Document 135820

Banks, D.P.M.
tilis, and Beta Sfreptococcus. Pasteurella was not isolated
from a single wound, despite a concerted effort to identify
Podiatrists may occasionally be consulted to care for bite
wounds either in an emergency room or local office setting.
The majority of bites occur at home or in association with
"friendly" animals usually known to the patient. Therefore,
many individuals may delay seeking medical attention until
infection has already developed. Patients who have sustained spider envenominations may wait until early signs of
skin necrosis are evident. As with any traumatic wound,
thorough debridement, irrigation, and adequate tetanus
prophylaxis are the most reliable means of preventing later
complications. However, a basic understanding is important
in instituting appropriate therapy for bites as each type of
wound may have its own idiosyncracies based upon the
offending animal. This paper will discuss the primary treatment concerns for the cond itions most I ikely to
this organism.3
More recently, discussion has been held as to whether or
not dog bite wounds may be sutured primarily upon initial
examination. Classically, injuries of this nature have been
cleansed and closed at a Iater date after careful examination
to ensure infection had not developed. However, Callaham
states that dog bite wounds can be safely sutured with an
infection rateof only 5-10o/", which iscomparabletothe rate
of infection for clean, non-bite lacerations. However, the
same author identifies the foot as a high-risk location for
complications.a Perhaps a more conservative approach for
podiatrists is warranted until clinical studies dictate other-
of interest
to the podiatrist. Human bites will be purposely omitted
the incidence of such lesions in the lower extremitv is
extremely rare.
Cats generally produce a more characteristic puncture
wound which has a greater tendency to become infected
than injuries for dogs. More than likely this is due to the
difficulty in achieving adequate cleansing of puncture ver-
Dog bites are the most common form of this injury encountered, occurringl-2 million times each year.l In addition to
the obvious puncture and tearing, dogs can produce enough
force ('150-450 lbs./sq. in.) to significantly crush
sus open lesions. The primary organism implicated in subse-
quent infections is Pasteurella multocida. This gram nega-
Such wounds may be susceptible to infection due to direct
inoculation of bacteria into this compromised area. Therefore, basic wound care is of utmost importance.
tive bacillus can be isolated in the oropharynx of 5O-74'h o{
healthy cats.2 Cat scratches may also inoculate this organism
due to the routine cleaning habits of felines.2 Pasteurella
apparently rather virulent and infection usually presents
fairly soon following the injury. Other infectious organisms
commonly encountered after cat bites are Staphylococcus
Several studies have been performed to evaluate the
organisms likely to cause infection following dog bites. A
wide variety of organisms have been cultured from the oral
cavity of dogs. Although early authors generally focused
aLtreus, Streptococcus, and Staphylococcus epidermidis.s
upon the presence oI Pasteurella multocidal more recent
studies have found this to be present in only 25% of dog bite
wounds.2 Ordog,, cultured wounds in 420 patients
upon initial presentation to the emergency room following
injury. 48% ol the specimens demonstrated no bacterial
growth. Of the organisms cultured, Staphylococcus epiderm i d i s w as noted most com mon ly (2O5%). Th i s was fe lt to be
a contaminant. Multiple bacteria were present in 15.5% of
the patients. 50o/" ol those individuals with clinically infected wounds showed multiple pathogenic organisms. The
predominant bacteria were of the family Enterobacteriaceae/ Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacil lus sub-
More recently, another unnamed bacteria has been associated with both dog and cat bites. Designated as DF-2
(dysgonic fermenter), it seems to have a predilection for
patients who are asplenic, cirrhotic, or immunocompromised.6
Antibiotic prophylaxis for bite wounds is still a topic of
controversy. Antibiotic concentrations need to be present in
the tissues prior to contamination to be maximally effective.
