The Music Competition is open to JEWISH YOUTH aged 8 to 25 years Under the distinguished patronage of Lady Anna Cowen AM Major Prizes: B’nai B’rith Victoria Scholarship - $1,500 Major Prize of $750 for each Section Minor Prizes: ($50-$125) will be awarded at Heats All Heats to be held at the Slome Hall, Temple Beth Israel, 76-82 Alma Road, St Kilda INFORMATION BOOKLET & ENTRY FORMS available to download from: or or contact the B’nai B’rith Office: 71 Kooyong Road, Caulfield North. Phone: 9576 1116 or email: [email protected] FINAL CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES IS: THURSDAY, 16 JULY, 2015 FINALS CONCERT: SUNDAY, 6 SEPTEMBER, 2015 at 7:00 pm Phoenix Theatre, 101 Glen Huntly Road, Elwood MEMBER OF THE AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION OF EISTEDDFOD SOCIETIES INC. (It is recommended that entrants have completed Grade 3 AMEB or equivalent.) SECTION Classical Vocal Contemporary Vocal Vocal Ensemble (2-12 participants) Classical Piano Contemporary Piano Classical strings: Violin/Viola/Cello Hebrew/Yiddish Vocal HEATS ADJUDICATORS Sunday, 2 August – 10-5:00 pm Sunday, 2 August – 10-5:00 pm Sunday, 9 August – 10-12:00 pm Sunday, 16 August – 10-5:00 pm Sunday, 16 August – 10-5:00 pm Sunday, 23 August – 10-5:00 pm Sunday, 23 August – 10-5:00 pm Douglas Heywood OAM Douglas Heywood OAM Douglas Heywood OAM Alan Kogosowski Dr Allan Zavod John Quaine Bronia Kornhauser ENTRY FORM Applicant’s Full Name (Block letters) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………… (Given Names) (Family Name) Postal address: …………………………………………………………………………………………….Postcode: ……………………………… Email: …………………………………………………………………….. Date of Birth: ……../……../…….. Sex: M / F Phone: ……………………………….... Age on 1st August 2015: Years.……… Months…….. PARENT DECLARATION : SIGNATURE: I ……………………………………………………………………….. confirm that my son/daughter is of the JEWISH FAITH and an AMATEUR MUSICIAN …………………………………………………………………………………….. School Attending: ………………………………………………………… Address: …………………………………………………………………….... ……………………………………………………………..………. Phone No: …………………………………………………..………………. Music Teacher:……………………………………………………….. Address: ………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………….. Phone No: …………………………………………………………….. Email address:…………………………………………………......... Name of Accompanist:……………………………………………………………………… Please read conditions in booklet carefully: Competitors may enter in any number of sections. Entries must be accompanied by proof of payment. $15 fee per section. Where two contrasting pieces are indicated, one $15 fee to enter. Section Name of Piece Instrument Composer Entrance Fee The Committee reserves the right to delete a section or a Heat if there are insufficient entries. Post this completed ENTRY FORM with payment/proof of payment to: B’nai B’rith Office, 71 Kooyong Road, Caulfield North, VIC 3161 - Attention: Mr Andrew Kolb, Eisteddfod Chairperson Payment may be made by CHEQUE payable to “B’NAI B’RITH EISTEDDFOD COMMITTEE A/C” or by DIRECT DEBIT: BSB 633000 Account No 151591187 Reference Field: Entrant’s Name CASH PAYMENT to our Account will be accepted at no charge at any Bendigo Bank Branch. Please include bank receipt number for DIRECT CREDIT to our account or attach copy of payment. Member of the Australian Association of Eisteddfod Societies Inc. CONSENT FORM FOR THE USE OF PHOTOGRAPHS, VIDEO, AUDIO RECORDING I, the undersigned, agree to provide permission for the photographic, video and/or audio recording of the student named below to be used for the promotional purposes of B’nai B’rith Victoria Inc. and B’nai B’rith Victoria Jewish Youth Music Eisteddfod. I authorise the use or reproduction of any image/recording referred to above for the purposes of publishing materials related to the B’nai B’rith Victoria Jewish Youth Music Eisteddfod. I acknowledge that the image/recording may appear in print, electronic, or video media, and may be available to a global audience through the internet. I understand and agree that if I wish to withdraw this authorisation, it will be my responsibility to inform the B’nai B’rith Victoria Youth Music Eisteddfod. Name of Student __________________________________________________ Name of School __________________________________________________ Name of Parent/Guardian __________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian _________________________________________________ Photos may be taken during the Heats – Sundays, 2, 