Journal of General Virology (1994), 75, 1703-1711. Printedin Great Britain 1703 BICP22 of bovine herpesvirus 1 is encoded by a spliced 1.7 kb RNA which exhibits immediate early and late transcription kinetics M a r t i n S c h w y z e r , * U r s V. W i r t h , t Bernd V o g t and Cornel Fraefel Institute of Virology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ziirich, Winterthurerstrasse 266a, CH-8057 Ziirich, Switzerland Kinetic analysis of the two divergent immediate early (IE) transcription units of bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) revealed an unexpected behaviour. The IE1.7 promoter was not turned off at the end of the IE period but acted as a late promoter, unlike the adjacent IE4.2/2.9 promoter which was active only under IE conditions. The genome region specifying the IE1.7 gene was sequenced (0-814 to 0-839 map units). The IE1.7 promoter was found to overlap with duplicated sequence elements bearing close similarity to herpesvirus origins of replication, which may explain the biphasic transcription kinetics. Exons 1 and 2 of the spliced IE1.7 transcript were non-coding. Exon 3 was found to contain a single open reading frame encoding a protein of 300 amino acids that was designated BICP22 because of its homology to ICP22 (Vmw68) of herpes simplex virus type 1 and related proteins from other herpesviruses. The protein probably represents IEP-55, the most abundant BHV-1 phosphoprotein observed under IE conditions. Introduction non-coding 0.35 kb leader sequence (exon 1). Exon 2 of IER4.2, located in the inverted repeats, encodes the homologue of infected cell protein (ICP) 4, also known as Vmw175, of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). This BHV-1 protein, named BICP4 or p180, has been shown to be capable of trans-activation as well as autorepression (Schwyzer et al., 1993). Exon 2 oflER2.9 is Y-coterminal with an unspliced early RNA (ER2.6) located in the right-hand end of U L. Both IER2.9 and ER2.6 encode the homologue of ICP0 (Vmwll0) of HSV-1 (a zinc finger trans-activator protein) designated BICP0 or p 135 (Wirth et al., 1992). The third transcript, IER1.5, was discovered recently (Fraefel et al., 1993). It contains the same leader RNA as transcription unit 1 but extends into the left-hand end of U L because it arises from the covalently joined genome ends (TRs-UL). This observation led to the name circ for the encoded protein. The present report concerns transcription unit 2 which runs towards U s but is located entirely within the inverted repeats, and therefore occurs in two copies (Fig. 1). It specifies IER1.7, a spliced IE RNA of 1-6 to 1.8 kb depending on the virus strain (Wirth et al., 1989, 1991). Nucleotide sequence analysis showed that exons 1 and 2 of IER1.7 were non-coding and that exon 3 encoded an IE protein designated BICP22 or p55, the homologue of ICP22 (Vmw68) ofHSV-1 (McGeoch et al., 1985). Genes encoding ICP22 homologues have been identified for several other alphaherpesviruses, including equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) (Holden et al., 1992; Telford The genome of bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) is a linear double-stranded DNA molecule (138 kb) which may be subdivided into a unique long segment (U L, 106 kb) and a short segment containing a unique region (Us, 10 kb) flanked by internal and terminal inverted repeats OR s and TRs, 11 kb each). The structure and function of about 20 BHV-1 genes are known (Schwyzer, 1993; Wyler et al., 1989). As in the case with other herpesviruses, the BHV-1 genes are expressed in a temporally regulated cascade. Therefore, they can be assigned to the kinetic classes immediate early (IE), early or late (Misra et al., 1981; Wirth et al., 1989). The IE genes of BHV-1 belong to two divergent transcription units starting approximately in the centres of the inverted repeats (Wirth et al., 1991). Transcription unit 1 specifies three alternatively spliced IE RNAs designated IER4.2, IER2.9 and IER1.5 (4"2 kb, 2.9 kb and 1.5 kb, respectively) with a common promoter and 1" Presentaddress: Sonnsyterain8, CH-6048 Horw, Switzerland. The nucleotidesequencedata for the BICP22geneof BHV-1 strain Jura havebeen submittedto the EMBLData Libraryand assignedthe accessionnumberX76943. Dedicated to Professor Robert Wyleron the occasion of his 70th birthday. 