State of Michigan DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BUREAU OF CHILDREN AND ADULT LICENSING RICK SNYDER MAURA D. CORRIGAN GOVERNOR DIRECTOR September 25, 2013 Laura Warmbier 3301 Milford Midland, MI 48642 RE: Lic./Reg. #: DG560275134 Investigation #: 2013D0655019 Warmbier Laura J Dear Ms. Warmbier: Attached is the Special Investigation Report for the above referenced facility. Due to the violations identified in the report, a written corrective action plan was required. On 09/25/2013, you submitted an acceptable written corrective action plan. It is expected that the corrective action plan be implemented within the specified time frames as outlined in the approved plan. Please review the enclosed documentation for accuracy and feel free to contact me with any questions at (989) 598-1706. In the event that I am not available and you need to speak to someone immediately, please feel free to contact the local office at (231) 9225309. Per MCL 722.113g, this report and any related corrective action plans must be filed in your licensing notebook. Sincerely, Marcia Demski, Licensing Consultant Bureau of Children and Adult Licensing 1509 Washington, Ste A Midland, MI 48640 (989) 598-1706 enclosure P.O. BOX 30650 • LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909-8150 • (517) 335-6124 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BUREAU OF CHILDREN AND ADULT LICENSING SPECIAL INVESTIGATION REPORT I. IDENTIFYING INFORMATION License #: DG560275134 Investigation #: 2013D0655019 Complaint Receipt Date: 08/05/2013 Investigation Initiation Date: 08/05/2013 Report Due Date: 10/04/2013 Licensee Name: Laura Warmbier Licensee Address: 3301 Milford Midland, MI 48642 Licensee Telephone #: (989) 835-1794 Name of Facility: Laura Warmbier Facility Address: 3301 Milford Midland, MI 48642 Facility Telephone #: (989) 835-1794 Original Issuance Date: 06/10/2005 License Status: REGULAR Effective Date: 01/19/2012 Expiration Date: 01/18/2014 Capacity: 12 Program Type: CHILD CARE GROUP HOME (CAPACITY 7-12) 1 II. ALLEGATION(S) On 8/5/13 a one-year-old female infant was found to have many flea bites on her face, scalp and arms when picked up from Laura Warmbier’s child care. Infant also had a flea in her hair. Two weeks ago her five-year-old brother had flea bites on his ankles and the provider was to have treated her five cats for fleas. III. METHODOLOGY 08/05/2013 Special Investigation Intake 2013D0655019 08/05/2013 Special Investigation Initiated – 11:30 AM Telephone interview of Child A & B's Mother. 08/05/2013 Contact - Onsite interview of Laura Warmbier. Child M spontaneously volunteered information. 08/06/2013 Contact – Emailed pictures received of Child A & Child B's flea bites. 08/07/2013 Contact - Telephone call received from Laura Warmbier. 08/09/2013 Contact - Telephone message left for Child C & D's Mother, Child G's Mother, and Child L, M & N's Mother. 08/09/2013 Contact - Telephone call attempted to Child E & F's Mother but the number was not in service. Telephone calls attempted to Child H & I's Mother and Child J & K's Mother, but no answer and no voice mail. 08/20/2013 Inspection Completed On-site with Laura Warmbier. Exit Conference-Laura Warmbier 09/24/2013 Contact – Onsite inspection. Corrective action plan received from Laura Warmbier. 2 ALLEGATION: On 8/5/12 a one-year-old female infant was found to have many flea bites on her face, scalp and arms when picked up from Laura Warmbier’s child care. Infant also had a flea in her hair. Two weeks ago her five-year-old brother had flea bites on his ankles and the provider was to have treated her five cats for fleas. INVESTIGATION: On 8/5/13 and 8/6/13 Child A & B’s Mother was interviewed and she stated Child A, age 1, and Child B, age 5, started at Laura Warmbier’s child care about one month ago. This mother said about two weeks ago, Child B, had some flea bites on his ankles so she kept the children out of care for a week, and Mrs. Warmbier was to treat the fleas. Mother said