Static Games of Incomplete Information Econ 610 - Game Theory Agenda Definitions and Strategies Bayesian Nash Equilibrium Example: Cournot Duopoly Example: Jury Voting Example: Independent Private Value Auction Example: Common Value Auction Incomplete Information I Complete Information: All information relevant to the game is common knowledge. I Incomplete Information: Some payo↵ relevant information is not common knowledge. I Examples: I Cournot game: firm A may not know cost of firm B. I In-house Auction: bidder may not know valuation of other bidders. I Online Auction: bidder may not know how many other bidders there are in the game. I Auction: bidder may not know how much money other bidders have. Example Two firms in industry Firm 2 deciding whether to enter. I Incomplete Information: Firm 2 doesn’t know firm 1’s building costs. Enter Don’t 0 -1 2 0 2 1 3 0 Firm 1 has High Costs Enter Don’t Build I 3 -1 5 0 Don’t Firm 1 already operating, deciding whether to build new factory. Build I Don’t I 2 1 3 0 Firm 1 has Low Costs Build 0 -1 2 0 2 1 3 0 Firm 1 has High Costs Enter Don’t Build Don’t 1.5 -1 3.5 0 Don’t Enter Don’t Example 2 1 3 0 Firm 1 has Low Costs I Firm 1 no longer has dominant strategy with low costs. I Decision depends on whether or not Firm 2 enters. Harsanyi Transorfmation I Harsanyi (1967) I Haransyi Transformation: Transforms a game of incomplete information into a game of imperfect information. I Consists of two steps: 1. Model all asymmetric information about the game as asymmetric information about how payo↵s depend on actions. 2. Transform asymmetric information about payo↵s into asymmetric information on the realization of random variables for which the probability distribution is common knowledge among all players. Harsanyi Transformation - Step 1 I I I Possible asymmetric information about the game: I How many players? I What actions does each player have? I How will the outcome depend on actions chosen by players? I What are players’ preferences over outcomes? Harsanyi proposed following: I Is player in game? If not, give only one feasible action, “Out”. I Is an action feasible? If not, give a very low payo↵ when that action is chosen. Now all asymmetric information about game is asymmetric information about how payo↵s depend on actions. Harsanyi Transformation - Step 2 I Only asymmetric information remaining is how payo↵s depend on actions. I Players need to form beliefs about which game they are playing. I Each game is represented with a “state of nature,” ! 2 ⌦. I Introduce additional player “Nature,” which selects the state of nature. I The prior belief on the distribution of ⌦ is common knowledge. I Each player has type, which is private information based on !. I Ti is the set of possible types for player i. I Type function ⌧i : ⌦ ! Ti . Example I Two states of nature {!1 , !2 } = ⌦. I Common knowledge prior distribution p (!1 ) = p1 . I Types: I ⌧1 (!1 ) = t1H and ⌧1 (!2 ) = t1L . I ⌧2 (!1 ) = ⌧2 (!2 ) = t2 High [p1 ] Build Enter (0,-1) 1 x2 N x1 Low [1 Don’t p1 ] Build 1 x3 Don’t 2 2 2 2 x4 x5 x6 x7 Don’t (2,0) Enter (2,1) Don’t (3,0) Enter (1.5,-1) Don’t (3.5,0) Enter (2,1) Don’t (3,0) Bayesian Game Definition (Bayesian Game) A Bayesian Game consists of I a finite set of players N I a finite set of states ⌦ and for each player i 2 N, I a set Ai of actions I a finite set Ti of types and a function ⌧i : ⌦ ! Ti . I I a probability measure pi on ⌦ for which pi ⌧i a payo↵ function ui : S ⇥ T ! R. 1 (ti ) > 0 for all ti 2 Ti . Beliefs I In general games, every player may have private information. I My private information may tell me something about your private information. I Example: in an auction our values are likely correlated. I Player i’s posterior belief about other’s types given ti is given using Bayes’ rule, ( pi (!) ! 