0001-2219 © 1994SGM Downloaded from by IP: On: Tue, 07 Jul 2015 04:54:14 1704 M. Schwyzer and others et al., 1992), equine herpesvirus type 4 (EHV-4) (Cullinane et al., 1988), pseudorabies virus (PRV) (Zhang & Leader, 1990), varicella-zoster virus (VZV) (Davison & Scott, 1986) and Marek's disease virus (MDV) (P. Brunovskis & L. F. Velicer, personal communication). The MDV ICP22 homologue gene has recently been sequenced by another laboratory and termed US537 without noting its homology to the ICP22 gene family (Sakaguchi et aL, 1993). Despite this structural similarity, only the ICP22 genes of HSV-1 and BHV-1 have been shown conclusively to belong to the IE kinetic class. The corresponding genes of PRV and MDV are regulated as late genes and EHV1 exhibits a late promoter as well as an alternative early promoter located within the ICP22 coding sequence (Holden et al., 1992). For BHV-1, we observed that the BICP22 gene was expressed with biphasic kinetics, IE and late, under the control of a single promoter. The IEI. 7 promoter was found to overlap with duplicated sequence elements bearing close similarity to herpesvirus origins of replication (oris; oriL), which might facilitate reactivation of IER 1.7 synthesis after the onset of DNA replication. Methods Virus, cell culture and transcript mapping procedures. Virus strains (K22 and Jura), infection of Madin-Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) cell cultures, treatment with metabolic inhibitors, isolation of total RNA, Northern blot analysis and primer extension analysis have been described previously (Wirth et al., 1991). Plasmids and sequence analysis. Plasmid pJuC, containing the BHV1 strain Jura HindlII C fragment [0-733 to 0.852 map units (m.u.)] and the corresponding strain K22 HindlII C fragment, cloned in two parts as p601 (0-733 to 0.816 m.u.) and p615 (0'816 to 0-852 m.u.), have been described elsewhere (Wirth et al., 1991). Cleavage of pJuC with DraI and HindlII provided two fragments of 3"0 kb (0.811 to 0"833 m.u.) and 1-7 kb (0"833 to 0"847 m.u.) which contained the region of interest and these were cloned into pBluescript (pBS K S + ; Stratagene) to give pBDJ3 and pBDJ17, respectively (Fig. 1 b). From these two plasmids, additional overlapping subfragments were generated with the enzymes NarI, PstI, Y(hoI, EcoRI, Sinai and DralI, and cloned into pBS KS +. The nucleotide sequence was determined for both strands by the dideoxynucleotide chain termination method (Sanger et al., 1977) using double-stranded plasmids as templates for Sequenase (United States Biochemical) with 7-deaza-dGTP or dlTP instead of dGTP. Synthetic oligonucleotides based on already determined sequences were used as primers where required. The sequences derived were analysed using the University of Wisconsin Genetics Computer Group programs (Devereux et al., 1984). Results Kinetic analysis of the two IE transcription units As a guide to the experiments described below, Fig. 1 shows the map locations of the hybridization probe and oligonucleotide primers used for kinetic analysis, the sequenced region (c) and a summary of the two IE transcription units (d). Previously, we have shown by Northern blot analysis that IER4.2 and IER2.9, the transcripts specified by IE transcription unit 1, are present at 2 h post-infection (p.i.) but cannot be detected later in infection unless cycloheximide is used in the IE phase to block translation (Wirth et al., 1992). Here, similar Northern blot analysis was used to examine IE transcription unit 2 and to determine the kinetics of IER1.7 synthesis (Fig. 2). Hybridization of RNA from BHV-1 Jura-infected cells with the EcoRI-DraI probe (Fig. 1c) confirmed that IER1.7 (1.6 kb for strain Jura as shown here; 1"8 kb for strain K22) belonged to the IE kinetic class, since it formed a strong band in the presence of cycloheximide (Fig. 2, lane 2) and could also be detected at 2 and 3 h p.i. in the absence of cycloheximide (lanes 4 and 5). Surprisingly, IER1.7 accumulated to higher levels at 5 and 8 h p.i. (lanes 6 and 7). The amount of IER1.7 which was reached at 8 h p.i. was strongly reduced by blocking entry into the late phase of infection with the DNA synthesis inhibitor cytosine arabinoside (lane 8). An additional 4 kb band observed in all lanes, even with RNA isolated from uninfected cells (a) 0-78 0-79 0.80 0.81"~0.82 0-83 0.84 0-85 m.u. ' ' ' i ' ' . . . . . . (c) " L EcoRI-DraI 03 - "~ . I 04 . ~i ~NNNN. . . . . . !J p615 p601 pJuC pBDJ3 pBDJ17 Northern probe, Primer extension i This repor 7t[ Sequence • ' (Schwyzer etiaL, 1993) 1determined J ( d ) : I E !ranscfiption unit 1 i E t . . . . . ripti . . . . :::: : IERI 7 it 2 ::'i"~'~ ',' ] Transcripts ....!!:::. . . . . . :; BICP4 :,~:~~(~,~ ,, :::: : :: : : : :::C;:,::BICP22 : r~ : :~''~ Fig. 1. Map of the BHV-1 IE region encoding BICP22. (a) The righthand part of the internal repeat ORs; 0.756 to 0.839 m.u.) is shown together with a short segment of the adjacent U s region. Locations of selected restriction sites and of consensus sequences for an origin of viral DNA replication (oris) are indicated. (b) Plasmids used in this study. (c) Locations of the Northern blot probe, primers and nucleotide sequences reported in this work and of sequences published elsewhere (Schwyzer et al., 1993). (d) Locations of the transcripts (Wirth et al., 1991). The exons of the transcripts (IER4.2, IER2.9 and IER1.7) are shown as boxes; non-coding parts are black, and parts encoding proteins (BICP4, BICP22) are white. Downloaded from by IP: On: Tue, 07 Jul 2015 04:54:14 ICP22 homologue of BHV-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1705 8 97 nt 28S 18S o4 .