9, 16 & 23 August 2015 and/or during the Finals Concert on Sunday, 6 September 2015. Heats will be held at the Slome Hall, Temple Beth Israel, 76-82 Alma Road, St Kilda and the Finals Concert will be at the Phoenix Theatre, 101 Glen Huntly Road, Elwood. If I wish to withdraw permission for use of my image/recording, it will be my responsibility to inform the B’rith Victoria Youth Music Eisteddfod by email on [email protected] or by post at B’nai B’rith Victoria Youth Music Eisteddfod, 71 Kooyong Road, Caulfield North Vic. 3161. B’NAI B’RITH VICTORIA JEWISH YOUTH MUSIC EISTEDDFOD 2015 Information Booklet Adjudicators: Photographs courtesy of: Peter Haskin Australian Jewish News Classical & Contemporary Vocal: Hebrew & Yiddish Vocal: Vocal Ensemble Classical Strings: Classical Piano: Contemporary Piano: Douglas Heywood OAM Bronia Kornhauser Douglas Heywood OAM John Quaine Alan Kogosowski Dr Allan Zavod B’NAI B’RITH VICTORIA JEWISH YOUTH MUSIC EISTEDDFOD MEMBER OF THE AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION OF EISTEDDFOD SOCIETIES INC. Under the distinguished patronage of Lady Anna Cowen 13. All entries must be accompanied by proof of payment via receipt, cheque or direct debit. 14. NO PROMPTING OR ASSISTANCE of any kind will be allowed except by the Adjudicator. 15. The Committee reserves the right to amend the program at any time and alter any of the Rules and Conditions without notice. 16. Competitors acknowledge they compete at their own risk. 17. The decision of the Committee, in all questions or disputes arising out of, and not provided by, these Conditions, will be final. All entries are received subject to any appeal. 18. After programs have been completed, entrants will not be permitted to change their allotted place on the program. 19. The Committee does not accept any responsibility for music not collected immediately after a Section finishes. 20. COPYRIGHT: The Committee will not be liable for any COPYRIGHT infringements relating to submission of photocopies. Entrants submit copies and works at their own risk. Original music only will be allowed. 21. DRESS: Dress and appearance will be taken into consideration as part of the overall performance in both the HEATS and the FINALS CONCERT. Finalists will be required to present in formal attire at the Finals Concert. 22. All prize winners should attend the Finals Concert to be presented with their prizes. Finalists for the major prizes will be informed by both phone and mail! 23. All participants will be notified of their progression by phone and mail. The Music Competition is open to JEWISH YOUTH aged 8 to 25 years. (It is recommended that entrants have completed Grade 3 AMEB or its equivalent.) SECTIONS: HEATS: Classical Vocal 2 August Contemporary Vocal 2 August Vocal Ensemble (2-12 participants) 9 August Classical Piano 16 August Contemporary Piano 16 August Hebrew/Yiddish Vocal 23 August Classical strings: Violin/Viola/Cello 23 August FINALS CONCERT: SUNDAY, 6 SEPTEMBER, 2015 @ 7:00 PM All Heats will be held at the: Slome Hall, Temple Beth Israel, 76-82 Alma Road, St Kilda Finals Concert to be held at the: Phoenix Theatre, 101 Glen Huntly Road, Elwood FURTHER ENTRY FORMS OBTAINABLE FROM: or or from the: B’nai B’rith Office, 71 Kooyong Road, Caulfield North. Phone: 9576 1116 or Email: [email protected] FINAL CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES IS: THURSDAY, 16 JULY, 2015 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. 2. a) This competition is open to JEWISH AMATEURS only. An amateur is one who does not derive income from the art in which he or she is entering. b) B’nai B’rith accepts in good faith an entry from a contestant who declares himself or herself to be of the Jewish faith. a) Entries close with the Chairperson on Thursday, 16 July 2015. No entry fee will be refunded unless a Section is cancelled. b) Previous B’nai B’rith major award winners may not enter this competition in the Section in which they have previously won. However they are welcome to enter other Sections. 3. REFUSAL: The Committee reserves the right to amend or refuse any entry and to cancel any section in which there are fewer than three (3) entries in the section. 4. AGE LIMIT: In all Sections, the age of the entrant on 1 August 2015 shall be deemed his or her age. 5. ADJUDICATORS: Communication with the Adjudicators by competitors, teachers or interested parties prior to, or during the competition is prohibited. 