2 ⌧i 1 (ti ) pi (⌧i 1 (ti )) pi (!|ti ) = 0 else where ⌧i 1 (ti ) is the set of states of the world that lead to ti . Strategies I A strategy si : Ti ! Ai is a contingency plan that gives an action for each possible type. I Example: if |A1 | = 7 and |T1 | = 4, how many pure-strategies does player 1 have? I Types of strategies: I Pooling Strategy: si (t) = x for all t 2 Ti . I Separating Strategy: si (t) 6= si (t 0 ) for all t, t 0 2 Ti such that t 6= t 0 . Bayesian Nash Equilibrium Definition (Bayesian Nash Equilibrium) A strategy profile s ⇤ = (s1⇤ , . . . , sn⇤ ) is a pure-strategy Bayesian Nash equilibrium if for each i 2 N and for each ti 2 Ti , X si⇤ (ti ) = argmax pi (!|ti ) ui ai , s ⇤ i (t i ) , ! ai 2Ai !2⌦ I Interpretation: Given my beliefs, my strategy must be a best response to other players strategies. I Existence: a Bayesian Nash equilibrium exists in any finite Bayesian Game. Cournot Duopoly with Incomplete Information I Two firms (Firm A and Firm B) I Firms select quantities qA 2 [0, 1) and qB 2 [0, 1). I Market demand, P (qA , qB ) = 2 qA qB I Firm A has cost cA = 1. I Firm B has costs cB = 3/4 and cB = 5/4 with equal probability. I Firm B know cB , but Firm A does not. As Bayesian Game I I I Players: N = {FA , FB }. States: ⌦ = {L, H}. Types: I I I Type functions: I I I I I ⌧A (L) = ⌧A (H) = tA . ⌧B (L) = tBL and ⌧B (H) = tBH . Actions: I I TA = {tA } TB = tBL , tBH AA = [0, 1) AB tBL = AB tBH = [0, 1) Prior probability: pi (L) = pi (H) = 1/2 for i = A, B. Payo↵s: ⇡A (qA , qB , !) = qA (2 qA qB ) qA ⇢ qB (2 qA qB ) 34 qB if ! = L ⇡B (qA , qB , !) = qB (2 qA qB ) 54 qB if ! = H Unanimous Juries I Blackstone’s Formulation: “better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent su↵er” I The United States Supreme Court ruled in Apodaca v. Oregon that the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution mandates unanimity for a guilty verdict in a federal court jury trial. I Feddersen and Pesendorfer (1998): Do unanimous juries make it less likely that an innocent person is convicted? Jury Voting Model I n jurors I Defendant is either guilty (G ) or innocent (I ) with equal probability. I Each juror receives a signal g or i such that, P (g |G ) = P (i|I ) = p with p 2 (.5, 1) I Jurors vote simultaneously to convict (C ) or acquit (A). I ˆ then the If the number of votes to convict (#C ) is greater than or equal to k, defendant is convicted, otherwise defendant is acquitted. I Preferences: u (A|I ) = 0 u (C |G ) = 0 u (A|G ) = (1 u (C |I ) = q q) As Bayesian Game I I I I I I Players: N = {1, . . . , n} States: ⌦ = {(X , s1 , . . . , sn ) |X 2 {G , I } and si = {g , i}} Types: Ti = {g , i} Type functions: ⌧i (!) = si for ! = (X , s1 , . . . , sn ). Actions: Ai (g ) = Ai (i) = {A, C }. Prior probability: I I Let k = # correct signals in !. Let n k = # incorrect signals in !. pi (!) = I Payo↵ (let #C = |{ai |ai = C }|). 