~--1.7 56 n t BHV-1 J T i m e p.i. ( h ) 8 Inhibitor Ratio 10 J 8 a 3 8 - K 5 c K 2 . 0.3 . K 3 K 5 K 8 . 0-7 . 2.2 10 Fig. 3. Levels o f R N A t r a n s c r i p t s f r o m the t w o I E t r a n s c r i p t i o n u n i t s as d e t e r m i n e d b y p r i m e r e x t e n s i o n analysis. M D B K cells w e r e m o c k BHV-1 - J - J J J J J 6 c 0 . 2 3 . 5 8 8 a - Fig. 2. Northern blot analysis of BHV-1 RNA. MDBK cells were mock-infected ( - ) or infected with BHV- 1 Jura (J) and treated with the inhibitors cycloheximide (c; 100 lag/ml) or cytosine arabinoside (a; 100 lag/ml) or left untreated (-). Total RNA was isolated at the indicated times p.i. (h), it was then separated by electrophoresis, blotted on nylon membranes and hybridized with zzP-labelled probe (Fig. I c), and transcripts were revealed by autoradiography. The scale on the left indicates mobilities of RNA size markers (Boehringer Mannheim) and of 28S and 18S rRNA. infected ( - ) or BHV-1 Jura- (J) or K22-infected (K), treated with the inhibitor cytosine arabinoside (a; 100 lag/ml) or cycloheximide (c; 100 lag/ml) or left untreated (-), and total RNA was isolated at the indicated times p.i. (h). Oligonucleotides 03 and 04 (antisense to IE transcription units 1 and 2, respectively; Fig. 1c) were 5' end-labelled, mixed in equal amounts, and hybridized to these RNA samples. Reverse transcriptase from avian myeloblastosis virus was used to synthesize cDNA fragments, which were analysed on an 8% polyacrylamide-urea sequencing gel. Sizes of produced cDNAs are given in nucleotides (nt), and the ratio of the signal intensities (transcription unit 2/transcription unit 1), as determined by scanning the preflashed X-ray film, is indicated below the relevant lanes. (lanes 1, 3 and 9), was attributed to non-specific hybridization with bulk 28S r R N A as discussed previously (Wirth et al., 1989). F o r a direct c o m p a r i s o n o f the two I E transcription units by a different approach, we performed primer extension analysis. Previously, oligonucleotides 03 and 04 had been used separately as primers to m a p the 5' termini o f the leader R N A s o f I E transcription units 1 and 2, respectively. The distance measured f r o m o3 to the 5' end o f I E R 4 . 2 / 2 . 9 was 97 nt, with additional signals at 95 and 94 nt, and the distance f r o m 04 to the 5' end o f I E R 1 . 7 had been determined to be 56 nt, surrounded by weaker signals f r o m 53 to 58 nt (Wirth et al., 1991). Since the c D N A p r o d u c t s o f the two reactions were easily distinguishable, primer extension was performed here with equal a m o u n t s o f 5' end-labelled 03 and 04 mixed in each tube to c o m p a r e transcript levels at different times after infection (Fig. 3). Primers extended on R N A isolated at 8 h p.i. f r o m BHV-1 Jura-infected cells revealed a high level o f I E R 1 . 7 but virtually n o detectable I E R 4 . 2 / 2 . 9 (lane 1). W h e n entry into the late phase was blocked the level o f I E R 1 . 7 was strongly reduced (lane 2) but it was still detectable when c o m p a r e d with R N A extracted f r o m uninfected cells (lane 3). F u r t h e r reactions were performed with R N A isolated f r o m BHV-1 K22-infected cells. As expected for I E transcripts, high levels o f I E R 4 . 2 / 2 . 9 and even higher levels o f I E R 1 . 7 were observed at 6 h p.i. if protein synthesis was blocked by cycloheximide (lane 4). A time course experiment performed in the absence o f cycloheximide between 2 and 8 h p.i. revealed a continuous increase in I E R 1 . 7 levels with a c o n c o m i t a n t decrease in I E R 4 . 2 / 2 . 9 levels (lanes 5 to 8). Densitometric scanning o f the lanes indicated a 30-fold rise in the ratios o f IER4.2/2.9 to I E R 1 . 7 levels. T a k e n together, the N o r t h e r n blot a n d primer extension analyses demonstrated that IE transcription unit 1 exclusively Time p.i. (h) 6 Inhibitor c . . . 8 a Downloaded from by IP: On: Tue, 07 Jul 2015 04:54:14 M. Schwyzer and others 1706 • • . <= . . . i . i.i GGCGCCGACCCACGTGGCCCCGTACAAcCGCGGGGCGGGCGGGcCGACGAGCCTCGCGGGGCTGCTTGGCTGGCCTCCAGCGTTCGCACAAAGCTCAATAAGTTTATATATATATTATTG iii. .ii =><= iii . . ii . orisb GCCCGAGTGCGAG~CCTGGGACCCGCC-CCA~CTCT~GACcGTGCCCGTGAGAACC-CTGGCAGAATGCCAGCGTTC~CACAAAACTCAATAAGTATATATATATTATTAGCCCGAGTGC • => <-. . . iv .DR83 < GAATTCTGGGACTGGCGCCAAGCCGGCCCATGGCAACCACCAACGCCGGGTTTCGATGGGGCTGCCGGGATAGCGGGAGGGCATATGCAAATCATGTCGGGTCGGAGGCGGCGCCGGGTC DR17 .> v -><= . iii . ori3c ii =><GGAGGCGGCGCCGGGcCGGGGGCGGCGCTCGGCCGGGGGCGGGGCCCCTTACC~zG~CC~CCTGGCATTCTGCCAGTGT~CTQ/~GTGGGGTCCCGAGAGGGCTACCGGGACGGTGGGAG iv . DR83 v -> . . vi . , o r i s a 120 . iii. 240 DR17 >< 360 480 vii GGCAC~GC4~AAATCAGGCCCCG~CAGGGGCGGCC~CTCGGCCGGGGGCGGGGGGAGGAGCGCCCTAcTCAAAGACATATAAGCGCGCGACATCGCGCCCCKAGcCCACACA~GGGGGGCTA • viii ix x . 