Each minute which passes following the inoculation of
bacteria theoretically limits the effectiveness of "prophylactic" antibiotics. Callaham states that dog bites do not require
antibiotics. However, as noted earlier, the foot is considered
a high risk area for complications.a Certain patient groups
listed as being high risk are listed in Table 1.
clinically infected following canine bites were treated successful ly with Cephradine (Velocef).3
As previously mentioned, Pasteurella is a major considera-
tion in cat bite wounds. Although penicillin is very effective
in treating this organism, less than optimum coverage is
provided lor Staphylococcus. Empiric therapy with Dicloxacillin or Cephalexin still seems to be a good compromise. ln one clinical study 4 of 6 individuals receiving a
placebo following cat bites developed infection, three of
which were due to Pasteurella. Five patients receiving
Oxacillin did not develop infection.s lnterestingly, these
same authors found no brenefit from the use of Oxacillin in
lf administered, these agents should provide adequate
coverage for the most likely organisms to precipitate infection. No single drug will be sufficiently effective against all
pathogenic bacteria. The recent recommendations of Callaham are listed in Table 2. Dicloxacillin or Cephalexin
(Keflex) appears to adequately cover most organisms involved in dog bites.a In another study 95% of patients
dog bites.T
Table 1.
Hand, wrist, or foot
Type of wound
Tissue crushing that cannot be fully debrided.
Older than 50
Asplen ic
Chronic alcoholic
Altered immune status
Peripheral vascular insufficiency
Chron ic corticosteroid therapy
Prosthetic or diseased cardiac valve
Prosthetic or seriously diseased joint
Modified from Callaham
Table 2.
Organism unknown
Dicloxaci I I in or cephalexin
Penicillin allergic - erythromycin
Cat bites
Penicillin or dicloxacillin
Penicillin allergic - erythromycin
Resistant to initial treatment- culture and consider tetracycline (exceptions -pregnant women and children)
Modified from Callaham
Clinically, erythromycin has also been effective against
this organism, despite in vitro evidence to suggest that
oxacillin and erythromycin have questionable activity. Al-
The initial bite may be imperceptible, or produce a very
minor stinging or burning. Therefore, the patient may not
have any idea as to the exact cause of the lesion unless the
though there may be some resistant strains, the recommendation atthis time is to use dicloxacillin initially and change
to other antibiotics only if the clinical response dictates that
it is in order.a
actual spider is noticed. A central pimple with an irregular
red reaction may be noticed in 6-12 hours, followed by
blister formation. A blue-gray macular halo surrounding the
puncture site is said to tre characteristic of necrotic arachnidism and may appear within a few hours to days. However,
other authors have described a more variable appearance
with central blanching surrounded by erythema. Blebs or
ln dog and cat wounds one also needs to determine
whether or not the animal has been adequately vaccinated
for rabies. lf the risk of rabies is high, it has been suggested
thatthe wound be irrigated with 1% benzalkonium chloride
(Bactine, Zephiran) due to an apparent virucidal action
against the rabies virus. Local health officials should be
contacted immediately to determine further appropriate
purpura, a central purplish discoloration, or blood filled
blisters nearly always indicate impeding necrosis and ulceration which may take months to heal.
Despite the irrational fear many have of spiders, the vast
majority of these species are either harmless or beneficial to
man. In the past few years more attention has been directed
towards necrotic changes following spider bites. For many
years the role
of reactive sprder bites is still a subject of
controversy. Wasserman states that the "benign neglect"
approach almost always results in a suitable outcome.ll
Antipruritics, analgesics, tetanus prophylaxis, cold compresses, and immobilization are all measures with which
most authorities will concur. Aspirin-type agents should be
avoided as these drugs may tend to potentiate bleeding
compl ications. Topical, i ntralesional, and system ic steroids
have been used, as has early surgical excision of the bite
area. All of these measures have generally failed to provide
suitable results. Early surgical excision appears to be the one
modality that most agree is contraindicated due to the poor
results witnessed to date. Many times the full extent of the
necrosis can not be fully appreciated early in the process.
Better results have been noted with delayed excision after
full demarcation of necrosis.e'12'13
of these animals in the development of
dermonecrosis was not appreciated. The animal most often
associated with these lesions has been Loxosceles reclusa, or
the brown recluse spider. Bites from this arachnid may at
times result in extensive necrosis of tissue. Until recently
effective treatment measures had been lacking for these
more severe envenomations.
The use of Dapsone has been proven to be helpful in both
experimental and clinical studies. Traditionally, this agent
has been used in leprosy or by dermatologists in other
dermonecrotic processes. Dapsone was shown to be effective in reducing inflammation surrounding brown recluse
venom injection.r3 In a comparative study, the results of
early surgical excision versus the use of dapsone and delayed surgical excision of the skin defect were evaluated.