8 > > > < u (a1 , . . . , an , !) = > > > : 0 1 k p (1 2 if (1 q) if q if 0 if p) n k kˆ > #C kˆ > #C #C kˆ #C kˆ and and and and I 2! G 2! I 2! G 2! Types of Voting I Informative Voting: Juror votes A with signal i and votes C with signal g . I Strategic Voting: Juror evaluates payo↵s and may vote against signal. Case #1: Informative Voting I I Assume that all voters vote informatively: Probability a convicted defendant is guilty is, P (G |C ) = I P (C |G ) P(G ) = P (C |I ) P(I ) + P (C |G ) P(G ) (1 pn p)n + p n ! 1 n!1 Probability of convicting innocent (Type I) lowest with unanimity: P Unan (C |I ) < P k (C |I ) for all k < n I Probability of acquitting guilty (Type II) is highest with unanimity: P Unan (A|G ) > P k (A|G ) for all k < n I I With informative voting, unanimity minimizes Type I error at the cost of Type II error. Informative voting is typically not equilibrium behavior. Case #2: Strategic Voting I Let the posterior probability of being guilty conditional on k out of n signals being g be, (k, n) = = I Note: if P (g |G )k P (i|G )n P (g |G )k P (i|G )n p k (1 p k (1 p)n k k p)n + (1 + P (g |I )k P (i|I )n k k p)k p n k (k, n) > q, juror prefers to convict. u(C ) = u (C |G ) + (1 ) u (C |I ) = q (1 u(A) = u (A|G ) + (1 ) u (A|I ) = (1 U(C ) > U(A) () q < I k q can be though of as level of reasonable doubt ) q) Case #2: Strategic Voting I Assumption: there exists k ⇤ (with 1 k ⇤ n) such that, (k ⇤ I 1, n) q < If no k ⇤ exists, then either: 1. Even if all signals are i, would always convict. q< (0, n) 2. Even if all signals are g , would never convict. (n, n) < q (k ⇤ , n) Pivotal Voter I Let Ui be expected payo↵. I Let ui be payo↵ for specific outcome (0, q, (1 I Payo↵ for voting C and A are, Ui (C , i , !|ti ) = X q)). pi (!|ti ) ui (C , i (t i ) , !) pi (!|ti ) ui (A, i (t i ) , !) !2⌦ Ui (A, i , !|ti ) = X !2⌦ I Let ⌦0 ✓ ⌦, such that ! 2 ⌦0 if and only if, ui (C , I i (t i , !)) = ui (A, Players only need to consider ! 2 ⌦ \ ⌦0 . i (t i , !)) Case #2: Strategic Voting I Pivotal Voter: a juror is said to be pivotal if their vote will change the outcome. I With strategic voting, juror only analyzes decision based on being pivotal. I Case 2.1: k ⇤ = n ) I (n 1, n) q < (n, n). I Juror’s posterior belief about guilt is only strong enough if all signals are guilty. I In this case, informative voting is an equilibrium. Case 2.2: k ⇤ < n ) q < (n 1, n). I Even if juror receives i, posterior belief about guilt may be strong enough to vote convict. I In this case, informative voting is not an equilibrium. Case #2: Strategic Voting I What are the equilibria when k ⇤ < n? I There are many (example: always acquit). I Let (s) be the probability of voting C given signal s. I Focus on symmetric Nash equilibrium ( (i), (g )). I Define G I = (g )p + (i) (1 = (g ) (1 p) = P (juror votes convict|G ) p) + (i)p = P (juror votes convict|I ) I Strategy is said to be responsive (depends on signal) if I Focus on responsive symmetric Nash equilibrium. G 6= I. Case #2: Strategic Voting I When q < I So any responsive equilibrium must be in mixed strategies. I Equilibrium must be (i) 2 (0, 1) and (g ) = 1. I In equilibrium, juror must be indi↵erent between C and A when they get signal i. (n 1, n), informative voting is not an equilibrium. Case #2: Strategic Voting I When q < I So any responsive equilibrium must be in mixed strategies. I Equilibrium must be (i) 2 (0, 1) and (g ) = 1. I In equilibrium, juror must be indi↵erent between C and A when they get signal i. I Equilibrium: (n 1, n), informative voting is not an equilibrium. ⇤ ⇤ (i) = ⇣ p (g ) = 1 ⌘1/n (1 q)(1 p) qp ⇣ (1 q)(1 p) qp 1 p ⌘1/n 1 (1 p) (1 p) Case #2: Strategic Voting ⇤ (i), I For the equilibrium ( I Denote Type I error by, ⇤ (g )): II (p, q, n) = ( I )n = P (C |I ) I Denote Type II error by, IG (p, q, n) = 1 ( G) n = P (A|G ) Case #2: Strategic Voting Proposition Assume k ⇤ < n and q > 1 p. The strategy given above is the unique responsive symmetric equilibrium for the unanimity rule. Moreover, (i) ! 