600 . GAGGAGC~C~-GGGCGCACTGCAGAACCTTCACCGAGGCCcAGCCCCGC4~AAA~AAC~CaCGCATCCGCCCC~CGGGGCCCTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTcTcGCTCACCCCC . x xi <. DR21 -><. -> ACCCCCAcCCGAGCTCGAGCGAAcGGCTTCCTCGAGCTcAGGTC-C-GTTGcTTcCAT~C43AACTCC-CCGACGACCCCGGAcGCCCCGCCGACGACCCCGGACGCCCCGCCGACGAcCCCGC <v. IR35 -> <IR35 v ->. 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CTcCTTCCCCTCCCTCCCCTCCTTCCcCTCcCTCCCCTCCTTCCccTCCCTCCCCTCCTTCCCCTCCcTCCCCTCCTTcCccTCCCTAAGAAGAcA~C-CGGGCGTC42C-GAAAAAATTA . . . . . . 3120 XX GAcAG~cTTT~TcGcG~cGGAcGGGGGGGAGGGGGGaAGGGGAcAGTcGGGccc~GccccAGGGccTcAGGGccGGGGGTcTcGGGG~ 3210 Fig. 4. Nucleotide sequence of the BHV-1 (Jura) genome segment encoding BICP22, displayed in the sense of IER1.7 transcription. Symbols < = = > above the sequence delimit two segments (orisa, or%b) and a truncated version (orisc) exhibiting close similarity to previously characterized origins of D N A replication of other alphaherpesviruses; imperfect direct repeats and inverted repeats are delimited by < - - > and marked D R , and IR n in the first repeat unit (n represents size in nt); all other features, underlined and labelled with roman numerals above the sequence, are described in the text. B H V - [ orisa G C G G G C 4 2 T ~ T G G .... C C T .... ~ A C A A A G C T . C A A T A A G .... T T T A T A T A T A T A B H V - I or/sb T G C ~ G A A C G C T G G C A . . G A A . . T G C C A G C G T T C C ~ A C A A A A C T . C A A T A A G ..... T T A T T G G C C C G A , f i ~ d ~ Q ~ ~ C C G C G C C ..... A C a C ~ T ~ F , G A C C G ..... T A T A T A T A T A ...... T T A T T A C - C C C G A . G T C ~ , G A A T T C T G C 4 ~ C T G G C C 4 3 C A A . . G C C ~ T C ~ , ~ B H V - I orisc CCCCTTAC.~7~'CCCCTGG..CATTCTG..CCAGTGTTCTC~GTC-C~ H S V - I oriL ~ C ~ A C G C ....... GAA . . . . . . . GCGTTOSCACTTTGTCCTAATAA. . . . . . . TATATATA. . . . . . . TTATTAGGACAAA~OGC ....... TTC . . . . . . . H S V - I oris AA~GAAOGC ....... GAA . . . . . . . GCGTTCC-CACTTCGTCCCAATA . . . . . . . . TATATATA. . . . . . . TTATTA~GTGCGA~ ...... TC-GCG. . . . . . oriL E H V - I oris P R V oriL MDV ori TAGAT~aACC~QA EHV-1 A A ~ a ~ A C GGTATGTGCGAATT ........ T A A ........ C G T T O G C A C T ~ G T T A C A A T A A ....... G T A ....... ~ G C A A T A A ..... T T ~ T T A T T A T A A A T ~ ~ G A C G C G T C A G C G T T C C ~ A C ~ C C A A T A T A A G . CAC'lkn-'J-'I°rC-,ATCT. . . . . . . . . VZV orisb CATGT~,%~CQA G ......... ATTATATATATAAT ......... C . . . . . . . . . C G T T O C 4 2 A C T T T C T T T C T A T A T . TCTGGGCCAATCAGGGTG~GGATTTGT T~TCGGGAAGOCKq~TCCTA G T T T T ~ T G T . . ~ i ' X 2 C . 2 ~ f ~ 7 ~ A C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ATATATAGAG~AGA&~AC~GA~ ~ ......... A ...... -GCGTTCGCACTT-GTT-CAATAA GTGGCCCAATCATTTTCCTTGGATTTG .ATATTATTGGCGCAAGGTGCGAACGCCG... ATATATATATATATATATAT. ~ = ...... TATTATTATA ...... TTATTAGCAC-A-~CGC-G-- O~C,,C~C~GACTCCG .GC. T C T G G G C C A A T C A A C C A G T C T A A A A C C a A .... C T T A T T G G T G A T T ~ . QATTOGC~CTTCCC..G'I-t~-.~-I-I%?A..CTGTAT~T... Palindrome AGA-~a-GAACGC _ ....... T T T C G ...... G C G T T C ~ A C . T T G T T G T A T A T A A . . . A A T A T T A T A T C C T A . T A T A T A T T A G C A A T T G G T G C G A A C G T G A C V Z V orisa Consensus ...... T T A T T A T A T A ...... T T A T T A G C A A T T G C G ~ T T T CGTT~CTFIL'T ....... T T T C T ....... T G T T C G C G ~ G T G T T - - -- -CTGGC-C-A-C-GCGTTC-Fa~-TC Fig. 5. Multiple sequence alignment of alphaherpesvirus origins of D N A replication. Alignments were generated by using the Pileup program (Devereux et al., 1984) and were adjusted further manually. The three lines at the top represent the BHV-1 sequence reported here (Fig. 4), the lines below show the replication origins of HSV-I (McGeoch et al., 1986, 1988; Stow & McMonagle, 1983), EHV1 (Baumann et aL, 1989; Telford et al., 1992), PRV (Klupp et al., 1992), M D V (Camp et al., 1991) and, in two overlapping segments, VZV (Davison & Scott, 1986; Stow & Davison, 1986). The consensus recognition site (CGTTCGCAC) for the HSV-I UL9 gene product (origin-binding protein; Olivo et al., 1988) and its inverted complement are underlined. The consensus displays additional bases if they match in at least five of the sequences. The palindromic structure discussed in the text extends over virtually the entire sequence• It is centred at the two dots in the middle ( e e ) and consists of two long arms with complementary bases marked ( = ) . Each ann represents a smaller palindromic structure with centres marked (e). Downloaded from by IP: On: Tue, 07 Jul 2015 04:54:14 ICP22 homologue of BHV-1 kb 0 0.2 0-4 0-6 i Otis Direct repeats:: ~ 0-8 iili F---I i i , ~3 cP i.~i~ i ~ i i i NF1 :~-,~-~-~i ~ Spl ! i Oct AP4 i Egr-2 i Ets-1 i ELP ! Myc-1 ,~ NF-IL6 NFI.tE3i TEF2 : UBP-I:: : ! i '. : i : i : i , : i~: ~i ! i-~-:~ ! : : : i i ~:: i : " i : 4i 1-2 i IIHIHIHfl IHlfll 1-4 1-6 1.8 ili ['f:f'i'fT]: : ! : : : :-I~- i : ! i g ~ ! : i i ! i i i i : i IERI.~, i :: ', : 1-0 i. : i i i i i i i , I., -ID,,i ...