
open to all people and without any single church or denominational orientation. Miracle
Fellowship is based on the common conviction that The Miracle Worker, Jesus Christ, is
alive today and will impart His Miracle Life to spirit, soul and body to all who will
follow Him as Lord and believe His promises.
The Gospel: It’s a Good News Message
The Gospel message is the Good News that 1) You don’t need to be lost, 2) You
don’t need to be sick, and 3) You don’t need to be poor. Why?
1) Jesus already fully paid for our sins on the cross. Because of this, in this life
we can have forgiveness, peace with God, victory, God’s direction and God’s presence.
And in the next life, we’ll receive life eternal (John 3:14-16; II Cor.5:21; I Pet. 2:24).
2) He paid for our sickness and disease on the cross and whipping post so that we
can have healing and health today (Isaiah. 53:4,5d; Matt 8:17). It was available in Old
Testament days (Ex.23:25; Ps.105:37), in Jesus’ ministry (Matt. 4:24; Acts 10:38) and in
the Book of Acts (Acts 4:29-30, 6:8, 8:6). It’s still available for us today (Heb. 13:8).
3) And He became poor (relative to His position in Heaven) so that we can be rich,
i.e. having enough to live comfortably ourselves, plus extra to give to others in need and
to support the work of the Gospel (II Cor.8:9; Ro.8:32; 3 John 2).
Most people on the mission field only preach the first part primarily emphasizing
the forgiveness of sin-- which is the most important point-- but it is the second and third
points, especially healing, signs and wonders that draw people to hear the Gospel. These
are the visible proofs of His Love. This is how it worked in Jesus’ ministry and in the
ministry of the early church. What other example have we? This may seem bold, but
this is what the Great Commission implies, especially as summarized in Mark 16:15-20
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and demonstrated throughout the Book of Acts. Is not this what the Lord would have us
do and still expect today?
Note: Being born again is and will always be a subject in the forefront, but in Japan we
call the experience “receiving new miracle life”. This is because of the use of “born
again” terminology is well-known in Buddhist teaching and can cause the traditional
Western terminology to be easily misinterpreted. The Japanese Bible does use wording
akin to “born again”, but for public and first time Gospel presentation we think the term
“new miracle life” is better and matches the title of one of the main books we promote.
Note: Of course, every Gospel message and teaching session will contain whatever we
can discern, to the best of our ability, to be what the Lord would have the people to hear
at that place and time. These writing are simply the basic guidelines. There are many
ways to present the Gospel perhaps, but our approach will always include points 1 and 2
above: Jesus will forgive you of your sin, impart to you His righteousness and heal every
part of you and your life as you believe. Jesus said to the father of the lunatic son, "If
you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” (Mark 9:23)
Miracle Fellowship -- Themes and Some Main Ideas
1. God’s Love:
Romans 5:8 God showed His love by sending Jesus to die and take our punishment
that we might have life, health and prosperity. Also see III John 2.
I Corinthians 13:13-14:1 Faith, hope and love remain forever, but the greatest is love.
John 3:16 God’s love gift of life is for those who believe.
Galatians 5:6 Faith works by love; Hebrews 11:6 Without faith it’s impossible to
please God.
2. New Miracle Life: Eternal and New Life Now
Receiving New Life is the greatest miracle for any person.
II Corinthians 5:17 A person can become a new creation in Christ.
John 3:7-8 A person must have a new spiritual birth in this life.
Romans 5:12, 18 Death entered through Adam; Life is restored by Jesus Christ.
Romans 6:4 We receive new life even as Jesus Himself rose from the dead.
Romans 6:23 Sin results in death. Faith results in Life.
Romans 8:6, 11 Having a spiritual heart and mind renewed in Christ will give life to
your body as well.
3. Miracles
The Greatest Miracle is the resurrection of Jesus Christ himself from the dead.
The resurrection proves that God accepted the sacrifice of His Son, thus paying for
the restoration of life and fellowship with God for all men in all ages.
John 20:30-31: Miracles, signs and wonders prove the claims of Jesus, cause us to
believe and through Him receive Life. There are 8 miracles of Jesus in the book of
John, plus the “greatest miracle”, Jesus’ own resurrection and appearances after the
cross in person and alive again.
There are 35 specific miracles done by Jesus recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and
John, plus the healing of great numbers recorded without any personal detail.