1 as n ! 1, and lim lI (p, q, n) = n!1 lim lG (p, q, n) = 1 n!1 ✓ (1 ✓ (1 q) (1 qp q) (1 qp p) ◆p/(2p p) ◆1 1) p/(2p 1) If q 1 p, then there is no responsive equilibrium. In this case (i) = 1 is an equilibrium, and lI (p, q, n) = 1, lG (p, q, n) = 0. Case #2: Strategic Voting Case #2: Strategic Voting Case #2: Strategic Voting Case #2: Strategic Voting Auctions I I Di↵erent types of auctions: I First price - highest bidder wins, pays bid. I Second price - highest bidder wins, pays second highest bid. I All-Pay - highest bidder wins, everyone pays their bid. I Dutch - start with high-price, gradually decrease until someone accepts. I English - start with low-price, gradually increase until only one person left. Which one is best? Independent Private Value Auction Model I Risk neutral seller that have $0 value for item. I N risk-neutral bidders i = 1, . . . , n. I Buyer i has value vi drawn from Fi (x) on [0, 1] with density fi (x). I Buyer’s values are mutually independent. I Bidding function bi : [0, 1] ! R+ . I Payo↵s (first price): ui (vi , v i ) = ⇢ vi b (vi ) if vi > v 0 else i As Bayesian Game I I Players: N = {1, . . . , n} States: ⌦ = [0, 1]n I Types: Ti = [0, 1] I Type function: ⌧i (!) = vi . I Actions: Ai = [0, 1) for all vi for all i. I Prior probability pi (!) = f1 (v1 ) f2 (v2 ) · · · fn (vn ) I Payo↵: ui (a1 , . . . , an , !) = ⇢ vi ai 0 if vi > vj 8j 6= i 2 N else Further Assumptions I Assume fi (v ) = f (v ) = 1 for all i. I Focus on bidding functions bi (v ) such that: I bi (v ) is strictly increasing I bi (v ) = bj (v ) (symmetric bidding functions) I Let b ⇤ represent the equilibrium bidding function. I Questions: I What is the equilibrium bidding function for a first-price auction? I What is the sellers revenue from a first-price auction? Common Value Auction Model I Risk neutral seller that has $0 value for item. I N risk-neutral bidders i = 1, . . . , n. I All buyers have a common value for the item V . I Bidder i has a signal vi , which in someway is related to the true value, P I V = I vi = V + "i where "i ⇠ U [ 1, 1]. i2N vi . I Bidding function bi : [0, 1] ! R+ . I Payo↵s (first price): ui (vi , v i ) = ⇢ V b (vi ) if vi > v 0 else i Common Value Auction: Example #1 I Two bidders {A, B} bidding on oil field. I Two parts of field A and B. I Bidder i gets signal si telling value of part i. I Each part is worth either $0 or $3 million. I Oil field has common value Oil Field V = sA + sB Part A Part B I E (sA ) = 1.5. I E (sB ) = 1.5. I E (V ) = 3. I Bidders participate in first price auction for the oil field. Common Value Auction: Example #2 I N bidders i = 1, . . . , n. I All bidders have common value v . I Bidders only receive signal of true value, si = v + "i I "i ⇠ U [ 1, 1]. I F (") = I Bidders then participate in first-price auction. I Suppose bidders use linear bidding function bi (vi ) = mvi . I How low does m have to be to avoid winner’s curse? "+1 2 .
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