~.i i'~: i i :: i i i i i 4- ~ - i - ~ t4i i ! :: TAT/~' ~,, i i4-i ', Fig. 6. Schematic representation of the oris, promoter and untranslated regions upstream of the BICP22 coding sequence. The scale at the top marks the first 1.7 kb of the sequence reported here; the boxes below summarize the locations of ori s and direct repeat elements (Fig. 4). Arrows on the lines below indicate map locations and orientations of consensus signals for the following transcription factors (recognition sequences are shown in parentheses using the IUPAC ambiguity code for nucleotides): CP, CCAAT box binding factor (RRCCAATS); NF 1 (YGGMns_rGCCAA); Spl ( K R G G C G K R R or G G G G A G G G G ) ; Oct, octamer binding factor (ATGCAAAT); AP4 (YCAGCTGYGG); Egr-2 (CCGCCCCCGC); Ets-I (SMGGAWGY); ELP (CAAGGTCA); Myc-1 (CACGTG); NF-IL6 (TKNNGNAAK); NF,uE3 (GCCACRTGACC); UBP-1 (CTCTCTGG). Sequences were identified using the Find program (Devereux et al., 1984), allowing no mismatch for Spl, Ets-1, Myc-1 and NF-IL6, and one mismatch for all other factors (for references see Faisst & Meyer, 1992; Vlcek et al., 1990). The two non-coding exons, the two introns, and the start codon for BICP22 are indicated at the bottom. displays IE kinetics, whereas IE transcription unit 2 is regulated with dual kinetics involving the IE and late phases of infection. Nucleotide sequence of transcription unit 2 and of an adjacent duplicated ori s region To investigate possible reasons for these dual kinetics and to characterize the gene specifying IER1.7, we sequenced the relevant portion of the HindlII C fragment of BHV-1 Jura, which is displayed in Fig. 4 in the sense of IER1.7 transcription. Features requiring comment are underlined and marked with roman numerals above the lines. The sequence begins at a NarI site (i) located in the IR s at 0"814 m.u. and continues for 3210 nt to the IRs/U s junction (0.839 m.u.) which was identified by comparison with sequences at the TRs/U s junction (M. Schwyzer & B. Vogt, unpublished results); the last nucleotide common to IR s and TR s is underlined (xx). The transcript boundaries of IER1.7, which had been determined previously by S1 nuclease and primer 1707 extension analysis relative to restriction endonuclease sites and by partial sequence analysis of cDNA clones (Wirth et al., 1991), could now be aligned precisely with specific consensus signals based on the sequence. Thus, transcription of IER1.7 is initiated 30 nt downstream from a TATA box (vi), the main start point being located at nt 587, and additional start points are located at nt 585 to 590 (vii), as previously established by primer extension with o4 (viii). The experimentally determined splice site boundaries of IER1.7 are within a few nucleotides of consensus sequences which define a 122 nt intron 1 comprising nt 657 (ix) to nt 778 (xi) and a 677 nt intron 2 comprising nt 1045 (xii) to nt 1721 (xiv). The 3' boundary of IER1.7 was located in a cDNA clone after nt 2743 (xviii); a polyadenylation signal is present about 30 nt upstream (xvii). Together, IER1.7 consists of exon 1 (67 to 72 nt) spliced to exon 2 (266 nt) and exon 3 (1022 nt) with a total length of 1355 to 1360 nt which seems compatible with the size of 1.6 kb determined for IER1.7 of BHV-I Jura, including the poly(A) sequence. The coding region for BICP22 was found to be confined to exon 3 of IER1.7, because the entire spliced transcript contained only a single ATG codon (xv) located 22 nt after the 5' splice site of exon 3; it initiated an open reading frame (ORF) consisting of 300 codons and ending in a TAG stop codon (xvi) about 100 nt before the 3' terminus of IER1.7 (xviii). This ORF was favoured by the high similarity of the predicted BICP22 sequence to other ICP22-related sequences (see below), by the absence of any other ATG codons and also by codon usage analysis, 96 % of the third base positions in the BICP22 codons being occupied by G or C, which is typical for herpesviruses with high G + C content. Although translation in another frame might occur, in theory, by initiation at one of the GTG, CTG or ACG codons present in exons 1 and 2, this was considered unlikely because both of the other frames had only 70 % G or C in the third base positions and their putative translation products exhibited no discernible amino acid sequence homology with other known herpesviral proteins. Upstream of IER1.7, the most conspicuous feature of the nucleotide sequence was a duplicated segment extending from nt 56 to 163 (orisa) and from nt 164 to 276 (orisb) which exhibited similarity to previously characterized origins of DNA replication of other alphaherpesviruses. An additional truncated segment of homology was observed from nt 405 to 448 (orisc). Alignment of these segments (Fig. 5) revealed their inherent palindromic structure. The centres of the palindromes (marked by two dots) were located in the characteristic A + T-rich regions which were flanked by the nonanucleotide CGTTCGCAC (ii) and its complement GTGCGAACG (iii; underlined in Fig. 4 and 5). Downloaded from by IP: On: Tue, 07 Jul 2015 04:54:14 1708 M. Sehwyzer and others I MSHGQPCPTC DGSCRLC .......................... RSPDRVV MPHGQPCGAC DGSCRMAQRG TPSTSPLIPS L.TPSPPAGD PSPRSSQRID ........... GSCRMSQRG APSTSPIIPS L.SPS.SGGN PSPRSSQRID MDRVW.ADWY EPVPSPPFSP VDPPGPRPTT PVPGSSPPSP MFCTSPATR GDSSESKPGA SAESTTGTET DASVSDDPDD TSDWSYDDIP PRPKRARVNL RLTSSPDRRD MSRDRD RARPDTRLSS ............ S ........... S ................... SS-R-- SGPAPADE ............ AVRVPARLPG ..GSD...HP SVRVPARLPG .. G S D . . . HP ASTPTPPKRG RYVVE...HP SVDVNGKM ............ GVIFPKMGRV RSTRETQpRA SDNESDDEDY QLPHS...HP sv--P ............. HP 32 64 63 56 27 160 33 BHV-I EHV-I EHV-4 PRV VZV HSV-I MDV BHV-1 EHV-1 2 ............. HARRGPG EYGMPLSPRA LRPYLARGPG EYGLPLSPRS LRPYLSRGPG EYGPPPDPEE VRVHGARGPG EYGSAPGPLN GRD.TSRGPG PTPSAPSPNA MLRRSVRQAQ EYGSDSSDQD ...FELNNVG EYG---SP--R .... RGPG AFCPEDWRPE AFCAPPWRPD AFCAPPWRPD AFCAAPWRPD AFCTPGWEIH RRSSARWTPD KFCPLPWKPD AFC--PWRPD ALRLAIDVNT LFRCIATGSA VNRLAGDVNR LFRGISTSSI VNRLAGDVNR LFRGISTSSI TRRLGADVNR LFRGIAVSAA PARLVEDINRVFLCIAQSSG LGYMRQCINQ LFRVLRVARD VARLCADTNK LFRCFIRCRL --RL--DVNR LFR-I--SS- FVTADTRALR HVTEDSRTLR HVTEDSRVLR DVTGDTRALR RVTRDSRRLR PHGSANR.LR NSGPFHDALR -VT-D-R-LR RALVGFFLLG RALLDFYAMG RVLLDFYAMG RALFDFYAMG RICLDFYLMG HLIRDCYLMG RALFDIHMIG RALLDFYLMG 89 134 133 126 96 229 i00 EHV-4 PRV VZV HSV-I MDV YTGATPTDAC YTHTRPTLEC YTHARPTLEC YTRQRPSAPC RTRQRPTLAC YCRARLAPRT RMGYRLKQAE YT--RPT--C Q.AGPLRRLL Q.SFPLRATL Q.SLPLRATL Q.SAPLRSAL Q.TQCLRATL TWGMHLRNTI Q.SLHLRRTL Q-SLPLR-TL ...... GP.RARPL RALNSE ...... DRYEQRFL RAINSE ...... DKYEQRFL RELNER ...... DVYDPRVL MEVSHR ...... PPRGEDGF REVEARFDAT AEPVCKLPCL RDADSRSAHP ISDIYASDSI RE---R ...... D-Y--R-L SPPARLPGPL EPPSDPPNTL DPPSKPPKTL SPPVIEG.PL IEAPNVPLHR E T R ...... R FHPIAASSGT -PP---P--L FGAECDVSG FGEECDVSG FGEECEVSG FGEECDVDE SALECDVSD YGPECDLSN ISSDCDV.. FG-ECDVS- 150 196 195 187 158 292 166 BHV-I EHV-I EHV-4 PRV VZV HSV-I MDV EEADEEGEEN EEDEASGESS ...EASGNST EEGDEDGETD SDDDGSTPSD ISDATDLEAA -E-D--GE-- GGEGAAAESP V S E ..... FS I S E ..... FS VYEEDDEAED VIEFRD...S GSDHTLASQS V-E ...... S 181 219 215 257 181 324 BHV-I EHV-I WEALLQLSPE WQSLLQLLPE WQALLQLMPE WQALLQLSPE WEELLQLQPT WCRLLQVSGG WETIMNLTPR W--LLQL-PE 3 SDSSS ....................................... EDYEED DESPS .......................................... EEE DESPS .......................................... EEE DDAGSDTTVA SEFSFRGSVC EDDGEDEDEE EDGEEEDEDE EGEEEEDEEE DGG ............................................ EDD LE ...................................... IHLSATSDDE DE--S .......................................... EEE PRCRPRAAVL PEEETASSEY PEEESASSDF EEDEEDGDDF DAESSDGEDF DTEDAPSPVT --EE .... DF SSASPAASAV SFVSSPTASS DSFSDVGED ...... DSSCT ESFSD.EED ...... DSCCT DGASVGDDDV FEPPEDGSDG IVEEESEEST DSCEPDGVPG LETPEPRGSL AVRLEDEFGE ---S---E ....... D ---i STSSSSLSSF SASDGDDDVF FPGPGDPRPA GAGPG.AGGP GKWSSSES ............... ESDSESD APTNNHHPTT GKWSS..S ............... ESDSEAD VPTN..PPTT EGSGSDDGGD GEDEDEDEDE DEDEDDGEDE EDEEGEDGGE DCYRDGDGCN TPSPKRPQRA IERYAGAETA EYTAAKALTA FDWTPQEGS ........ QPW LSAVVADTSS VERPGPSDSG --w-s .................... D-E ............ 250 268 259 327 251 386 EHV-4 PRV VZV HSV-I BHV-I EHV-I EHV-4 PRV VZV HSV-I 4 PARAGRRRPA PCWRWSSGSS PGSSPYPSPG KASAAKKRR ........ KRQ PPKGERPTKS RARAAQKRR ........ GRP VPKGGRPAKS DGEDGEEDE ........ DED GEGEEGGKDA LGEGGVDWK ............... RRRHEA AGRAAEDRKC L ....... D G C R K M R F S T A C ..................... KGMNDLSVD ---A---R ....................... GSPSGRARAR PAPAKRRQRV* ARR* ARR* ARRGTRAPTR PAAAP* PRRHDIPPPH GV* PYPCSDTFLR P* SKLH* RR ................. 300 293 284 364 278 420 179 BHV-I EHV-I EHV-4 PRV VZV HSV-I MDV Fig. 7. Multiple sequence alignment of ICP22-related proteins. Alignments were generated by using the Pileup program (Devereux et al., 1984) with the following amino acid sequences: BICP22 of BHV-1 ; IR4 gene product of EHV-1 (Holden et al., 1992; Telford et al., 1992); protein 4 of EHV-4 (Cullinane et al., 1988); Rsp40 of PRV (Zhang & Leader, 1990); protein 63 of VZV (Davison & Scott, 1986); ICP22 (Vmw68) of HSV-1 (McGeoch et at., 1985); US1 gene product of MDV (P. Brunovskis & L. F. Velicer, personal communication). Some N-terminal sequences are omitted from the HSV-1 and EHV-4 proteins. The four distinct regions, of which region 2 exhibits high similarity and region 3 and 4 exhibit similar composition, are described in the text. These elements have been reported to be essential for origin activity (Martin e t al., 1991). Additional incomplete copies o f the nonanucleotide motif were found near the ends o f the displayed segments. Since these motifs were again inverted relative to their neighbours, they formed a pair o f flanking lower-order palindromes (centres marked by one dot), which together made up the higher-order palindrome. The overall h o m o l o g y observed with established origin sequences o f other herpesviruses suggested that the corresponding BHV-I sequences may also possess origin activity; this is supported by preliminary experiments using D p n I resistance assays (Yi Geng, unpublished observations). The close proximity of this duplicated viral origin o f replication to the IE1.7 promoter may facilitate reactivation of I E R 1 . 