Child B told her the cats are allowed to go in the pack and play, and the provider told her it was only when a child was not in it. Mother stated on 8/2/13 she picked up her children, and Child A had red circle marks all over her face, scalp and arms that appeared to be bug bites. Mother said Laura Warmbier thought it was heat rash. Mother told the provider her home was not warm, and it is not heat rash. Mother said Child A had a flea in her hair, and looked so badly she cried. Mother immediately took Child A to Nicole Garrett, nurse, for evaluation and it was confirmed the red marks were flea bites. On 8/5/13 Nicole Garrett, nurse, was interviewed and she said on Friday, 8/2/13 Child A & B’s Mother arrived at the nursing home, and was crying because Child A, one year old, was just picked up from Laura Warmbier’s child care home, and found to have red marks all over her face, in her hair on her scalp and on both arms. Ms. Garrett said the red marks were flea bites, not heat rash. On 8/5/13 Laura Warmbier was interviewed and said Child A woke up from a nap when the mother picked her up, and started crying because of red marks on the child’s face. Ms. Warmbier confirmed the mother cried, and that she felt bad for her. Ms. Warmbier said she thought it was heat rash, because the child had on a long sleeve shirt on this warm summer day. In regards to the flea bites on Child B’s ankles, Ms. Warmbier said that the child’s grandmother has a dog that could have given him flea bites. Ms. Warmbier said she vacuumed the house for fleas. Mrs. Warmbier had Revolution once-a-month topical treatment to control fleas, if used as directed. At the time of the 8/5/13 onsite inspection, Child M, age 10, spontaneously pointed out the pack and play Child A slept in while at the child care, and stated a cat had jumped into it and slept in it when the infant was not in it. On 8/5/13 I viewed five cats that go indoors and outdoors at the Warmbier home, and a quick view of the cats showed one cat had a flea, and another cat had black specks of flea feces on it skin. 3 On 8/6/13 seven pictures taken by Child A & B’s Mother on 8/2/13 were received of Child A that showed many fresh flea bites on the child’s face, scalp and both arms. Two pictures taken by Child A & B’s Mother on 8/2/13 of Child B, age 5, showed some older flea bites on both of his ankles. A telephone message was left for Child C & D’s Mother, Child G’s Mother and Child L, M & N’s Mother, but no return call was received. Telephone contact was attempted with Child H & I’s Mother and Child J & K’s Mother, but there was no answer and no voice mail to leave a message. Child E & F’s Mother’s telephone was not in service. APPLICABLE RULE R 400.1911 Supervision. (1) The caregiver shall assure appropriate care and supervision of children at all times. ANALYSIS: On 8/2/13 Child A got numerous flea bites while napping in a pack and play. CONCLUSION: VIOLATION ESTABLISHED APPLICABLE RULE R 400.1932 Home maintenance and safety. (1) The structure, premises, and furnishings of a child care home shall be in good repair and maintained in a clean, safe, and comfortable condition. ANALYSIS: CONCLUSION: On 8/2/13 Child A got numerous flea bites while napping in a pack and play. VIOLATION ESTABLISHED ADDITIONAL FINDINGS: INVESTIGATION: Backyard deck has a broken wood plank that a child could step into and be a tripping hazard. 4 APPLICABLE RULE R 400.1932 Home maintenance and safety. (2) The structure, premises, and furnishings of a child care home shall be in good repair and maintained in a clean, safe, and comfortable condition. IV. ANALYSIS: There is a broken wood plank on the deck and it is a tripping hazard. CONCLUSION: VIOLATION ESTABLISHED RECOMMENDATION I recommend no change to the license status. ________________________________________ Marcia Demski 09/25/13 Licensing Consultant Approved By: ________________________________________ Jackie Horton 09/25/13 Area Manager 5
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