Madison Research Showcase Tentative Program May 1st – Club Spartan 8:30-4:30 (with Reception at Dublin Square Pub from 4:45-7:00) 8:30-9:00: Arrival and Registration, Club Spartan 9:00-9:15: Welcome, Dean Sherman Garnett and Associate Dean Julia Grant 9:15-9:30: Student Senate Presentation of Slide Show of “Madison Moments” **************************************************************** Session I: 9:45-11:00 1. Global Environmental Policy Making Moderator:Matthew Zierler, faculty, International Relations, JMC Aniela Butler, “A House of Cards: U.S.-China Relations in the Context of Rare Earth Elements Disputes” Austin Flowers, “Deterrence in Illicit Electronic Waste Disposal” Emily HanyuZhu, “Develop National Gas to Combat Air Pollution in China” 2. The Politics of Higher Education Moderator: Peter Spadafore, Vice President, Michigan Independent Colleges and Universities Paige Harness, “Student Parents and Higher Education: The Institutional Challenges to Academic Success for Three Women Attending Michigan State University” Hannah Jenuwine, “The Flint Promise Scholarship and College Readiness” Michaela Palmer, “Sustainability in Higher Education” Katelyn Prine, “College Access: Bridging the Gap of Inadequacy through College Access Programs” Senior Honors Thesis Defense Brittany Zwierzchowski, “Tocqueville’s America and Pierre Manet’s Christianity: The Compatibility of Democracy and Religion” Advisor: Folke Lindahl, Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy Senior Honors Thesis Defense Paul Rose, International Relations/Russian/Comparative Cultures and Politics, “Transnational Network Influence on Great Powers: The Case of German and Russia” Advisor: Mark Axelrod, International Relations ************************************************************************************* Session II:11:15-12:30 3. Representations of Humanitarianism, Disease, and Criminal Justice Moderator: Andaluna Borcila, faculty, Comparative Cultures and Politics, JMC France Elvie Banda: “Balancing the Field: Twitter and Humanitarianism” Salem Joseph: “Fictional Television: The Rising Platform to Bear Witness” Kyra Stephenson: “Obscenity and Beauty: Media Representations and Mobility in the 2014 West African Ebola Outbreak” 4. Equity and Access in Health Care Policy Moderator: Susan Stein-Roggenbuck, faculty, Social Relations and Policy, JMC Kaitlyn Beyer, “The Conundrum of Optional Health Care: An Examination of the Michigan Abortion Insurance Rider Policy” Maya Griefer, “Breast Cancer: A Disparity Defined” Katherine Groesbeck,’ “Closing the Gap: How the ACA and the IHCIA Aim to Improve the Health Status of the American Indian/Alaska Native Population” Christen Richardson, “Giving Families the Best Shot: the Influence on Religious Beliefs on Vaccination Rates” 5. Political Leaders, Parties, and Ideology Moderator: Benjamin Kleinerman, Faculty, Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy, JMC Samantha Drasnin, “Tony Blair: Manichean Moralist” Katherine Fuller, “The Impact of Tea Party Ideology and Funding on Republican Primary Elections” HershMerenstein, “President George W. Bush’s Immigration Agenda: a Political Analysis” Evan Park, “Banning the Cold War Manuscript: Examining Soviet-American Relations Under Reagan and Gorbachev” Senior Honors Thesis Defense Brianna Starosciak, International Relations/Russian, “The Future of Warfare in Eurasia” Advisors: Dean Sherman Garnett and Matthew Zierler, International Relations ************************************************************************************ 12:30-1:30 – Buffet Luncheon in Club Spartan Keynote Address: Jeff Williams, CEO, Public Sector Consultants ************************************************************************************* Session III: 1:45-3:00 6. Drug Policy in International Context Moderator: Galia Benitez, faculty, International Relations, JMC John Joba, “Assessing the Linkage between Licit Opium Production and Seizures” Henrik Last, “The Heroin Trafficking Network in the Southeast Asian Region” Alex McClung, “A State of Tolerance: the Dutch Approach to Marijuana Policy” 7. Race and Class in U.S. Institutions Moderator: Jermaine Ruffin, JMC Alumnus, Policy Specialist at Michigan State Housing Development Authority Joel Arnold, “Restoring the Choice to Housing Choice Vouchers” Ephraim Clark, “Movin on Up from the Eastside: Education and its Effect on Mobilizing the African-American Middle Class” Megan Collier, “Spatial Mismatch and Transportation: The Effect of School Choice on the Middle Class in America” Kristianne Schmidt, “Better Together?: The Status of Integration in the Military” 8. Contemporary Issues in Latin American Politics Commentator: Juan Javier Pescador, Professor, Department of History Tyler Berg, “The Nicaraguan Interoceanic Grand Canal: Structural Violence in post-Revolutionary Nicaragua” Lauren McEachran, “The Criminalization of Abortion in El Salvador: The Causes and Effects of Legitimized Violence Against Women” Emily Steinert, “Mexico’s Missing 43: A Manifestation of Violence in Mexico’s War on Drugs” Senior Honors Thesis Defense Arian Koochesfahani, Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy, "The Drama of Republic I and Why a Philosopher Would Want to Rule" Advisor, Eric Petrie, Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy ******************************************************************* Session IV: 3:15-4:30 9. Nationalism, Citizenship, State Building, and Conflict Moderator: Bobby Brathwaite, Faculty, International Relations, JMC Kelly Bedard, “Comparing and Contrasting Basque and Catalan Nationalism” Florence Otaigbe, "African Emigration Policies: Combatting Brain Drain in South to North Movements in Kenya" Mikayla Robinson, “Becoming Philip Jaisohn: 19th Century Korean Immigration and Soh Jae-pil” Marlee Sherrod, “Ethnic Conflicts with a Focus on Religion: Comparing the Different Methods Rape as a Tool of Genocide was Utilized in the Rwandan and Bosnian Genocide” 10. Gender, Sexuality, Violence, and Public Policy Moderator: Jennifer Goett, faculty, Comparative Cultures and Politics, JMC Jolisa Brooks, “Color Blindness in the Age of Cultural Appropriation” SonaMovsisyan, “There is Such a Thing as Bad Publicity: Misconceptions about Human Trafficking in Michigan” Kensington Schuman, “Implications of Sex Offender Registration and Notification Laws in the United States” Marilyn Yousif, “The Impact of Domestic Violence on the Mental Health of Women in India” 11. Arms Control: National Interests, Global Strategies Moderator: Yael Aronoff, faculty, International Relations, JMC Marcus Bradley, “The Race to Arms: The Mexican Registration Issue” Matthew Crabtree, “A Fail-Safe for the Unthinkable: The Origins, Methodology, and Legacy of American Nuclear Weapons Strategy in the Cold War” Dolores Sinistaj, “An Increase in Nuclear Weapons is an Increase in Peace” Tyler Dean Thur, “Ensuring a Nuclear Arsenal for the 21st Century: Mechanisms for Strengthening and Reinvigorating the Nuclear Stockpile Stewardship Program on its 20th Anniversary” Senior Honors Thesis Defense: Adam Cusick, “Government of the People, or For the People?: The Crisis of Democracy in the European Union” Advisor: Folke Lindahl, Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy 4:45-7:00: Reception at Dublin Square Pub, 327 Abbott Road, East Lansing, MI
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