The book of Acts adds more specific examples of miracles done by the early church.
The Old Testament also records many miraculous happenings. The creation of the
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heavens and earth as we know them and the creation of man are perhaps the greatest.
Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David, Elijah, Elisha and Daniel are among outstanding
fathers and leaders in the Old Testament who received or performed notable miracles.
There have been miracles recorded in recent times, especially starting in a major way
in the 20th century in America and spreading around the world. T.L. Osborn brought
not the first miracles, but perhaps the most at one time, to Japan in Kyoto in 1956.
4. Faith and Healing
- The twenty specific healings done by Jesus, our greatest example.
- The healings done using the authority of Jesus’ name by the early church.
- Healing in the Old Testament.
- Testimonies from our lives and modern times.
- Teaching in other parts of the New Testament.
- Five areas of healing:
1) the body,
2) the mind and spirit,
3) the soul,
4) material life and finances,
5) relationships
How to Contact Us:
Email Address:
Ministry email: [email protected]
Sandra’s personal email: [email protected]
Telephone/ fax in Japan:
This is the full number to call us in Hiroshima from the USA
When calling within Japan the number is
Cell Phone (USA only): 425 750-6964
Mailing Address:
Address in Japan:
Address in USA:
811 112th St. SW, Apt I-202
Everett, WA 98204
(Tel. 425 296-3630 or 425 212-1928)
Burmester’s Link to Missions to Unreached Peoples:
(same as clicking on our photo on our main page)
This is our page at Mission to Unreached Peoples, the agency that provides the umbrella
under which we minister in Japan. They provide the service of processing and mailing
our newsletters, maintaining our mailing list, covering us on US tax issues, etc. and
sending out a tax-deductible receipt to contributors. It has optional secure on-line giving
access to our mission account. On the MUP website giving options are explained in detail
if you follow the links from our page.
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The best way to make a direct contribution to us (without a tax-deductible receipt) is to
mail a check to our USA address and someone will deposit the funds in our US bank
account. When we are in the States, you can contribute through MUP or to us directly by
communicating with us in person. Use the contact info above and we can arrange meeting
you somehow if possible or communicate by phone or email. We enjoy hearing from you
and would enjoy very much seeing you!
A Call to Japan
by Doug Burmester, servant
The call to Japan was one of the clearest revelations of His will that I have ever
received. It was in the summer of 1997. We were in a service listening to and enjoying
testimonies from our church youth camp. Unsaved friends of some of our high school
students had been invited and were miraculously converted and had received physical
healing and various deliverances at camp. As one was testifying, the Lord spoke to me as
clearly as I had ever heard. He said, “Do you see that?” I was taken back a bit. I
hesitated to answer, because I knew that the question presumed that I must be missing
something. Then again clearly these words came: “That’s what I want to do in Japan!” I
had never prayed much for Japan and had never thought of going there. My stomach
began whirling and I couldn’t speak. I felt a need to intercede, but there was nowhere to
go. I continued in this state through the sermon until the end of the service when this
deep stirring lifted. As we walked home after the service, Sandra asked what was going
on with me in the service. As I was telling her and we were walking down the sidewalk
on 148th Street in Bellevue, Washington that day, I got to the part concerning what the
Lord had said. As I spoke the word “Japan” and we were crossing an intersection, the
compassionate Heart of the Lord to see Japan saved suddenly hit me again. I was in my
suit and didn’t really want to find myself lying on the ground praying in middle of the
street, so I went for the stop sign post. The most powerful intercession (or whatever it
was) followed as I wept on the sign post. Other seasons of intercession for various
nations had come and gone, but this one was different. It was bigger and it stayed. Soon
I was convinced that we must go to Japan.
There are many other details as the Lord continued to lead and confirm what we
should do. All these are important so that we know that we should be in Hiroshima and
working with Jesus Fellowship Hiroshima, but one of the biggest confirmations had
actually happened 25 years earlier. It was Sandra’s experience of the Holy Spirit before
she met me. She was on the floor and the Lord spoke to her: “You will marry a man of
God and someday go with him as a missionary to Japan. But you cannot tell him
anything until I reveal it to him independently.” In a few months after my call when
Sandra was sure that I was not backing off this, she felt released to relate her experience
in a counseling session with our pastor. I almost fell out of my chair!
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