7 synthesis after the onset o f viral D N A replication. N u m e r o u s consensus signals for the regulation of transcription were observed not only upstream from the I E R 1 . 7 transcription start site, overlapping with the o r i s Downloaded from by IP: On: Tue, 07 Jul 2015 04:54:14 ICP22 homologue of BHV-1 sequences, but also in the introns and non-coding exons. Among the more prominent consensus signals, underlined in Fig. 4, are octamer boxes (iv) and putative binding sites for Spl (v), Ets-1 (x) and NF/zE3 (xiii). To illustrate how these signals are spread over the 1.75 kb region preceding exon 3, Fig. 6 indicates their location and orientation with arrows and displays additional signals not marked in Fig. 4. No such cumulation of regulatory motifs was observed in the BICP22 coding region except for a few possible Spl binding sites. It should be noted that the identification of these sites is based on sequence analysis alone. Their functions have not been tested except by the transient expression assays described previously (Wirth et al., 1992; Schwyzer et al., 1993). Another striking feature of the sequence presented in Fig. 4 is the presence of numerous direct repeats. Most are imperfectly repeated and occur in the untranscribed regions, resulting in the amplification of some consensus signals. One repeat unit (DR21) was located near the beginning of exon 2 and provided an explanation for the strain difference in transcript size (1"6 kb for Jura; 1"8 kb for K22); the Jura sequence (Fig. 4) contained only two DR21 repeats, whereas cDNA clones derived from K22 mRNA were found to harbour a variable number (nine to 15) of these repeats (M. Schwyzer & B. Vogt, unpublished results). A polyadenylation signal was observed at nt 2770 to 2765 (xix) on the strand opposite to that encoding BICP22, suggesting that depending on its location in IR s and TR s, it may serve for two different, as yet unidentified transcripts starting at either end of U s. Amino acid sequence homology of BICP22 with ICP22related proteins The predicted amino acid sequence of BICP22 is displayed as the top line of an alignment with five other ICP22-related proteins (Fig. 7). The alignment was found to consist of four distinct parts. The N-terminal part (region 1) contained sequences varying in length from 32 (BICP22) to 176 residues (ICP22 of HSV-1) and exhibited only scattered clusters of homology. Region 2, represented by BICP22 residues 33 to 150, exhibited close similarity in pairwise comparisons between the bovine, equine and porcine herpesviral ICP22 sequences (60% identical residues), and to a lesser extent also between the other sequences (30 % to 50 % identity). The other half of the alignment presented a striking similarity in amino acid composition with a preponderance of hydrophilic residues but little detailed sequence homology. It could be divided into region 3, rich in acidic (Asp and Glu) and hydroxyl (Ser and Thr) residues, and a shorter C-terminal region 4 rich in basic (Arg and Lys) 1709 and proline residues. The small amino acids glycine and alanine were also quite frequent in both regions. In BICP22, these nine amino acids together accounted for 131 of the 150 residues. Among the different proteins, regions 3 and 4 varied considerably in length from just 13 residues for the MDV homologue, from which region 3 was missing entirely, to 177 residues for the PRV homologue, in which region 3 was particularly long and acidic. Discussion Among the four IE genes of BHV-1, only the BICP4 gene follows strict IE kinetics in the sense that its transcription does not require prior protein synthesis and that it is turned off at the end of the IE phase by autoregulation. The BICP0 and circ genes initially share IE kinetics with the BICP4 gene because they are expressed from the same promoter by alternative splicing. At the end of the IE phase however, the BICP0 gene exhibits an additional early promoter that is located just upstream of the splice site and provides high levels of an alternative unspliced transcript with identical BICP0 coding potential. Similarly, the circ gene is expressed from an alternative late promoter. We report here that the BICP22 gene is expressed with IE and late kinetics under the control of a single promoter. Thus, BICP22 is synthesized from identical spliced transcripts (IER1.7) throughout infection. Sequence analysis revealed that these biphasic kinetics could be due to the close proximity of a putative origin of DNA replication, or to the presence of numerous signals for transcription regulation, or to both. As in other viruses, the expression of BHV- 1 late genes depends on prior viral DNA synthesis (Misra et al., 1981 ; Wirth et al., 1989). Conversely, in many viruses, origins of replication are affected by adjacent transcription units or by regulatory