6. The Adjudicators hold the right to withhold any prize where sufficient merit has not been displayed. 7. The Adjudicators shall determine the number of entrants who shall take place in the Finals Concert. 8. In the event of a competitor entering more than one Section, a different program must be performed on each occasion. 9. During Heats, a copy of each performance piece must be handed to the Adjudicator prior to the performance. 10. RESULTS: THE ADJUDICATORS’ DECISION SHALL, IN ALL CASES, BE FINAL. 11. No teacher or other competitor will be allowed on stage unless requested by the notified accompanist. (Accompanist may be a teacher.) 12. PLEASE ADHERE TO YOUR SECTION’S TIME LIMIT FOR YOUR PERFORMANCE. All Contestants must arrive at the beginning of their Section and not leave until that Section is completed and the Adjudicators have delivered their decision. PROPOSED PROGRAM ARRANGEMENTS FINAL ARRANGEMENTS WILL DEPEND ON THE NUMBER OF ENTRIES RECEIVED. PLEASE ENTER EARLY TO ENSURE SECTIONS ARE VIABLE: Entry fees are $15 per Section (not per item) and are non-refundable unless the Section is cancelled. Payment may be made by cheque payable to “B’nai B’rith Eisteddfod Committee Account” or by Direct Debit to: BSB: 633000 Account No. 151591187 Reference field: Entrant’s Name Cash payment to our account will be accepted at no charge at any Bendigo Bank Branch. Please include bank receipt number for Direct Credit to our account or attach copy of payment. Competitors are encouraged to organise their own accompanist. If competitors don’t have an accompanist – they are urged to make their own arrangements promptly with our Official Accompanist and notify their arrangements on the Entry Form. The Official Accompanist is: Karen Neumann Contact details: Phone: 9576 7624 Mobile: 0423 935 344 The Official Accompanist will NOT be available unless a REHEARSAL has been arranged ONE WEEK PRIOR to the performance. THE 2015 EISTEDDFOD WILL CONSIST OF SEVEN SECTIONS: MAJOR PRIZES AWARDED AT THE FINALS CONCERT B’nai B’rith Victoria Scholarship $1,500 7 Major Prizes at $750 each Please note that the B’nai B’rith Victoria Scholarship will be awarded at the discretion of the Adjudicators Classical Vocal; Classical Strings: Violin/Viola/Cello; Contemporary Vocal; Classical Piano; Vocal Ensemble; Contemporary Piano; Hebrew/Yiddish Vocal Classical Vocal To consist of ONE Aria and ONE of the following: Lieder, Oratorio, Art Song, Operetta, Musical Comedy or Ballad. Sections: 10-16 years 17-20 years 21-25 years Adjudicator: Maximum Time 8 mins. 8 mins. 8 mins. Winner’s Prize $ 50.00 $ 75.00 $125.00 Douglas Heywood OAM Contemporary Vocal (not Rock) To consist of ONE of the following: Popular Song, Ballad, Operetta or Musical Comedy. Sections: Maximum Time Winner’s Prize 8-10 years 5 mins. $ 50.00 11-16 years 6 mins. $ 75.00 17-25 years 8 mins. $125.00 Adjudicator: Douglas Heywood OAM Hebrew or Yiddish Song (one piece only) Sections: 8-10 years 11-16 years 17-25 years FINALS CONCERT Under the auspices of B’nai B’rith Victoria Adjudicator: Maximum Time 5 mins. 6 mins. 8 mins. Bronia Kornhauser Vocal Ensemble (2-12 people—1 or 2 pieces only) Sections: Maximum Time Not age governed (8-25) 8 mins. 1st Prize - $125.00 2nd Prize - $75.00 Adjudicator: to be held on: at the Phoenix Theatre Sections: 8-10 years 11-17 years 18-25 years Maximum Time 4 mins. 5 mins. 8 mins. Adjudicator: John Quaine Sections: 8-10 years 11-17 years 18-25 years Maximum Time 4 mins. 6 mins. 8 mins. Adjudicator: Alan Kogosowski Sections: 8-10 years 11-17 years 18-25 years Maximum Time 4 mins. 6 mins. 8 mins. Classical Piano (101 Glen Huntly Road, Elwood) Adults Concession/Students Encouragement Award- $50.00 Douglas Heywood OAM Classical Strings Sunday, 6 September 2015 - 7:00 pm Admission: Winner’s Prize $ 50.00 $ 75.00 $125.00 $ 20.00 $ 15.00 Please note: While we would like each of the Heat winners to perform in the Finals Concert, the Eisteddfod Committee reserves the right to frame the program with regard to balance and content. Contemporary Piano Adjudicator: Dr Allan Zavod (ONE piece only) (ONE piece only) (2 CONTRASTING pieces) Winner’s Prize $ 50.00 $ 75.00 $125.00 (ONE piece only) (ONE piece only) (2 CONTRASTING pieces) Winner’s Prize $ 50.00 $ 75.00 $125.00 (ONE piece only) (ONE piece only) (2 CONTRASTING pieces) Winner’s Prize $ 50.00 $ 75.00 $125.00
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