Pretreatmentwith dapsone resulted in fewerwound complications, reduced objectional scarring, and reduced the need
for future surgical excision.l2 However, judicious use of this
agent is appropriate, especially in children. Severe adverse
The brown recluse has a very wide distribution and is seen
mainly throughout the south and midwest, east from Texas
to South Carolina, and south from lndiana to Alabama,
excluding FIorida. The most common areas for identification
are Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, eastern Kansas, and
Tennessee.e,r0 However, with central heating, it would be
possible to discover these spiders in more northern states.
Specimens have already been identified as far away as
Idaho, Montana, Arizona, and California.e The adult size
ranges lromT-12 mm in length to 3-5 mm wide. Some color
variation may be evident, but most are light to medium
brown with a characteristic violin shaped marking on the
body of a somewhat darker color.
reactions may occur and include hemolysis, methemoglobinemia, and Ieukopenia. Wasserman recommends that
adults with rapidly progressive severe bites (early blistering,
hemorrhage, or necrosis) be started on a low dose and
gradually increased from 50mg to 200m9/day, divided twice
a day, for 2 weeks.11 Fortunately, most envenomations will
not progress to this extent. Therefore, dapsone should be
used judiciously, and if in doubt, a period of close observation employed prior to the institution of its use.
As the name implies, the brown recluse spider is a shy
animal which does not bite unless provoked by direct
human contact and disruption of its habitat. Despite their
timid nature, they have readily adapted to dwellings which
place them in close proximity to man. Loxosceles has been
identified in all types of buildings and prefers darkened
storage areas such as closets, garages/ basements, attics, and
cupboards. Other preferred hiding places are utility boxes,
under Iogs, hay bales, inner tubes, furniture, boxes, papers/
bricks, in feed sacks, and behind picture frames.l0
Douglas LC:
ite wou nds, Am Fam
Physician,l l :93-99
197 5.
Coldstein EJC, Richwald CA: Human and animal bite
wounds. Am Fam Physician, 36:1 01 -109, 1987 .
3. OrdogCJ:The bacteriologyofdog bitewoundson initial
presentation . Ann Emerg Med, 1 5:1324-1329, 1986.
4. Callaham M: Controversies in antibiotic choices for bite
wounds. Ann Emerg Med, 17:1321-1 330, 1 9BB.
5. Elenbaas RM, McNabney WK, Robinson WA: Evaluation of prophylactic oxacillin in cat bite wounds. Ann
Emerg Med,13: 155-157, 1984.
6. Carpenter PD, Heppner BT, Cnann JW: DF-2 bacteremia following cat bites. Am J Med 82:621-623, 1987.
7. Elenbaas RM, McNabney WK, Robinson WA: ProphyIactic oxacillin in dog bite wounds. Ann Emerg Med,
l1 :248-251 , 1982.
B. Callaham M: Human and animal bites. Iopics Emerg
Med, 4:1-15, 1982.
9. Wong RC, Hughes SE, Voorhees JJ: Spider bites. Arch
Dermatol, 1 23 :98-1 04, 1 987 .
10. Williams HE, Breene RG, Rees RS: The brown recluse
spider. PB1 '1 91 , The University of Tennessee lnstitute of
1 . Wasserman GS: Wound care of spider and snake en
venomations . Ann Emerg Med, 17:1331-1 335, 1 9BB.
Rees RS, Altenbern DP, Lynch JB, King LE: Brown recluse
spider bites. A comparison of early surgical excision
versus Dapsone and delayed surgical excision. Ann
Su rg, 25 :659-663, 1 985.
. King LE, Rees RS: Dapsone treatment of a brown recluse
bite. JAMA, 250:648, 1983.
Additional References
Chapple CR, Fraser AN: Pasteurella Multocida wound
infections - a commonly unrecognized problem in the
casualty department. lnjury, 17:410-411 , 1986.
Rees R, Shack RB, Withers E, Madden J, Franklin J, Lynch
JB: Management of the brown recluse spider bite. P/ast
Reconstr Surg, 63:768-773, 1981 .