factors acting on both transcription and DNA replication (Depamphilis, 1993; McCarty et al., 1992; Sugden & Warren, 1989; Wong & Schaffer, 1991). Such effects have not yet been shown for BHV-1, but sequence elements exhibiting close similarity to origins of DNA replication (otis; oriL) of other alphaherpesviruses were identified just 300 nt upstream from the IER1.7 start site. Surprisingly, these elements occurred in two imperfectly repeated copies and an additional truncated version. Similar duplications have been noted in the otis and oriL regions of HSV isolates (Gray & Kaerner, 1984; Whitton & Clements, 1984). The non-coding region between the two IE transcription units of BHV-1 is exceptionally large (3.1 kb); in addition to the 0"6 kb upstream of the BICP22 gene reported here, 2-5 kb of upstream sequences have been reported for the BICP4 gene (Schwyzer et al., 1993). The Downloaded from by IP: On: Tue, 07 Jul 2015 04:54:14 1710 M. Schwyzer and others entire intergenic region, including oris, and even the introns and non-coding exons of the BICP22 gene contain numerous potential recognition sites for transcription factors. Transient expression assays indicate a strong constitutive activity of the IE 1.7 promoter which is presumably mediated by some of these recognition sites. The IE4.2/2.9 promoter contains a TAATGARAT element responsive to the BHV-1 homologue of the alpha-trans-inducing factor (Carpenter & Misra, 1992; Schwyzer et al., 1993), but the IE1.7 promoter does not. Comparison of the seven ICP22-related proteins (Fig. 7) showed that each could be divided into four distinct regions. The proteins were highly similar in a domain of 120 to 130 amino acid residues (region 2). The adjacent C-terminal sequences exhibited little homology but were remarkably similar in amino acid composition, acidic and hydroxyl amino acid residues predominating in region 3 and basic and proline residues in region 4. These regions may constitute a PEST sequence implicated in short protein half-life (Rogers et al., 1986) or, alternatively, an acidic domain involved in transcriptional regulation. The size of these regions varies considerably; in the PRV homologue, region 3 is longer and contains a larger number of acidic residues, whereas in the MDV homologue, region 3 is entirely missing and only a truncated version of region 4 is present. Similarly, region 1 is much longer in ICP22 of HSV-1 than in all the other proteins. These non-conserved regions may not be essential or they may serve different functions in the different homologues. The nuclei of BHV-l-infected cells have previously been shown to contain multiple species of an abundant phosphoprotein (IEP-55) with apparent Mr values ranging from 52000 to 57000 (Hayes & Rock, 1990). Several properties of IEP-55 make it appear likely to represent the BICP22 gene product. It can be labelled with [32P]orthophosphate but not [3SS]methionine, reflecting the absence of internal methionine residues in the predicted sequence of BICP22. It is synthesized under IE conditions using a cycloheximide-actinomycin D block but also incorporates abundant label from 9 to 11 h p.i., consistent with the IE and late kinetics observed here. Using the PROSITE (Bairoch, 1992) database, we identified six putative phosphorylation sites for casein kinase II and two sites for protein kinase C which may account for the observed multiple species of IEP-55 differing in apparent M r and isoelectric points. Although the predicted M r of BICP22 is only 30 855, phosphorylation, additional post-translational modifications and unusual amino acid composition may all contribute to increased apparent M r . Similar observations have been made for ICP22 of HSV-1, which consists of five electrophoretically distinct species and is phosphorylated, guanylylated and adenylylated (Ackermann et al., 1985; Blaho et al., 1993; Purves et al., 1993), and exhibits a similar discrepancy between predicted and reported MrS (46 524 and 68 000, respectively). Little is known about the function of ICP22-related proteins. Deletion mutants of HSV-1 in which the ICP22 gene alone (Poffenberger et al., 1993) or together with additional genes (Sears et al., 1985) was disabled, demonstrated that ICP22 strongly affects the host range of the virus. Furthermore, the absence of ICP22 caused prolonged expression of early and delayed expression of late genes, presumably due to a delay in viral DNA synthesis (Poffenberger et al., 1993). Transient expression assays were used to show that the corresponding VZV protein 63 acted as a feedback inhibitor of gene 62 (encoding the ICP4 homologue), whereas it did not affect the glycoprotein I and II promoters and even stimulated the thymidine kinase promoter (Jackers et al., 1992). We employed similar transient expression assays (C. Fraefel, B. Vogt & M. Schwyzer, unpublished results), which seemed to indicate that BICP22 was a general transcriptional repressor. 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